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691 results for "Water management" sorted by relevance descending
- Lake Ontario Lakewide Action and Management Plan ... annual report En161-15E-PDF Date:2013-Catalogue number:En161-15E-PDFISSN:2369-0879Department/Agency:Lake Ontario Lakewide Action and Management Plan.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Bulk water removals : Canadian legislation / David Johansen. YM32-6/02-13E-PDF Catalogue number:YM32-6/02-13E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Library of Parliament. Parliamentary Research Branch, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Bulk water removals : Canadian legislation / David Johansen. YM32-6/02-13-1E-PDF Catalogue number:YM32-6/02-13-1E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Library of Parliament. Parliamentary Research Branch, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- The Canada Water Act - annual report, 2003-2004 En36-426/2004 Date:c2007.Catalogue number:En36-426/2004ISBN:978-0-662-49681-6Department/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- The Canada Water Act - annual report, 2004-2005 En36-426/2005 Date:c2007.Catalogue number:En36-426/2005ISBN:978-0-662-05427-6Department/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- The Canada Water Act - annual report, 2005-2006 En36-426/2006 Date:c2007.Catalogue number:En36-426/2006ISBN:978-0-662-05428-3Department/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon R71-51/1993E Date:1993.Catalogue number:R71-51/1993EISBN:0-662-21223-1Department/Agency:Canada. Indian and Northern Affairs. Northern Affairs Program.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- National survey on priority topics for the development of groundwater guidelines / Prepared by E. Nicolson. En37-105/1993E Date:1993.Catalogue number:En37-105/1993EISBN:0-662-21212-6Department/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada. Ecosystem Sciences and Evaluation Directorate.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Regulatory barriers to on-site water reuse / Prepared by Canadian Water and Wastewater Association. NH15-210/1997E Date:1997.Catalogue number:NH15-210/1997EISBN:0-662-26813-XDepartment/Agency:Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Rural water wells : maintaining a valuable resource A22-544/2011E Date:c2011.Catalogue number:A22-544/2011EISBN:978-1-100-18987-1Department/Agency:Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
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