Consequences of the interdependency of government budget restraints in a federal state / by Stanley L. Winer.: EC22-3/1976-49E-PDF

"Neither federal nor non-federal governments in a federal state are free to choose independently the values of all their policy variables, since sources and uses of funds must be equal in every period at each government level. Government budget restraints are therefore interdependent in the sense that one policy variable appearing in the budget restraint of each level of government is simultaneously determined in the macroeconomy. This paper analyzes the macroeconomic role of policy variables related to intergovernmental flows in a federal state, in view of this interdependency"--Abstract.

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Department/Agency Economic Council of Canada.
Title Consequences of the interdependency of government budget restraints in a federal state / by Stanley L. Winer.
Series title Discussion paper ; no. 49
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) "February 1976."
Digitized edition from print [produced by the Publishing and Depository Services Directorate].
Includes bibliographic references.
Includes abstract in French.
Publishing information Ottawa : Economic Council of Canada, 1976.
Author / Contributor Winer, Stanley L.,1947-
Description 24 p.
Catalogue number
  • EC22-3/1976-49E-PDF
Subject terms Budget planning
Macroeconomic analysis
Federal government
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