Implementation of recommendations from the tritium studies synthesis report.: CC172-203/2018E-PDF

"In January 2007, the Commission directed Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) staff to initiate research studies on tritium with the objective of enhancing the information available to guide the regulatory oversight of tritium processing facilities and tritium releases in Canada. In response, CNSC staff initiated the Tritium Studies Project (the Project) in June 2007. Staff provided the Commission with the conclusions of the Project in 2010. Certain follow-up activities were recommended and these were reported to the Commission in 2013 while still in progress. All follow-up activities are now complete and a final summary of the work, along with relevant information on related strategic research concerning tritium, was presented to the Commission in November 2017. This document is a follow up to the CNSC’s Tritium Studies Project Synthesis Report and it summarizes the activities that staff have been involved in to address the recommendations from the Project"--Executive summary, page i.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
Title Implementation of recommendations from the tritium studies synthesis report.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Title from cover.
"January 2019."
Issued also in HTML format.
At head of title: Canada's nuclear regulator.
Issued also in French under title: Mise en œuvre des recommandations du rapport de synthèse du projet d’études sur le tritium.
Includes bibliographical references.
Publishing information Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission = Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire, 2019.
Description 1 online resource (i, 30 pages) : maps, graphs, photographs
ISBN 9780660287812
Catalogue number
  • CC172-203/2018E-PDF
Edition Version 1.0
Subject terms Implementation
Progress reports
Radioactive materials
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