ARCHIVED - Supplementary Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 13-28
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13-28-Supp (December 9, 2013)
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Table of Contents
- Departmental Publications
Departmental Publications
Canada Revenue Agency
- Helping small businesses by reducing the compliance burden: for Catalogue Number Rv4-4/2008E-PDF final report on action items. Ottawa, November 2008. 30p. Electronic."In March 2007, Helping Small Businesses by Reducing the Compliance Burden, the report of the Action Task Force, identified 61 items that the CRA committed to action to reduce the compliance burden on small businesses.
This report, the Final Report on Action Items, shows the CRA's progress on each of the action items. I am proud of the achievements of the CRA that are documented in this report."--Page 3 of 30, Message from the Commissioner.URL: Electronic Publication for: Helping small businesses by reducing the compliance burden: Rv4-4/2008E-PDF - PDF. (1262 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Rv4-4/2008E-PDF - Aider les petites entreprises en réduisant le fardeau lié à l’observation: pour Numéro de catalogue Rv4-4/2008F-PDF rapport final sur les mesures de suivi. Ottawa, Novembre 2008. 32p. Électronique.«En mars 2007, Aider les petites entreprises en réduisant le fardeau lié à l'observation, le rapport du groupe d'action, a permis de déterminer 61 mesures que l'ARC s'est engagée à mettre en place pour réduire le fardeau d'observation des petites entreprises.
Ce rapport, le Rapport final sur les mesures de suivi, démontre le progrès de l'ARC à l'égard de chacune des mesures de suivi. Je suis fier des réalisations de l'ARC qui sont documentées dans le présent rapport.»--Page 3 sur 32, Message du commissaire.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Rv4-4/2008F-PDF
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. 53p. Photographs, tables.URL: Electronic Publication for: Report of the Council. CC271-2/2009E-PDF - PDF. (3.52 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number CC271-2/2009E-PDF
- 1er avril 2008 au 31 mars 2009. 53p. Photographies, tableaux.URL: Publication électronique pour : Rapport annuel du Conseil. CC271-2/2009F-PDF - PDF. (3.52 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CC271-2/2009F-PDF
- April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. 53p. Coloured map, photographs, tables.URL: Electronic Publication for: Report of the Council. CC271-2/2010E-PDF - PDF. (4.39 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number CC271-2/2010E-PDF
- 1er avril 2009 au 31 mars 2010. 53p. Carte en couleur, photographies, tableaux.URL: Publication électronique pour : Rapport annuel du Conseil. CC271-2/2010F-PDF - PDF. (4.43 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CC271-2/2010F-PDF
- April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. 38p. Coloured maps, photographs, tables.URL: Electronic Publication for: Report of the Council. CC271-2/2011E-PDF - PDF. (2.38 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number CC271-2/2011E-PDF
- 1er avril 2010 au 31 mars 2011. 38p. Cartes en couleur, photographies, tableaux.URL: Publication électronique pour : Rapport annuel du Conseil. CC271-2/2011F-PDF - PDF. (7.75 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CC271-2/2011F-PDF
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/086, Central and Arctic Region. --Science Technical Review of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Baffinland’s Mary River Project, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-086E-PDF Ottawa, c2012. 68p. Fig., graphs, map, references, table.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-086E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/087, Pacific Region. --Evaluation of uncertainty in Fraser Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) Wild Salmon Policy status using abundance and trends in abundance metrics, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-087E-PDF Delta, British Columbia, c2011. 191p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-087E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/088, Maritimes Region. --Pre-COSEWIC review of Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus), Northern wolffish (A. denticulatus), and Spotted wolffish (A. minor) in the Maritimes Region, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-088E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, c2012. 79p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-088E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/089, Newfoundland & Labrador Region. --An assessment of the physical oceanographic environment on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf during 2010, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-089E-PDF St. John's, c2011. 35p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-089E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/090, Maritimes Region. --Technical details underlying the Management Strategy Evaluation process leading to selection of a Management Procedure for Western Component (4Xopqrs5) Pollock, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-090E-PDF St. John's, c2011. 39p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-090E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/091, Maritimes Region. --A review of approaches to assess survival of released catch from Canadian large pelagic longline fisheries, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-091E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, c2012. 39p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-091E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/092, Central and Arctic Region. --National detailed-level risk assessment guidelines: for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-092E-PDF assessing the biological risk of aquatic invasive species in Canada, Burlington, Ontario, c2012. 23p. Figs., glossary, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-092E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/093, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. --Distribution and intensity of acoustic backscatter of key species identified in the 2008 fall bottom trawl survey in NAFO Divisions 2J3KLNO, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-093E-PDF St. John's, c2011. 25p. Figs., references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-093E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/094. --Meteorological, sea ice and physical oceanographic conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the Gulf of Maine during 2009 and 2010, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-094E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, c2011. 38p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-094E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/095, Maritimes Region. --Responses of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to stress, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-095E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, c2012. 49p. Figs., references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-095E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/096, Pacific Region. --Evaluation of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) stock assessment and harvest guidelines in British Columbia, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-096E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, c2011. 47p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-096E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/097, Gulf Region. --Assessment and status of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, 2006 to 2010, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-097E-PDF Moncton, New Brunswick, c2011. 26p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-097E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. for Catalogue Number Fs70-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2011/098, Gulf Region. --Information on the Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) population of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence relevant to the development of a 2nd COSEWIC status report for the species, for Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-098E-PDF Moncton, New Brunswick, c2011. 20p. Graphs, references, table.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2011-098E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1222. --Supercooled storage of salmonid ova, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1222E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1983. 28p. Fig., references, tables.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Supercooled storage of salmonid ova, Fs97-6/1222E-PDF - PDF. (3494 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1222E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1224. --A method using simultaneous equations for estimating percent concentration of kraft effluent in marine receiving waters, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1224E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1983. 26p. References, tables.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1224E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1225. --An assessment of the stocking of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Fry in the tributaries of the Middle Exploits River, Newfoundland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1225E-PDF St. John's, 1983. 150p. Illus., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1225E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1227. --The general ecology of the slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in Lake 302 of the Experimental Lakes Area, Northwestern Ontario, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1227E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1983. 20p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1227E-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1228. --Qualité physico-chimique printanière des eaux de surface et des précipitations dans le secteur amont de la rivière des Escoumins, pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1228F-PDF Québec, 1982. 