ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 04-36
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04-36 (September 3, 2004)
All URLs listed were available through the Internet on September 3, 2004.
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Table of Contents
- Departmental Publications
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Bank of Canada
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canadian Institute for Health Information
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Health Canada
- Industry Canada
- Natural Resources Canada
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Statistics Canada Publications
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Notice to depositories:
New mailing list: The publication listed below is available on mailing list. If you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, please make your request by FAX at (613) 941-2410, by E-mail at, or by mail at Depository Services Program, Public Works and Government Services Canada, 350 Albert Street, 4th floor, Ottawa K1A 0S5 and quote your depository library number. If you require the particular issue noted below, please state this in your order.
Full depositories will receive this publication automatically.
Rural horizon. Semi-annual. Published by Rural Team Quebec. Québec. 40cm. Newspaper. ISSN 1710-2596 (AAFC No. 2251 E)
At head of title: Canadian Rural Partnership, Rural Team Quebec.
"The Rural Horizon is a semi-annual publication of the Rural Team Quebec for the residents of rural and remote communities of Quebec."--Page 4.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Rural Team Quebec, Room 350-4, 901 Cap-Diamant Street, Quebec, Quebec G1K 4K1. Tel: (418) 648-4820, ext. 319 (the Editor); Fax: (418) 648-7342; E-mail: (the Editor).Winter 2004. 4p. Coloured illus.
Catalogue Number A112-2/2004-1E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. - Avis aux dépositaires:
Nouvelle liste d'envoi: La publication signalée ci-dessous est disponible sur la liste d'envoi. Si vous désirez ajouter votre nom à la liste de distribution, veuillez en faire la demande par TÉLÉCOPIEUR au (613) 941-2410, par courrier électronique au ou par écrit au Programme de dépôt, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 350, rue Albert, 4e étage, Ottawa K1A 0S5, en mentionnant votre numéro de bibliothèque de dépôt. Si vous voulez recevoir le numéro mentionné ci-dessous, veuillez l'indiquer dans votre commande.
Les bibliothèques de dépôt universel recevront d'office cette publication.
Horizon rural. Semestriel. Publié par l'Équipe rurale du Québec. Québec. 40cm. Journal. ISSN 1710-2618 (AAC n° 2251F)
En tête du titre: Partenariat rural canadien, Équipe rurale du Québec.
«Horizon rural est une publication bi-annuelle de l'Équipe rurale du Québec, pour les citoyens des régions rurales et éloignées du Québec.»--Page 4.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, Équipe rurale du Québec, 901, rue du Cap-Diamant, pièce 350-4, Québec (Québec) G1K 4K1. Téléphone: (418) 648-4820, poste 319 (la rédactrice); Télécopieur: (418) 648-7342; Courriel: (la rédactrice).Hiver 2004. 4p. Ill. en couleur.
Numéro de catalogue A112-2/2004-1F
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Renewal programs: improving access to business management services, [jointly published by Government of Saskatchewan] Ottawa, 2004. 1 sheet ([2]p). 28cm. Pamphlet. (AAFC no. 2235E)
The catalogue number (A22-358/2003E) and ISBN (0-662-35291-2) assigned to a different publication have been printed in this publication.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Departmental Publications Services, Sir John Carling Building, 930 Carling Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0C5. Tel: (613) 759-6610; Fax: (613) 759-6783; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number A22-395/2004E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Programmes du Renouveau: améliorer l'accès aux services de gestion des entreprises, [publié conjointement par le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan] Ottawa, 2004. 1 feuille ([2])p. 28cm. Dépliant. (AAC n° 2235F)
Le n° de catalogue (A22-358/2003F) et ISBN (0-662-75113-2) assignés à une autre publication sont imprimés dans cette publication.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, Section des publications, Édifice Sir John Carling, 930, avenue Carling, Ottawa K1A 0C5. Téléphone: (613) 759-6610; Télécopieur: (613) 759-6783 ; Courriel:; URL:
Numéro de catalogue A22-395/2004F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Bank of Canada
Weekly financial statistics. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed. Bilingual. ISSN 0005-5158
Library subscription: $45 (Canada); $55 (United States); $85 (Other countries).
