Review of health information management module : internal audit.: PS84-118/2009E-PDF

"This project review has been performed by the Centre for Public Management in conjunction with Internal Audit of Correctional Service Canada (CSC) to respond to Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) requirements under the Enhanced Management Framework for IT Projects. This engagement was performed to a review level of assurance and covers the Health Information Management Module (HIMM) planning activity since the initial HIMM review performed in 2007. The review objectives are to follow-up on the recommendations and related action plans of the initial review and to identify opportunities for improvement which can be implemented while the project is underway to improve its chances of success"--Executive summary, page ii.

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Department/Agency Correctional Service Canada, issuing body.
Title Review of health information management module : internal audit.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Examen annuel du module de gestion de l'information sur la santé : vérification interne.
Includes bibliographical references.
Executive Summary -- Introduction -- Review Objectives and Scope -- Approach and Methodology -- Findings and Recommendations -- Overall Conclusion -- Annexes.
Publishing information [Ottawa] : Correctional Service Canada = Service correctionnel Canada, April 29, 2009.
Description 1 online resource (iii, 18 pages)
Catalogue number
  • PS84-118/2009E-PDF
Subject terms Correctional Service Canada.
Health services administration -- Canada -- Evaluation.
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