The demand and supply of government : what we want and what we get / by H. Scott Gordon.: EC22-3/1977-79E-PDF

"Professor Gordon points out that any satisfactory analysis of the operation of a social institution, such as "the government" must stand upon two legs: (a) a scientific empirical examination of the economic and social effects of specific governmental policies and modes of operation and (b) the use of valid criteria concerning the general social ends which the policies and operations of government are expected to serve. His paper is concerned with the second of these two legs"--Abstract, p. i.

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Department/Agency Economic Council of Canada.
Title The demand and supply of government : what we want and what we get / by H. Scott Gordon.
Variant title What we want and what we get
Series title Discussion paper ; no. 79
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) "February 1977."
Digitized edition from print [produced by the Publishing and Depository Services Directorate].
Includes bibliographic references.
Includes abstract in French.
Publishing information Ottawa : Economic Council of Canada, 1977.
Author / Contributor Gordon, H. Scott(Howard Scott),1924-
Description iv, 128 p.
Catalogue number
  • EC22-3/1977-79E-PDF
Subject terms Government policy
Public administration
Social policy
Economic analysis
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