Order Information: Bank of Canada, Publications Distribution Section, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Tel: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 27, 2004. 20p. Graphs, tables.
$2.00 per copy. $55.00 per year. (Canada).
$70.00 per year (United States). $110.00 per year (Other countries).
Catalogue Number FB12-4/2004-08-27
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Working paper. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1192-5434
URL: --Uninsurable investment risks, by Césaire A. Meh and Vincenzo Quadrini. 2004. v, 26p. Graphs, references, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Bank of Canada, Publications Distribution, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Tel: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number FB3-2/104-29E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Housing facts. Monthly. Issued by Market Analysis Centre. Adobe Acrobat. Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Market Analysis Centre, Ottawa Tel: (613) 748-2006; Fax: (613) 748-2156 .
URL: 9, No 8, August 2004. 8p. (516 KB). Graphs, tables.
$25.00 per copy. $120.00 per year.
Catalogue Number NH12-13/2004-8E-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Tendances logement. Mensuel. Publié par le Centre d'analyse du marché. Adobe Acrobat. Électronique.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, Centre d'analyse du marché, Ottawa Téléphone: (613) 748-2006; Télécopieur: (613) 748-2156 .
URL: 9, n° 8, août 2004. 8p. (551 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
25,00 $ l'exemplaire. 120,00 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue NH12-13/2004-8F-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Research highlights; socio-economic series. Ottawa.
Title from caption.
URL: --2001 census housing series. Issue 5: growth in household incomes and shelter costs, 1991-2001. 2004. [12]p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Pamphlet.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 700 Montreal Road, Ottawa K1A 0P7. Tel: 1-800-668-2642 or (613) 748-2367; Fax: 1-800-245-9274 or (613) 748-4069; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number NH18-23/104-027E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Le point en recherche; série socio-économique. Ottawa.
Titre du départ.
URL: --Série sur le logement selon les données du recensement de 2001. Numéro 5: évolution du revenu et des frais de logement des ménages, 1999-2001. 2004. [12]p. Graphiques, tableaux. 28cm. Dépliant.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 700, chemin Montréal, Ottawa K1A 0P7. Téléphone: (613) 748-2367 ou 1-800-668-2642; Télécopieur: (613) 748-4069 ou 1-800-245-9274 ; Courriel:; URL:
Numéro de catalogue NH18-23/104-027F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Market Analysis Centre
Canadian housing statistics, 2003, issued by the Market Analysis Centre. Ottawa, 2004. 87p. Graphs, index, tables. 28cm. Spiral binding. Bilingual. ISSN 0068-8940
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 700 Montreal Road, Ottawa K1A 0P7. Tel: 1-800-668-2642 or (613) 748-2367; Fax: 1-800-245-9274 or (613) 748-4069; E-mail:; URL:
$50.00 per copy.
Catalogue Number NH12-1/2003
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Ontario Trauma Registry 2004 report, injury hospitalizations (includes 2002-2003 data). Ottawa, 2004. Various pagings. Glossary, graphs, tables. 28cm. Spiral binding. Accompanying material: Errata sheet dated August 13, 2004.
Title from cover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canadian Institute for Health Information, Order Desk, 377 Dalhousie Street, Suite 200, Ottawa K1N 9N8. Tel: (613) 241-7860 Ext. 4088; Fax: (613) 241-8120; E-mail:; URL:
$45.00 per copy.
ISBN 1-55392-429-0
Catalogue Number H115-2/2004E
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Canadian fisheries annual statistical review, 1996-1997, [published by] Statistical Services, Policy Sector. Ottawa, 2004. 169p. Maps, tables. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 0713-2158
Order Information for Non-depositories: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Communication Branch, 200 Kent Street, 13th Floor, Station 13228, Ottawa K1A 0E6. Tel: (613) 993-0999 or TDD: (613) 941-6517; Fax: (613) 990-1866; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (Very few copies available.).