48p. Références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la recherche sur les pêches, Cap Diamant, Québec , (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1228F-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1230. --Recovery of macroalgae following widespread sea urchin mortality with a description of the nearshore hard-bottom habitat on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1230E-PDF Halifax, 1983. 106p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1230E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1231. --A study of the acidity of three Dartmouth, Nova Scotia lakes. 1. The ph of precipitation falling on Micmac Lake, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1231E-PDF Halifax, 1983. 42p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1231E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1232. --Growth of tagged lobsters (Homarus americanus] off Port Maitland, Nova Scotia, 1948-80, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1232E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1983. 15p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1232E-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1233. --Évaluation des effets de l'acidification sur la physico-chimie et la biologie des lacs du bouclier canadien (Québec), pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1233F-PDF Québec, 1983. 144p.Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la recherche sur les pêches, Cap Diamant, Québec, (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1233F-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1235. --Nutrition and marine survival of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) II. Further investigation of the potential role of smolt body composition (Roberston Creek Hatchery 1980 brood), for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1235E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1984. 22p. References, tables.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1235E-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1237. --Effets toxiques de l'aluminium chez les salmonidés en relation avec des conditions physico-chimiques acides, pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1237F-PDF Québec, 1983. 108p. Figures, références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Laboratoire du Québec, Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1237F-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1241. --Effects on Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) of prolonged exposure to Yukon Placer mining sediment: for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1241E-PDF a laboratory study, Vancouver, 1983. 110p. Figs., references, tables.On cover: Habitat Management Division, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1241E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1242. --Arctic marine conservation, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1242E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1984. 71p. References.On t.p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Arctic marine conservation, Fs97-6/1242E-PDF - PDF. (2346 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1242E-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1244. --La pêche au hareng (Clupea harengus harengus) au filet maillant aux Îles- de-la-Madeleine. Résultats d'une enquête auprès des pêcheurs (1980,1981 et 1982), pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1244F-PDF Québec, 1983. 62p. Figures, références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Laboratoire du Québec, Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1244F-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1245. --Returns of Chinook salmon in relation to juvenile size at release, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1245E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1983. 71p.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1245E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1246. --Study of the recovery of intertidal benthos after removal of log booms, Nanaimo River Estuary, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1246E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1984. 74p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1246E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1248. --The relationship of summer thermocline depth to several physical characteristics of lakes, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1248E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1983. 37p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1248E-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1249. --Effets de l'espacement entre les lattes des casiers sur les captures de homards (Homarus americanus), aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine, pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1249F-PDF Québec, 1984. 26p. Figure, références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Centre de recherche en écologie des pêches, Laboratoire océanologique de Rimouski, Québec. Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1249F-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1250. --The relative selection of three mesh sizes of Fraser River sockeye gillnets for Chinook salmon, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1250E-PDF New Westminster, British Columbia, 1984. 80p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: New Westminster, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1250E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1252. --Federal aquaculture regulation, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1252E-PDF Ottawa, 1984. 94p.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Directorate, Aquaculture and Resource Development Branch, Ottawa, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Federal aquaculture regulation, Fs97-6/1252E-PDF - PDF. (30, 183 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1252E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1253. --An overview of sediment – Associated contaminants and their bioassessment, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1253E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1984. 144p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Great Lakes Fisheries Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1253E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1254. --Macro-epifauna of the Lower Bay of Fundy – Observations from a submersible and analysis of faunal agencies, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1254E-PDF Halifax, 1984. 44p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1254E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1256. --Update on the marine environmental consequences of tidal power development in the upper reaches of the Bay of Fundy, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1256E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1984. 696p.On t.p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1256E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1258. --Experiment with pink salmon – Barre streams, size selection in predation and in trolling, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1258E-PDF Ottawa, 1984. 27p. Illus., references.On t.p.: Ocean Science and Surveys, Ottawa, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1258E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1263. --Biology of the sediment-water interface – Report of the St. Andrews Biological Station’s 75th Anniversary Benthic Workshop, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1263E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 41p. References.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1263E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1264. --Larval crab (Decapoda: brachyara) zoeas and megalopas of the Scotia Shelf, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1264E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 27p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1264E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1267. --Recent trends in the Grand Manan scallop fishery, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1267E-PDF Halifax, 1984. 88p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Recent trends in the Grand Manan scallop fishery, Fs97-6/1267E-PDF - PDF. (4453 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1267E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1271. --Glazing of salmon on freezer vessels, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1271E-PDF Vancouver, 1984. 65p.On t.p.: Field Services Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Glazing of salmon on freezer vessels, Fs97-6/1271E-PDF - PDF. (4760 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1271E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1272. --Broodstock management for year-round production of larvae for culture of the American lobster, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1272E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 17p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1272E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1274. --Viable hatch from eggs of Pacific herring (Clupea Harengus Pallasi) deposited at different intensities on a variety of substrates, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1274E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1984. 20p. References, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1274E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1275. --The biological design process used in the development of federal government facilities during Phase I of the Salmonid Enhancement Program, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1275E-PDF Vancouver, 1984. 