ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 96-38
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96-38 (September 20, 1996)
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For use by persons and libraries authorised to receive Government publications without charge. Orders should be placed within 50 working days.
Table of Contents
- Parliamentary Publications
- Departmental Publications
- Bank of Canada
- Canada Labour Relations Board
- Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
- Canadian General Standards Board
- Canadian Heritage
- Canadian International Development Agency
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Courts
- Environment Canada
- Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Health Canada
- Human Resources Development
- Industry Canada
- Justice Canada
- National Energy Board
- Natural Resources Canada
- Port of Montreal
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Transport Canada
- Treasury Board
- Statistics Canada Publications
New Mailing Lists
Industry Canada
Bureau of Competition Policy
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
CompAct: news from the Competition Bureau. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Concuraction: ISSN 1205-6537
For non-depositories available from the Competition Bureau, Industry Canada, 50 Victoria Street, Hull, Quebec K1A 0C9. Telephone: 1-800-348-5358 or (819) 997-4282; Fax: (819) 997-0324.
No. 2, April-June, 1996. English text, 21p. (51067-B 96-08)
ISBN 0-662-59601-3
Catalogue Number RG56-1/5-1996-2
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
Trade-marks examination manual.Ottawa, 1996--. English text, xxii, 224p. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. In a binder, 30cm. Title in French: Le manuel d'examen des marques de commerce.
Contents: Introduction.--Examination of the application as to form.--The search/confusion.--The examination of the mark.--The examiners' reports.--List of cases.--Topic index.
$95 base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Canada)
$123.50 U.S. base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-4/1996
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NEW MAILING LIST
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
Trade-marks examination: wares and services manual.Ottawa, 1996--. x, 407p. 28cm. Loose-leaf. In a binder, 30cm.
"The manual sets out identifications of wares and services which will be accepted by the Trade-marks Branch of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Utilizing identification language from the Manual may enable applicants to avoid objections with respect to the wares and/or services identified in their applications for registration."--How to use the Wares and Services Manual.
$99.95 base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Canada)
$129.95 U.S. base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-6/1996E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NOUVELLE LISTE D'ENVOI
La publication suivante paraît pour la première fois dans la Liste hebdomadaire.
Si vous désirez ajouter votre nom à la liste de distribution, veuillez en faire la demande par TÉLÉCOPIEUR au (819) 956-6341, INTERNET au ou par écrit au Programme de dépôt, Division de l'Édition, Groupe Communication Canada, 45, boul. Sacré-Coeur, pièce B-1001, Hull (Québec) K1A 0S9, en mentionnant votre numéro de bibliothèque de dépôt et votre numéro de client.
Si vous voulez recevoir le numéro mentionné ci-dessous, veuillez l'indiquer dans votre commande. Les bibliothèques de dépôt universel recevront d'office cette publication.
L'examen des marques de commerce: le manuel des marchandises et services.Ottawa, 1996--. ix, 431p. 28cm. Feuilles mobiles. Dans un auto-relieur, 30cm.
«Le manuel renferme les descripteurs de marchandises et de services qui seront acceptés par la Direction des marques de commerce de l'Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada. Le fait d'utiliser ces descripteurs pourrait permettre à des demandeurs d'éviter de se voir soulever des objections à l'égard des marchandises et (ou) des services figurant dans leurs demandes d'enregistrement.»--Comment utiliser le manuel des marchandises et services.
99,95 $ le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Canada)
129,95 $ US le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue RG42-6/1996F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Vendu par GCC.
Transport Canada
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
Airworthiness manual. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. (TP 6197E)
Chapter 541.--Airworthiness standards: airships. 1996--.
$4.95 base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number T51-13/541-1996E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NOUVELLE LISTE D'ENVOI
La publication suivante paraît pour la première fois dans la Liste hebdomadaire.
Si vous désirez ajouter votre nom à la liste de distribution, veuillez en faire la demande par TÉLÉCOPIEUR au (819) 956-6341, INTERNET au ou par écrit au Programme de dépôt, Division de l'Édition, Groupe Communication Canada, 45, boul. Sacré-Coeur, pièce B-1001, Hull (Québec) K1A 0S9, en mentionnant votre numéro de bibliothèque de dépôt et votre numéro de client.
Si vous voulez recevoir le numéro mentionné ci-dessous, veuillez l'indiquer dans votre commande. Les bibliothèques de dépôt universel recevront d'office cette publication.
Manuel de navigabilité. Ottawa. 28cm. Feuilles mobiles. (TP 6197F)
Chapitre 541.--Normes de navigabilité applicable aux dirigeables. 1996--.
4,95 $ le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Canada)
6,45 $ US le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue T51-13/541-1996F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Vendu par GCC.
- Special Committee on the Cape Breton Development Corporation, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Chairman: The Honourable William Rompkey. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Proceedings on:Study of the annual report and the corporate plan of the Cape Breton Development corporation. Title in French: Comité spécial sur la Société de développement du Cap-Breton, Délibérations. Fascicule concernant: Examen du rapport annuel et du plan d'entreprise de la Société de développement du Cap-Breton.