ISBN 0-662-68091-X
Catalogue Number Fs1-9/1997
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
At-sea mentoring: a step-by-step guide for understanding and participating in the At-Sea Mentoring Initiative. Ottawa, 2004. English text, 16p. Fig., glossary, table. 22cm. Spiral binding. Bilingual.
Title from cover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Communication Branch, 200 Kent Street, 13th Floor, Station 13228, Ottawa K1A 0E6. Tel: (613) 993-0999 or TDD: (613) 941-6517; Fax: (613) 990-1866; E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-68304-8
Catalogue Number Fs23-448/2004
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
At-sea mentoring: a step-by-step guide for understanding and participating in the At-Sea Mentoring Initiative. Ottawa, 2004. 16p. (565 KB). Fig., glossary, table. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 0-662-37803-2
Catalogue Number Fs23-448/2004E-PDF -
Mentorat en mer: guide des étapes à suivre pour les participants à l'Initiative de mentorat en mer. Ottawa, 2004. 17p. (557 Ko). Figure, glossaire, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 0-662-77532-5
Numéro de catalogue Fs23-448/2004F-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 0706-6465
"Data reports provide a medium for filing and archiving data compilation where little or no analysis is included... Requests for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Out-of-stock reports will be supplied for a fee by commercial agents."--Verso of cover.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in the series.1133. --Data record on vegetation and insect sampling in the marine riparian zone of Furry Creek and Porteau Cove, Howe Sound, British Columbia, by G.E. Piercey, C.D. Levings, and C. Durance. Ottawa, 2004. iii, 23p. Figs., references, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
On title page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, Marine Environment and Habitat Science Division, Coastal and Marine Habitat Science Section, West Vancouver Laboratory, 4160 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC, 7V 1N6.
Order Information: Copies or microfiches of these publications may be purchased from: Micromedia, Demand Documents Centre, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Tel: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (from issuing agency in limited quantity).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1133E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 0706-6465
"Data reports provide a medium for filing and archiving data compilation where little or no analysis is included... Requests for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Out-of-stock reports will be supplied for a fee by commercial agents."--Verso of cover.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in the series.1134. --Glendale River daily water temperature, 1998-2003, by T. Sweeten. Ottawa, 2004. v, 47p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
On title page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7.
Order Information: Copies or microfiches of these publications may be purchased from: Micromedia, Demand Documents Centre, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Tel: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (from issuing agency in limited quantity).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1134E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Burlington, Ontario. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 0706-6473
"Distribution is restricted to institutions or individuals located in particular regions of Canada... Requests for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Out-of-stock reports will be supplied for a fee by commercial agents."--Verso of cover.
Fisheries and Oceans maintain only a limited free mailing list for Canadian libraries requiring the complete series.2675. --Results of the 2001 marine recreational chinook catch and release mortality study at Work Channel and Dundas Island, British Columbia, by S. Cox-Rogers. 2004. vi, 12p. Graphs, references, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
On title page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, 417 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, V8J 1G8.
Order Information: Copies or microfiches of these publications may be purchased from: Micromedia, Demand Documents Centre, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Tel: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (from issuing agency in limited quantity).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2675E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Burlington, Ontario. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 0706-6473
"Distribution is restricted to institutions or individuals located in particular regions of Canada... Requests for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Out-of-stock reports will be supplied for a fee by commercial agents."--Verso of cover.
Fisheries and Oceans maintain only a limited free mailing list for Canadian libraries requiring the complete series.2676. --1999 coho catch and release mortality studies (marine recreational) in northern British Columbia, by S. Cox-Rogers. 2004. vi, 23p. References, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
On title page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, 417 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, V8J 1G8.
