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51 results for "Consumer protection -- Law and legislation -- Canada." sorted by title ascending
- An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (air passenger protection) = Loi modifiant la Loi sur les transports au Canada (protection des passagers aériens). XB441-327/1-PDF Catalogue number:XB441-327/1-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Parliament. House of Commons.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (refund - cancelled air service) = Loi modifiant la Loi sur les transports au Canada (remboursement - service aérien annulé). XB432-249/1-PDF Catalogue number:XB432-249/1-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Parliament. House of Commons, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts = Loi édictant la Loi sur la protection de la vie privée des consommateurs et la Loi sur le Tribunal de la protection des renseignements personnels et des données et apportant des modifications corrélatives et connexes à d'autres lois. XB432-11/1-PDF Catalogue number:XB432-11/1-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Parliament. House of Commons, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts = Loi édictant la Loi sur la protection de la vie privée des consommateurs, la Loi sur le Tribunal de la protection des renseignements personnels et des données et la Loi sur l’intelligence artificielle et les données et apportant des modifications corrélatives et connexes à d’autres lois. XB441-27/1-PDF Catalogue number:XB441-27/1-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Parliament. House of Commons, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Anti-spam law's changes to Canadian federal privacy law : a guide for businesses doing e-marketing. IP54-107/2016E-PDF Catalogue number:IP54-107/2016E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, issuing body.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Application of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations : a guide. TT4-52/2020E-PDF Catalogue number:TT4-52/2020E-PDFISBN:9780660358420Department/Agency:Canadian Transportation Agency, issuing body.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Background module reports : consultations with industry and consumer associations : pre-packaged and non-food consumer products / [Brenda Siegel and C.N. Watson and Associates Ltd.]. RG47-33/1985E-PDF Catalogue number:RG47-33/1985E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, issuing body.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Bill C-11 : an Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts / Sabrina Charland, Alexandra Savoie and Ryan van den Berg. YM32-3/432-C11E-PDF Catalogue number:YM32-3/432-C11E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Library of Parliament, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Bill C-27 : An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts / Sabrina Charland, Alexandra Savoie and Ryan van den Berg. YM32-3/441-C27E-PDF Catalogue number:YM32-3/441-C27E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Library of Parliament, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Canada Consumer Product Safety Act : information for direct sellers (suppliers and independent sales contractors). H14-472/2012E-PDF Catalogue number:H14-472/2012E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Health Canada, issuing body.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
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