Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) eggs to adult mass conversion factor for harvest allocation in the Strait of Georgia / Leah C. Walker and Dana R. Haggarty.: Fs97-6/3604E-PDF
"Lingcod eggs are a culturally important food source to some First Nations of coastal British Columbia. In this report, we developed a conversion factor to translate Lingcod egg harvest quantity to adult Lingcod management equivalents under a fishing allocation. A dive survey was conducted in the Strait of Georgia at Snake Island reef on January 24, 2022, to collect samples from three Lingcod egg masses. From these three samples, the mean weight per egg was 17.1 ± 0.2 mg (mean ± SE), the mean diameter per egg was 3.49 ± 0.03 mm, and the mean number of eggs per 100 ml was 2612 ± 268 eggs. Published data from previous Lingcod egg mass density surveys in 2001-2005 and 2010-2012 were also used in the conversion analysis. Previous surveys determined a mean nest density across all locations and years of 0.40 ± 0.03 nests per 100 m2 and a mean nest volume of 4432 ± 218 ml. We estimated the conversion factor between Lingcod eggs and adult equivalents as 2.82 ± 0.36 kg of adult Lingcod per kg of Lingcod eggs. This conversion factor could be applied in determining future harvest allocations"--Abstract, page iv.
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Department/Agency | Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, issuing body. |
Title | Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) eggs to adult mass conversion factor for harvest allocation in the Strait of Georgia / Leah C. Walker and Dana R. Haggarty. |
Series title | Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 1488-5379 ; 3604 |
Publication type | Series - View Master Record |
Language | [English] |
Format | Electronic |
Electronic document | |
Note(s) | Includes bibliographical references (pages 14-15). Includes abstract in French. |
Publishing information | Nanaimo, British Columbia : Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2024. ©2024 |
Author / Contributor | Walker, Leah C., author. |
Description | 1 online resource (v, 15 pages) : illustrations, photographs. |
ISBN | 9780660711775 |
Catalogue number |
Subject terms | Lingcod -- Eggs -- Counting -- Georgia, Strait of (B.C. and Wash.) Lingcod fisheries -- British Columbia -- Pacific Coast. Ophiodon elongatus -- Œufs -- Comptage -- Géorgie, Détroit de (C.-B. et Wash.) Ophiodon elongatus -- Pêche commerciale -- Colombie-Britannique -- Pacifique, Côte du. |
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