196p. References, tables.On t.p.: Salmonid Enhancement Program, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1275E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1279. --Concentrations of heavy metals and organochlorines in marine mammals of northern waters: for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1279E-PDF overview and evaluation, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1984. 103p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1279E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1280. --Near surface bio-oceanographic phenomena in the Quoddy Region, Bay of Fundy, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1280E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 127p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: ... technical Report from the Biological Station, St, Andrews, N.B. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Near surface bio-oceanographic phenomena in the Quoddy Region, Bay of Fundy, Fs97-6/1280E-PDF - PDF. (10,126 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1280E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1282. --A preliminary study of the native harvest of wildlife in the Keewatin Region, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1282E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1984. 52p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1282E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1283. --Thermal gaping and ejectability of meat from the Pacific oyster, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1283E-PDF Vancouver, 1984. 52p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1283E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1284. --Effects of wood waste on the recruitment potential of marine benthic communities, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1284E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1984. 56p. Figs., references.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1284E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1288. --Movements of tagged lobsters released on the continental shelf from Georges Bank to Baccaro Bank, 1971-73, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1288E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 21p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1288E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1290. --On the fecundity of the sablefish (Anophopoma fimbria) in Canadian waters, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1290E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1984. 24p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1290E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1294. --Chronic effects of low pH on some physiological of smoltification in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1294E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 10p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1294E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1295. --Lake surveys and biological potential for natural lacustrine rearing of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Newfoundland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1295E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 78p. References, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1295E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1296. --A survey of selected lakes in Labrador, with an assessment of lake status and sensitivity in relation to acid precipitation, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1296E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 124p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1296E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1299. --Water chemistry of ten lakes in southern New Brunswick, 1983 survey, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1299E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 28p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1299E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1300. --Spatial and temporal patterns of groundfish distribution on the Scotian Shelf and in the Bay of Fundy, 1970-1981, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1300E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1984. 173p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1300E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1301. --Results of Atlantic salmon tagging study in Miramichi Bay, New Brunswick, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1301E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 28p. References, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1301E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1305. --Low contamination of fish by hydrocarbons from the Uniake G-72 (Shell Oil, Vinland wellsite blowout in February 1984, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1305E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 49p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1305E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1306. --The influence of time and size at release of juvenile Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) on returns at maturity – results of releases from Quinsam River Hatchery, B.C., in 1980, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1306E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1984. 75p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1306E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1308. --Simplex optimization, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1308E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 24p. References, tables.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Simplex optimization, Fs97-6/1308E-PDF - PDF. (1629 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1308E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1309. --Some useful conversions in relating historical and future catch statistics of soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria) in the Scotia-Fundy Region, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1309E-PDF Halifax, 1984. 20p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1309E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1310. --Report on the cod by-catch in the 1981-83 Newfoundland capelin trap fisheries, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1310E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 22p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1310E-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1313. --Particularités de la reproduction du saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) dans une partie du réseau Koksoak, en Ungava, pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1313F-PDF Québec, 1984. 46p. Figures, références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la recherche sur la Pêches, Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1313F-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1314. --Croissance estuarienne du saumon atlantique (Salmon salar) dans le fleuve Koksoak en Ungava, pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1314F-PDF Québec, 1984. 34p. Figures, références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la recherche sur la Pêches, Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1314F-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1315. --L’aquaculture marine au Québec, pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1315F-PDF Québec, 1984. 100p. Figures, références.Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la recherche sur la Pêches, Québec (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : --L’aquaculture marine au Québec, Fs97-6/1315F-PDF - PDF. (5235 Ko).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1315F-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1316. --Étude de la population d’omble de fontaine Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill) du lac Laflamme, réserve faunique des Laurentides (Québec), pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1316F-PDF Québec, 1984. 72p. Figures, références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la recherche sur la Pêches, Québec (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1316F-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1320. --An overview of the physical and chemical limnology of the Experimental Ponds Area, central Newfoundland, 1977-82, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1320E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 62p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1320E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1321. --Aging a population of the white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, by the fin-ray method, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1321E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1984. 20p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1321E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1322. --A guide to the marine flora and fauna of the Bay of Fundy and Scotian Shelf, larval ecapoda, brachyura, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1322E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 63p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1322E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1323. --Seasonal trends in the biological characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) catches in the 1974-76 commercial fishery at Portugal Cove, Newfoundland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1323E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 94p. References, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1323E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1325. --Age, growth, and food of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in three lakes of Central Newfoundland, Canada, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1325E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 22p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1325E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1326. --Proceedings of the Workshop on Stream Indexing for Salmon Escapement Estimation, West Vancouver, B.C., 2-3 February 1984, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1326E-PDF St. John's, 1984. 237p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1326E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1328. --Freshwater Institute primary production model user’s guide, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1328E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1984. 42p. References, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1328E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1336. --Life history studies of anadromous coregonid fishes in two freshwater lake systems on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1336E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1984. 71p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1336E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1339. --Bay of Fundy environmental and tidal power bibliography, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1339E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1984. 421p. References.Issued jointly by: Marine Ecology Laboratory, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, and
