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326 results for "Waste management" sorted by catalogue number ascending
- Research strategy for hog manure management in Canada A42-77/1998E Date:1998.Catalogue number:A42-77/1998EISBN:0-662-26811-3Department/Agency:Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Research Branch.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Research strategy for hog manure management in Canada A42-77/1998E-PDF Date:1998.Catalogue number:A42-77/1998E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Research Branch.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- A program to assess the impacts and benefits of composted source-separated solid wastes (CSSSW) applied to agricultural lands: National Agricultural Compost Trial / Edited by Sherman D. Nelson et al. Issued by the Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research. A54-8/1995-9E Date:1995.Catalogue number:A54-8/1995-9EISBN:0-662-23919-9Department/Agency:Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Research Branch.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Managing nature's intrepid recycling process A72-69/2009E Date:c2009.Catalogue number:A72-69/2009EISBN:978-1-100-13530-4Department/Agency:Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Enhanced animal health protection from BSE - requirements for disposing of cattle material A104-52/7-2006 Date:[2007].Catalogue number:A104-52/7-2006ISBN:0-662-49697-3Department/Agency:Canadian Food Inspection Agency.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Enhanced animal health protection from BSE - requirements for disposing of cattle material A104-52/7-2006E-PDF Date:[2007].Catalogue number:A104-52/7-2006E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canadian Food Inspection Agency.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Strategic industry analysis : biotechnology in the waste treatment industry / Secor Inc., prepared for Industry, Science and Technology Canada. C23-40/1989E-PDF Catalogue number:C23-40/1989E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Industry, Science and Technology Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, annual report CC1-1-MRC Catalogue number:CC1-1-MRCDepartment/Agency:Canada. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office.Publication type:SeriesFormat:CD-ROM
- Conceptual design of shaft seals for a nuclear waste disposal vault / Prepared by Golder Associates in association with Dynatec Mining Ltd. Issued by Whiteshell Laboratories. CC2-10047E Date:1993.Catalogue number:CC2-10047EISBN:0-660-15160-XISSN:0067-0367Department/Agency:Canada. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- The food-chain and dose submodel, CALDOS, for the assessment of Canada's nuclear fuel waste management concept / by R. Zach and S. C. Sheppard. Issued by Whiteshell Laboratories, Pinawa, Manitoba. CC2-10165E Date:1992.Catalogue number:CC2-10165EISBN:0-660-14939-7ISSN:0067-0367Department/Agency:Canada. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
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