ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 99-30
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99-30 (July 30, 1999)
All URLs listed were available through the Internet on July 30, 1999.
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Table of Contents
- Departmental Publications
- Statistics Canada Publications
Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Human rights forum.Ottawa, 1997. English text, 14p. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Forum des droit de la personne.
Contents: Hate and Internet.--Internet access: right or privilege for women?--The Internet: a window on the world for people with disabilities?--Human rights information and educational materials on the Internet: finding the needle in the haystack.--Activities of the Commission.
Previously published as a periodical (Summer/Fall 97, vol. 7, no.1).
N.B.: Incorrect catalogue number (HR40-1/Vol. 7, Issues 1.) printed in this publication.
For non-depositories, available from the Canadian Human Rights Commission, 344 Slater Street, 8th Floor, Ottawa K1A 1E1. Telephone: 1-888-214-1090 or (613) 995-1151; Fax: (613) 996-9661; TTY: 1-888-643-3304.
Out of print.
ISBN 0-662-64295-3
Catalogue Number HR21-52/1997
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
CRTC broadcasting decisions, notices, notices of public hearing, circulars and news releases. Semi-weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis, avis d'audience publique, circulaires et communiqués en matière de radiodiffusion.
Reprints of decisions and notices of the CRTC published in the Canada gazette, part I.
Vol. 14, No. 23.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$6.50 per issue. $575 per year. (Canada)
$6.50 U.S. per issue. $575 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-12/14-23
Distribution: Sold by CGP. - CRTC telecom decisions, public notices and news releases. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis publics et communiqués du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Vol. 7, No. 9.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$9 per issue. $400 per year. (Canada)
$9 U.S. per issue. $400 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-13/7-9
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Canadian Coast Guard
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Research and development plan, 1999-2000.Ottawa, 1997. 146p. Tables. 28cm. Spiral binding. Bilingual. Title in French: Recherche et développement, plan 1999-2000.
"At this time, Coast Guard has as its highest overall priority the development of a new orientation to the marine highway, which is focused on using information-based services. A second major themes is the promotion of sustainable transportation, involving a focus on minimizing the marine footprint of the world's oceans. Traditional priorities, which include safety of life, operational efficiency, and support to the domestic marine industry also, remain strong."--Page ix.
For non-depositories, available from the Communication Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 200 Kent street, 13th Floor, Station Number 13228, Ottawa K1A 0E6. Telephone: (613) 993-1516; TTD: (613) 941-6517; Fax: (613) 990-1866.
ISBN 0-662-64377-1
Catalogue Number T31-83/2000
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Notice to depositories
The following publication is a corrected version of a treaty that was listed in Weekly Checklist 1992, No. 5, January 31, 1992. It is being listed so that depositories may obtain a replacement for the copy issued in 1992.
Full depositories have already received their copy of this publication.
Treaty series. Ottawa. 25cm Softcover. Bilingual.
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments. Moscow, November 20, 1989. In force June 27, 1991. Bilingual.
1991/31.--Investment protection: Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments. Moscow, November 20, 1989. In force June 27, 1991. Title in French: Protection des investissements: Accord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques sur l'encouragement et la protection réciproque des investissements. 1992. 18p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: 1-800-635-7943 or (819) 956-4800; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 or (819) 994-1498; Email: WWW:
$4.25 per copy. (Canada)
$4.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
ISBN 0-660-57099-8
Catalogue Number E3-1991/31
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Sold by CGP.
Industry Canada
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- The Patent Office record. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: La gazette du Bureau des brevets. ISSN 0008-4670
Vol. 127, No. 30, July 27, 1999. 164p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2.75 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$2.75 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-1/127-30
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Trade marks journal. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Journal des marques de commerce. ISSN 0041-0438
Vol. 46, No. 2335, July 28, 1999. 105p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$3 per copy. $150 per year. (Canada)
$3 U.S. per copy. $150 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-2/46-2335
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Corporations Directorate
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
Internet (WWW).
May, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-5E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Bulletin des sociétés canadiennes. Mensuel. Ottawa. HTML.
Internet (WWW).
Mai, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-5F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
June, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-6E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Juin, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-6F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
July, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-7E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Juillet, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-7F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
August, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-8E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Août, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-8F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
September, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-9E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Septembre, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-9F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
October, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-10E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Octobre, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-10F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
November, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-11E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Novembre, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-11F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
December, 1998.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1998-12E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Décembre, 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1998-12F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
January, 1999.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1999-1E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Janvier, 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1999-1F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
February, 1999.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1999-2E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Février 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1999-2F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
March, 1999.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1999-3E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Mars, 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1999-3F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
April, 1999.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1999-4E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Avril, 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1999-4F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
May, 1999.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1999-5E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Mai, 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1999-5F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
June, 1999.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1999-6E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Juin, 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1999-6F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Ottawa. HTML.
July, 1999.
For non-depositories available from the Corporations Directorate, 9th Floor, Jean Edmonds Towers South, 365 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Telephone: (613) 941-7636; Fax: (613) 941-0999; E-mail:
$225 per year.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/1999-7E-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication n'est pas publiée en version imprimée. Elle est disponible seulement par le biais de l'Internet.
Juillet, 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction générale des Corporations, 9e étage, Tour Jean Edmonds Sud, 365, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8. Téléphone: (613) 941-7636; Télécopieur: (613) 941-0999; Courrier électronique:
225 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue RG36-1/1999-7F-IN Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Government business opportunities: a listing of potential government contracts for businesses of all sizes, everywhere. 2 times a week. Published by Cebra Inc. Toronto. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics: ISSN 0840-870X
Logo on cover: MERX: Canada's Electronic Tendering Service.
No. 892, July 23, 1999. 51p.
For non-depositories available from Cebra Inc., 55 Bloor Street West, 8th floor, Toronto, Ontario M4W 5N5. Telephone: 1-800-964-6379; Fax: 1-888-235-5800.
$425 per year. (Canada)
$580 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1999-07-23
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Statistics Canada
Depositories should order their "Occasionals" (marked with the one-dot symbol) through the Checklist order form. These orders are communicated to Statistics Canada immediately and are filled there. Claims and requests to be added to mailing lists for Statistics Canada publications should be addressed to: Circulation Management, Statistics Canada, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Jean Talon Building--2D7, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Telephone: (613) 951-7277; Fax: (613) 951-1584.
Title in French:
- Income after tax, distributions by size in Canada, 1997. Annual. Ottawa, 1999. 122p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Revenu après impôt, répartition selon la taille du revenu au Canada, 1997. ISSN 0319-0374
$31 per copy. (Canada)
$31 U.S. per copy (Other countries).
Catalogue Number CS13-210/1997
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, fiscal year ended March 31, 1997. Annual. Ottawa, 1998. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Le contrôle et la vente des boissons alcooliques au Canada, exercice financier clos le 31 mars 1997. ISSN 1481-0859
Internet (WWW).
$29 per copy.
Catalogue Number CS63-202/1997-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, fiscal year ended March 31, 1998. Annual. Ottawa, 1999. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Le contrôle et la vente des boissons alcooliques au Canada, exercice financier clos le 31 mars 1998. ISSN 1481-0859
Internet (WWW).
$29 per copy.
Catalogue Number CS63-202/1998-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Canada's international transactions in services, 1998. Annual. Ottawa, 1999. 145p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Les transactions internationales de services du Canada, 1998. ISSN 0840-5859
$37 per copy. (Canada)
$37 U. S. per copy. (Other countries).
Catalogue Number CS67-203/1998
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Periodic releases
- Infomat: a weekly review. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0547
July 30, 1999. 11p.
$4 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$4 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-002E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Infomat: revue hebdomadaire. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0563
Le 30 juillet 1999.
4 $ l'exemplaire. 145 $ par année. (Canada)
4 $ US l'exemplaire. 145 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue CS11-002F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - National income and expenditure accounts: quarterly estimates. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Comptes nationaux des revenus et dépenses: estimations trimestrielles. ISSN 0318-708X
Vol. 47, No. 1, first quarter, 1999. 114p.
$44 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$44 U.S. per copy. $145 per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS13-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Gross domestic product by industry (at 1992 prices). Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Produit intérieur brut par industrie (aux prix de 1992). ISSN 0711-852X
Vol. 13, No. 4, April, 1999. 39p. Graphs, tables.
$15 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$15 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS15-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Supply and disposition of crude oil and natural gas. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Approvisionnement et disposition du pétrole brut et du gaz naturel. ISSN 1488-4771
SIC 071.
Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1999. 46p.
$19 per copy. $186 per year. (Canada)
$19 U.S. per copy. $186 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS26-006
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Oils and fats. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Huiles et corps gras. ISSN 1481-4579
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 50, No. 4, April, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS32-006-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Oils and fats. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Huiles et corps gras. ISSN 1481-4579
Vol. 50, No. 5, May, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS32-006-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Construction type plywood. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Contre-plaqués de construction. ISSN 1480-8668
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 47, No. 4, April, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS35-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Construction type plywood. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Contre-plaqués de construction. ISSN 1480-8668
Vol. 47, No. 5, May, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS35-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Particleboard, oriented strandboard and fibreboard. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Panneaux de particules, de lamelles orientées et de fibres. ISSN 1481-5257
Internet (WWW)
Vol. 35, No. 4, April, 1999.
$7 per copy. $62 per year.
Catalogue Number CS36-003-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Particleboard, oriented strandboard and fibreboard. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Panneaux de particules, de lamelles orientées et de fibres. ISSN 1481-5257
Vol. 35, No. 5, May, 1999.
$7 per copy. $62 per year.
Catalogue Number CS36-003-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Primary iron and steel. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Fer et acier primaire. ISSN 1481-5338
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 54, No. 4, April, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS41-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Primary iron and steel. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Fer et acier primaire. ISSN 1481-5338
Vol. 54, No. 5, May, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS41-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Steel wire and specified wire products. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Fil d'acier et certains produits de fil métallique. ISSN 1481-5265
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 54, No. 4, April, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS41-006-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Steel wire and specified wire products. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Fil d'acier et certains produits de fil métallique. ISSN 1481-5265
Vol. 54, No. 5, May, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS41-006-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Electric lamps (light bulbs and tubes). Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Lampes électriques (ampoules et tubes). ISSN 1481-5303
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 28, No. 5, May, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS43-009-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Electric lamps (light bulbs and tubes). Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Lampes électriques (ampoules et tubes). ISSN 1481-5303
Vol. 28, No. 6, June, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS43-009-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Cement. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Ciment. ISSN 1481-5311
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS44-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Cement. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Ciment. ISSN 1481-5311
Vol. 51, No. 5, May, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS44-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Mineral wool including fibrous glass insulation. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Laine minérale y compris les isolants en fibre de verre. ISSN 1481-532X
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 51, No. 5, May, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS44-004-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Mineral wool including fibrous glass insulation. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Laine minérale y compris les isolants en fibre de verre. ISSN 1481-532X
Vol. 51, No. 6, June, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS44-004-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Natural gas transportation and distribution. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Transport et distribution du gaz. ISSN 1488-4755
SIC 4611, 4921.
Vol. 41, No. 4, April, 1999. 26p.
$17 per copy. $165 per year. (Canada)
$17 U.S. per copy. $165 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS55-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Quarterly report on energy supply-demand in Canada. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Bulletin trimestriel -- disponibilité et écoulement d'énergie au Canada. ISSN 0702-0465
Vol. 23, No. 1, 1998-I. 110p.
$43 per copy. $141 per year. (Canada)
$43 U.S. per copy. $141 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS57-003
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Quarterly report on energy supply-demand in Canada. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Bulletin trimestriel -- disponibilité et écoulement d'énergie au Canada. ISSN 0702-0465
Vol. 23, No. 2, 1998-II. 170p.
$43 per copy. $141 per year. (Canada)
$43 U.S. per copy. $141 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS57-003
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Farm input price index. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Indice des prix des entrées dans l'agriculture. ISSN 0383-4875
Vol. 55, No. 1, first quarter, 1999. 64p.
$25 per copy. $83 per year. (Canada)
$25 U.S. per copy. $83 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS62-004
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Construction price statistics. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistiques des prix de la construction. ISSN 0833-238X
Vol. 15, No. 1, first quarter, 1999. 69p.
$24 per copy. $79 per year. (Canada)
$24 U.S. per copy. $79 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS62-007
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Retail trade. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Commerce de détail. ISSN 0380-6146
Vol. 71, No. 5, May, 1999. 35p.
$21 per copy. $206 per year. (Canada)
$21 U.S. per copy. $206 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS63-005
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
New motor vehicle sales. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Ventes de véhicules automobiles neufs. ISSN 1209-1146
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 71, No. 3, March, 1999.
$13 per copy. $124 per year.
Catalogue Number CS63-007-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
New motor vehicle sales. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Ventes de véhicules automobiles neufs. ISSN 1209-1146
Vol. 71, No. 4, April, 1999.
$13 per copy. $124 per year.
Catalogue Number CS63-007-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
New motor vehicle sales. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Ventes de véhicules automobiles neufs. ISSN 1209-1146
Vol. 71, No. 5, May, 1999.
$13 per copy. $124 per year.
Catalogue Number CS63-007-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Wholesale trade. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Commerce de gros. ISSN 1480-7467
Vol. 62, No. 4, April, 1999.
$14 per copy. $140 per year.
Catalogue Number CS63-008-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Wholesale trade. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Commerce de gros. ISSN 1480-7467
Vol. 62, No. 5, May, 1999.
$14 per copy. $140 per year.
Catalogue Number CS63-008-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Building permits. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Permis de bâtir. ISSN 1480-7475
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 43, No. 4, April, 1999.
$19 per copy. $186 per year.
Catalogue Number CS64-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Building permits. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Permis de bâtir. ISSN 1480-7475
Vol. 43, No. 5, May, 1999.
$19 per copy. $186 per year.
Catalogue Number CS64-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Canada's international transactions in securities. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Opérations internationales du Canada en valeurs mobilières. ISSN 1183-4315
Vol. 65, No. 5, May, 1999. 56p. Graphs, tables.
$18 per copy. $176 per year. (Canada)
$18 U.S. per copy. $176 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS67-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Education quarterly review. Quarterly. Issued by Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Revue trimestrielle de l'éducation. ISSN 1195-2261
Vol. 5, No. 4, 1999. 100p. Graphs, references, tables.
$21 per copy. $68 per year. (Canada)
$21 U.S. per copy. $68 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS81-003
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
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