St. Andrews Biological Station.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Bay of Fundy environmental and tidal power bibliography, Fs97-6/1339E-PDF - PDF. (42,565 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1339E-PDF - Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1340. --Impact of lowhead hydroelectric tidal power development on fisheries I. A pre-operation study of the spawning population of America Shad, Alosa sapidissima Pisces-clupeidae), in the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia, Canada, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1340E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1985. 39p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1340E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1341. --Manual of phytoplankton primary production methodology, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1341E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1984. 62p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Manual of phytoplankton primary production methodology, Fs97-6/1341E-PDF - PDF. (1684 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1341E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1342. --Cadmium in American lobster (Homarus americanus) from the area of Belledune Harbour, New Brunswick, Canada: for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1342E-PDF a summary of five years’ study, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1985. 28p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Halifax Fisheries Research Laboratory, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1342E-PDF
- Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 1488-545X Électronique.N° 1343. --Influence de l'acidification sur la survie et le développement des oeufs et des alevins vésiculés d’omble de fontaine Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill) dans la région de Charlevoix (Québec), pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1343F-PDF Québec, 1984. 66p. Figures, références, tableaux.Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la recherche sur les Pêches, Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec). Le n° de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans cette version électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/1343F-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1345. --A bibliography of the arctic charr, Salvelinus alpines (L.) complex – 1981 through 1984, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1345E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 20p.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1345E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1346. --A bibliography of the lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), 1977 through 1984, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1346E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 19p.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1346E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1347. --Toward the inclusion of fishery interactions in management advice: for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1347E-PDF Proceedings of a workshop at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (October 30 – November 1, 1984), Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1985. 226p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Toward the inclusion of fishery interactions in management advice: Fs97-6/1347E-PDF - PDF. (19,766 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1347E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1348. --Nephrocalcinosis and blood chemistry in mature rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri): for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1348E-PDF Proceedings of a workshop at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (October 30 – November 1, 1984), Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 11p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1348E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1349. --Migration rate and behavior of adult sockeye and chum salmon through trained and untrained sections of the Lower Fraser River, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1349E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1985. 30p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1349E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1352. --The distribution and abundance of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Upper Yukon River basin as determined by a radio-tagging and spaghetti tagging program, 1982-1983, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1352E-PDF New Westminster, British Columbia, 1985. 175p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Field Services Branch, New Westminster, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1352E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1354. --Factors affecting the quality of northern cod (Gadus morhua) caught by otter trawl, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1354E-PDF St. John's, 1985. 18p. References, tables.On t.p.: Inspection Division, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1354E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1355. --Observer Program Training Manual - Newfoundland Region, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1355E-PDF St. John's, 1987. 210p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Observer Program Training Manual - Newfoundland Region, Fs97-6/1355E-PDF - PDF. (74,067 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1355E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1358. --Mortalities of juvenile Atlantic salmon caused by the fungicide OBPA, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1358E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1985. 31p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1358E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1361. --A bibliography on the biochemistry, nutrition, and related areas of aquatic mammals and Arctic people to 1983, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1361E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 240p.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1361E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1363. --Design and operation of chilled sea water systems, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1363E-PDF Vancouver, 1985. 37p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Design and operation of chilled sea water systems, Fs97-6/1363E-PDF - PDF. (10,773 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1363E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1364. --Microfiltration and ultraviolet irradiation to eliminate Ceratomyxa Shasta (Myxozoa: myxosporea), a salmonid pathogen, from Fraser River Water, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1364E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 13p. Fig., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1364E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1366. --The status of chum salmon stocks of the West Coast of Vancouver Island, 1951-1982, Statistical Areas 22-27, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1366E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 163p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Field Services Branch, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1366E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1367. --Terminal travel rates for Alberni Inlet sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1367E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 20p. References, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1367E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Prefatory texts in English and French. Articles in their original languages. ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1368. --Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, November 7-10, 1983 Halifax, Nova Scotia, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1368-PDF Ottawa, 1985. 493p. Figs., references.Prefatory texts in English and French. Articles in their original languages. Catalogue number and ISSN of the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1368-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1369. --Observations on the fate of experimentally induced wounds on adult Chinook salmon in sea water, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1369E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 34p. Figs. (some coloured), references.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1369E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1370. --An evaluation of the relative success of naturalized brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), populations in South Duck River and Cowan Creek, Duck Mountain Region, Manitoba, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1370E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 25p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1370E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1371. --CTD data acquisition program for a Guildline Mark IV Probe using a HP9825 microcomputer system, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1371E-PDF St. John's, 1985. 