Drainings of ice-dammed Summit Lake, British Columbia / R. Gilbert.: En36-502/20E-PDF

"Ice-dammed lakes are widely distributed over the world in areas of large valley glaciers. Their occasional catastrophic drainings (jokulhlaup) have received little attention to date even though these events may be significant geomorphic and hydrologic agents in shaping landscape"--Introduction, page 1.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Environment Canada.
Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.
Canada. Water Resources Branch.
Title Drainings of ice-dammed Summit Lake, British Columbia / R. Gilbert.
Series title Scientific series ; no. 20
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Digitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].
Includes bibliographical references (page 10).
Publishing information Ottawa, Canada : Inland Water Directorate, Water Resources Branch, 1972.
Author / Contributor Gilbert, R., author.
Description 1 online resource (vii, 17 pages) : maps, charts, illustrations.
Catalogue number
  • En36-502/20E-PDF
Subject terms Lakes
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