Mental health symposium : advancing solutions to offender mental health : Gatineau, Quebec, May 21-22, 2018.: PS84-77/2008E-PDF

"On May 21-22, 2008, Correctional Services Canada (CSC) sponsored a Symposium on Advancing Solutions to Offender Mental Health. Speakers representing jurisdictions from Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada spoke to best practices and challenges facing mental health service deliverers in providing treatment and support to federal offenders while incarcerated and under supervision in the community"--Key messages, p. 1.

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Department/Agency Correctional Service Canada.
Title Mental health symposium : advancing solutions to offender mental health : Gatineau, Quebec, May 21-22, 2018.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Symposium sur la santé mentale : recherche de solutions aux problèmes de santé mentale des délinquants : Gatineau (Québec), les 21 et 22 mai 2008.
Cover title.
Includes summary (key messages).
Issued also in HTML format.
Publishing information [Ottawa] : Correctional Services Canada, [2008]
Description 25 p.
Catalogue number
  • PS84-77/2008E-PDF
Subject terms Mentally ill offenders
Mental health services
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