Atlas of currents of the St. Lawrence River : Lake Saint-François / Jean Morin, Patrice Fortin, Paul Boudreau, Yves Secretan et Michel Leclerc.: En57-39/101E-PDF

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Publication information
Department/Agency Meteorological Service of Canada. Quebec Region, issuing body.
INRS-Eau, issuing body.
Title Atlas of currents of the St. Lawrence River : Lake Saint-François / Jean Morin, Patrice Fortin, Paul Boudreau, Yves Secretan et Michel Leclerc.
Series title Scientific report ; RS-100
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Atlas des courants du fleuve Saint-Laurent : lac Saint-François.
"Joint report INRS-Eau / Environment Canada - MSC. Registered at Environment Canada, MeteorologicalService of Canada, Scientific report RS-101, Sainte-Foy; registered at INRS-Eau as Rapport No. R-581"--Page ii.
Includes bibliographical references (page 28).
Publishing information Sainte-Foy : Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada, September 2001.
Author / Contributor Morin, Jean, author.
Description 1 online resource (1 atlas (viii, 28 pages, 14 plates)) : illustrations, maps (chiefly colour).
Catalogue number
  • En57-39/101E-PDF
Cartographic data Scales differ.
Subject terms Water currents -- Saint Francis, Lake (Québec and Ont.) -- Computer simulation -- Maps.
Streamflow velocity -- Saint Francis, Lake (Québec and Ont.) -- Computer simulation -- Maps.
Water levels -- Saint Francis, Lake (Québec and Ont.) -- Computer simulation -- Maps.
Aquatic plants -- Saint Francis, Lake (Québec and Ont.) -- Maps.
Saint Francis, Lake (Québec and Ont.) -- Maps.
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