60p. Figs., references, tables.On cover : Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1371E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1372. --Spawn-on-kelp fisheries in the Queen Charlotte Islands and Northern British Columbia Coast 1982 – 1983, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1372E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 59p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1372E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1373. --Objective procedure for fish freshness evaluation based on nucleotide changes using a HPLC system, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1373E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 41p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries and Oceans Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax Laboratories, Halifax, Nova Scotia.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1373E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1374. --Depth distribution of the slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in a small lake in Northwestern Ontario, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1374E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 17p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1374E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1376. --Long-term trends in the contributions of salmon from different geographic areas to the commercial fisheries of the North Pacific, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1376E-PDF Vancouver, 1985. 59p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Regional Planning &Economics Branch, Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1376E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1378. --A versatile echo integration/data logging system for fisheries research and management, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1378E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 48p. Figs., references.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1378E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1380. --Studies on genetic and hormonal sex control in domesticated rainbow trout. II. Use of methyltestosterone for masculinizati and sterilization in cultured rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson), for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1380E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1985. 13p.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1380E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1381. --Current trophic state and potential impacts of coal mine development on productivity of Middle Quinsam and Long Lakes, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1381E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1985. 69p. Figs., references.On t.p.: West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1381E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1382. --Considerations for the effective management of Atlantic scallops, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1382E-PDF Halifax, 1985. 120p. Figs., references, table.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1382E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1383. --Utilization of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) judged to have "Blackberry" odor, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1383E-PDF St. John's, 1985. 18p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Inspection Division, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1383E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1386. --Assessment of the influence of gas supersaturation on salmonids in the Nechako River in relation to Kemano completion, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1386E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 18p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1386E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1387. --Gulf of St. Lawrence cod – Age specific geographic distributions and environmental occurrences from 1971 to 1981, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1387E-PDF Halifax, 1985. 48p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1387E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1390. --The effects of aeration on the rearing of summer chinook fry (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at the Puntledge Hatchery, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1390E-PDF Vancouver, 1985. 67p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Salmonid Enhancement Program. Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1390E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1391. --A system for recording and analyzing macroinvertebrate behaviour in laboratory stream channels, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1391E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 19p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1391E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1392. --Variations in abundance of larval anisakies, sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) and related species, in eastern Canadian cod and flatfish, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1392E-PDF Halifax, 1985. 70p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1392E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1393. --Technical evaluation of gamma-irradiation pretreatment on quality preservation for fresh fish, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1393E-PDF Halifax, 1985. 23p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1393E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1394. --Observations on abundance and diet of Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus) caught off the West Coast of Vancouver Island, September 1984, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1394E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 13p. References.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1394E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1395. --User's guide to the groundfish catch Statistics Data System of the Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Region, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1395E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 29p. Figs., tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1395E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1396. --Recruitment, growth and condition of a population of the white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, in Lake 223, an experimentally acidified lake, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1396E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 22p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1396E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1397. --An account of an experimental release of marked juvenile Chinook to freshwater, estuarine, and marine habitats near Campbell River, B.C., 1984, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1397E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 35p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1397E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1398. --Effects of wood waste for ocean disposal on the recruitment of marine macro benthic communities, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1398E-PDF Vancouver, 1985. 34p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1398E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1399. --Development of high levels of histamine in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus linnaeus): for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1399E-PDF an examination of some factors affecting histamine formation in the mackerel, Halifax, 1987. 23p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Inspection Services Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1399E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1401. --White whale use of the Southeastern Beaufort Sea, July - September 1984, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1401E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985. 52p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1401E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-6E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 1402. --Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation and sensory evaluation of lobsters (Homarus americaus) exposed to diesel oil at Arnold's Cove, Newfoundland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1402E-PDF St. John's, 1985. 20p. Figs., references, tables.On t.p.: Fisheries Research Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/1402E-PDF
Forestry Canada
- The state of forestry in Canada: for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-pdf report to Parliament. Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.1990. c1991. 81p. Figs., glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), maps (some coloured), tables.Alternate title: The state of Canada's forests.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/1991E) and ISBN (0-662-18601-X) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of forestry in Canada: Fo1-6/1991E-PDF - PDF. (67.55 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/1991E-PDF
- The state of forestry in Canada: for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-pdf report to Parliament. Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.1991. c1992. 87p. Figs., glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), maps (some coloured), photographs, tables.Alternate title: The state of Canada's forests.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/1992E) and ISBN (0-662-194400-3) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests 1991: Fo1-6/1992E-PDF - PDF. (62.35 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/1992E-PDF
Indian and Northern Affairs
