ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 09-38
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09-38 (September 18, 2009)
All URLs listed were available through the Internet on September 18, 2009.
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For use by persons and libraries authorised to receive Government publications without charge. Orders should be placed within 50 working days.
Table of Contents
- Departmental Publications
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
- Bank of Canada
- Canada Border Services Agency
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canada Post Corporation
- Canadian General Standards Board
- Canadian Heritage
- Canadian International Development Agency
- Canadian Polar Commission
- Citizenship and Immigration Canada
- Environment Canada
- Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
- Health Canada
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
- Industry Canada
- National Defence
- National Energy Board
- Natural Resources Canada
- Parks Canada
- Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Service Canada
- Transport Canada
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- Statistics Canada Publications
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture: food, farming and much more. Ottawa, c2009. 11p. Map, photographs. 22cm. Softcover. (AAFC No. 10971E)
Order Information for Non-depositories: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, PubliCentrale, Publications Services, Room B-118, Sir John Carling Building, 930 Carling Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0C5. Tel: 613-759-6610; Fax: 613-759-6783; E-mail: ; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-13077-4
Catalogue Number A22-228/2009E
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
L'agriculture: les exploitations agricoles, la production alimentaire et bien plus encore. Ottawa, c2009. 11p. Carte, photographies. 22cm. Couverture souple. (No AAC 10971F)
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, PubliCentrale, Services de publications, pièce B-118, Édifice Sir John Carling, 930, avenue Carling, Ottawa K1A 0C5. Téléphone: 613-759-6610; Télécopieur: 613-759-6783 ; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-92029-0
Numéro de catalogue A22-228/2009F
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
L'agriculture: les exploitations agricoles, la production alimentaire et bien plus encore. Ottawa, c2009. 7p. (2102 Ko). Carte, photographies. Adobe Acrobat. (No AAC 10971F)
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-92031-3
Numéro de catalogue A22-228/2009F-PDF -
Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (ABIP). c2009. 1 folded sheet ([10]p.). Photographs. 22cm. Pamphlet. (AAFC No. 10988E)
Order Information: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, PubliCentrale, Publications Services, Room B-118, Sir John Carling Building, 930 Carling Avenue, Ottawa K1A 0C5. Tel: 613-759-6610; Fax: 613-759-6783; E-mail: ; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-13168-9
Catalogue Number A52-147/2009E
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Programme d'innovation en matière de bioproduits agricoles (PIBA). c2009. 1 feuille pliée ([10]p.). Photographies. 22cm. Dépliant. (No AAC 10988F)
Renseignements pour la commande: Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, PubliCentrale, Services de publications, pièce B-118, Édifice Sir John Carling, 930, avenue Carling, Ottawa K1A 0C5. Téléphone: 613-759-6610; Télécopieur: 613-759-6783 ; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-92097-9
Numéro de catalogue A52-147/2009F
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Office - annual report 07-08, [Issued by] Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office. Ottawa, [2008?]. 18p. (846 KB). Fig., tables. Adobe Acrobat. (LLRWMO-513430-041-04000)
"Working towards community solutions". "Recognizing 25 years of expertise".
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-48566-7
Catalogue Number CC1-1/2008E-PDF -
Bureau de gestion des déchets radioactifs de faible activité - rapport annuel 07-08, [Publié par] Bureau de gestion des déchets radioactifs de faible activité. [2008?]. 18p. (870 Ko). Figure, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat. (LLRWMO-513430-041-04000)
«Efforts vers des solutions communautaires». «Reconnaissant 25 années d'expertise».
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-08844-8
Numéro de catalogue CC1-1/2008F-PDF
Bank of Canada
Weekly financial statistics. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
Data in this package are unadjusted unless otherwise stated.
September 11, 2009. 20p. (296 KB). Graphs, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number FB12-4/2009-09-11-PDF -
Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.
ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.
2009-24. --Resurrecting the role of real money balance effects, by José Dorich. September 2009. 45p. (269 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number FB3-2/109-24E-PDF
Canada Border Services Agency
FAST - Highway Carrier Application Process, [issued jointly by] the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Ottawa, [2009]. 12p. (791 KB). Adobe Acrobat. (BSF5106(E) Rev.09)
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number PS38-45/2009E-PDF -
EXPRES - Processus de traitement des demandes de participation des transporteurs, [réalisé conjointement par] l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) et le U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Ottawa, [2009]. 12p. (352 Ko). Adobe Acrobat. (BSF5106(F) Rev. 09)
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue PS38-45/2009F-PDF -
NEXUS - information and application form, [jointly issued by] The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Ottawa, [2008]. 10p. (253 KB). Adobe Acrobat. (BSF5084(E) Rev. 08)
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number PS38-46/2008E-PDF -
NEXUS - renseignements et demande de participation, [réalisé conjointement par] L’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) et le Service des douanes et de la protection des frontières (SDPF) des États-Unis. Ottawa, [2008]. 11p. (250 Ko). Adobe Acrobat. (BSF5084(F) REv. 08)
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue PS38-46/2008F-PDF -
Customs D memoranda. D3, Transportation. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.
D3-1-3, August 21, 2009. --Commercial importation of intoxicating liquors. Ottawa. 5p. (97 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Superseded Memoranda "D" - D3-1-3, September 5, 2008.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Rv55-5/3-1-3-2009E-PDF -
Mémorandums D des douanes. D3, Transport. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.
D3-1-3, le 21 août 2009. --Importations commerciales de boissons enivrantes. Ottawa. 6p. (110 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Ceci annule les Mémorandums «D» - D3-1-3, le 5 septembre 2008.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Rv55-5/3-1-3-2009F-PDF -
Customs D memoranda. D8, Remissions and temporary importation. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.
D8-2-4, June 22, 2009. --Canadian goods abroad program - emergency repairs. Ottawa. 5p. (86 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Rv55-5/8-2-4-2009E-PDF -
Mémorandums D des douanes. D8, Remises et importation temporaire. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.
D8-2-4, le 22 juin 2009. --Programme des marchandises canadiennes à l'étranger - réparations urgentes. Ottawa. 5p. (102 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Rv55-5/8-2-4-2009F-PDF
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Housing market tables - selected South Central Ontario Centres. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.
[August 2009]. Date released: September 2009. 67p. (1657 KB). Tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number NH12-241/2009-8-PDF
Canadian Housing Information Centre
Current housing research. Semi-annual. Compiled and produced by the Canadian Housing Information Centre. Ottawa. ISSN 1497-388X Electronic.
Vol. 16, No. 1, Summer 2009. 129p. (1302 KB). Index.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number NH12-16/16-1E-PDF -
Recherches courantes sur l'habitation. Semestriel. Compilées et publiées par le Centre canadien de documentation sur l'habitation. Ottawa. ISSN 1497-3898 Électronique.
Vol. 16, n° 1, été 2009. 138p. (2396 Ko). Index.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-16/16-1F-PDF
Market Analysis Centre
Housing market outlook - Canada edition. Quarterly. Ottawa. Electronic.
Title from caption.
Continues "Housing market outlook - national edition" (NH12-9E-IN). English serial title changed from "Housing market outlook - Canada" to "Housing market outlook - Canada edition" with NH12-218/2007-4E-PDF.
Date released: Third quarter 2009. 34p. (1720 KB). Graphs, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number NH12-218/2009-3E-PDF -
Perspectives du marché de l'habitation - Canada. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Électronique.
Titre de départ.
Fait suite à: «Perspectives SCHL du marché de l'habitation - Édition nationale» (NH12-9F-IN).
Date de diffusion: troisième trimestre de 2009. 35p. (1744 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-218/2009-3F-PDF -
Perspectives du marché de l'habitation. Faits saillants - Région de l'Atlantique. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Électronique.
Date de diffusion : troisième trimestre de 2009. 9p. (995 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-262/1-2009-3F-PDF -
Housing market outlook. British Columbia region highlights. Quarterly. Ottawa. Electronic.
Release date: Third quarter 2009. 8p. (1158 KB). Graphs, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number NH12-262/2-2009-3E-PDF -
Perspectives du marché de l'habitation. Faits saillants - Région de la Colombie-Britannique. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Électronique.
Date de diffusion : deuxième [ i.e. troisième] trimestre 2009. 8p. (1176 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Pour le deuxième trimestre 2009, voir la publication sous le n° de catalogue NH12-262/2-2009-2F-PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-262/2-2009-3F-PDF -
Perspectives du marché de l'habitation. Faits saillants - Canada. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Électronique.
Date de diffusion : troisième trimestre de 2009. 7p. (1166 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-262/3-2009-3F-PDF -
Perspectives du marché de l'habitation. Faits saillants - Région de l'Ontario. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Électronique.
Date de diffusion : troisième trimestre de 2009. 12p. (1165 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-262/4-2009-3F-PDF -
Perspectives du marché de l'habitation. Faits saillants - Région des Prairies. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Électronique.
Date de diffusion : troisième trimestre de 2009. 10p. (1055 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-262/5-2009-3F-PDF -
Perspectives du marché de l'habitation. Faits saillants - Région du Québec. Trimestriel. Ottawa. Électronique.
Date de diffusion : troisième trimestre de 2009. 10p. (861 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-262/6-2009-3F-PDF -
Housing now - Québec region. Quarterly. Montreal. Electronic.
Title from caption.
[Second quarter 2009]. Date released: Third quarter 2009. 27p. (1027 KB). Graph, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number NH12-50/2009-2E-PDF -
Actualités habitation - Région du Québec. Trimestriel. Montréal. Électronique.
Titre de départ.
[Deuxième trimestre 2009]. Date de diffusion: troisième trimestre de 2009. 27p. (138 Ko). Graphique, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue NH12-50/2009-2F-PDF
Canada Post Corporation
Postal Services Information. Three times a year. Ottawa. Bilingual. CD-ROM.
Continues: Canada postal guide.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canada Post Corporation, Manager, Canada Postal Guide, 2701 Riverside Dr. Suite N0250, Ottawa K1A 0B1. E-mail:; URL:
Spring 2009. c2009. 1 disc.
"The Readme file on this CD-ROM contains important information including the licensing agreement".
$29.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number Po12-1/2009-2-MRC
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Canadian General Standards Board
CGSB standard. Prepared by the Canadian General Standards Board; Approved by the Standards Council of Canada. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Other title: Canadian General Standards Bureau Standard.
CAN/CGSB-171.2-94, withdrawal. --Withdrawal - Geomatic data sets cataloguing rules. Gatineau, Quebec, May 2009. [1] sheet. 28cm. (ICS 35.240.70)
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canadian General Standards Board, CGSB Sales Centre, 11 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 1G6. Tel: 1-800-665-2472 or 819-956-0425; Fax: 819-956-5740; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number P29-171-2-94-1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
CGSB standard. Prepared by the Canadian General Standards Board; Approved by the Standards Council of Canada. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Other title: Canadian General Standards Bureau Standard.
CAN/CGSB-171.3-95, withdrawal. --Withdrawal - Directory information describing digital geo-referenced data sets. May 2009. [1] sheet. 28cm. (ICS 35.240.70)
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canadian General Standards Board, CGSB Sales Centre, 11 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 1G6. Tel: 1-800-665-2472 or 819-956-0425; Fax: 819-956-5740; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number P29-171-3-95-1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Canadian Heritage
Building communities through arts and heritage - local arts and heritage festivals: guide and application form. Updated. April 2008. 12p. (1241 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-48558-2
Catalogue Number CH36-4/8-1-2008E-PDF -
Développement des communautés par le biais des arts et du patrimoine - festivals des arts locaux et du patrimoine: guide et formulaire de demande. Mise à jour en avril 2008. 2008. 13p. (1261 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-08836-3
Numéro de catalogue CH36-4/8-1-2008F-PDF
Canadian International Development Agency
Impacts of microfinance initiatives on children: overview of the study report, Prepared for Children's Rights and Protection Unit in the Human Rights and Participation. Revised August 2007. Gatineau, Quebec, c2008. 36p. (398 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-47555-2
Catalogue Number CD4-50/2008E-PDF -
Effets des initiatives de microfinance sur les enfants: résumé du rapport d'étude, Préparé pour l'Unité des droits et de la protection des enfants, Division des droits de la personne et participation, Direction générale des politiques. Révisé en août 2007. Gatineau (Québec), c2007. 37p. (399 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-07887-6
Numéro de catalogue CD4-50/2008F-PDF
Canadian Polar Commission
Canadian Polar Commission - annual report. Annual. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1498-5993
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canadian Polar Commission, Suite 1710, Constitution Square, 360 Albert Street, Ottawa K1R 7X7. Tel: 613-943-8605 or 1-888-765-2701; Fax: 613-943-8607; E-mail:; URL:
2007-2008. 2008. 32p. Coloured map, photographs, tables.
Catalogue Number R100-2008
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Meridian. Twice a year. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1492-6245
Title from caption.
Three times a year, 1995-1998; Semiannual (irregular), 1999--
Order Information for Non-depositories: Canadian Polar Commission, Suite 1710, Constitution Square, 360 Albert Street, Ottawa K1R 7X7. Tel: 613-943-8605 or 1-888-765-2701; Fax: 613-943-8607; E-mail:; URL:
Spring/Summer 2009. English text, 20p. Figs., graph, map, photographs, tables.
Catalogue Number R102-4/2009-1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Meridian. Twice a year. Ottawa. ISSN 1492-6253 Electronic.
Title from caption.
Three times a year, 1995-1998; Semiannual (irregular), 1999--
Spring/Summer 2009. 20p. (1381 KB). Figs., graph, map, photographs, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number R102-4/2009-1E-PDF -
Méridien. Deux fois par année. Ottawa. ISSN 1492-6261 Électronique.
Titre du départ.
Trois fois par an, 1995-1998; Semestriel (irrégulier), 1999--
Printemps/été 2009. 20p. (1338 Ko). Carte, figures, graphique, photographies, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue R102-4/2009-1F-PDF
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Government of Canada response to the report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration: "Temporary foreign workers and non-status workers". Ottawa, August 2009. English text, 14p. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. (C&I-1045-08-09)
Order Information: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Distribution Services, Ottawa K1A 1L1. Fax: 613-954-2221; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-50196-3
Catalogue Number Ci4-20/2009
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Environment Canada
The CITES identification guide to falconry species. Ottawa, c2009. 32p. (1210 KB). Illus., index, photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
Incorrect catalogue number (CW66-203/2-2008-PDF) and ISBN (978-0-662-05870-0) printed in this publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number CW66-203/2-2008E-PDF -
Guide d'identification CITES des espèces utilisées en fauconnerie. Ottawa, c2009. 32p. (1225 Ko). Ill., index, photographies. Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (CW66-203/2-2008-PDF) et ISBN (978-0-662-05870-0) imprimés dans cette publication sont incorrects.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CW66-203/2-2008F-PDF -
Lake Simcoe Clean-up Fund - restoring one of Canada’s lakes: a partnership between the Government of Canada and the community. [2008?]. 1p. (3057 KB). Photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (Fr4-93/2008) and ISBN (978-0-662-05991-2) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-10635-9
Catalogue Number En4-93/2008E-PDF -
Fonds d'assainissement du lac Simcoe - restauration d'un des lacs du Canada: un partenariat entre le gouvernement du Canada et la collectivité. [2008?]. 1p. (2757 Ko). Photographies. Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (Fr4-93/2008) et l’ISBN (978-0-662-05991-2) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-04855-8
Numéro de catalogue En4-93/2008F-PDF -
Fleet average NOx emission performance of 2007 model year light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles: in relation to the On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, [Issued by] Transportation Division. Ottawa, September 2009. 21p. (430 KB). Graphs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-12973-0
Catalogue Number En81-10/2007E-PDF -
Rendement des émissions moyennes de NOx du parc de véhicules légers, de camionnettes et de véhicules moyens à passagers pour l’année de modèle 2007: par rapport au Règlement sur les émissions des véhicules routiers et de leurs moteurs en vertu de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l’environnement (1999), [Publié par la] Division du transport. Ottawa, Septembre 2009. 24p. (443 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-91914-0
Numéro de catalogue En81-10/2007F-PDF -
Canada's greenhouse gas emissions: understanding the trends, 1990-2006. c2008. 44p. (2276 KB). Graphs, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (En81-4/2006-2E) and ISBN (978-1-100-11186-5) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-11187-2
Catalogue Number En81-4/2006-2E-PDF -
Émissions de gaz à effet de serre au Canada, comprendre les tendances, 1990-2006. c2008. 44p. (1865 Ko). Graphiques, photographies, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (En81-4/2006-2F) et l’ISBN (978-1-100-90259-3) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-90260-9
Numéro de catalogue En81-4/2006-2F-PDF -
National inventory report 1990-2006: greenhouse gas sources and sinks in Canada, Issued by Greenhouse Gas Division. c2008. 650p. (5676 KB). Figs., graphs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (En81-4/2006E) and ISBN (978-1-100-11176-6) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-11177-3
Catalogue Number En81-4/2006E-PDF -
Rapport d'inventaire national, 1990-2006: sources et puits de gaz à effet de serre au Canada, Publié par la Division des gaz à effet de serre. c2008. 721p. (4963 Ko). Figures, graphiques, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (En81-4/2006F) et l’ISBN (978-1-100-90249-4) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Données de catalogage avant publication (Canada) imprimées dans cette publication.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-90250-0
Numéro de catalogue En81-4/2006F-PDF
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Thinking of Opening a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)? [2009]. 1 sheet ([2p.]). 28cm. Processed.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, 427 Laurier Avenue West, 6th Floor, Ottawa K1R 1B9. Tel: 1-866-461-3222; 1-866-914-6097 (TTY) or 613-996-5454; 613-947-7771 (TTY); Fax: 1-866-814-2224 or 613-941-1436; E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-11687-7
Catalogue Number FC5-11/2009E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Vous pensez ouvrir un compte d'épargne libre d'impôt (CELI)? [2009]. 1 feuille ([2p.]). Polycopié.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, 427, avenue Laurier Ouest, 6e étage, Ottawa K1R 1B9. Téléphone: 1-866-461-2232; 1-866-914-6097 (ATS) ou 613-996-5454; 613-947-7771 (ATS); Télécopieur: 1-866 814-2224 ou 613-941-1436; Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-90684-3
Numéro de catalogue FC5-11/2009F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Thinking of Opening a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)? [2009]. 2p. (169 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (FC5-11/2009E) and ISBN (978-1-100-11687-7) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-11688-4
Catalogue Number FC5-11/2009E-PDF -
Vous pensez ouvrir un compte d'épargne libre d'impôt (CELI)? [2009]. 2p. (169 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (FC5-11/2009F) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-90684-3) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-90685-0
Numéro de catalogue FC5-11/2009F-PDF
Health Canada
Health Canada's Research Ethics Board - annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1921-3646 Electronic.
2005-2006 and 2006-2007. c2008. 30p. (1474 KB). Coloured figs.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-46846-2
Catalogue Number H1-9/21-2007E-PDF -
Comité d'éthique de la recherche à Santé Canada - rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1921-3654 Électronique.
2005-2006 et 2006-2007. c2007. 30p. (1431 Ko). Figures en couleur.
Le n° de catalogue (H1-9/21-2007E-PDF) et l'ISBN (978-0-662-07230-0) ont été intervertis lors de la copie de cette version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-0-662-07230-0
Numéro de catalogue H1-9/21-2007F-PDF
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Labour Program
Bulletin du travail. Deux fois par mois. Publié par la Direction de l'information sur les milieux du travail. Ottawa. Électronique.
15 septembre 2009. 19p. (287 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue HS22-1/2009-09-15F-PDF
Information on occupational health and safety. Ottawa. Bilingual.
No. 8. --Violence prevention in the work place. Gatineau, Quebec, c2009. English text, 5p. 28cm. Softcover. (LT-207-08-09)
Order Information for Non-depositories: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, HRSDC Communications Branch, Publications/Distribution Unit, 140 Promenade du Portage, Place du Portage, Phase IV, Level 12, Gatineau , Quebec K1A 0J9. Fax: 819-953-7260; URL:
ISBN 978-0-662-06557-9
Catalogue Number HS23-1/8-2009
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Information on occupational health and safety. Ottawa. Electronic.
No. 8. --Violence prevention in the work place. Ottawa, c2009. 6p. (64 KB). Adobe Acrobat. (LT-207-02-09)
The catalogue number (HS23-1/8-2009) and ISBN (978-0-662-06557-9) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-11918-2
Catalogue Number HS23-1/8-2009E-PDF -
Renseignements sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Ottawa. Électronique.
N° 8. --Prévention de la violence dans le lieu de travail. Ottawa, c2009. 6p. (67 Ko). Adobe Acrobat. (LT-207-02-09)
Le n° de catalogue (HS23-1/8-2009) et l’ISBN (978-0-662-06557-9) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-90909-7
Numéro de catalogue HS23-1/8-2009F-PDF
Complaint labour standards: Canada Labour Code, Part III Labour Standards. Ottawa, c2009. English text, 1 folded sheet ([3p.]). 22cm. Pamphlet. Bilingual. (LT-124-08-09E)
Order Information for Non-depositories: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, HRSDC Communications Branch, Publications/Distribution Unit, 140 Promenade du Portage, Place du Portage, Phase IV, Level 12, Gatineau , Quebec K1A 0J9. Fax: 819-953-7260; URL:
ISBN 978-1-100-50206-9
Catalogue Number HS24-51/2009
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Industry Canada
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
National Defence
The maple leaf. Weekly. Ottawa. 38cm. Newspaper. Bilingual. ISSN 1480-4336 (NDID/IDDN A-JS-000-003/JP-001)
"The DND/CF weekly news".
Vol. 12, No. 29, 2 September 2009. 23, [1]p. Coloured illus., photographs. Accompanying material: Safety digest, September 2009, 8p.
Free. (Available to depositories only).
Catalogue Number D12-7/12-29
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
National Energy Board
Focus on safety and environment, a comparative analysis of pipeline performance. Annual. Calgary. ISSN 1719-6183 Electronic.
2000-2007. July 2009. 31p. (2352 KB). Graphs, photographs, tables.
The catalogue number (NE2-2/2007F-PDF) and ISBN
(978-1-100-91537-1) for the French language edition have been incorrectly copied in this PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-12604-3
Catalogue Number NE2-2/2007E-PDF -
Gros plan sur la sécurité et l'environnement, analyse comparative du rendement des pipelines. Annuel. Calgary. ISSN 1719-6191 Électronique.
2000-2007. Juillet 2009. 33p. (2693 Ko). Graphiques, photographies, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-91537-1
Numéro de catalogue NE2-2/2007F-PDF
Natural Resources Canada
CANMET Energy Technology Centre
The Urban Archetypes Project: community case study - the City of Regina. Ottawa, c2009. 8p. (794 KB). Coloured figs., graphs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-11952-6
Catalogue Number M154-15/5-2009E-PDF -
Le Projet d’archétypes urbains: étude de cas sur une collectivité - la ville de Regina. Ottawa, c2009. 8p. (1040 Ko). Figures en couleur, graphiques, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-90940-0
Numéro de catalogue M154-15/5-2009F-PDF -
The Urban Archetypes Project: community case study - Halifax regional municipality. Ottawa, c2009. 7p. (810 KB). Coloured figs., graphs, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-11953-3
Catalogue Number M154-15/6-2009E-PDF -
Le Projet d’archétypes urbains: étude de cas sur une collectivité - la municipalité régionale de Halifax. Ottawa, c2009. 7p. (1045 Ko). Figures en couleur, graphiques, photographies, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-90941-7
Numéro de catalogue M154-15/6-2009F-PDF -
The Urban Archetypes Project: community case study - City of Ottawa. Ottawa, c2009. 8p. (1044 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-11954-0
Catalogue Number M154-15/7-2009E-PDF -
Le Projet d’archétypes urbains: étude de cas sur une collectivité - la ville d'Ottawa. Ottawa, c2009. 8p. (806 Ko). Cartes en couleur, graphiques, photographies, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-90942-4
Numéro de catalogue M154-15/7-2009F-PDF -
Statistical analysis of Quebec school boards network energy balance from 2005 to 2006, By Martin Carignan, Différence Consulting in Statistics. December 2008. 32p. (448 KB). Graph, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-13033-0
Catalogue Number M154-22/2009E-PDF -
Analyse statistique du bilan énergétique du réseau des commissions scolaires du Québec de 2005-2006, Préparé par Martin Carignan, Différence groupe-conseil en statistique. Décembre 2008. 32p. (464 Ko). Tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-91991-1
Numéro de catalogue M154-22/2009F-PDF
Office of Energy Efficiency
Mark Dalton - SmartDriver 2: trouble load, A FleetSmart novel by Edo van Belkom. Ottawa, c2009. 124p. (744 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
"Sequel to Mark Dalton: SmartDriver."
The catalogue number (M144-179/2009E) and ISBN (978-1-100-11912-0) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number M144-179/2009E-PDF -
Mark Dalton - ConducteurAverti 2: chargement louche, Un roman Écoflotte d'Edo van Belkom. Ottawa, c2009. 128p. (723 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
«Suite de Mark Dalton : conducteur averti.»
Le n° de catalogue (M144-179/2009F) et l’ISBN (978-1-100-90903-5) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue M144-179/2009F-PDF -
Base des Forces canadiennes Gagetown: répondre à un parc immobilier en pleine évolution. Ottawa, Juin 2009. 2p. (277 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-91556-2
Numéro de catalogue M144-205/2009F-PDF
Parks Canada
Parc national du Canada Sirmilik: la terre de glaciers. [2008?]. 1 feuille, imprimée recto-verso. Cartes en couleur, ill. en couleur, photographies. 64cm. Affiche.
Comprend 1 carte en couleurs imprimée sur un côté de la feuille pliée.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Parcs Canada, Bureau national, 25, rue Eddy, Gatineau (Québec) K1A 0M5. Téléphone: 1-888-773-8888 (Renseignement généraux); Courriel:; URL:
ISBN 978-0-662-04030-9
Numéro de catalogue R63-338/2008F
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board - PMPRB annual report 2008. Ottawa, 2009. English text, iv, 60p. Figs., glossary, graphs, organization chart, photographs, tables. 22cm. Softcover. Bilingual.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
ISBN 978-0-662-06859-4
Catalogue Number H78-2008
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board - PMPRB annual report 2008. Ottawa, 2009. 66p. (2068 KB). Figs., glossary, graphs, organization chart, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-12798-9
Catalogue Number H78-2008E-PDF -
Conseil d'examen du prix des médicaments brevetés - CEPMB rapport annuel 2008. Ottawa, 2009. 66p. (2148 Ko). Figures, glossaire, graphiques, organigramme, photographies, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-91757-3
Numéro de catalogue H78-2008F-PDF -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 10, No.1. January 2006. English text, 12p. Photographs, tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/10-1
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 10, No. 2. April 2006. English text, 10p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/10-2
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 10, No. 3. July 2006. English text, 16p. Graphs, photographs, table.
Catalogue Number H80-1/10-3
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 10, No. 4. October 2006. English text, 8p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/10-4
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 11, No. 1. January 2007. English text, 10p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/11-1
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 11, No. 2. April 2007. English text, 10p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/11-2
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 11, No. 3. July 2007. English text, 10p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/11-3
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 11, No. 4. October 2007. English text, 10p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/11-4
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol.12, No. 1. January 2008. English text, 10p. Photographs, tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/12-1
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol.12, No. 2. April 2008. English text, 10p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/12-2
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol.12, No. 3. July 2008. English text, 10p. Photographs, table.
Catalogue Number H80-1/12-3
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol.12, No. 4. October 2008. English text, 8p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/12-4
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 9, No. 1. January 2005. English text, 12p. Tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/9-1
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 9, No. 2. April 2005. English text, 10p. Photographs, tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/9-2
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 9, No. 3. July 2005. English text, 8p. Graphs, tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/9-3
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Newsletter. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1484-4346
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board newsletter.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 9, No. 4. October 2005. English text, 10p. Photographs, tables.
Catalogue Number H80-1/9-4
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB Compendium of policies, guidelines and procedures. Ottawa, June 2009. 43p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Spiral binding. Bilingual.
Incorrect catalogue numbers (H82-4/2009E and H82-4/2009F) and ISBNs (978-1-100-12983-9 and 978-1-100-91933-1) printed in this publication.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number H82-4/2009
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB results of the March 2009 consultation and the Board's revised excessive price guidelines. Ottawa, June 2009. 10p. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual.
Incorrect catalogue numbers (H82-4/2009E and H82-4/2009F) and ISBNs (978-1-100-12983-9 and 978-1-100-91933-1) printed in this publication.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Box L40, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400, Ottawa K1P 1C1. Tel: 1-877-861-2350 or 613-952-7360; TTY: 613-957-4373; Fax: 613-952-7626; E-mail:; URL:
Catalogue Number H82-4/2009-1
Distribution: Available for full depositories only.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories. -
PMPRB results of the March 2009 consultation and the Board's revised excessive price guidelines. Ottawa, June 2009. 12p. (773 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
Incorrect catalogue number (H82-4/2009E-PDF) and ISBN (978-1-100-12984-6) copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number H82-4/2009-1E-PDF -
CEPMB - résultats de la consulation de mars 2009 et les lignes directrices révisées du Conseil sur les prix excessifs. Ottawa, Juin 2009. 12p. (778 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (H82-4/2009F-PDF) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-91934-8) copiés dans cette édition électronique sont incorrects.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue H82-4/2009-1F-PDF
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Depository Services Program
Weekly checklist of Canadian government publications. Weekly. Compiled by the Depository Services Program. Ottawa. 27cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0706-4659
Numbering starts each year from No. 1.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
2009 No. 37, September 11, 2009. 24p.
$1.25 per copy. $60.00 per year.
Catalogue Number P107-1/2009-37
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories.
Queen's Printer
Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Notices and proposed regulations.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 143, No. 36, Saturday, September 5, 2009. p. 2651-2680, 24p. Index, table.
Includes Supplement: Department of the Environment and Department of Health, Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999, Publication after screening assessment of substances - Batch 7 and Publication of results of investigations and recommendations for a substance.
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/143-36
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6076 Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Vol. 143, No. 36, Saturday, September 5, 2009. 55p. (597 KB). Index, table.