Order Information: Copies or microfiches of these publications may be purchased from: Micromedia, Demand Documents Centre, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Tel: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (from issuing agency in limited quantity).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2676E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Burlington, Ontario. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 0706-6473
"Distribution is restricted to institutions or individuals located in particular regions of Canada... Requests for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Out-of-stock reports will be supplied for a fee by commercial agents."--Verso of cover.
Fisheries and Oceans maintain only a limited free mailing list for Canadian libraries requiring the complete series.2677. --Catch and release mortality rates for coho salmon captured on motor-mooched cut-plug herring near Work Channel, British Columbia, in 1998, by S. Cox-Rogers. 2004. vii, 28p. Figs., graphs, references, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
On title page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, 417 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, V8J 1G8.
Order Information: Copies or microfiches of these publications may be purchased from: Micromedia, Demand Documents Centre, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Tel: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (from issuing agency in limited quantity).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2677E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 0706-6570
The department of Fisheries and Oceans maintains a limited distribution list of free copy only for Canadian libraries that need complete collection of the series.
"Request for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Out-of-stock reports will be supplied for a fee by commercial agents."--Verso of cover.2533. --Hook and line survey of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) and rockfish (Sebastes sp.) stocks in Southern Strait of Georgia (Statistical areas 17, 18 and 19) October 2003, by D.R. Haggarty and J.R. King. Ottawa, 2004. viii, 38p. Graphs, maps, references, tables. 28cm. Softcover.
On title page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N7.
Order Information: Copies or microfiches of these publications may be purchased from: Micromedia, Demand Documents Centre, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Tel: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (from the issuing agency in limited quantity).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2533E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 0706-6570
The department of Fisheries and Oceans maintains a limited distribution list of free copy only for Canadian libraries that need complete collection of the series.
"Request for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Out-of-stock reports will be supplied for a fee by commercial agents."--Verso of cover.2534. --Pacific herring coded wire tagging study: 2003 releases and recoveries, by L. Flostrand and J.F. Schweigert. Ottawa, 2004. vii, 57p. Figs., tables. 28cm. Softcover.
On title page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7.
Order Information: Copies or microfiches of these publications may be purchased from: Micromedia, Demand Documents Centre, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Tel: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; E-mail:; URL:
Free. (from the issuing agency in limited quantity).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2534E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Health Canada
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
Re-evaluation decision document. Irregular. Ottawa.
RRD 2004-24. --Bromohydroxyacetophenone (BHA). 2004. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Health Canada, Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Publications Coordinator, 2720 Riverside Drive, A.L. 6605C, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Tel: 1-800-267-6315 or (613) 736-3799; Fax: (613) 736-3798; E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-37676-5
Catalogue Number H113-12/2004-24E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Décision de réévaluation. Irrégulier. Ottawa.
RRD 2004-24. --Bromohydroxyacétophénone (BHA). 2004. 1p. 28cm. Polycopié.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Santé Canada, Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire, Coordonnatrice des publications, 2720, promenade Riverside, I.A. 6605C, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Téléphone: 1-800-267-6315 ou (613) 736-3799; Télécopieur: (613) 736-3798; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-77407-8
Numéro de catalogue H113-12/2004-24F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Proposed acceptability for continuing registration. Irregular. Ottawa.
URL: 2004-16. --Re-evaluation of 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide. 2004. 8p. Table. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Health Canada, Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Publications Coordinator, 2720 Riverside Drive, A.L. 6605C, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Tel: 1-800-267-6315 (Canada only) or (613) 736-3799; Fax: (613) 736-3798; E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-37348-0
Catalogue Number H113-18/2004-16E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Projet d'acceptabilité d'homologation continue. Irrégulier. Ottawa.
URL: 2004-16. --Réévaluation du 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide. 2004. 28cm. Polycopié.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Santé Canada, Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire, Coordonnatrice des publications, 2720, promenade Riverside, I.A. 6605C, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Téléphone: 1-800-267-6315 ou (613) 736-3799; Télécopieur: (613) 736-3798; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-77104-4
Numéro de catalogue H113-18/2004-16F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Proposed acceptability for continuing registration. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.
PACR 2004-16. --Re-evaluation of 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide. 2004. 10p. (81 KB). Table. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 0-662-37349-9
Catalogue Number H113-18/2004-16E-PDF -
Projet d'acceptabilité d'homologation continue. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.
PACR 2004-16. --Réévaluation du 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide. Ottawa, 2004. 10p. (86 Ko). Tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 0-662-77105-2
Numéro de catalogue H113-18/2004-16F-PDF
Regulatory note. Ottawa.
URL: 2004-02. --Boscalid/BAS 510. 2004. 122p. Fig., references, tables. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Health Canada, Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Publications Coordinator, 2720 Riverside Drive, A.L. 6606D2 , Ottawa K1A 0K9. Tel: 1-800-267-6315 or (613) 736-3799; Fax: (613) 736-3798; E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-35749-3
Catalogue Number H113-7/2004-2E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Note réglementaire. Ottawa.
URL: --Boscalid/BAS 510. 2004. [5], 124p. Figure, références, tableaux. 28cm. Polycopié.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Santé Canada, Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire, Coordonnatrice des publications, 2720, promenade Riverside, I.A. 6605C, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Téléphone: 1-800-267-6315 ou (613) 736-3799; Télécopieur: (613) 736-3798; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 0-662-75548-0
Numéro de catalogue H113-7/2004-2F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Industry Canada
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Trade marks journal. Weekly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. Electronic.
URL:$$ViewTemplate+for+TMJournal+English?OpenFormVol. 51, No. 2600, August 25, 2004. 249p. (11979 KB). Illus.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number RG42-2/51-2600-PDF
Natural Resources Canada
Office of Energy Efficiency
Your guide to the one-tonne challenge. Ottawa, 2004. 21p. Coloured illus., photographs. 21cm. Softcover.
"Take action on climate change."--Cover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: 1-800-O-Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Tel: 1-800-622-6232; TTY/TTD: 1-800-465-7735; URL:
ISBN 0-662-35754-X
Catalogue Number M144-27/2003E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Votre guide pour relever le défi d'une tonne. Ottawa, 2004. 21p. Ill. en couleur, photographies. 21cm. Couverture souple.
"Agissons contre les changements climatiques."--Couv.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: 1-800-O-Canada, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Téléphone: 1-800-622-6232; Téléscripteur/ATME: 1-800-465-7735; URL:
ISBN 0-662-75553-7
Numéro de catalogue M144-27/2003F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Votre guide pour relever le défi d'une tonne. Ottawa, 2004. 26p. (7641 Ko). Ill. en couleur, photographies. Adobe Acrobat.
"Agissons contre les changements climatiques."--Couv.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue M144-27/2003F-PDF
Keeping the heat in. Revised May 2004. Reprinted June 2004. Ottawa, 2004. 134p. Illus., index. 28cm. Softcover.
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Energy Publications, c/o S.J.D.S, Ottawa K1G 6S3. Tel: 1-800-387-2000 or (613) 995-2943; Fax: (613) 779-2833; URL:
ISBN 0-662-36984-X
Catalogue Number M144-41/2004E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Emprisonnons la chaleur. Révisée mai 2004. Réimpression juin 2004. Ottawa, 2004. 134p. Ill., index. 28cm. Couverture souple.
