ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 04-04
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04-04 (January 23, 2004)
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Table of Contents
- Parliamentary Publications
- Departmental Publications
- Bank of Canada
- Canada Industrial Relations Board
- Elections Canada
- Finance Canada
- Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Indian and Northern Affairs
- National Defence
- National Energy Board
- Natural Resources Canada
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
- Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
- Queen's Printer
- Western Economic Diversification
- Statistics Canada Publications
Parliamentary Publications
Separate chapters
Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 2003. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Short title: Statutes of Canada.Chapter 20. --Antarctic environmental protection act. Assented to 20 October, 2003. iii, 39p. Tables. 28cm.
Order Information: Communication Canada, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$14.00 per copy. (Canada).
$14.00 U.S. per copy. (Other countries).
Catalogue Number YX3-2003-20
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 2003. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Short title: Statutes of Canada.Chapter 21. --An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal liability of organizations). Assented to 7 November, 2003. 11p. 28cm.
Order Information: Communication Canada, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$10.00 per copy. (Canada).
$10.00 U.S. per copy. (Other countries).
Catalogue Number YX3-2003-21
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from CGP for non-depositories.
House of Commons
Minutes of proceedings and evidence: 2nd session, 37th Parliament. Irregular. Ottawa. Microfiche.
The microfiche versions of the Evidence and Minutes of Proceedings were grouped into four subject areas based on the name of the committee and each group was given a descriptive title. These subject groupings were developed to allow for greater convenience in the distribution of these products only and the titles given to these groups were not intended to have any bibliographic significance
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader.[No. 5]. --Social and cultural affairs.
Contents: 2nd sess., 37th Parl.: Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources, Standing Committee, reports: 1-7.--Canadian Heritage, Standing Committee, reports: 1-4.--Citizenship and Immigration, Standing Committee, reports: 1-7.--Health, Standing Committee, reports: 1-8.--Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, Standing Committee, reports: 1-5.--Official Languages, Standing Joint Committee, reports: 1-9.--Status of Persons with Disabilities, Sub-Committee, report: 5.--Non-medical Use of Drugs, Special Committee, reports: 1-2.--Non-medical Use of Drugs (Bill C-38), Special Committee, reports: 1-2.
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader
Free. (Available only to depositories).
Catalogue Number XC3-372-1-2003-5E-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. -
Procès-verbaux et témoignages: 2e session, 37e législature. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Microfiche.
Les versions microfiches des Témoignages et Procès-verbal ont été regroupées sous quatre sujets basés sur la nature des comités et on y a assigné un titre descriptif à chacun des ces groupes. Ce regroupement de sujets a été développé afin de faciliter la distribution des produits et des titres seulement et n'est aucunement significatif des données bibliographiques.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis[N° 5]. --Affaires sociales et culturelles.
Sommaire: 2e sess., 37th lég.: Affaires autochtones, développement du Grand Nord et ressources naturelles, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-7.--Patrimoine canadien, Comité permanet, rapports: 1-4.--Citoyenneté et Immigration, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-7.--Santé, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-8.--Développement des ressources humaines et de la condition des personnes handicapées, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-5.--Langues officielles, Comité mixte permanent, rapports: 1-9.--Condition des personnes handicapées, Sous-Comité, rapport: 5.--Consommation non médicale de drogues ou médicaments, Comité spécial, rapports: 1-2.--Consommation non médicale de drogues ou médicaments (projet de loi C-38), Comité spécial.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis
Gratuit. (Disponible seulement aux dépositaires).
Numéro de catalogue XC3-372-1-2003-5F-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Minutes of proceedings and evidence: 2nd session, 37th Parliament. Irregular. Ottawa. Microfiche.
The microfiche versions of the Evidence and Minutes of Proceedings were grouped into four subject areas based on the name of the committee and each group was given a descriptive title. These subject groupings were developed to allow for greater convenience in the distribution of these products only and the titles given to these groups were not intended to have any bibliographic significance
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader.[No. 5]. --Resources and environment.
Contents: 2nd sess., 37th Parl.: Agriculture and Agri-Food, Standing Committee, reports: 1-3.--Environment and Sustainable Development, Standing Committee, reports: 1-2.--Fisheries and Oceans, Standing Committee, reports: 1-7.--Industry, Science and Technology, Standing Committee, reports: 1-5.--Transport, Standing Committee, reports: 1-4.
