Results of tagging and branding of hooded seals, 1972-1978 / by D.E. Sergeant.: Fs70-8/78-36E-PDF

"About 70 young and adult hooded seals can be marked annually in the Gulf of St. Lawrence with reasonable marking effort using helicopters. With no local catching there are no immediate recaptures. Overall recaptures to date from 346 animals marked since 1972 are 9, of which 8 out of 282 or 2.8% are from animals tagged uniformly with rototags. Recoveries in summer range as far as the Angmagssalik area of east Greenland for animals aged up to 32 years. There are also summer recoveries for both the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Front areas. Winter recoveries from the Strait of Belle Isle and northern Newfoundland accord with the age distribution of small age samples from net fisheries in this area, being a by-catch from netting of harp seals."--Abstract.

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Department/Agency Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.
Canada. Fisheries and Environment Canada.
Title Results of tagging and branding of hooded seals, 1972-1978 / by D.E. Sergeant.
Series title CAFSAC res. doc. ; 78/36
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Caption title.
At head of title: Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.
Digitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans].
"This report not to be cited without prior reference to the author."
Includes bibliographical reference (page 4).
Publishing information Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec : Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee, Department of Fisheries and the Environment, [1978].
Author / Contributor Sergeant, D. E., author.
Description 1 online resource (5 pages).
Catalogue number
  • Fs70-8/78-36E-PDF
Subject terms Seals
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