No. 3, Monday, June 3, 1996. 56p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC2-352/6-3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Special Committee on the Cape Breton Development Corporation, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Chairman: The Honourable William Rompkey. Proceedings.
Proceedings on:Study of the annual report and the corporate plan of the Cape Breton Development Corporation. Title in French: Comité spécial sur la Société de développement du Cap-Breton, Délibérations. Fascicule concernant: Examen du rapport annuel et du plan d'entreprise de la Société de développement du Cape-Breton.
No. 4, Thursday, June 6, 1996. 40p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC2-352/6-4
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Standing Committee on Fisheries, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Chairman: The Honourable Gérald J. Comeau. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Proceedings on: Organizational meeting. Title in French: Comité permanent des pêches, Délibérations. Fascicule concernant: Séance d'organisation.
No. 1, Tuesday, March 26, 1996. 12p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC25-352/1-1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Senate and House of Commons
- Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-96. Joint Chairmen: The Honourable Donald H. Oliver, Senator; Mr. Peter Milliken, M.P. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Index of proceedings, issues 1-13. Title in French: Comité mixte spécial sur le code de conduite, Délibérations. Index des délibérations, 33p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC3-351/6-14
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
House of Commons
- House of Commons debates, official report. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 134, Nos. 67-69, September 16-18, 1996.
$1.75 per copy. $286 per year. (Canada)
$2.25 U.S. per copy. $371.80 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X3-352E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Débats de la Chambre des communes, compte rendu officiel. Quotidien. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 134, nos 67-69, 16-18 septembre 1996.
1,75 $ l'exemplaire. 286 $ par année. (Canada)
2,25 $ US l'exemplaire. 371,80 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue X3-352F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par GCC. - Order paper and notice paper. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Feuilleton et feuilleton des avis.
Nos. 67-70, September 16-19, 1996.
$1.75 per copy. $255 per year. (Canada)
$2.25 U.S. per copy. $331.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X4-352
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Questions: monthly supplement to the Order paper. Monthly. Ottawa. 27cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Questions:
No. 5, September 16, 1996.
$1.75 per copy. Included in the subscription to the Order paper. (Canada)
$2.25 U.S. per copy. Included in the subscription to the Order paper. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X4-352Q-5
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
- Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Bilingual. Title in French:
$934 per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Canada)
$1,214.20 U.S. per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB352
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Bilingual.
C-54.--An Act to amend the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act. (The Minister of Justice.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur les mesures extraterritoriales étrangères. First reading, September 16, 1996. 8p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB352-54/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Bilingual.
C-55.--An Act to amend the Criminal Code (high risk offenders), the Corrections and Condition Release Act, the Criminal Records Act, the Prisons and Reformatories Act and the Department of the Solicitor General Act. (The Minister of Justice.) Title in French: Loi modifiant le Code criminel (délinquants présentant un risque élevé de récidive), la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition, la Loi sur le casier judiciaire, la Loi sur les prisons et les maisons de correction et la Loi sur le ministère du Solliciteur général. First reading, September 17, 1996. 29p.
$3.75 per copy. (Canada)
$4.85 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB352-55/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Bilingual.
C-323.--An Act respecting National Heritage Day. (Mrs. Finestone.) Title in French: Loi sur le jour du patrimoine national. First reading, September 16, 1996. 2p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB352-323/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
- Standing Committee on Natural Resources, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Chairperson: Andy Mitchell. Minutes of proceedings. Bilingual. Title in French: Comité permanent des ressources naturelles, Procès-verbaux.
No. 2, (Meetings Nos. 11 to 21) 8p.
URL: E.html
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XC49-352/1-1-2
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, 2nd session, 35th parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996. Chairperson: Ms. Eleni Bakopanos. Minutes of proceedings. Bilingual. Title in French: Comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration, Procès-verbaux.
No. 4, (Meetings Nos. 16 to 22) 7p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XC64-352/1-1-4
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Bank of Canada
- Working paper. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1192-5434
For non-depositories available from Publications Distribution Section, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Telephone: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874.
96-10.--Unit-root tests and excess returns, by Marie-Josée Godbout and Simon van Norden. 1996. 28p. References, tables.
Contents: Introduction.--Literature survey.--Evidence from tests for the number of cointegrating vectors.--Evidence from tests of the value of the cointegrating vector.--Conclusions and directions for research.--Tables.--Appendix: Maximum-likelihood test for cointegration.--References.
ISBN 0-662-25018-4
Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-10E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canada Labour Relations Board
- Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed.
Each issue is covered by a sheet titled Information, which gives a bilingual summary of the case. Title in French:
Catalogue Number LR12-2
Distribution: - Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed.
Each issue is covered by a sheet titled Information, which gives a bilingual summary of the case.
Decision no. 1158.--Ronald Clavet, employee, and Via Rail Canada Inc., employer, and Pierre GuÅnette, interested party. April 29, 1996. 21p. (Board file: 950-320)
$5 per copy. $250 per year. (Canada)
$6.50 U.S. per copy. $325 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number LR12-2/1158E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Motifs de décision. Ottawa. 28cm. Polycopié.
Chaque numéro est précédé d'un résumé bilingue sur une feuille intitulée Information.