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader
Free. (Available only to depositories).
Catalogue Number XC3-372-2-2003-5E-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Procès-verbaux et témoignages: 2e session, 37e législature. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Microfiche.
Les versions microfiches des Témoignages et Procès-verbal ont été regroupées sous quatre sujets basés sur la nature des comités et on y a assigné un titre descriptif à chacun des ces groupes. Ce regroupement de sujets a été développé afin de faciliter la distribution des produits et des titres seulement et n'est aucunement significatif des données bibliographiques.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis[N° 5]. --Ressources et environnement.
Sommaire: 2e sess. 37e lég.: Agriculture et Agroalimentaire, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-3.--Environnement et développement durable, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-2.--Pêches et Océans, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-7.--Industrie, sciences et technologie, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-5.--Transports, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-3.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis
Gratuit. (Disponible seulement aux dépositaires).
Numéro de catalogue XC3-372-2-2003-5F-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Minutes of proceedings and evidence: 2nd session, 37th Parliament. Irregular. Ottawa. Microfiche.
The microfiche versions of the Evidence and Minutes of Proceedings were grouped into four subject areas based on the name of the committee and each group was given a descriptive title. These subject groupings were developed to allow for greater convenience in the distribution of these products only and the titles given to these groups were not intended to have any bibliographic significance
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader.[No. 5]. --Finance, external affairs and defence.
Contents: 2nd sess., 37th Parl.: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Standing Committee, reports: 1-12.--Finance, Standing Committee, reports: 1-6.--National Defence and Veterans Affairs, Standing Committee, reports: 1-7.--Public accounts, Standing Committee, reports: 1-26.--Human Rights and International Development, Sub-Committee, report: 1.
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader
Free. (Available only to depositories).
Catalogue Number XC3-372-3-2003-5E-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Procès-verbaux et témoignages: 2e session, 37e législature. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Microfiche.
Les versions microfiches des Témoignages et Procès-verbal ont été regroupées sous quatre sujets basés sur la nature des comités et on y a assigné un titre descriptif à chacun des ces groupes. Ce regroupement de sujets a été développé afin de faciliter la distribution des produits et des titres seulement et n'est aucunement significatif des données bibliographiques.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis[N° 5]. --Finance, affaires étrangères et défense.
Sommaire: 2e sess., 37th lég.: Affaires étrangères et Commerce international, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-12.--Finances, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-6.--Défense nationale et Anciens combattants, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-7.--Comptes publics, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-26.--Droits de la personne et Développement international, Sous-comité, rapport: 1.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis
Gratuit. (Disponible seulement aux dépositaires).
Numéro de catalogue XC3-372-3-2003-5F-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Minutes of proceedings and evidence: 2nd session, 37th Parliament. Irregular. Ottawa. Microfiche.
The microfiche versions of the Evidence and Minutes of Proceedings were grouped into four subject areas based on the name of the committee and each group was given a descriptive title. These subject groupings were developed to allow for greater convenience in the distribution of these products only and the titles given to these groups were not intended to have any bibliographic significance
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader.[No. 5]. --Justice and government business.
Contents: 2nd sess., 37th Parl.: Government Operations and Estimates, Standing Committee, reports: 1-13.--Justice and Human Rights, Standing Committee, reports: 1-9.--Procedure and House Affairs, Standing Committee, reports: 1-53.--Library of Parliament, Standing Joint Committee, reports: 1-2.--Scrutiny of Regulations, Standing Joint Committee, reports: 1-4.--Veterans Affairs, Sub-Committee, report: 3.--Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons, Special Committee, reports: 1-5.--Bill C-17, Legislative Committee, report: 1.
System Requirements: Requires microfiche reader
Free. (Available only to depositories).
Catalogue Number XC3-372-4-2003-5E-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Procès-verbaux et témoignages: 2e session, 37e législature. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Microfiche.
Les versions microfiches des Témoignages et Procès-verbal ont été regroupées sous quatre sujets basés sur la nature des comités et on y a assigné un titre descriptif à chacun des ces groupes. Ce regroupement de sujets a été développé afin de faciliter la distribution des produits et des titres seulement et n'est aucunement significatif des données bibliographiques.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis[N° 5]. --Justice et administration gouvernementale.