- Aboriginal Auditor General: for Catalogue Number R5-13/2011E-PDF discussion paper prepared for AANDC Audit Committee, June 2011. Ottawa, June 2011. 20p. Coloured figs., references. Electronic.URL: Electronic Publication for: Aboriginal Auditor General: R5-13/2011E-PDF - PDF. (238 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number R5-13/2011E-PDF
- Vérificateur général des affaires autochtones: pour Numéro de catalogue R5-13/2011F-PDF document de travail préparé pour AADNC Comité de vérification, juin 2011. Ottawa, Juin 2011. 22p. Figures en couleur, références. Électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R5-13/2011F-PDF
Industry Canada
- Federal contributions to Canadian tourism: for Catalogue Number Iu185-5E-PDF a review of federal expenditures for fiscal year ... Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-789X Electronic.2009/2010 & 2010/2011. 35p. Tables. (No. 60988)URL: Electronic Publication for: Federal contributions to Canadian tourism: Iu185-5/2011E-PDF - PDF. (200 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Iu185-5/2011E-PDF
- Contributions du gouvernement fédéral à l'industrie touristique du Canada: pour Numéro de catalogue Iu185-5F-PDF examen des dépenses du gouvernement fédéral pendant l'exercice financier ... Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-7881 Électronique.2009-2010 et 2010-2011. 38p. Tableaux. (N ° 60988)Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Iu185-5/2011F-PDF
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Service
- The state of Canada's forests - annual report. for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2736 Electronic.1994. c1995. 116p. Coloured figs., glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), maps, photographs, tables.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/1995E) and ISBN (0-662-23054-X) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests, 1994: Fo1-6/1995E-PDF - PDF. (74.81 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/1995E-PDF
- L'état des forêts au Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2744 Électronique.1994. c1995. 116p. Cartes, figures en couleur, glossaire, ill. (certaines en couleur), photographies, tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (Fo1-6/1995F) et l'ISBN (0-662-99781-6) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : L'état des forêts au Canada, 1994: Fo1-6/1995F-PDF - PDF. (78.80 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6/1995F-PDF
- The state of Canada's forests - annual report. for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2736 Electronic.1995-1996. c1996. 116p. Coloured figs., glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), maps (some coloured), tables.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/1996E) and ISBN (0-662-24425-7) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests, 1995-1996: Fo1-6/1996E-PDF - PDF. (80.32 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/1996E-PDF
- The state of Canada's forests - annual report. for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2736 Electronic.1997-1998. c1998. 112p. Figs. (some coloured), glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), maps, photographs, tables.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/1998E) and ISBN (0-662-26881- 4) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests, 1997-1998: Fo1-6/1998E-PDF - PDF. (2.31 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/1998E-PDF
- L'état des forêts au Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2744 Électronique.1997-1998. c1998. 110p. Cartes, figures (certaines en couleur), glossaire, graphiques, ill. (certaines en couleur), photographies, tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (Fo1-6/1998F) et l'ISBN (0-662-82961-1) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : L'état des forêts au Canada, 1997-1998: Fo1-6/1998F-PDF - PDF. (2.51 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6/1998F-PDF
- The state of Canada's forests - annual report. for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2736 Electronic.1998-1999. c1999. 115p. Figs., glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), maps, photographs, table.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/1999E) and ISBN (0-662-27908-5) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests, 1998-1999: Fo1-6/1999E-PDF - PDF. (3.73 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/1999E-PDF
- L'état des forêts au Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2744 Électronique.1998-1999. c1999. 115p. Cartes, figures, graphiques, ill. (certaines en couleur), photographies, tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (Fo1-6/1999F) et l'ISBN (0-662-83786-X) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : L'état des forêts au Canada, 1998-1999: Fo1-6/1999F-PDF - PDF. (3.27 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6/1999F-PDF
- The state of Canada's forests - annual report. for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2736 Electronic.2000-2001. c2001. 116p. Figs., glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), index, maps, photographs, tables.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/2001E) and ISBN (0-662-30746-1) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests, 2000-2001: Fo1-6/2001E-PDF - PDF. (6.77 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/2001E-PDF
- L'état des forêts au Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2744 Électronique.2000-2001. c2001. 116p. Cartes, figures, glossaire, graphiques, ill. (certaines en couleur), index, photographies, tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (Fo1-6/2001F) et l'ISBN (0-662-86005-5) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : L'état des forêts au Canada, 2000-2001: Fo1-6/2001F-PDF - PDF. (6.91 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6/2001F-PDF
- The state of Canada's forests - annual report. for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2736 Electronic.2001-2002. c2002. 65p. Graphs, maps, photographs, tables.The ISBN (0-662-87361-0) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Incorrect catalogue number (Fo1-6/2001-2002F) printed in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests, 2001-2002: Fo1-6/2002E-PDF - PDF. (6.06 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/2002E-PDF - L'état des forêts au Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2744 Électronique.2001-2002. c2001. 65p. Cartes, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (0-662-87361-0) copié dans cette édition électronique est incorrect.
L'ISBN (0-662-87361-0) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : L'état des forêts au Canada, 2001-2002: Fo1-6/2002F-PDF - PDF. (6.08 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6/2002F-PDF - The state of Canada's forests - annual report. for Catalogue Number Fo1-6E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2736 Electronic.2002-2003. c2003. 97p. Glossary, graphs, illus. (some coloured), maps, photographs, tables.The catalogue number (Fo1-6/2003E) and ISBN (0-662-34459-6) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: The state of Canada's forests, 2002-2003: Fo1-6/2003E-PDF - PDF. (26.42 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo1-6/2003E-PDF
- L'état des forêts au Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-2744 Électronique.2002-2003. c2003. 97p. Cartes, glossaire, graphiques, ill. (certaines en couleur), photographies, tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (Fo1-6/2003F) et l'ISBN (0-662-89292-5) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : L'état des forêts au Canada, 2002-2003: Fo1-6/2003F-PDF - PDF. (27.19 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo1-6/2003F-PDF
Geological Survey of Canada
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A10. --Structural geology of eastern Bella Coola map area, southwest British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A10E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 11p. Coloured figs., maps (some coloured), photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31444-1Catalogue Number M44-2002/A10E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A11. --Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy and tectonics of eastern Bella Coola map area, southwest British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A11E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 12p. Maps (some coloured), photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31445-XCatalogue Number M44-2002/A11E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A12. --Reconnaissance of structural geology of the Atnarko metamorphic complex, southern Tweedsmuir Park, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A12E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 10p. Fig., map, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31446-8Catalogue Number M44-2002/A12E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A13. --Geomorphic evidence for Tertiary drainage networks in the southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A13E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 10p. Figs., maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31447-6Catalogue Number M44-2002/A13E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A14. --New geological and paleontological data from the Harper Ranch Group, Kamloops, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A14E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 11p. Coloured figs., maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31448-4Catalogue Number M44-2002/A14E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A15. --Glaciovolcanism at Ember Ridge, Mount Cayley volcanic field, southwestern British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A15E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 9p. Maps, photographs, table.