Data report : major ion composition of lake waters in the Turkey Lakes Watershed, January 1980 to May 1986 / by R.G. Semkin, D.S. Jeffries, R. Neureuther and M.D. Seymour.: En13-5/87-168E-PDF

"This report presents a listing and statistical analysis of the major ion data collected at the main sampling stations (deepest points) for Batchawana Lake (North and South Basins), Wishart, Little Turkey and Turkey Lakes from January 1980 to May 1986. Details of sampling and analytical methodology as well as data processing are also discussed"--Abstract.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Environment Canada.
National Water Research Institute (Canada). Rivers Research Branch.
Canada Centre for Inland Waters.
Title Data report : major ion composition of lake waters in the Turkey Lakes Watershed, January 1980 to May 1986 / by R.G. Semkin, D.S. Jeffries, R. Neureuther and M.D. Seymour.
Variant title Major ion composition of lake waters in the Turkey Lakes Watershed, January 1980 to May 1986
Series title NWRI contribution ; 87-168
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Cover title.
Digitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].
Includes bibliographical references (pages 5-6).
Includes management perspective and abstract in French.
Publishing information Burlington, Ontario : Rivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, November 1987.
Author / Contributor Semkin, R. G., author.
Jeffries, Dean Stuart, author.
Neureuther, R., author.
Seymour, M. D., author.
Description 1 online resource (iv, 6, [196] pages) : illustrations, charts
Catalogue number
  • En13-5/87-168E-PDF
Subject terms Ions
Lake waters
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