Sommaire: 2e Sess., 37e lég.: Opérations gouvernementales et Prévisions budgétaires, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-13.--Justice et Droits de la personne, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-9.--Bibliothèque du Parlement, Comité mixte permanent, rapports: 1-2.--Procédure et Affaires de la Chambre, Comité permanent, rapports: 1-53.--Affaires des anciens combattants, Sous-comité, rapport: 3.--Examen de la réglementation, Comité mixte permanent, rapports: 1-4.--Modernisation et amélioration de la procédure à la chambre des communes, Comité spécial, rapports: 1-5.--Projet de loi C-17, Comité législatif, rapport: 1.
Configuration requise: Lecteur de microfiches requis
Gratuit. (Disponible seulement aux dépositaires).
Numéro de catalogue XC3-372-4-2003-5F-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Departmental Publications
Bank of Canada
Weekly financial statistics. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed. Bilingual. ISSN 0005-5158
Library subscription: $45 (Canada); $55 (United States); $85 (Other countries).
Order Information: Bank of Canada, Publications Distribution Section, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Tel: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874; E-mail:
URL: 23, 2004. 20p. Graphs, tables.
$2.00 per copy. $55.00 per year. (Canada).
$70.00 per year. (United States). $110.00 per year (Other countries).
Catalogue Number FB12-4/2004-01-23
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Working paper. Ottawa. Résumés en français. ISSN 1192-5434
URL: --Exact tests of equal forecast accuracy with an application to the term structure of interest rates, by Richard Luger. 2004. v, 28p. References, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Bank of Canada, Publications Distribution Section, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Tel: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number FB3-2/104-2E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Canada Industrial Relations Board
Reasons for decision. Ottawa. Bilingual.
New presentation of the decisions in a binder (Vol. 1-99). From here on, decisions will be provided in a bilingual format as soon as they are issued.Decision no. 196, October 4, 2003. --Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 404, applicant and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Chalk River Laboratories), employer, and Chalk River Technicians and Technologists, bargaining agent. 22p. 28cm. Processed. (Board file: 23064-C)
Order Information for Non-depositories: Communication Canada, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$5.00 per copy.
$5.00 U.S. per copy.
Catalogue Number LR12-2/2002-196
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Reasons for decision. Ottawa. Bilingual.
New presentation of the decisions in a binder (Vol. 1-99). From here on, decisions will be provided in a bilingual format as soon as they are issued.Decision no. 204, November 22, 2003. --Brink's Canada Limited, applicant, and General Teamsters, Local Union 979, respondent. 19p. 28cm. Processed. (Board file: 22425-C)
Order Information for Non-depositories: Communication Canada, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$5.00 per copy.
$5.00 U.S. per copy.
Catalogue Number LR12-2/2002-204
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories.
Elections Canada
Finance Canada
The fiscal monitor. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Pamphlet.
Financial results of January are reported in March each year.
Period covered of each issue is from April of last year (first month of fiscal year) to the month reported.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Finance Canada, Distribution Centre, Room P-135, West Tower, 300 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa K1A 0G5. Tel: (613) 995-2855; Fax: (613) 996-0518; E-mail:; URL:
URL:[November, 2003]. [8]p. Graphs, tables.
Catalogue Number F12-4/2003-11E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
La revue financière. Mensuel. Ottawa. 28cm. Dépliant.
Le numéro pour les résults financiers de janvier apparaît en mars chaque année.
La période rapportée est d'avril de l'an dernier (premier mois de l'exercice) au mois rapporté.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Finances Canada, Centre de distribution, Pièce P-135, Tour ouest, 300, avenue Laurier ouest, Ottawa K1A 0G5. Téléphone: (613) 995-2855; Télécopieur: (613) 996-0901; Courriel:; URL:
URL:[Novembre 2003]. [8]p. Graphiques, tableaux.
Numéro de catalogue F12-4/2003-11F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
CanadExport. Twice a month. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 0823-3330
Includes quarterly supplement: "Canadian trade review: a quarterly review of Canada's trade performance".
Order Information for Non-depositories: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Tel: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000; Fax: (613) 996-9709; E-mail:
URL: 21, No. 18, November 3, 2003. 8p. Illus.
Catalogue Number E12-9/21-18E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
CanadExport. Deux fois par mois. Ottawa. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 0823-3349
Y compris le supplément trimestriel: «Le commerce canadien en revue: rapport trimestriel sur la performance commerciale du Canada».
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Affaires étrangères et Commerce international, InfoCentre , (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709; Courriel:; URL:
URL: 21, n° 18, le 3 novembre 2003. 8p. Ill.
Numéro de catalogue E12-9/21-18F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
CanadExport. Twice a month. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 0823-3330
Includes quarterly supplement: "Canadian trade review: a quarterly review of Canada's trade performance".
Order Information for Non-depositories: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Tel: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000; Fax: (613) 996-9709; E-mail:
URL: 22, No. 1, January 15, 2004. 8, 8p. Figs., illus., tables. Accompanying material: Supplement "Canadian trade review" (see insert), third quarter 2003.
Catalogue Number E12-9/22-1E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
CanadExport. Deux fois par mois. Ottawa. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 0823-3349
Y compris le supplément trimestriel: «Le commerce canadien en revue: rapport trimestriel sur la performance commerciale du Canada».
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Affaires étrangères et Commerce international, InfoCentre , (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709; Courriel:; URL:
URL: 22, n° 1, le 15 janvier 2004. 8, 8p. Figures, ill., tableaux. Matériel d'accompagnement: Supplément «Le commerce canadien en revue» (voir l'encart), troisième trimestre 2003.
Numéro de catalogue E12-9/22-1F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
CanadExport. Twice a month. Ottawa. Electronic.
Vol. 22, No. 1, January 15, 2004. 8p. (1,165 KB). Coloured illus. Accompanying material: Supplement "Canadian trade review" (see insert), third quarter, 2003.
Catalogue Number E12-9/22-1E-PDF -
CanadExport. Deux fois par mois. Ottawa. Électronique.
Vol. 22, n° 1, le 15 janvier 2004. 8p. (1,127 Ko). Ill. en couleur. Matériel d'accompagnement: Supplément «Le commerce canadien en revue» (voir l'encart), troisième trimestre 2003.
Numéro de catalogue E12-9/22-1F-PDF
Indian and Northern Affairs
Urban aboriginal women in British Columbia and the impacts of the matrimonial real property regime, [by] Karen Abbott. Ottawa, 2003. viii, 72, Aviii, Bxxviiip. Figs., graphs, tables. 28cm. Ring binding. (QS-7049-000-EE-A1)
"... completed in collaboration with the Women's Issues and Gender Equality Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada".
Order Information for Non-depositories: Indian and Northern Affairs, General Inquiries and Publication Distribution, Ottawa K1A 0H4. Tel: 1-800-567-9604 (toll free); TTY:1-866-553-0554 (toll-free); E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-34878-8
Catalogue Number R2-271/2003E
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Les femmes autochtones vivant dans des régions urbaines de la Colombie-Britanique et le régime des biens immobiliers matrimoniaux, [par] Karen Abbott. Ottawa, 2003. viii, 80, Axi, Bxxviip. Figures, graphiques, tableaux. 28cm. Reliure à anneaux. (QS-7049-000-FF-A1)
«[...] menée en collaboration avec la Direction des questions féminines et de l'égalité entre les sexes du ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien.».
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Affaires indiennes et du Nord, Publications et renseignements au public, Pièce 1415, Ottawa K1A 0H4. Téléphone: 1-800-567-9604 (sans-frais); ATS: 1-866-553-0554 (sans-frais) ; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-89711-0
Numéro de catalogue R2-271/2003F
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
National Defence
Maple leaf. Weekly. Issued by the Directorate of General Safety. Ottawa. 38cm. Newspaper. Bilingual. ISSN 1480-4336
URL: 7, No. 1, January 14, 2004. 16p. Coloured illus. Accompanying material: Safety Digest, Edition 1, 2004.
Free. (Available only to depositories).
Catalogue Number D12-7/7-1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
National Energy Board
Regulatory agenda. Monthly. Calgary. 28cm. Pamphlet. ISSN 0821-8645
"The purpose of this quarterly agenda is to provide information on the Board's activities. Except where otherwise noted, jurisdiction over the items listed in the agenda is exercised pursuant to the National Energy Board Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.N-7, as amended."--Cover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: National Energy Board, Publications Office, 444 Seventh Avenue S.W, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8. Tel: 1-800-899-1265 or (403) 299-3562; Fax: (403) 292-5576; E-mail:; URL:
URL:, 31 December, 2003. 11p.
Catalogue Number NE12-4/2003-12E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Activités de réglementation. Mensuel. Calgary. 28cm. Dépliant. ISSN 0821-865X
«L'état trimestriel du Bulletin des activités réglementaires a pour objet de renseigner le lecteur sur les derniers rapports d'audience, sur les mesures de réglementation à venir et sur l'état d'avancement des instances en cours.»--Couverture.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Office national de l'énergie, Bureau des publications, 444, septième avenue Sud-Ouest, Calgary (Alberta) T2P 0X8. Téléphone: 1-800-899-1265 ou (403) 299-3562; Télécopieur: (403) 292-5576; Courriel:; URL:
URL:, le 31 décembre 2003. 11p.
Numéro de catalogue NE12-4/2003-12F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Electricity exports and imports. Monthly. Calgary. 28cm. Processed.
The electronic format is available in both PDF and Excel.
Order Information for Non-depositories: National Energy Board, Publications Office, 444 Seventh Avenue S.W, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8. Tel: 1-800-899-1265 or (403) 299-3562; Fax: (403) 292-5576; E-mail:; URL:
URL: statistics for November 2003. In various pagings. Graph, tables.
Catalogue Number NE12-6/2003-11E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Exportations et importations d'électricité. Mensuel. Calgary. 28cm. Polycopié.
Le format éléctronic du bulletin est disponible également en PDF et en Excel.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Office national de l'énergie, Bureau des publications, 444, septième avenue Sud-Ouest, Calgary (Alberta) T2P 0X8. Téléphone: 1-800-899-1265 ou (403) 299-3562; Télécopieur: (403) 292-5576; Courriel:; URL:
URL: mensuelles pour novembre 2003. En pagination multiple. Graphique, tableaux.
Numéro de catalogue NE12-6/2003-11F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Natural gas exports & imports. Monthly. Calgary. 28cm. Processed. Biligual.
Available also in MS-Excel.
Order Information for Non-depositories: National Energy Board, Publications Office, 444 Seventh Avenue S.W, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8. Tel: 1-800-899-1265 or (403) 299-3562; Fax: (403) 292-5576; E-mail:; URL:
URL:, 2003. 37p. Graphs, map, tables.
Catalogue Number NE12-7/2003-10
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Council of Forest Ministers
Defining sustainable forest management in Canada: criteria and indicators 2003. Ottawa, 2003. [4], 20p. Tables. 23cm. Softcover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: CCFM C&I Secretariat, c/o, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, 580 Booth St., Ottawa K1A 0E4. Tel: (613) 947-9034; Fax: (613) 947-9038; E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-34852-4
Catalogue Number Fo75-3/5-2003E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Définir l'aménagement forestier durable au Canada: critères et indicateurs 2003. Ottawa, 2003. [4], 20p. Tableaux. 23cm. Couverture souple.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Secrétariat des critères et indicateurs du Conseil canadien des ministres des forêts, a/s, Ressources naturelles Canada, Service canadien des forêts, 580, rue Booth, Ottawa K1A 0E4. Téléphone: (613) 947-9034; Télécopieur: (613) 947-3038; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-89687-4
Numéro de catalogue Fo75-3/5-2003F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
NSERG contact: investing in people, discovery and innovation. Irregular. Issued by the Communications Division. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1188-066X
Sub-title varies.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Communications Division, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa K1A 1H5. Tel: (613) 995-5992; Fax: (613) 943-0742; E-mail:
URL: 28, No. 4, October, 2003. English text, 8p. Illus.
Catalogue Number NS12-1/28-4
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
Strategic planning guide for the evacuation of a highly urbanized environment, [by] Paul Beaulieu and Jean-François Marchand. Ottawa, 2003. 107p. (493 KB). Bibliography, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
"This material is based upon work supported by the Directorate of Research and Development (DRD) in the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP), formerly Emergency Preparedness Canada, under Contract Reference No. 1995D013."--Page 2.
ISBN 0-662-33946-0
Catalogue Number D82-42/2003E-IN -
Guide de planification strategique des operations d'evacuation en milieu hautement urbanisé, [par] Paul Beaulieu et Jean-François Marchand. Ottawa, 2003. 111p. (527 Ko). Bibliographie, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
«Ce document repose sur les travaux ayant reçu le soutien de la Direction de la recherche et du développement (DRD) au Bureau de la protection des
infrastructures essentielles et de la protection civile (BPIEPC), anciennement Protection civile Canada, en vertu du numéro de référence contrat 1995D013.»--Page 2.
ISBN 0-662-88784-0
Numéro de catalogue D82-42/2003F-IN
Queen's Printer
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Communication Canada, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 4, Saturday, January 24, 2004. p. 133-164, 3. Accompanying material: Supplement "Amendment to the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 Parks Canada fees for commercial tour operators".
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year. (Canada).
$2.95 U.S. per copy. $135.00 U.S. per year. (Other countries).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-4
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 4, Saturday, January 24, 2004. [37]p. (744 KB). Accompanying material: Supplement "Amendment to the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 Parks Canada fees for commercial tour operators".
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-4-PDF
Western Economic Diversification
Access West. [Access Alberta]. Quarterly. Edmonton. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 1700-8646
Edition for Alberta includes insert under title: Access Alberta.
Numbering changed after Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2001.
ISSN (1495-6802) of the original edition printed on the regional edition.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Western Economic Diversification, Editor, Access West, Suite 1500, Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4H7. Tel: (780) 495-4164 or 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Fax: (780) 495-4557 ; URL:
URL: 2004. [8], 12p. Coloured illus.
Catalogue Number C89-2/4-1-2004-1E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Accès Ouest. [Accès Alberta]. Trimestriel. Edmonton. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 1700-8654
Édition pour Alberta comprenant un encart sous le titre: Accès Alberta.
Numérotation a changé après Vol. 4, n° 1, jan.-mars 2001.
ISSN (14965-6802) de l'édition originale est imprimé sur l'édition régionale.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest, Rédactrice, Accès Ouest, Bureau 1500, Place du Canada, 9700, avenue Jasper, Edmonton (Alberta) T5J 4H7. Téléphone: (780) 495-4164 ou 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Télécopieur: (780) 495-4557; URL:
URL: 2004. [8], 12p. Ill. en couleur.
Numéro de catalogue C89-2/4-1-2004-1F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Access West. [Access British Columbia]. Quarterly. Edmonton. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 1700-8662
Edition for British Columbia includes insert under titel: Access British Columbia.
Numbering changed after Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2001.
ISSN (1495-6802) of the original edition printed on the regional edition.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Western Economic Diversification, Editor, Access West, Suite 1500, Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4H7. Tel: (780) 495-4164 or 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Fax: (780) 495-4557 ; URL:
URL: 2004. [4], 12p. Coloured illus.
Catalogue Number C89-2/4-2-2004-1E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Accès Ouest. [Accès Colombie-Britannique]. Trimestriel. Edmonton. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 1700-8689
Édition pour la Colombie-Britannique comprenant un encart sous le titre: Accès Colombie-Britannique.
Numérotation a changé après Vol. 4, n° 1, jan.-mars 2001.
ISSN (1495-6802) de l'édition originale est imprimé sur l'édition régionale.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest, Rédactrice, Accès Ouest, Bureau 1500, Place du Canada, 9700, avenue Jasper, Edmonton (Alberta) T5J 4H7. Téléphone: (780) 495-4164 ou 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Télécopieur: (780) 495-4557; URL:
URL: 2004. [4], 12p. Ill. en couleur.
Numéro de catalogue C89-2/4-2-2004-1F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Access West. [Access Manitoba]. Quarterly. Edmonton. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 1700-8735
Edition for Manitoba includes an insert under title: Access Manitoba.
Numbering changed after Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2001.
ISSN (1495-6802) of the original edition printed on the regional edition.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Western Economic Diversification, Editor, Access West, Suite 1500, Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4H7. Tel: (780) 495-4164 or 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Fax: (780) 495-4557 ; URL:
URL: 2004. [4], 12p. Coloured illus.
Catalogue Number C89-2/4-3-2004-1E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Accès Ouest. [Accès Manitoba]. Trimestriel. Edmonton. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 1700-8743
Édition pour Manitoba comprenant un encart sous le titre: Accès Manitoba.
Numérotation a changé après Vol. 4, n° 1, jan.-mars 2001.
ISSN (1495-6802) de l'édition originale est imprimé sur l'édition régionale.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest, Rédactrice, Accès Ouest, Bureau 1500, Place du Canada, 9700, avenue Jasper, Edmonton (Alberta) T5J 4H7. Téléphone: (780) 495-4164 ou 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Télécopieur: (780) 495-4557; URL:
URL: 2004. [4], 12p. Ill. en couleur.
Numéro de catalogue C89-2/4-3-2004-1F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Access West. [Access Saskatchewan]. Quarterly. Edmonton. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 1700-8751
Edition for Saskatchewan includes an insert under title: Access Saskatchewan
Numbering changed after Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2001.
ISSN (1492-6802) of the original edition printed on the regional edition.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Western Economic Diversification, Editor, Access West, Suite 1500, Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4H7. Tel: (780) 495-4164 or 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Fax: (780) 495-4557 ; URL:
URL:, 2004. [4], 12p. Coloured illus.
Catalogue Number C89-2/4-4-2004-1E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Accès Ouest. [Accès Saskatchewan]. Trimestriel. Edmonton. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 1700-876X
Édition pour Saskatchewan comprenant un encart sous le titre: Accès Saskatchewan
Numérotation a changé après Vol. 4, n° 1, jan.-mars 2001.
ISSN (1495-6802) de l'édition originale est imprimé sur l'édition régionale.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest, Rédactrice, Accès Ouest, Bureau 1500, Place du Canada, 9700, avenue Jasper, Edmonton (Alberta) T5J 4H7. Téléphone: (780) 495-4164 ou 1-888-338 WEST (9378) ; Télécopieur: (780) 495-4557; URL:
URL: 2004. [4], 12p. Ill. en couleur.
Numéro de catalogue C89-2/4-4-2004-1F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Milestone: newsletter of the Infrastructure Canada - Alberta Program. Quarterly. Edmonton. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1499-9811
Order Information for Non-depositories: Western Economic Diversification, Milestone Editor, Suite 1500, 9700 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4H7. Tel: (780) 495-8570; E-mail:
URL: 7, Fall 2003. English text, 4p. Coloured illus.
Catalogue Number IU92-2/2003-7
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Statistics Canada Publications
Statistics Canada
Selective depositories should order their "Occasionals" (marked with the one-dot symbol) through the Checklist order form. These orders are communicated to Statistics Canada immediately and are filled there. Claims and requests to be added to mailing lists for Statistics Canada publications should be addressed to: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Telephone: 1-800-700-1033 or (613) 951-7277; Fax: 1-800-889-9734 or (613) 951-1584.
Periodic Releases
Particleboard, oriented strandboard and fibreboard. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. ISSN 1481-5257 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 39, No. 11, November, 2003. 4p. (57 KB). Tables.
$6.00 per copy. $51.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS36-003-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Primary iron and steel. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. ISSN 1481-5338 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 58, No. 11, November, 2003. 8p. (72 KB). Tables.
$6.00 per copy. $51.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS41-001-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Monthly railway carloadings. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1496-8592 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 80, No. 11, November, 2003. 10p. (78 KB). Tables.
$9.00 per copy. $83.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS52-001E-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Chargements ferroviaires mensuels. Mensuel. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1496-8606 Électronique.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Statistique Canada, Gestion de la circulation, Division de la diffusion, 120, avenue Parkdale, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Téléphone: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-8116 ; Télécopieur: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-0581; Courriel: ; URL:
URL: 80, n° 11, novembre 2003. 10p. (80 Ko). Tableaux.
9,00 $ l'exemplaire. 83,00 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue CS52-001F-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Quarterly telecommunications statistics. Quarterly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1488-8025 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 27, No. 3, third quarter, 2003. 38p. (728 KB). Graphs, tables.
$23.00 per copy. $43.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS56-002E-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Statistiques trimestrielles des télécommunications. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1496-2705 Électronique.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Statistique Canada, Gestion de la circulation, Division de la diffusion, 120, avenue Parkdale, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Téléphone: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-8116 ; Télécopieur: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-0581; Courriel: ; URL:
URL: 27, n° 3, troisième trimestre 2003. 39p. (828 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
23,00 $ l'exemplaire. 43,00 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue CS56-002F-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
- Date modified: