Employee injury, Canadian Pacific Railway, hi-rail crane boom failure, south service lead track, Mile 0.0, Broadview subdivision, Brandon, Manitoba, 02 September 2017 .: TU3-6/17-0190E-PDF

« On 02 September 2017, at about 1505 Central Daylight Time, a Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Services work crew was using a truck-mounted boom crane to unload tie plates from a 10-ton hi-rail truck stationed on the south service industrial lead track in Brandon Yard, Manitoba. To operate the controls, the crane operator was sitting in an elevated metal crane operator’s basket secured to the crane column. During a lift, the crane column failed and the crane boom dropped, throwing the crane operator onto the track, about 12 feet below. The crane operator sustained serious injuries and was transported to hospital by ambulance »--Summary.

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Department/Agency Transportation Safety Board of Canada.
Title Employee injury, Canadian Pacific Railway, hi-rail crane boom failure, south service lead track, Mile 0.0, Broadview subdivision, Brandon, Manitoba, 02 September 2017 .
Series title Railway investigation report ; R17W0190
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Employé blessé, Chemin de fer Canadien Pacifique, défaillance de la flèche d’une grue sur camion rail-route, voie d’accès industrielle sud, point milliaire 0,0, subdivision de Broadview, Brandon (Manitoba), 2 septembre 2017.
Includes bibliographic references.
Publishing information Gatineau, QC : Transportation Safety Board of Canada, c2019.
Description iii, 21 p. : col. map, col. photogr., ill. (mostly col.)
ISBN 9780660291901
Catalogue number
  • TU3-6/17-0190E-PDF
Subject terms Railway accidents
Railway safety
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