Forest - Forêt. Populus tremuloides – P. balsamifera - Alnus incana – Cornus stolonifera : trembling aspen – balsam poplar - speckled alder – red-osier dogwood - peuplier faux-tremble – peuplier baumier...: Fo12-45/333E-PDF
"CNVC00333 is a boreal hardwood forest Association that is described from northwestern Ontario and likely ranges into Manitoba. It has a closed canopy of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and/or balsam poplar (P. balsamifera) overtopping a dense tall shrub layer dominated by speckled alder (Alnus incana) and/or green alder (A. viridis) and red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera)"--Page 1.
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Department/Agency | Canadian National Vegetation Classification. Canada. Natural Resources Canada, issuing body |
Title | Forest - Forêt. Populus tremuloides – P. balsamifera - Alnus incana – Cornus stolonifera : trembling aspen – balsam poplar - speckled alder – red-osier dogwood - peuplier faux-tremble – peuplier baumier - aulne rugueux – cornouiller stolonifère / K. Chapman and K. Baldwin. |
Variant title | Populus tremuloides – P. balsamifera / Alnus incana – Cornus stolonifera CNVC00333 |
Series title | Canadian national vegetation classification (CNVC) = Classification nationale de la végétation du Canada (CNVC) ; CNVC00333 |
Publication type | Series - View Master Record |
Language | [English] |
Format | Electronic |
Electronic document | |
Note(s) | Includes bibliographical references (pages 8-9). |
Publishing information | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario : Canadian National Vegetation Classification, June 2016. ©2016 |
Author / Contributor | Chapman, K., author. |
Description | 1 online resource (9 pages) : photographs, maps. |
Catalogue number |
Subject terms | Vegetation classification -- Manitoba. Vegetation classification -- Ontario. Forest plants -- Ecology -- Manitoba. Forest plants -- Ecology -- Ontario. |
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