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31449-2Catalogue Number M44-2002/A15E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A16. --Improved relative sea-level histories for Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia, from isolation-basin coring, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A16E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 9p. Figs., map, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31450-6Catalogue Number M44-2002/A16E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A17. --Preliminary interpretations of new aeromagnetic data for the Atlin map area, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A17E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Coloured figs., graphs, maps (some coloured), references, table.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31451-4Catalogue Number M44-2002/A17E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A1. --Bedrock geology of Yukon-Tanana terrane in southern Stewart River map area, Yukon Territory, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A1E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Coloured maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31435-2Catalogue Number M44-2002/A1E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A2. --Late Cenozoic geology, Ancient Pacific Margin NATMAP Project, report 5: for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A2E-IN paleoecology and proxy climatic change records, south Klondike placer region, Yukon Territory, Ottawa, 2002. 18p. Figs., map, photographs, references, table.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31436-0Catalogue Number M44-2002/A2E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A3. --Geochemistry of basalt from the Wolverine volcanic-hosted massive-sulphide deposit, Finlayson Lake district, Yukon Territory, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A3E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Figs. (some coloured), references, table.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31437-9Catalogue Number M44-2002/A3E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A4. --Sedimentology of Triassic siliciclastic strata, Mount Martin and Mount Merrill map areas, Yukon Territory, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A4E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 12p. Coloured maps, figs., photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31438-7Catalogue Number M44-2002/A4E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A5. --Structural geology of the northern Liard Range, Franklin Mountains, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A5E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 11p. Figs. (some coloured), maps (some coloured), photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31439-5Catalogue Number M44-2002/A5E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A6. --Overview of the Aitlin Integrated Geoscience Project, northwestern British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A6E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 9p. Maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31440-9Catalogue Number M44-2002/A6E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A7. --Constraints on the age of the Klinkit assemblage east of Teslin Lake, northern British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A7E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Figs., references, tables.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31441-7Catalogue Number M44-2002/A7E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A8. --Stratal relationships of the Upper Triassic Baldonnel Formation, Williston Lake, northeastern British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A8E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Figs., map, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31442-5Catalogue Number M44-2002/A8E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-A9. --Plutonic rocks of the eastern Bella Coola map area, southwest British Columbia, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/A9E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 12p. Maps (some coloured), photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31443-3Catalogue Number M44-2002/A9E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-B1. --Structural geology of the Stanley Head region, western Cornwallis Island, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/B1E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 11p. Figs., maps (some coloured), photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31668-1Catalogue Number M44-2002/B1E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-B2. --Geology of Rookery Creek zinc-lead showings, Cornwallis Island, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/B2E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Fig., maps (some coloured), photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31669-XCatalogue Number M44-2002/B2E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-B3. --Late Holocene dune activity in the Duchess dune field, Alberta, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/B3E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 10p. Figs., map, photographs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31670-3Catalogue Number M44-2002/B3E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C10. --Glacial landforms and preliminary chronology of ice-movement in the Arrowsmith River map area, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C10E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 10p. Figs., map, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31511-1Catalogue Number M44-2002/C10E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C11. --Contrasting crustal domains in the Committee Bay belt, Walker Lake-Arrowsmith River area, central Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C11E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Coloured figs., coloured maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31512-XCatalogue Number M44-2002/C11E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C12. --Structural and metamorphic geology of the Walker Lake-Arrowsmith River area, Committee Bay belt, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C12E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 15p. Coloured maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31513-8Catalogue Number M44-2002/C12E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C13. --Overview of Quaternary research for the Committee Bay project, central Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C13E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 14p. Figs., maps (some coloured), references, tables.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31514-6Catalogue Number M44-2002/C13E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C14. --Physical volcanology of komatiite in the Laughland and Walker Lake areas, Committee Bay belt, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C14E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 9p. Coloured maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31515-4Catalogue Number M44-2002/C14E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C15. --Significance of the Walker Lake shear zone with respect to regional deformation in the Committee Bay belt, central mainland, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C15E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 11p. Coloured maps, fig., photographs, references, table.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31516-2Catalogue Number M44-2002/C15E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C1. --New bedrock mapping and preliminary U/Pb geochronology in the Walmsley Lake area, southeastern Slave Province, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C1E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 12p. Coloured maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31502-2Catalogue Number M44-2002/C1E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C2. --Stratigraphy and structure of the Aylmer Lake volcanic belt and surrounding metasedimentary rocks, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C2E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Coloured maps, figs. (some coloured), photographs, references, table.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31503-0Catalogue Number M44-2002/C2E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C3. --Field-based feasibility study of teleseismic surveys at high northern latitudes, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C3E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 12p. Coloured maps, figs., graphs, photographs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31504-9Catalogue Number M44-2002/C3E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C4. --Surficial geology, spectral-reflectance characteristics, and their influence on hyperspectral imaging as a drift-prospecting technique for kimberlite in the Diavik diamond mine area, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C4E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 10p. Coloured map, graphs, photographs, references, table.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31505-7Catalogue Number M44-2002/C4E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C5. --Electrical conductivity mechanism of sericite schist from the Gold Lake area of the Yellowknife mining district, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C5E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 8p. Figs., photographs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31506-5Catalogue Number M44-2002/C5E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C6. --Formation-factor measurements for Giant and Con mine samples from the Yellowknife mining district, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C6E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 8p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31507-3Catalogue Number M44-2002/C6E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C7. --An overview of gold grain distribution and geochemistry of till, Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C7E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 10p. Graphs, maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31508-1Catalogue Number M44-2002/C7E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C8. --Volcanic stratigraphy of the QSP area, Hope Bay volcanic belt, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C8E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 11p. Maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31509-XCatalogue Number M44-2002/C8E-IN
- Current research 2002. for Catalogue Number M44-2002E-PDF Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1701-4387 Electronic.2002-C9. --Volcanic relationships and gold mineralization in the Wolverine-Madrid corridor, Hope Bay volcanic belt, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2002/C9E-IN Ottawa, 2002. 13p. Fig., maps, photographs, references.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-31510-3Catalogue Number M44-2002/C9E-IN
Transport Canada
- Project de terminal de Kitimat LNG: pour Numéro de catalogue T22-214/2006F-PDF rapport d'évaluation en regard de l'examen de la demande d'obtention d'un certificat d'évaluation environnementale en vertu de la Environmental Assessment Act, S.B.C. 2003, c. 43, et rapport d'étude approfondie en regard des exigences liées à une d'étude approfondie en vertu de la Loi canadienne sur l'évaluation environnementale, S.C. 1992, c. 37, Ottawa, 13 avril 2006. Cartes, glossaire, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : Project de terminal de Kitimat LNG: T22-214/2006F-PDF - PDF. (2.23 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue T22-214/2006F-PDF
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- Annual report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, Treasury Board Secretariat. for Catalogue Number BT1-5E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1487-0533 Electronic.1995-1996. 14p. Graphs.ATIP annual report.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT1-5/1996E-PDF
- Rapport annuel de ... sur la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor. pour Numéro de catalogue BT1-5F-pdf Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1487-0541 Électronique.1995-1996. 14p. Graphiques.Rapport annuel AIPRP.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT1-5/1996F-PDF
- Annual report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, Treasury Board Secretariat. for Catalogue Number BT1-5E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1487-0533 Electronic.1996-1997. 21p. Graphs, tables.ATIP annual report.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT1-5/1997E-PDF
- Rapport annuel de ... sur la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor. pour Numéro de catalogue BT1-5F-pdf Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1487-0541 Électronique.1996-1997. 21p. Graphiques, tableaux.Rapport annuel AIPRP.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT1-5/1997F-PDF
- Annual report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, Treasury Board Secretariat. for Catalogue Number BT1-5E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1487-0533 Electronic.1997-1998. 11p.ATIP annual report.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT1-5/1998E-PDF
- Rapport annuel de ... sur la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor. pour Numéro de catalogue BT1-5F-pdf Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1487-0541 Électronique.1997-1998. 12p.Rapport annuel AIPRP.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT1-5/1998F-PDF
- Handbook for regulatory proposals: for Catalogue Number BT22-134/2009E-PDF performance measurement and evaluation plan. Ottawa, December 2009. 26p. Figs., tables. Electronic.URL: Electronic Publication for: Handbook for regulatory proposals: BT22-134/2009E-PDF - PDF. (142 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT22-134/2009E-PDF
- Manuel des projets de réglementation: pour Numéro de catalogue BT22-134/2009F-PDF plan de mesure du rendement et d'évaluation. Ottawa, Décembre 2009. 29p. Figures, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : Manuel des projets de réglementation: BT22-134/2009F-PDF - PDF. (238 Ko).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT22-134/2009F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2001-2002, vol. 1 (A-H). c2001. 687p. Glossary.The catalogue number (BT51-3/1-2002E) and ISBN (0-660-18628-4) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2002-1E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2001-2002, vol. 1 (A-C). c2001. 674p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Le n° de catalogue (BT51-3/1-2002F) et l'ISBN (0-660-96597-6) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2002-1F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2001-2002, vol. 2 (I-Z). c2001. 612p. Glossary.The catalogue number (BT51-3/1-2002E) and ISBN (0-660-18628-4) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2002-2E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2001-2002, vol. 2 (D-Z). c2001. 736p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Le n° de catalogue (BT51-3/1-2002F) et l'ISBN (0-660-96597-6) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2002-2F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2002-2003, vol. 1 (A-H). c2002. 674p. Glossary.The catalogue number (BT51-3/1-2003E) and ISBN (0-660-18935-6) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2003-1E-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2003-2004, volume 1 (A-H). c2003. 679p. Glossary.The catalogue number (BT 51-3/1-2004E) and ISBN (0-660-19176-8) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2004-1E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2003-2004, volume 1 (A à C). c2003. 682p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Le n° de catalogue (BT 51-3/1-2004F) et l'ISBN (0-660-96878-9) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2004-1F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2003-2004, volume 2 (I-Z). c2003. 646p. Glossary.The catalogue number (BT51-3/1-2004E) and ISBN (0-660-19176-8) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2004-2E-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2004-2005, volume 1 (A to H). 850p. Glossary.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2005-1E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2004-2005, volume 1 (A à C). 909p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2005-1F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2004-2005, volume 2 (I to Z). 784p. Glossary.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2005-2E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2004-2005, volume 2 (D à Z). 958p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2005-2F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2005-2006, volume 1 (A to H). c2005. 861p. Glossary.The catalogue number (BT51-3/1-2006E) and ISBN (0-660-19561-5) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2006-1E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2005-2006, volume 1 (A à C). c2005. 1035p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Le n° de catalogue (BT51-3/1-2006F) et l'ISBN (0-660-97095-3) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2006-1F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2005-2006, volume 2 (I to Z). c2005. 895p. Glossary.The catalogue number (BT51-3/1-2006E) and ISBN (0-660-19561-5) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2006-2E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2005-2006, volume 2 (D à Z). c2005. 982p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Le n° de catalogue (BT51-3/1-2006F) et l'ISBN (0-660-97095-3) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2006-2F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.[2006-2007, volume 1 (A to H)]. 920p. Glossary.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2007-1E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.[2006-2007, volume 1 (A à C)]. 1005p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2007-1F-PDF
- Info source. Sources of federal government information. for Catalogue Number BT51-3/1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.[2006-2007, volume 2 (I to Z)]. 846p. Glossary.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT51-3/1-2007-2E-PDF
- Info source. Source de renseignements fédéraux. pour Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.[2006-2007, volume 2 (D à Z)]. 1016p. Glossaire.Titre de renvoi: Info source. Sources de renseignements fédéraux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT51-3/1-2007-2F-PDF
- Assessing, selecting, and implementing instruments for government action. for Catalogue Number BT58-2/2007E-PDF Ottawa, c2007. 35p. Coloured figs., tables. Electronic.The catalogue number (BT58-2/2007) and ISBN (978-0-662-05036-0) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT58-2/2007E-PDF
- Évaluation, choix et mise en œuvre d'instruments d'action gouvernementale. pour Numéro de catalogue BT58-2/2007F-PDF Ottawa, c2007. 37p. Figures en couleur, tableaux. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (BT58-2/2007) et l'ISBN (978-0-662-05036-0) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT58-2/2007F-PDF
- Canadian cost-benefit analysis guide: for Catalogue Number BT58-5/2007E-PDF regulatory proposals. Ottawa, c2007. 51p. Fig., references, tables. Electronic.The catalogue number (BT58-5/2007) and ISBN (978-0-662-05039-1) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: Canadian cost-benefit analysis guide: BT58-5/2007E-PDF - PDF. (245 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number BT58-5/2007E-PDF
- Guide d'analyse coûts-avantages pour le Canada: pour Numéro de catalogue BT58-5/2007F-PDF propositions de réglementation. Ottawa, c2007. 56p. Figure, références, tableaux. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (BT58-5/2007) et l'ISBN (978-0-662-05039-1) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : Guide d'analyse coûts-avantages pour le Canada: BT58-5/2007F-PDF - PDF. (270 Ko).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT58-5/2007F-PDF
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