Bringing the bald eagle back to Lake Erie / Linda McKeane and D.V. Weseloh.: En1-12/93-3E-PDF

"There are 59 species of eagles worldwide. Of the two that occur in North America, only the Bald Eagle is found exclusively on this continent. It is the largest bird of prey in Canada"--Page [1].

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. State of the Environment Reporting, issuing body.
Title Bringing the bald eagle back to Lake Erie / Linda McKeane and D.V. Weseloh.
Series title SOE fact sheet ; no. 93-3
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English]
Note(s) Digitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].
Includes bibliographical references (page 11).
Publishing information Ottawa, Ontario : State of the Environment Reporting, Environment Canada, [1993]
Author / Contributor McKeane, Linda, author.
Description 1 online resource (12 pages) : photographs, maps, charts.
Catalogue number
  • En1-12/93-3E-PDF
Subject terms Bald eagle -- Erie, Lake -- History.
Wildlife reintroduction -- Erie, Lake.
Pygargue à tête blanche -- Érié, Lac -- Histoire.
Animaux -- Réintroduction -- Érié, Lac.
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