Données de catalogage avant publication (Canada) imprimées dans cette publication.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Ressources naturelles Canada, Office de l'efficacité énergétique, Publications Éconergie, a/s DLS, Ottawa K1G 6S3. Téléphone: 1-800-387-2000 ou (613) 995-2943; Télécopieur: (613) 779-2833; URL:
ISBN 0-662-76743-8
Numéro de catalogue M144-41/2004F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
The most fuel-efficient vehicles for model year 2004. Ottawa, 2004. 1p. Photographs. 28cm. Bilingual.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Energy Publications, c/o S.J.D.S, Ottawa K1G 6S3. Tel: 1-800-387-2000 or (613) 995-2943; Fax: (613) 779-2833; URL:
Catalogue Number M27-01/2009
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Cozy up in comfort with a vented gas fireplace. Ottawa, 2004. [4]p. Illus. (some coloured). 28cm. Pamphlet.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Energy Publications, c/o S.J.D.S, Ottawa K1G 6S3. Tel: 1-800-387-2000 or (613) 995-2943; Fax: (613) 779-2833; URL:
Catalogue Number M27-01/2032E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Le doux confort que procure un foyer à gaz ventilé. Ottawa, 2004. [4]p. Ill. (certaines en couleur). 28cm. Dépliant.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Ressources naturelles Canada, Office de l'efficacité énergétique, Publications Éconergie, a/s DLS, Ottawa K1G 6S3. Téléphone: 1-800-387-2000 ou (613) 995-2943; Télécopieur: (613) 779-2833; URL:
Numéro de catalogue M27-01/2032F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
EnerGuide for equipment. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1203-8199
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in these publications. "EnerGuide is a Government of Canada program designed to help you, the consumer, purchase the most energy-efficient room air conditioner on the market."--Page i.--EnerGuide room air conditioner directory 2004: energy ratings for room air conditioners. Ottawa, 2004. 92p. Illus., tables. 22cm. Softcover.
Title from cover.
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Energy Publications, c/o S.J.D.S, Ottawa K1G 6S3. Tel: 1-800-387-2000 or (613) 995-2943; Fax: (613) 779-2833; URL:
ISBN 0-662-68052-9
Catalogue Number M27-103/1-2004
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
EnerGuide for equipment. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in these publications.
"EnerGuide is a Government of Canada program designed to help you, the consumer, purchase the most energy-efficient room air conditioner on the market."--Page i.2004. --EnerGuide room air conditioner directory 2004: energy ratings for room air conditioners. Ottawa. 67p. (2019 KB). Illus., tables. Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (M27-103/1-2004) and the ISBN (0-662-68052-9) for the print edition have been incorrectly printed in this electronic edition.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number M27-103/1-2004-IN
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
Biidaaban: the Mnjikaning community healing model, written and researched by: Joe Couture and Ruth Couture ; under the sponsorship of Native Counselling Services of Alberta. 2004. iii, 115p. Graph, illus., references, tables. 28cm. Softcover. (APC 23 CA (2003))
Cover Title: Aboriginal Peoples Collection.
N.B.: Incorrect Catalogue number (JS42-110/2002) and ISBN (0-662-66993-2) printed in this publication.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, Communications Branch, 340 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa K1A 0P8. Tel: (613) 944-4875 or 1-800-830-3118; Fax: (613) 998-9589; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number PS4-11/2004E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Biidaaban: modèle de guérison de la Première nation Mnjikaning, rédaction et recherches: Joe Couture et Ruth Couture ; grâce au parrainage des Native Counselling Services of Alberta. 2004. iii, 125p. Graphique, ill., références, tableaux. 28cm. Couverture souple. (APC 23 CA (2002))
Titre de la couverture: Collection sur les autochtones.
N.B.: Le numéro de catalogue (JS42-110/2002) et ISBN (0-662-66993-2) imprimé dans cette publication sont incorrect.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Sécurité publique et Protection civile Canada, 340, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa K1A 0P8. Téléphone: (613) 944-4875 ou 1-800-830-3118; Télécopieur: (613) 998-9589 ; Courriel:; URL:
Numéro de catalogue PS4-11/2004F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Depository Services Program
Weekly checklist of Canadian government publications. Weekly. Compiled by the Depository Services Program. Ottawa. 27cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0706-4659
Numbering starts each year from No. 1.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL: No. 36, September 3, 2004. 20p.
$1.25 per copy. $60.00 per year.
Catalogue Number P107-1/2004-36
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories.