Décision nº 1159.--Antonia Di Palma, plaignante, et Air Canada, intimée. Le 2 mai 1996. 10p. (Dossier du Conseil: 950-302)
5 $ l'exemplaire. 250 $ par année. (Canada)
6,50 $ US l'exemplaire. 325 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue LR12-2/1159F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par GCC. - Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed.
Each issue is covered by a sheet titled Information, which gives a bilingual summary of the case.
Decision no. 1182.--Association of Independent Miners, applicant, Anvil Range Mining Corp. respondent, and United Steelworkers of America, intervenor. September 6, 1996. 11p. (Board file: 555-4048)
$5 per copy. $250 per year. (Canada)
$6.50 U.S. per copy. $325 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number LR12-2/1182E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
- Federal Environmental Assessment Index: public registry. Ottawa, 1995--. 1 disc. Bilingual. Title in French: L'Index fédéral des évaluations environnementales: registre public. ISSN 1203-0252
System requirements: 386 or better with hard disc, 4 MB of free RAM, MS DOS 3.1 or higher or Macintosh 68020 or better, 4 MB free RAM, System 7.0 software or higher, CD-ROM drive.
"Contains information on the "who, what, when, where and why" of all federal environmental assessments conducted under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and currently registered with the Federal Environmental Assessment Index (FEAI)"--Manual.
For non-depositories available from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Communications Service, 200 SacrÅ-Coeur Boulevard, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3. Telephone: (819) 997-2726; Fax: (819) 953-2891.
January 19, 1995-September 5, 1996.
$199 per year.
Catalogue Number En104-8/1996-7-MRC
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian General Standards Board
- Standards. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual.
For non-depositories available from the CGSB Sales Centre, Ottawa K1A 1G6. Telephone: 1-800-665-2472 or (613) 941-8703; Fax: (613) 941-8705.
CAN/CGSB-25.10-96.--Furniture polish. Title in French: Encaustique pour meuble. August, 1996. English text, 4p. References, tables. (National Standard of Canada)
Supersedes CAN/CGSB-25.10-M88.
$26.50 per copy. (Canada)
$31.80 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P29-025-010-1996
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Conservation Institute
- Annual report, 1994-1995. Ottawa, 1995. English text, 16p. Illus., organization chart, tables. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Rapport annuel, 1994-1995.
For non-depositories available from the Canadian Conservation Institute, 1030 Innes Road, Ottawa K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 998-3721; Fax: (613) 998-4721.
ISBN 0-662-62669-9
Catalogue Number NM95-61/1995
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian International Development Agency
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Philippines: country development policy framework: summary.Ottawa, 1996. English text, 6p. Figs. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Philippines: cadre stratégique de programme-pays: sommaire.
"The purpose of the Canadian International Development Agency's (CIDA) Country Development Policy Framework (CDPF) for the Philippines (approved on November 10, 1995) is to set the context within which the projects and programs which constitute Canada's official development assistance program with the Philippines will be planned and managed until the year 2000 and beyond."--Introduction.
Available from the Communications Branch, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 200 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec K1A 0G4. Telephone: (819) 997-6100; Fax: (819) 953-6088.
ISBN 0-662-62635-4
Catalogue Number E94-245/1996
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- CRTC telecom decisions, letter decisions and public notices. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, lettres-décisions et avis publics du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Vol. 4, No. 16. 6p.
$9 per issue. $400 per year. (Canada)
$11.70 U.S. per issue. $520 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-16/4-16
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Supreme Court of Canada
- Canada Supreme Court reports. Ottawa. 25cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada. ISSN 0045-4230
Vol. 1, part 6, 1996. Pp. 963-1089.
$14.95 per copy. Available by standing order. (Canada)
$19.45 U.S. per copy. Available by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number JU1-1/1996-1-6
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Environment Canada
- Great Lakes fact sheet. Issued by the Ontario Region. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover.
For non-depositories available from Environment Canada, Ontario Region, Communications, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4. Telephone: (416) 739-4994; Fax: (416) 739-4776.
--Amphibians and reptiles in Great Lakes Wetlands: threats and conservation, by Leonard Shirose et al. 1996. 12p. Coloured illus., graphs, references.
"This fact sheet describes the importance of wetlands, to people, to the ecology of the biosphere as a whole, and especially to the amphibians and reptiles that depend upon wetlands for their survival."--Page 1.
ISBN 0-662-24131-2
Catalogue Number En40-222/4-1996E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Canada's international business strategy, 1996-1997.Ottawa, 1996. 2 diskettes, 3.5". Wordperfect 5.1.
3.5" diskette.
"The main component of CIBS consists of 22 industry sector strategies, detailing how government and industry will work together to take advantage of emerging global trade, technology and investment opportunities. Each strategy provides a summary of international business opportunities and priorities for a given sector."--Page i, Overview.
Logo on cover: Team Canada.
For non-depositories available from Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Telephone: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000. Fax: (613) 996-9709.
ISBN 0-662-25052-4
Catalogue Number C2-226/1997E-MR1
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication NE SERA PAS distribuée par le biais du Programme des services de dépôt.
Quiconque voudrait obtenir un exemplaire doit s'adresser directement à l'agence-auteur.
Stratégie canadienne pour le commerce international, 1996-1997.Ottawa, 1996. 2 disquettes, 3.5po. Wordperfect 5.1.
Disquette de 3.5po.
«Le corps de la Stratégie est constitué de 22 stratégies sectorielles expliquant en détail comment le gouvernement et l'industrie travailleront ensemble afin de tirer parti des nouveaux débouchés à l'échelle mondiale en matière de commerce, de technologie et d'investissement. Chaque stratégie contient, pour le secteur donné, un résumé des débouchés commerciaux internationaux et des priorités.»--Page i, Aperçu.
Mot symbole sur la couverture: Équipe Canada.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, InfoCentre (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709.
ISBN 0-662-81550-5
Numéro de catalogue C2-226/1997F-MR1
Distribution: Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Health Canada
Environmental Health Directorate
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Occupational radiation exposures in Canada, 1993, by W. N. Sont et al. Issued by the Occupational Radiation Hazards Division, Radiation Protection Bureau. Ottawa, 1994. 57p. Graphs, references, tables. 28cm. Paper cover. (94-EHD-189)
"This report provides statistics on occupational radiation exposures of monitored workers in Canada. The information is based upon the data in the National Dose Registry (NDR) maintained by the Radiation Protection Bureau of Health Canada."--Introduction.
Available from the Occupational Radiation Hazards Division, Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada, 775 Brookfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C1. Fax: (613) 957-8698.
ISBN 0-662-22636-4
Catalogue Number H46-2/94-189E
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence
- Breaking the links between poverty and violence against women: a resource guide, by Jane Gurr et al. Ottawa, 1996. iii, 48p. References. 28cm. Paper cover.
Contents: Introduction.--The reality of poverty and violence.--Working with women living in poverty on violence issues: Strategies and initiatives; Approaches.--Conclusion.--Fact sheets.--References.--Recommended resources.--Contact organizations.--Working group contacts.--Feedback sheet.
For non-depositories available from the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Family Violence Protection Division, Health Programs and Services Branch, Health Canada, Ottawa K1A 1B5. Telephone: 1-800-267-1291 or (613) 957-2938; Fax: (613) 941-8930.
ISBN 0-662-24454-0
Catalogue Number H72-21/144-1996E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Défaire les liens entre la pauvreté et la violence faite aux femmes: un guide de ressources, par Jane Gurr et al. Ottawa, 1996. iii, 52p. Références. 28cm. Broché.
Sommaire: Introduction.--La réalité de la pauvreté et de la violence.--Travailler auprès des femmes vivant dans la pauvreté sur des questions reliées à la violence: Stratégies et initiatives; Approches.--Conclusion.--Feuillets de renseignements.--Références.--Ressources recommandées.--Contacts: organismes.--Membres du Groupe de travail.--Commentaires.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au Centre national d'information sur la violence dans la famille, Division de la prévention de la violence familiale, Direction générale des programmes et des services de la santé, Santé Canada, Ottawa K1A 1B5. Téléphone: 1-800-267-1291 ou (613) 957-2938; Télécopieur: (613) 941-8930.
ISBN 0-662-81105-4
Numéro de catalogue H72-21/144-1996F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Human Resources Development
Income Security Programs
- Income Security Programs: Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Spouse's Allowance: tables of rates in effect. Ottawa. Tables. 22cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Programmes de la sécurité du revenu: Sécurité de la vieillesse, Supplément de revenu garanti, Allocation au conjoint: tableaux des taux en vigueur.
October-December, 1996. 35p. (ISPB 119-09-96)
Catalogue Number H76-48/1996-4
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Industry Canada
- Science and technology data, 1995. Issued by the Industry and Science Policy Sector. Ottawa, 1996. English text, 31p. Graphs, references, tables. 12cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. (51121B) Title in French: Données en sciences et technologie, 1995.
For non-depositories available from the Distribution Services, Industry Canada, Room 205D, West Tower, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa K1A 0H5. Telephone: (613) 947-7466; Fax: (613) 954-6436.
ISBN 0-662-62557-9
Catalogue Number C1-4/1995
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Bureau of Competition Policy
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
CompAct: news from the Competition Bureau. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Concuraction: ISSN 1205-6537
For non-depositories available from the Competition Bureau, Industry Canada, 50 Victoria Street, Hull, Quebec K1A 0C9. Telephone: 1-800-348-5358 or (819) 997-4282; Fax: (819) 997-0324.
No. 2, April-June, 1996. English text, 21p. (51067-B 96-08)
ISBN 0-662-59601-3
Catalogue Number RG56-1/5-1996-2
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Bureau of Corporate Affairs
- Insolvency bulletin. Quarterly. Issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Bulletin sur l'insolvabilité. ISSN 0821-0012
For non-depositories available from the Bankruptcy Branch, Journal Tower South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, 8th floor, Ottawa K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-2693; Fax: (613) 941-2692.
Vol. 16, No. 3, 3rd trimester, 1996. English text, pp. 21-60.
