ARCHIVED - Electronic Items in Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 09-17

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09-17 (April 24, 2009)

All URLs listed were available through the Internet on April 24, 2009.

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This abbreviated list includes only those items from Weekly Checklist 09-17 which are available electronically over the Internet.

Full Version of this Checklist

What's New

To All Canadian Depository Libraries

Within the next ten working days, Publishing and Depository Services (PDS) will be mailing copies of the new Depository Library Agreement to all Canadian depository libraries. The Agreement will be sent on a mini CD ROM accompanied by a printed covering letter in English and French. Any library experiencing technical difficulties with the CD will be sent print copies of the documents upon request.

Depository libraries will be asked to print and sign two copies of the agreement in the language of their choice and mail these to PDS. These copies will be signed by the Director of PDS and one signed original will be returned to the depository library by mail.

The CDs and covering letter will be sent addressed to the “Chief Librarian”. The deadline for returning signed copies will be July 1, 2009.

Depository libraries outside of Canada, such as national libraries, exchange libraries and educational libraries will not be receiving this agreement for signing. Different and additional agreements are being developed for depository libraries in some of these categories while others are permanently established by international agreements.

Any enquiries should be addressed to:

Publishing and Depository Services

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Ottawa ON

K1A 0S5

Phone / Toll free: 1 800 635-7943 (Canada & US)

Phone / Local: (613) 941-5995


Table of Contents

Parliamentary Publications

Library of Parliament

Departmental Publications

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Bank of Canada

Canada Border Services Agency

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Market Analysis Centre

Canadian Heritage

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Canadian Coast Guard

Policy Sector

Health Canada

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

Labour Program

Indian Claims Commission

Industry Canada

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

National Defence

Natural Resources Canada

Canadian Forest Service

Policy Research Initiative

Queen's Printer

Transport Canada

Civil Aviation

Transportation Safety Board of Canada

Statistics Canada Publications

Statistics Canada



Periodic Releases

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