Queen's Printer
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 21, Saturday, May 22, 2004. P. 1599-1650.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-21
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 21, Saturday, May 22, 2004. [55]p. (579 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-21-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 22, Saturday, May 29, 2004. P. 1651-1676.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-22
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 22, Saturday, May 29, 2004. [28]p. (302 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-22-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 23, Saturday, June 5, 2004. P. 1677-1716.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-23
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 23, Saturday, June 5, 2004. [42]p. (430 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-23-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 24, Saturday, June 12, 2004. P. 1717-1758.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-24
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 24, Saturday, June 12, 2004. [44]p. (468 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-24-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 25, Saturday, June 19, 2004. P. 1759-1828.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-25
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 25, Saturday, June 19, 2004. [73]p. (791 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-25-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 26, Saturday, June 26, 2004. P. 1829-1874.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-26
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 26, Saturday, June 26, 2004. [49]p. (452 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-26-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 27, Saturday, July 3, 2004. P. 1875-1904.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-27
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 27, Saturday, July 3, 2004. [32]p. (342 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-27-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 28, Saturday, July 10, 2004. P. 1905-1944.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-28
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 28, Saturday, July 10, 2004. [43]p. (459 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-28-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 29, Saturday, July 17, 2004. P. 1945-2070. Tables.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-29
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 29, Saturday, July 17, 2004. [128]p. (1231 KB). Tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-29-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 30, Saturday, July 24, 2004. P. 2071-2098.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-30
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 30, Saturday, July 24, 2004. [30]p. (335 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-30-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 31, Saturday, July 31, 2004. P. 2099-2172.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-31
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 31, Saturday, July 31, 2004. [76]p. (729 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-31-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 32, Saturday, August 7, 2004. P. 2173-2216.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-32
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 32, Saturday, August 7, 2004. [46]p. (446 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-32-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 33, Saturday, August 14, 2004. P. 2217-2262.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-33
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 33, Saturday, August 14, 2004. [49]p. (475 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-33-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, No. 34, Saturday, August 21, 2004. P. 2263-2300.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-34
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 34, Saturday, August 21, 2004. [40]p. (395 KB).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/138-34-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
URL: 138, quarterly index, April 1 to June 30, 2004. 19p.
$2.95 per copy. $135.00 per year.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/2004-2
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, quarterly index, April 1 to June 30, 2004. 22p. (248 KB).
Free. (internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/2004-2-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 6, Monday, June 21, 2004. --Determination of number of electors - revised lists of electors. 8p. 28cm. Softcover.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-6
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 6, Monday, June 21, 2004. --Determination of number of electors - revised lists of electors. 8p. (96 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-6-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 7, Monday, June 21, 2004. --Toronto Port Authority regulations. 4p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-7
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 7, Monday, June 21, 2004. --Toronto Port Authority regulations. 4p. (94 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-7-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 8, Thursday, July 8, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-8
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 8, Thursday, July 8, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. (71 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-8-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 9, Friday, July 9, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-9
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 9, Friday, July 9, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 2p. (75 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-9-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 10, Monday, July 12, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 3p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-10
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 10, Monday, July 12, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 3p. (77 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-10-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 11, Monday, July 12, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 2p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-11
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 11, Monday, July 12, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 2p. (77 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-11-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 12, Tuesday, July 13, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 2p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-12
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 12, Tuesday, July 13, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 2p. (74 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-12-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 13, Wednesday, July 14, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 2p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-13
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 13, Wednesday, July 14, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 2p. (73 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-13-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 14, Thursday, July 15, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-14
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 14, Thursday, July 15, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. (72 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-14-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 15, Friday, July 16, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-15
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 15, Friday, July 16, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. (71 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-15-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 16, Monday, July 19, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-16
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 16, Monday, July 19, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. (70 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-16-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 17, Tuesday, July 20, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-17
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 17, Tuesday, July 20, 2004. --Return of members elected at the 38th general election. 1p. (70 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-17-PDF -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
URL: 138, No. 18, Friday, July 23, 2004. --Return of a member elected at the 38th general election. 1p. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Government Information Services Branch, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa K1A 1M4. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (North America only) or (613) 941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada only) or (613) 954-5779; URL:
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-18
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.Vol. 138, No. 18, Friday, July 23, 2004. --Return of a member elected at the 38th general election. 1p. (70 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-3/138-18-PDF
Statistics Canada Publications
Statistics Canada
Selective depositories should order their "Occasionals" (marked with the one-dot symbol) through the Checklist order form. These orders are communicated to Statistics Canada immediately and are filled there. Claims and requests to be added to mailing lists for Statistics Canada publications should be addressed to: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Telephone: 1-800-700-1033 or (613) 951-7277; Fax: 1-800-889-9734 or (613) 951-1584.
