Technical guide for the Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index (CMSPI) / by Maryam Mustafa.: CS62-0014/2023-2E-PDF

"This article presents the data sources and methodology for the Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index (CMSPI). The CMSPI measures the monthly change in the price of shipping services provided to households and businesses by delivery companies in Canada. The index is an indicator of economic activity within the courier and messenger services industry, as well as a tool that can be utilized by the industry for cost monitoring, contract assessment and benchmark comparisons"--Provided by publisher.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada, issuing body.
Title Technical guide for the Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index (CMSPI) / by Maryam Mustafa.
Series title [Prices analytical series], 1706-7723
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Guide technique de l'Indice des prix des services de messagerie et de messagers (IPSMM).
ISSN is for a different series.
"Catalogue no. 62F0014M."
Publishing information [Ottawa] : Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada, February 27, 2023.
Author / Contributor Mustafa, Maryam, author.
Description 1 online resource (7 pages) : colour illustration.
ISBN 9780660474502
Catalogue number
  • CS62-0014/2023-2E-PDF
Departmental catalogue number 62F0014M
Subject terms Express service -- Prices -- Canada.
Delivery of goods -- Prices -- Canada.
Price indexes -- Methodology.
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