Catalogue Number RG36-4/16-3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- The Patent Office record. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: La gazette du Bureau des brevets. ISSN 0008-4670
Vol. 124, No. 39, September 24, 1996. 55p.
$2.75 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$3.95 U.S. per copy. $188.60 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-1/124-39
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Trade marks journal. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Journal des marques de commerce. ISSN 0041-0438
Vol. 43, No. 2186, September 18, 1996. 151p.
$3 per copy. $150 per year. (Canada)
$3.95 U.S. per copy. $194.95 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-2/43-2186
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NEW MAILING LIST
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
Trade-marks examination manual.Ottawa, 1996--. English text, xxii, 224p. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. In a binder, 30cm. Title in French: Le manuel d'examen des marques de commerce.
Contents: Introduction.--Examination of the application as to form.--The search/confusion.--The examination of the mark.--The examiners' reports.--List of cases.--Topic index.
$95 base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Canada)
$123.50 U.S. base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-4/1996
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NEW MAILING LIST
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
Trade-marks examination: wares and services manual.Ottawa, 1996--. x, 407p. 28cm. Loose-leaf. In a binder, 30cm.
"The manual sets out identifications of wares and services which will be accepted by the Trade-marks Branch of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Utilizing identification language from the Manual may enable applicants to avoid objections with respect to the wares and/or services identified in their applications for registration."--How to use the Wares and Services Manual.
$99.95 base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Canada)
$129.95 U.S. base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-6/1996E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NOUVELLE LISTE D'ENVOI
La publication suivante paraît pour la première fois dans la Liste hebdomadaire.
Si vous désirez ajouter votre nom à la liste de distribution, veuillez en faire la demande par TÉLÉCOPIEUR au (819) 956-6341, INTERNET au ou par écrit au Programme de dépôt, Division de l'Édition, Groupe Communication Canada, 45, boul. Sacré-Coeur, pièce B-1001, Hull (Québec) K1A 0S9, en mentionnant votre numéro de bibliothèque de dépôt et votre numéro de client.
Si vous voulez recevoir le numéro mentionné ci-dessous, veuillez l'indiquer dans votre commande. Les bibliothèques de dépôt universel recevront d'office cette publication.
L'examen des marques de commerce: le manuel des marchandises et services.Ottawa, 1996--. ix, 431p. 28cm. Feuilles mobiles. Dans un auto-relieur, 30cm.
«Le manuel renferme les descripteurs de marchandises et de services qui seront acceptés par la Direction des marques de commerce de l'Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada. Le fait d'utiliser ces descripteurs pourrait permettre à des demandeurs d'éviter de se voir soulever des objections à l'égard des marchandises et (ou) des services figurant dans leurs demandes d'enregistrement.»--Comment utiliser le manuel des marchandises et services.
99,95 $ le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Canada)
129,95 $ US le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue RG42-6/1996F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par GCC.
Justice Canada
- Table of Public Statutes; Table of Acts and Responsible Ministers. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Tableau des lois d'intérêt public; Tableau des lois et des ministres responsables.
Vol. 3, Issue 96-2, updated to August 31, 1996. English text, 277, 61p.
$49.95 per copy. Available by standing order. (Canada)
$64.95 U.S. per copy. Available by standing order. (Other countries)
ISBN 0-660-60060-9
Catalogue Number J12-1/1996-2
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
National Energy Board
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Reasons for decision. Calgary. 28cm.
Available from the Regulatory Support Office, National Energy Board, 311 Sixth Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 3H2. Telephone: (403) 292-4800; Fax: (403) 292-5503.
--In the matter of Yukon Pipelines Limited: application dated 12 July 1995. September, 1996. 15p. Fig., references. Paper cover. (MH-3-96)
ISBN 0-662-25006-0
Catalogue Number NE22-/1996-15E
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Service
- Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication NE SERA PAS distribuée par le biais du Programme des services de dépôt.
Quiconque voudrait obtenir un exemplaire doit s'adresser directement à l'agence-auteur.
Essais, expérimentations et transfert technologique en foresterie: programme fédéral financé en vertu de l'Entente auxiliaire Canada-Québec sur le développement économique des régions du Québec. Québec. 28cm. Reliure à anneaux.
«La distribution de ce document est restreinte.»--Page de titre.
Données de catalogage avant publication (Canada) imprimées dans ces publications.
Disponible au Service d'extension en foresterie de l'est du Québec, 165 Saint-Luc, C.P. 878, Causapscal (Québec) G0J 1J0. Téléphone: (418) 877-8072; Télécopieur: (418) 872-3386.
Projet nº 4025.--Caractérisation des composantes forestières des habitats fauniques par télédétection: (application au territoire de Nitaskinan), par Michel Arès. Publié par l'Association Mamo Atoskewin Atikamekw (AMMA). 1995. vii, 61p. Figure, références, tableaux.
«Le projet visait à évaluer la possibilité d'utiliser des images satellitaires pour le repérage et la mise à jour des données forestières caractérisant les habitats fauniques déjà répertoriés dans le système de l'Association. Cet essai devait permettre d'identifier les besoins spécifiques et de déterminer, par banc d'essai, laquelle des techniques d'interprétation d'images satellites (accentuation, interprétation ou classification dirigée) serait la plus efficace pour identifier les composantes forestières recherchées. Subséquemment, la technique d'interprétation choisie serait appliquée sur l'ensemble de la couverture satellitaire afin de procéder à la caractérisation des composantes forestières des habitats fauniques à répertorier.»--Description du projet.
Gratuit. (Très peu d'exemplaires disponibles.)
ISBN 0-662-81436-3
Numéro de catalogue Fo29-39/57-1996F
Distribution: Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
FRDA Publications: current reference listing. Issued by the Pacific Forestry Centre, Pacific and Yukon Region. Issued under the Canada-British Columbia Partnership Agreement on Forest Resource Development: FRDA II. Victoria, 1996. 54p. 28cm. Spiral binding. (PFC 4016)
"This reference catalog of Forest Resource Development Agreement (FRDA) publications is updated on a regular basis. It is organized by category, year of publication and document type. For your convenience, the most recent publications are listed first."--Contents.
Available from the Canadian Forest Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria, British Columbia V8Z 1M5. Telephone: (604) 363-0600; Fax: (604) 363-0775.
ISBN 0-662-25051-6
Catalogue Number Fo42-83/5-1996E
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Mining Sector
- Production of Canada's leading minerals. Monthly. Ottawa. Tables. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Production des principaux minéraux du Canada. ISSN 0709-292X
96-7, July, 1996. 7p.
Catalogue Number M35-1/96-7
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Port of Montreal
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Portinfo. Three times a year. Montreal. Coloured illus. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Portinfo. ISSN 0847-916X
Available from the Port of Montreal, Communications Department, Port of Montreal Building, CitÅ du Havre, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3R5. Telephone: (514) 283-7011; Fax: (514) 283-0829.
Vol. 18, No. 2, August, 1996. 19p.
Catalogue Number CC383-1/18-2
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Government business opportunities. 3 times a week. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics. ISSN 0840-870X
No. 546, September 16, 1996. 70p.
$4.95 per copy. $525 per year. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. per copy. $682.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1996-09-16
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Government business opportunities. 3 times a week. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics. ISSN 0840-870X
No. 547, September 18, 1996. 62p.
$4.95 per copy. $525 per year. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. per copy. $682.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1996-09-18
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Government business opportunities. 3 times a week. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics. ISSN 0840-870X
No. 548, September 20, 1996. 71p.
$4.95 per copy. $525 per year. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. per copy. $682.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1996-09-20
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Queen's Printer
- Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Gazette du Canada, partie I. ISSN 0045-4192
Vol. 130, No. 38, September 21, 1996.
$2.95 per copy. $135 per year. (Canada)
$3.85 U.S. per copy. $175.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-1/130-38
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Canada gazette, part II. Statutory instruments. Every two weeks. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Gazette du Canada, partie II. Textes réglementaires. ISSN 0045-4206
Vol. 130, No. 19, September 18, 1996.
$3.50 per copy. $67.50 per year. (Canada)
$4.95 U.S. per copy. $87.75 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-2/130-19
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Transport Canada
- Canadian airworthiness directives. Issued by Aviation Regulation. Ottawa, 1990--. 28cm. Loose-leaf. (TP 9856E)
Monthly supplement, July-August, 1996.
$4.95 per copy. Available by standing order. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. per copy. Available by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number T51-2/3-96-08E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Consignes de navigabilité canadiennes. Publié par Réglementation aérienne. Ottawa, 1990--. 28cm. Feuilles mobiles. (TP 9856F)
Supplément mensuel, juillet-août 1996.
4,95 $ l'exemplaire. Disponible par commande permanente. (Canada)
6,45 $ US l'exemplaire. Disponible par commande permanente. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue T51-2/3-96-08F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par GCC. - Canadian civil aircraft register. Issued by the Aeronautical Licensing and Inspection Branch. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. (TP 220) ISSN 0527-6497
Titles of volumes are not given in the fiche edition.
Vol. 1.--Alphabetical listing by aircraft registration mark. July 31, 1996. Title in French: Liste alphabétique des marques d'immatriculation d'aéronefs. 10 fiches
$8.25 per copy. $98 per year. (Canada)
$10.70 U.S. per copy. $127.40 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number T51-7/96-07-1-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Canadian civil aircraft register. Issued by the Aeronautical Licensing and Inspection Branch. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. (TP 220) ISSN 0527-6497
Titles of volumes are not given in the fiche edition.
Vol.2.--Alphabetical listing by aircraft type. July 31, 1996. Title in French: Liste alphabétique de types d'aéronefs. 10 fiches.
$8.25 per copy. $98 per year. (Canada)
$10.70 U.S. per copy. $127.40 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number T51-7/96-07-2-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NEW MAILING LIST
Your attention is drawn to the following publication which appears for the first time in this issue of the Weekly Checklist.
If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX: at (819) 956-6341, INTERNET at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Publishing Division, Canada Communication Group, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, room B-1001, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9 and quote your depository library number and your client number.
If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order. Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
Airworthiness manual. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. (TP 6197E)
Chapter 541.--Airworthiness standards: airships. 1996--.
$4.95 base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. base volume. Amendments by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number T51-13/541-1996E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - NOUVELLE LISTE D'ENVOI
La publication suivante paraît pour la première fois dans la Liste hebdomadaire.
Si vous désirez ajouter votre nom à la liste de distribution, veuillez en faire la demande par TÉLÉCOPIEUR au (819) 956-6341, INTERNET au ou par écrit au Programme de dépôt, Division de l'Édition, Groupe Communication Canada, 45, boul. Sacré-Coeur, pièce B-1001, Hull (Québec) K1A 0S9, en mentionnant votre numéro de bibliothèque de dépôt et votre numéro de client.
Si vous voulez recevoir le numéro mentionné ci-dessous, veuillez l'indiquer dans votre commande. Les bibliothèques de dépôt universel recevront d'office cette publication.
Manuel de navigabilité. Ottawa. 28cm. Feuilles mobiles. (TP 6197F)
Chapitre 541.--Normes de navigabilité applicable aux dirigeables. 1996--.
4,95 $ le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Canada)
6,45 $ US le volume de base. Modifications par commande permanente. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue T51-13/541-1996F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par GCC.
Treasury Board
- Directory of federal government enquiry points, 1995-1996. Issued by the Secretariat. Ottawa, 1996. English text, iii, 77p. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Répertoire des centres fédéraux de demande de renseignements, 1995-1996. ISSN 1205-5166
"Lists addresses and phone numbers for almost 200 national offices of federal departments and agencies.... Most entries include general enquiry and fax numbers."--Introduction.
For non-depositories available from the Distribution Centre, Treasury Board of Canada, 300 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa K1A 0G5. Telephone: (613) 995-2855; Fax: (613) 996-0518.
ISBN 0-662-62354-1
Catalogue Number BT51-3/15-1996
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Sold by CCG.
Statistics Canada
Depositories should order their "Occasionals" (marked with the one-dot symbol) through the Checklist order form. These orders are communicated to Statistics Canada immediately and are filled there. Claims and requests to be added to mailing lists for Statistics Canada publications should be addressed to: Publications Sales and Services, Main Building, Statistics Canada, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Telephone: (613) 951-7277; Fax: (613) 951-1584.
Title in French:
- The class of 86 revisited: a compendium of findings of the 1991 follow-up of 1986 graduates survey with comparisons to the 1988 National Graduates Survey, by Lynn Barr-Telford et al., Education, Culture and Tourism Division. Issued jointly with Human Resources Development. Ottawa, 1996. ix, 128p. Graphs, references, tables. 28cm. Paper bound.
Cover title: The class of 86 revisited (a compendium of findings).
Contents: Highlights.--Introduction.--1986 graduate in the labour market.--The earnings of 1986 graduates.--Education/job relationship, underemployment, work experience and job satisfaction.--Studies after graduation.--Appendix A: Methodology.--Appendix B: Tables with selected characteristics of 1986 graduates.--Appendix C: List of supplementary tables.
ISBN 0-662-25050-8
Catalogue Number CS81-577/1996E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - La promotion de 1986: second regard: compendium des résultats du suivi de 1991 relativement à l'enquête menée auprès des diplômés de 1986 et comparaison avec l'Enquête nationale auprès des diplômes de 1988, par Lynn Barr-Telford et al., Division de l'éducation, de la culture et du tourisme. Publié conjointement avec Développement des ressources humaines. Ottawa, 1996. x, 142p. Graphiques, références, tableaux. 28cm. Cartonné.
Titre de la couverture: La promotion de 1986: second regard (compendium des résultats).
Sommaire: Faits saillants.--Introduction.--Les diplômés de 1986 sur le marché du travail.--Le revenu des diplômes de 1986.--Correspondance entre l'emploi et la formation, sous-emploi, expérience de travail et satisfaction à l'égard de l'emploi.--Études poursuivies après l'obtention d'un diplôme.--Annexe A: Méthodologie.--Annexe B: Tableaux avec certaines caractéristiques des diplômés de 1986.--Annexe C: Liste des tableaux supplémentaires.
ISBN 0-662-81548-3
Numéro de catalogue CS81-577/1996F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
- National income and expenditure accounts: annual estimates, 1984-1995. Annual. Ottawa, 1996. 146p. Tables. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. (System of National Accounts) Title in French: Comptes nationaux des revenus et dépenses: estimations annuelles, 1984-1995. ISSN 0703-0037
$40 per copy. (Canada)
$48 U.S. per copy (United States). $56 U.S. per copy (other countries).
Catalogue Number CS13-201/1995
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Periodic releases
- Infomat: a weekly review. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0547
September 20, 1996. 11p.
$4 per copy. $140 per year. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. $168 U.S. per year. (United States)
$5 U.S. per copy. $196 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-002E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Infomat: revue hebdomadaire. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0563
Le 20 septembre 1996. 11p.
4 $ l'exemplaire. 140 $ par année. (Canada)
5 $ US l'exemplaire. 168 $ US par année. (États-Unis)
5 $ US l'exemplaire. 196 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue CS11-002F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Canadian economic observer. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: L'observateur économique canadien. ISSN 0835-9148
Vol. 9, No. 9, September, 1996.
Accompanied by Canadian economic observer: statistical summary: September, 1996. (73p. Tables. 22x28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual.)
$22 per copy. $220 per year. (Canada)
$27 U.S. per copy. $264 U.S. per year. (United States)
$31 U.S. per copy. $308 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-010
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - National tourism indicators: quarterly estimates. Quarterly. Issued jointly with the Canadian Tourism Commission. Ottawa. 28cm. Spiral binding. Bilingual. (System of National Accounts.) Title in French: Indicateurs nationaux du tourisme: estimations trimestrielles. ISSN 1205-8467
Second quarter, 1996. 19p.
$21 per copy. $70 per year. (Canada)
$21 U.S. per copy. $70 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS13-009
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Gross domestic product by industry (at 1986 prices). Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. (System of National Accounts.) Title in French: Produit intérieur brut par industrie (aux prix de 1986). ISSN 0711-852X
Vol. 10, No. 6, June, 1996. 199p.
$14 per copy. $140 per year. (Canada)
$17 U.S. per copy. $168 U.S. per year. (United States)
$20 U.S. per copy. $196 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS15-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Monthly survey of manufacturing. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Enquête mensuelle sur les industries manufacturières. ISSN 0840-8238
Vol. 50, No. 7, July, 1996. 21p.
$19 per copy. $190 per year. (Canada)
$23 U.S. per copy. $228 U.S. per year. (United States)
$27 U.S. per copy. $266 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS31-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Oils and fats. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Huiles et corps gras. ISSN 0527-5911
Vol. 47, No. 7, July, 1996. 3p.
$6 per copy. $60 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $72 U.S. per year. (United States)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS32-006
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Particleboard, waferboard and fibreboard. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Panneaux agglomérés, gaufrés et de fibres. ISSN 1180-5099
Vol. 32, No. 7, July, 1996. 4p.
$6 per copy. $60 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $72 U.S. per year. (United States)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS36-003
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Production et livraisons de tuyaux et tubes en acier. ISSN 0835-5797
Vol. 20, No. 7, July, 1996. 4p.
$6 per copy. $60 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $72 U.S. per year. (United States)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS41-011
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Refined petroleum products. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Produits pétroliers raffinés. ISSN 0380-8629
SIC 3611, 5111.
Vol. 51, No. 6, June, 1996. 79p.
$20 per copy. $200 per year. (Canada)
$24 U.S. per copy. $240 U.S. per year. (United States)
$28 U.S. per copy. $280 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS45-004
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Railway carloadings. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Chargements ferroviaires. ISSN 0380-6308
Vol. 73, No. 7, July, 1996. 8p.
$10 per copy. $100 per year. (Canada)
$12 U.S. per copy. $120 U.S. per year. (United States)
$14 U.S. per copy. $140 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS52-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Oil pipe line transport. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Transport du pétrole par pipe-lines. ISSN 0380-4615
SIC 4612.
Vol. 46, No. 6, June, 1996. 21p.
$11 per copy. $110 per year. (Canada)
$14 U.S. per copy. $132 U.S. per year. (United States)
$16 U.S. per copy. $154 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS55-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Industry price indexes. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Indices des prix de l'industrie. ISSN 0700-2033
Vol. 22, No. 7, July, 1996. 70p.
$21 per copy. $210 per year. (Canada)
$26 U.S. per copy. $252 U.S. per year. (United States)
$30 U.S. per copy. $294 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS62-011
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - New motor vehicle sales. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Ventes de véhicules automobiles neufs. ISSN 0705-5595
Vol. 68, No. 7, July, 1996. 22p.
$16 per copy. $160 per year. (Canada)
$20 U.S. per copy. $192 U.S. per year. (United States)
$23 U.S. per copy. $224 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS63-007
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Building permits. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Title in French: Permis de bâtir. ISSN 0318-8809
Vol. 40, No. 6. 2 fiches.
$25 per copy. $135 per year. (Canada)
$30 U.S. per copy. $162 U.S. per year. (United States)
$35 U.S. per copy. $189 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS64-001-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Touriscope: international travel -- advance information. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Touriscope: voyages internationaux -- renseignements préliminaires. ISSN 0705-5269
Vol. 12, No. 7, July, 1996. 4p.
$7 per copy. $70 per year. (Canada)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (United States)
$10 U.S. per copy. $98 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS66-001P
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Canada's balance of international payments. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. (System of National Accounts.) Title in French: Balance des paiements internationaux du Canada. ISSN 0847-074X
Vol. 44, No. 2, second quarter, 1996. 73p.
$36 per copy. $120 per year. (Canada)
$44 U.S. per copy. $144 U.S. per year. (United States)
$51 U.S. per copy. $168 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS67-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Employment, earnings and hours. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Emploi, gains et durée du travail. ISSN 0380-6936
Vol. 74, No. 6, June, 1996. 139p.
$31 per copy. $310 per year. (Canada)
$38 U.S. per copy. $372 U.S. per year. (United States)
$44 U.S. per copy. $434 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS72-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
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