Periodic Releases
Gross domestic product by industry (in chained (1997) dollars). Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1492-3319 (System of National Accounts) Electronic.
Cover title: Gross domestic product by industry.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 18, No. 6, June, 2004. 129p. (545 KB). Graphs, tables.
$12.00 per copy. $118.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS15-001E-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Produit intérieur brut par industrie (en dollars enchaînés (1997)). Mensuel. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1492-3327 (Système de comptabilité nationale) Électronique.
Titre de la couverture: Produit intérieur brut par industrie.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Statistique Canada, Gestion de la circulation, Division de la diffusion, 120, avenue Parkdale, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Téléphone: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-8116 ; Télécopieur: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-0581; Courriel: ; URL:
URL: 18, n° 6, juin 2004. 132p. (567 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
12,00 $ l'exemplaire. 118,00 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue CS15-001F-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Field crop reporting series. Eight times a year. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 0575-8548
URL: 83, No. 5. --July 31 estimate of production of principal field crops, Canada - highlights. 2004. 21p. Tables. 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
$17.00 per copy. $95.00 for 8 issues.
Catalogue Number CS22-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Production and disposition of tobacco products. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. ISSN 1481-5222 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 33, No. 7, July, 2004. 4p. (55 KB). Tables.
$6.00 per copy. $51.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS32-022-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Primary iron and steel. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. ISSN 1481-5338 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 59, No. 6, June, 2004. 8p. (69 KB). Tables.
$6.00 per copy. $51.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS41-001-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
The consumer price index. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0703-9352
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 83, No. 7, July, 2004. 56p. Graphs, tables.
$12.00 per copy. $111.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS62-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Imports by country. Quarterly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1181-6740 Microfiche.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
System Requirements: Requires microfiche readerVol. 61, No. 2. 3 fiches.
$67.00 per copy. $221.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS65-006-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Canada's international transactions in securities. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1488-4860 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 70, No. 6, June, 2004. 61p. (423 KB). Graphs, tables.
$15.00 per copy. $142.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS67-002E-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Opérations internationales du Canada en valeurs mobilières. Mensuel. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. ISSN 1705-1444 Électronique.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Statistique Canada, Gestion de la circulation, Division de la diffusion, 120, avenue Parkdale, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Téléphone: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-8116 ; Télécopieur: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada et États-Unis) ou (613) 951-0581; Courriel: ; URL:
URL: 70, n° 6, juin 2004. 61p. (393 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
15,00 $ l'exemplaire. 142,00 $ par année.
Numéro de catalogue CS67-002F-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Employment, earnings and hours. Monthly. Ottawa. Adobe Acrobat. Bilingual. ISSN 1496-0583 Electronic.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, Circulation Management, Dissemination Division, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: 1-800-267-6677 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-8116 ; Fax: 1-877-287-4369 (Canada and United States) or (613) 951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
URL: 82, No. 6, June, 2004. 530p. (2472 KB). Tables.
$26.00 per copy. $257.00 per year.
Catalogue Number CS72-002-IN
Distribution: Made available to the DSP in electronic format only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
- Date modified: