ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 99-42
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99-42 (October 22, 1999)
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Table of Contents
- Parliamentary Publications
- Departmental Publications
- Atomic Energy Control Board
- Canada Industrial Relations Board
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Health Canada
- Human Resources Development Canada
- Industry Canada
- National Library
- Natural Resources Canada
- Public Service Commission
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Standards Council of Canada
- The Leadership Network
- Treasury Board
- Statistics Canada Publications
- Debates of the Senate, official report. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 138, Nos. 1-3, October 12-14, 1999.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$245 per year. (Canada)
$245 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number Y3-362E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Débats du Sénat, compte rendu officiel. Quotidien. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 138, nos 1-3, 12-14 octobre 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès d'Éditions de gouvernement du Canada, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Téléphone: (819) 956-4800; Télécopieur: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
245 $ par année. (Canada)
245 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue Y3-362F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par EGC. - Journals of the Senate. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Journaux du Sénat.
Nos. 1-3, October 12-14, 1999.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$275 per year. (Canada)
$275 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number Y4-362
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
House of Commons
- Journals. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Journaux.
Nos. 243B-243C, September 14-18, 1999.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$230 per year. (Canada)
$230 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X2-361/243C
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - House of Commons debates, official report. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 136, Nos. 1-7, October 12-20, 1999.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$625 per year. (Canada)
$625 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X3-362E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Débats de la Chambre des communes, compte rendu officiel. Quotidien. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 136, nos 1-7, 12-20 octobre 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès d'Éditions du gouvernement du Canada, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Téléphone: (819) 956-4800; Télécopieur: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
625 $ par année. (Canada)
625 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue X3-362F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par EGC. - Order paper and notice paper. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Feuilleton et feuilleton des avis.
Nos. 1-8, October 13-21, 1999.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$535 per year. (Canada)
$535 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X4-362
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
- Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual. Title in French:
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2100 per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Canada)
$2100 U.S. per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-2.--Canada Elections Act. (An Act respecting the election of members to the House of Commons, repealing other Acts relating to elections and making consequential amendments to other Acts.) (The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.) Title in French: Loi électorale du Canada. First reading, October 14, 1999. 254p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: cover-E.html
$32 per copy. (Canada)
$32 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-2/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-3.--Youth Criminal Justice Act. (An Act in respect of criminal justice for young persons and to amend and repeal other Acts.) (The Minister of Justice.) Title in French: Lois sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents. First reading, October 14, 1999. 163p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: cover-E.html
$28 per copy. (Canada)
$28 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-3/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-201.--An Act to amend the Competition Act (protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail). (Mr. McTeague.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur la concurrence (protection des acquéreurs de produits de fournisseurs intégrés qui leur font concurrence sur le marché de détail). First reading, October 14, 1999. 2p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 01_cover-E.html
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-201/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-202.--An Act to amend the Criminal Code (flight). (Mr. McTeague.) Title in French: Loi modifiant le Code criminel (fuite). First reading, October 14, 1999. 3p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 02_cover-E.html
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-202/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-203.--An Act to amend the Auditor General Act (Poverty Commissioner). (Ms. Gagnon.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur le vérificateur général (commissaire à la pauvreté). First reading, October 14, 1999. 4p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 03_cover-E.html
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-203/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-204.--An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (parental benefits). (Mr. Szabo.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'assurance-emploi (prestations parentales). First reading, October 14, 1999. 2p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 04_cover-E.html
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-204/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-205.--An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (deduction of expenses incurred by a mechanic for tools required in employment). (Mr. Guimond.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (déduction des dépenses engagées par un mécanicien pour la fourniture d'outils nécessaires à son emploi). First reading, October 14, 1999. 2p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 05_cover-E.html
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-205/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-206.--An Act to amend the Access to Information Act and to make amendments to other Acts. (Mr. Bryden) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et d'autres lois en conséquence. First reading, October 14, 1999. 14p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 06_cover-E.html
$10 per copy. (Canada)
$10 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-206/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-207.--An Act to amend the Criminal Code to prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person's religion or belief that human life is inviolable. (Mr. Vellacott.) Title in French: Loi modifiant le Code criminel afin d'interdire la coercition contre une personne à l'égard des actes médicaux qui sont contraires à sa religion ou à sa croyance au caractère inviolable de la vie humaine. First reading, October 14, 1999. 4p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 07_cover-E.html
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-207/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 2nd session, 36th parliament, 48 Elizabeth II, 1999. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-208.--An Act to amend the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act. (Mr. Hanger.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur la responsabilité civile de l'État et le contentieux administratif. First reading, October 14, 1999. 2p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 08_cover-E.html
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB362-208/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Atomic Energy Control Board
- AECB annual report, 1998-99: nuclear safety. Ottawa, 1999. ii, 69p. Illus., tables. 28cm. Softcover.
For non-depositories, available from the Communications Division, Atomic Energy Control Board, 280 Slater Street, P.O. Box 1046, Station B, Ottawa K1P 5S9. Telephone: 1-800-668-5284 or (613) 995-5894; Fax: (613) 992-2915; Internet e-mail:
ISBN 0-662-27965-4
Catalogue Number CC171-1999E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canada Industrial Relations Board
- Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed. Bilingual.
Decision no. 11.--Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, complainant, and Canadian Media Guild, respondent. Title in French: Société Radio-Canada, plaignante, et Guilde canadienne des médias, intimée. April 28, 1999. 2p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
Catalogue Number LR12-2/1-11-1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed. Bilingual.
Decision no. 23.--Aéroports de Montréal, applicant, and Public Service Alliance of Canada, respondent. Title in French: Aéroports de Montréal, requérante, et Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada, intimée. June 30, 1999. 13p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$5 per copy. $250 per year. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. $250 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number LR12-2/1-23
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
CRTC broadcasting decisions, notices, notices of public hearing, circulars and news releases. Semi-weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis, avis d'audience publique, circulaires et communiqués en matière de radiodiffusion.
Reprints of decisions and notices of the CRTC published in the Canada gazette, part I.
Vol. 14, Nos. 44-45.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$6.50 per issue. $575 per year. (Canada)
$6.50 U.S. per issue. $575 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-12/14-45
Distribution: Sold by CGP. - CRTC telecom decisions, public notices and news releases. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis publics et communiqués du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Vol. 7, No. 20.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$9 per issue. $400 per year. (Canada)
$9 U.S. per issue. $400 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-13/7-20
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - CRTC telecom decisions, public notices and news releases. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis publics et communiqués du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Vol. 7, No. 21.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$9 per issue. $400 per year. (Canada)
$9 U.S. per issue. $400 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-13/7-21
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Treaty series. Ottawa. 25cm. Softcover. Bilingual.
1999/11.--Culture: Film and Television Co-production Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Finland (with Annex). Stockholm, March 31, 1998. In force April 1, 1999. Title in French: Culture: Accord de coproduction cinématographique et télévisuelle entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de la République de Finlande (avec Annexe). 1999. 17p.
For non-depositories available from Public Works and Government Services Canada, Publishing, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$4.95 per copy. (Canada)
$4.95 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
ISBN 0-660-60936-3
Catalogue Number E3-1999/11
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Sold by CGP. - CanadExport. Twice a month. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 0823-3330
Vol. 17, No. 17, October 15, 1999. 15p.
For non-depositories, available from Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Telephone: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000. Fax: (613) 996-9709; Internet e-mail:
Catalogue Number E12-9/17-17E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - CanadExport. Deux fois par mois. Ottawa. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 0823-3349
Vol. 17, nº 17, le 15 octobre 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, InfoCentre (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709; Courrier électronique (Internet):
Numéro de catalogue E12-9/17-17F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Trade and Economic Analysis Division
- Avis aux dépositaires:
La publication suivante est distribuée uniquement aux bibliothèques de dépôt UNIVERSEL dû à un tirage restreint.
Document d'analyse commerciale et économique. Ottawa. 28cm. Couverture souple. (Summary in English).
98/01.--Explication de la croissance des exportations canadiennes de 1983 à 1997, par Shenjie Chen et Prakash Sharma. 1998.
«Le présent rapport évalue l'incidence sur les résultats du Canada à l'exportation de variation intervenues dans des facteurs importants, comme le taux de change réel du dollar canadien (en valeur constante), la croissance du PIB extérieur et la libéralisation du commerce entre 1983 et 1997... Le débat est intense entre les décideurs et les économistes sur l'importance relative des facteurs qui ont contribué à la croissance observée des exportations canadiennes. La question se résume ainsi: une baisse de 1 % du dollar canadien a-t-elle plus ou moins d'incidence sur les exportations canadiennes qu'une augmentation équivalente du PIB réel des États-Unis? Quelle est l'incidence de l'ALE sur les exportations canadiennes?... Le présent document commence par examiner, à la section 2, les principaux facteurs qui ont contribué à la croissance des exportations canadiennes. Puis, à la section 3, sont présentés les résultats d'une estimation économique. Enfin, la section 4 termine le document en résumant les principales conclusions dans le contexte d'un examen politique.»--Pages 1-2.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, InfoCentre (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709; Courrier électronique (Internet):
Gratuit. (Le nombre d'exemplaires est limité.)
Numéro de catalogue E54-19/98-01F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
Because very few copies are available, the following publication is being distributed to full depository libraries only.
Trade and economic policy paper. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. (Résumé en français).
98/02.--An overview: understanding the service sector and trade in service, by Christine Roy. 1998. 61p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.
"This paper attempts to provide some insights into understanding the dynamics of the service sector and trade in services in an increasingly globalized and open world economy, particularly in a Canadian perspective. The study has two main objectives: i) To briefly review the literature addressing some key domestic services and trade in service issues; ii) To provide a statistical review of services (domestic and trade data) for Canada, and in some cases the other G-7 countries. A second objective, based on the analysis of the main objective is to make a contribution towards providing a basis for understanding and approaching future negotiations in trade in services... The paper is divided in two main parts: the significance of services in general (Section 1 and 2) and the significance of trade in services (Section 3, 4, and 5).ý--Pages 3-4.
For non-depositories, available from Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Telephone: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000. Fax: (613) 996-9709; Internet e-mail:
Free. (Limited quantities available.)
Catalogue Number E54-19/98-02E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Health Canada
- Health Canada progress report, 1999. Ottawa, 1999. English text, 8p. Illus. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Rapport d'étape de Santé Canada, 1999.
Contents: Toward a healthy future: the second report on the health of Canadians.--The 1999 Budget.--Enhancing the well-being of Canadians.--Health Canada: managing risks to protect Canadians.--Modernizing the health care system.
For non-depositories, available from Publications Distribution, Health Canada, Communications Branch, Brooke Claxton Building, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Telephone: (613) 954-5995; Fax: (613) 941-5366.
ISBN 0-662-64494-8
Catalogue Number H1-9/12-1999
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Human Resources Development Canada
- The wage settlements bulletin. Monthly. Issued by the Workplace Information Directorate. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 10, No. 10, October, 1999. 6p. Graphs, tables.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$200 per year.
Catalogue Number L12-20/10-10E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Le bulletin des règlements salariaux. Mensuel. Publié par le Direction de l'information sur les milieux de travail. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 10, nº 10, octobre 1999.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès d'Éditions du gouvernement du Canada, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Téléphone: (819) 956-4800; Télécopieur: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
200 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue L12-20/10-10F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par EGC.
Industry Canada
- Interactive business planner: the smart choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Ottawa, 1999. 22cm. Pamphlet. Bilingual. Title in French: Le plan d'affaires interactif:
For non-depositories, available from Distribution Services, Communications Branch, Industry Canada, Room 205D, West Tower, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa K1A 0H5. Telephone: (613) 947-7466; Fax: (613) 954-6436.
ISBN 0-662-64017-9
Catalogue Number C2-400/1999
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Electronic commerce. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 1480-7874
Vol. 1, No. 2. 4p.
For non-depositories, available from Distribution Services, Communications Branch, Industry Canada, Room 205D, West Tower, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa K1A 0H5. Telephone: (613) 947-7466; Fax: (613) 954-6436; Internet e-mail:
Catalogue Number C12-19/1-2E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Commerce électronique. Trimestriel. Ottawa. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 1480-7874
Vol. 1, nº 2.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au Service de distribution, Direction générale des communications, Industrie Canada, Bureau 205D, Tour ouest, 235, rue Queen, Ottawa K1A 0H5. Téléphone: (613) 947-7466; Télécopieur: (613) 954-6436; Courrier électronique:
Numéro de catalogue C12-19/1-2F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- The Patent Office record. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: La gazette du Bureau des brevets. ISSN 0008-4670
Vol. 127, No. 42, October 19, 1999. 109p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2.75 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$2.75 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-1/127-42
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Trade marks journal. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Journal des marques de commerce. ISSN 0041-0438
Vol. 46, No. 2347, October 20, 1999. 250p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$3 per copy. $150 per year. (Canada)
$3 U.S. per copy. $150 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-2/46-2347
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
National Library
- National Library news. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Nouvelles de la Bibliothèque nationale. ISSN 0027-9633
Vol. 31, No. 10, October, 1999. English text, 20p.
For non-depositories available from Marketing and Publishing, National Library of Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0N4. Telephone: (613) 995-7969; Fax: (613) 991-9871; Internet e-mail:
Catalogue Number SN10-1/31-10
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Natural Resources Canada
Minerals and Metals Sector
- Production of Canada's leading minerals. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Production des principaux minéraux du Canada. ISSN 0709-292X
99-8, August, 1999. 8p. Tables.
For non-depositories, available from the Publications Distribution Office, Minerals and Metals Sector, Natural Resources Canada, 580 Booth Street, Ottawa K1A 0E4. Telephone: (613) 943-0555; Fax: (613) 952-7501; E-mail:
Catalogue Number M35-1/1999-8
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Public Service Commission
- Annual report, 1998-99. Ottawa, 1999. English text, 53p. Tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Rapport annuel, 1998-1999.
For non-depositories available from the Public Service Commission of Canada, Headquarters, L'Esplanade Laurier, West Tower, 300 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa K1A 0M7. Telephone: (613) 992-9562; Fax: (613) 995-1593.
ISBN 0-662-64327-5
Catalogue Number SC1-1999
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Government business opportunities: a listing of potential government contracts for businesses of all sizes, everywhere. 2 times a week. Published by Cebra Inc. Toronto. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics: ISSN 0840-870X
Logo on cover: MERX: Canada's Electronic Tendering Service.
No. 916, October 15, 1999. 37p.
For non-depositories available from Cebra Inc., 55 Bloor Street West, 8th floor, Toronto, Ontario M4W 5N5. Telephone: 1-800-964-6379; Fax: 1-888-235-5800.
$425 per year. (Canada)
$580 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1999-10-15
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Government business opportunities: a listing of potential government contracts for businesses of all sizes, everywhere. 2 times a week. Published by Cebra Inc. Toronto. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics: ISSN 0840-870X
No. 917, October 19, 1999. 32p.
For non-depositories available from Cebra Inc., 55 Bloor Street West, 8th floor, Toronto, Ontario M4W 5N5. Telephone: 1-800-964-6379; Fax: 1-888-235-5800.
$425 per year. (Canada)
$580 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1999-10-19
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Queen's Printer
- Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Gazette du Canada, partie I. ISSN 0045-4192
Vol. 133, No. 43, October 23, 1999.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2.95 per copy. $135 per year. (Canada)
$2.95 U.S. per copy. $135 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-1/133-43
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Standards Council of Canada
- Annual report, 1998-1999: providing leadership in standardization. Ottawa, 1999. English text, 29p. Graphs, organization chart, tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Rapport annuel, 1998-1999:
For non-depositories, available from the Standards Council of Canada, 45 O'Connor Street, Suite 1200, Ottawa K1P 6N7. Telephone: (613) 238-3222; Fax (613) 569-7808; E-mail:
ISBN 0-662-64535-9
Catalogue Number P28-5/1999
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
The Leadership Network
- Notice to depositories:
The following publication was previously listed with wrong ordering information in Weekly Checklist 1999, No. 40 (October 8, 1999).
It is being listed now to permit selective depositories to order their copies if they require them.
Full depositories have already received their copies of this publication.
Building on dialogue: leader's kit for managers, supervisors and employees. Ottawa, 1998. 30cm. Kit folder. Title in French: Miser sur le dialogue:
Contents: Renewal in the Public Service of Canada: a virtual showcase of key documents on CD-ROM (CP32-69/1998-MRC).--Tools for Leadership and Learning: building a learning organization (CP32-72/1998E).--Recognizing achievement, fostering pride: summary Report Sub-Committee on Pride and Recognition (CP32-71/1998).--Dialogue on values and ethics: a practical guide (CP32-70/1998).--Valuing our people: summary Report -- workforce of the future (CL4-3/1999E).--Renewal in the Public Service of Canada: sustaining the momentum with The Leadership Network (fact sheet).--The Leadership Network (2 fact sheets + presentation).
For non-depositories, available from Canada Communication Group Inc., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S9. Fax: (819) 779-2833. For urgent orders, call the Order Desk at (819) 779-4341.
ISBN 0-662-63683-X
Catalogue Number CP32-72/1998
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Treasury Board
- Employment statistics for the federal Public Service: April 1, 1998 to March 31, 1999. Ottawa, 1999. English text, x, 90p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Softcover. Title in French: Statistiques sur l'emploi dans la Fonction publique fédérale:
For non-depositories, available from the Distribution Centre, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, L'Esplanade Laurier, West Tower, 300 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa K1A 0R5. Telephone: (613) 995-2855; Fax: (613) 996-0518.
ISBN 0-662-64388-7
Catalogue Number BT22-63/1999
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Official Languages Division
- Notice to depositories:
The following publication was previously listed with wrong ordering information in Weekly Checklist 1999, No. 40 (October 8, 1999).
It is being listed now to permit selective depositories to order their copies if they require them.
Full depositories have already received their copies of this publication.
Official languages: words in deeds: official languages best practices compendium. Ottawa, 1999. English text, 32p. 22cm. Spiral ring binding. Bilingual. Title in French: Les langages officielles: des mots en action:
For non-depositories, available from the Distribution Centre, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Ottawa K1A 0R5. Telephone: (613) 995-2855; Fax: (613) 996-0518.
ISBN 0-662-64469-7
Catalogue Number BT23-2/15-1999
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Statistics Canada
Depositories should order their "Occasionals" (marked with the one-dot symbol) through the Checklist order form. These orders are communicated to Statistics Canada immediately and are filled there. Claims and requests to be added to mailing lists for Statistics Canada publications should be addressed to: Circulation Management, Statistics Canada, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Jean Talon Building--2D7, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Telephone: (613) 951-7277; Fax: (613) 951-1584.
Title in French:
Periodic releases
- Infomat: a weekly review. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0547
October 22, 1999. 10p.
$4 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$4 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-002E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Infomat: revue hebdomadaire. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0563
Le 22 octobre 1999.
4 $ l'exemplaire. 145 $ par année. (Canada)
4 $ US l'exemplaire. 145 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue CS11-002F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Canadian economic observer. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: L'observateur économique canadien. ISSN 0835-9148
Vol. 12, No. 10, October, 1999. 29p. in various pagings.
Accompanied by Canadian economic observer: statistical summary: October 1999. (73p. Tables. 22x28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual.)
$23 per copy. $227 per year. (Canada)
$23 U.S. per copy. $227 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-010
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - National income and expenditure accounts: quarterly estimates. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Comptes nationaux des revenus et dépenses: estimations trimestrielles. ISSN 0318-708X
Vol. 47, No. 2, second quarter, 1999. 111p.
$44 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$44 U.S. per copy. $145 per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS13-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Pulpwood and wood residue statistics. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistiques de bois à pâte et de déchets de bois. ISSN 1481-4560
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 42, No. 8, August, 1999.
$6 per copy. $55 per year.
Catalogue Number CS25-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Construction type plywood. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Contre-plaqués de construction. ISSN 1480-8668
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 47, No. 8, August, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS35-001-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Particleboard, oriented strandboard and fibreboard. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Panneaux de particules, de lamelles orientées et de fibres. ISSN 1481-5257
Internet (WWW)
Vol. 35, No. 8, August, 1999.
$7 per copy. $62 per year.
Catalogue Number CS36-003-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Mineral wool including fibrous glass insulation. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Laine minérale y compris les isolants en fibre de verre. ISSN 1481-532X
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 51, No. 9, September, 1999.
$5 per copy. $47 per year.
Catalogue Number CS44-004-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Telephone statistics. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistique du téléphone. ISSN 1480-8242
Internet (WWW).
Vol. 23, No. 1, first quarter, 1999.
$8 per copy. $70 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $70 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS56-002-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is being published for information only. This publication has not been published in paper format. It is available only through the Internet.
Wholesale trade. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Title in French: Commerce de gros. ISSN 1480-7467
Vol. 62, No. 8, August, 1999.
$14 per copy. $140 per year.
Catalogue Number CS63-008-IN Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Canadian international merchandise trade. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Le commerce international de marchandises du Canada. ISSN 1198-7391
Vol. 53, No. 8, août, 1999. 48p.
$19 per copy. $188 per year. (Canada)
$19 U.S. per copy. $188 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS65-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Touriscope: international travel -- advance information. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Touriscope: voyages internationaux -- renseignements préliminaires. ISSN 0705-5269
Vol. 15, No. 8, August, 1999. 4p.
$8 per copy. $73 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $73 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS66-001P
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Employment, earnings and hours. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Emploi, gains et durée du travail. ISSN 0380-6936
Vol. 77, No. 7, July, 1999. 139p.
$32 per copy. $320 per year. (Canada)
$32 U.S. per copy. $320 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS72-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
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