Includes Supplement: Department of the Environment and Department of Health, Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999, Publication after screening assessment of substances - Batch 7 and Publication of results of investigations and recommendations for a substance.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/143-36-PDF -
Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192
Notices and proposed regulations.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
Vol. 143, No. 37, Saturday, September 12, 2009. p. 2681-2724. Index.
$2.95 per copy.
Catalogue Number SP2-1/143-37
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6076 Electronic.
Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.
Vol. 143, No. 37, Saturday, September 12, 2009. 46p. (532 KB). Index.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SP2-1/143-37-PDF
Service Canada
What you need to do now to receive your employment insurance benefits. Ottawa, c2009. 1p. (147 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (SG5-27/2009) and ISBN (978-0-662-06512-8) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Order Information for Non-depositories: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, HRSDC Communications Branch, Publications/Distribution Unit, 140 Promenade du Portage, Place du Portage, Phase IV, Level 12, Gatineau , Quebec K1A 0J9. Fax: 819-953-7260; URL:
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number SG5-27/2009E-PDF -
Marche à suivre pour recevoir vos prestations d’assurance-emploi. Ottawa, c2009. 1p. (132 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (SG5-27/2009) et l’ISBN (978-0-662-06512-8) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences Canada, Direction générale des Communications, RHDSC, Unité des publications et distribution, 140, promenade du Portage, Place du Portage, Phase IV, niveau 12, Gatineau (Québec) K1A 0J9. Télécopieur: 819-953-7260; URL:
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue SG5-27/2009F-PDF
Transport Canada
Canadian Postal Service Charter. c2009. 2p. (275 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (T22-175/1-2009) and ISBN (978-1-100-50259-5) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number T22-175/1-2009E-PDF -
Protocole du service postal canadien. c2009. 2p. (268 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (T22-175/1-2009) et l’ISBN (978-1-100-50259-5) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue T22-175/1-2009F-PDF -
Canadian Postal Service Charter: delivering service for Canadians. c2009. 1p. (279 KB). Photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (T22-175/2-2009) and ISBN (978-1-100-50260-1) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
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Catalogue Number T22-175/2-2009E-PDF -
Protocole du service postal canadien: prestation du service aux Canadiens. c2009. 1p. (276 Ko). Photographies. Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (T22-175/2-2009) et l’ISBN (978-1-100-50260-1) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
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Numéro de catalogue T22-175/2-2009F-PDF
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Code: 203, 210. --Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey - Group: Architecture and Town Planning, Engineering and Land Survey: Expiry date: September 30, 2011. c2009. English text, 150p. 15cm. Softcover.
Order Information: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
$8.95 per copy.
ISBN 978-0-660-64197-3
Catalogue Number BT42-210/2011
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. Ottawa. Electronic.
Code: 203, 210. --Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey - Group: Architecture and Town Planning, Engineering and Land Survey: Expiry date: September 30, 2011. Ottawa, c2009. 162p. (444 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (BT42-210/2011) and ISBN (978-0-660-64197-3) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number BT42-210/2011E-PDF -
Convention entre le Conseil du Trésor et l'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada. Ottawa. Électronique.
Code : 203, 210. --Architecture, Génie et Arpentage - Groupes: Architecture et urbanisme, Génie et arpentage: date d'expiration : le 30 septembre 2011. Ottawa, c2009. 166p. (463 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (BT 42-210/2011) et l’ISBN (978-0-660-64197-3) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans cette édition électronique.
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Numéro de catalogue BT42-210/2011F-PDF -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Code: 303. --Group: Computer Systems (all employees): expiry date: December 21, 2010. Ottawa, c2009. English text, 144p. 15cm. Softcover.
Order Information: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
$8.95 per copy.
ISBN 978-0-660-64200-0
Catalogue Number BT42-303/2010
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. Ottawa. Electronic.
Code: 303. --Group: Computer Systems (all employees): Expiry date: December 21, 2010. Ottawa, c2009. 152p. (411 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (BT42-303/2010) and ISBN (978-0-660-64200-0) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number BT42-303/2010E-PDF -
Convention entre le Conseil du Trésor et l'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada. Ottawa. Électronique.
Code : 303. --Groupe : Systèmes d'ordinateurs (tous les employés): date d'expiration : le 21 décembre 2010. Ottawa, c2009. 160p. (375 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (BT42-303/2010) et l’ISBN (978-0-660-64200-0) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l’édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue BT42-303/2010F-PDF -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Code: 204, 309, 311. --Group: Audit, Commerce and Purchasing (all employees): expiry date: June 21, 2011. Ottawa, c2009. English text, 140p. 15cm. Softcover.
Order Information: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
$8.95 per copy.
ISBN 978-0-660-64195-9
Catalogue Number BT42-311/2011
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. Ottawa. Electronic.
Code: 204, 309, 311. --Group: Audit, Commerce and Purchasing (all employees): expiry date: June 21, 2011. Ottawa, c2009. 148p. (556 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (BT 42-311/2011) and ISBN (978-0-660-64195-9) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number BT42-311/2011E-PDF -
Convention entre le Conseil du Trésor et l'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada. Ottawa. Électronique.
Code : 204, 309, 311. --Groupe : Vérification, commerce et achat (tous les employés): date d'expiration: le 21 juin 2011. Ottawa, c2009. 153p. (564 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (BT42-311/2011) et l’ISBN (978-0-660-64195-9) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans cette édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue BT42-311/2011F-PDF -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Canadian Association of Professional Employees. Ottawa. Bilingual.
Code: 231. --Group: Economics and Social Science Services (all employees): expiry date: 21 June 2011. Ottawa, c2009. English text, 114p. 15cm. Softcover.
Order Information: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
$8.95 per copy.
ISBN 978-0-660-64114-0
Catalogue Number BT42-412/2011
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Canadian Association of Professional Employees. Ottawa. Electronic.
Code: 231. --Group: Economics and Social Science Services (all employees): expiry date: 21 June 2011. Ottawa, c2009. 122p. (531 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (BT 42-412/2011) and ISBN (978-0-660-64114-0) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number BT42-412/2011E-PDF -
Convention entre le Conseil du Trésor et l'Association canadienne des employés professionnels. Ottawa. Électronique.
Code: 231. --Groupe : Économique et services de sciences sociales (tous les employés et toutes les employées): date d'expiration: le 21 juin 2011. Ottawa, c2009. 129p. (551 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (BT 42-412/2011) et l’ISBN (978-0-660-64114-0) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans cette édition électronique.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue BT42-412/2011F-PDF -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Federal Government Dockyard Trades and Labour Council (Esquimalt). Ottawa. Bilingual.
Code: 614. --Group: Ship repair (all employees located on the West Coast): expiry date: January 30, 2010. Ottawa, c2009. English text, 126p. 16cm. Softcover.
Order Information: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch , Publishing and Depository Services, Ottawa K1A 0S5. Tel: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and United States only) or 613-941-5995; Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and United States only) or 613-954-5779; E-mail:; URL:
$8.95 per copy.
ISBN 978-0-660-64136-2
Catalogue Number BT42-614/2010
Distribution: Available only from issuing agency.
Available from CGP for non-depositories. -
Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Federal Government Dockyard Trades and Labour Council (Esquimalt). Ottawa. Electronic.
Code: 614. --Group: Ship repair (all employees located on the West Coast): expiry date: January 30, 2010. Ottawa, c2009. 134p. (474 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
The catalogue number (BT 42-614/2010) and ISBN (978-0-660-64136-2) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number BT42-614/2010E-PDF -
Convention entre le Conseil du Trésor et le Conseil des métiers et du travail des chantiers maritimes du gouvernement fédéral (Esquimalt). Ottawa. Électronique.
Code: 614. --Groupe : Réparation des navires (tous les employés en poste sur la côte ouest): date d'expiration: le 30 janvier 2010. Ottawa, c2009. 137p. (501 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Le n° de catalogue (BT 42-614/2010) et l’ISBN (978-0-660-64136-2) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans cette édition électronique.
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Numéro de catalogue BT42-614/2010F-PDF
Statistics Canada Publications
Statistics Canada
Canada year book. Annual. Ottawa. 23cm. Softcover. ISSN 0068-8142
Order Information for Non-depositories: Statistics Canada, 100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Tel: Inquiries Line: 1-800-263-1136; TTY: 1-800-363-7629; Depository Services Program inquiries: 1-800-700-1033 or 613-951-8116; Fax: 1-877-287-4369; Depository Services Program fax line: 1-800-889-9734 or 613-951-0581; E-mail:; URL:
2009. v, 436p. Glossary, graphs, index, maps, tables.
$24.95 per copy.
ISBN 978-0-660-19908-5
Catalogue Number CS11-402/2009E
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Annuaire du Canada. Annuel. Ottawa. 23cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 0316-8557
Renseignements pour la commande pour les non dépositaires: Statistique Canada, 100, promenade Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa K1A 0T6. Téléphone: Demandes de renseignements: 1-800-263-1136; ATS: 1-800-363-7629; Services aux Programme de dépôt: 1-800-700-1033 ou 613-951-8116 ; Télécopieur: 1-877-287-4369; Services aux Programme de dépôt: 1-800-889-9734 ou 613-951-0581; Courriel: ; URL:
2009. v, 434p. Cartes, glossaire, graphiques, index, tableaux.
24,95 $ l'exemplaire.
ISBN 978-0-660-97342-5
Numéro de catalogue CS11-402/2009F
Distribution: One free copy for depositories.
Available from issuing agency for non-depositories.
Crime and justice research paper series. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1707-5203 Electronic.
No. 17. --Self-reported violent delinquency and the influence of school, neighbourhood and student characteristics, by Robin Fitzgerald. Ottawa, September 2009. 22p. (404 KB). Bibliography, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
ISBN 978-1-100-13072-9
Catalogue Number CS85-561/17-2009E-PDF -
Série de documents de recherche sur la criminalité et la justice. Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1707-5211 Électronique.
N° 17. --Délinquance avec violence autodéclarée et influence des caractéristiques de l'école, du quartier et des élèves, par Robin Fitzgerald. Ottawa, Septembre 2009. 25p. (391 Ko). Bibliographie, carte, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
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ISBN 978-1-100-92024-5
Numéro de catalogue CS85-561/17-2009F-PDF
Services de comptabilité. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1916-9906 Électronique.
2007. Date de parution : septembre 2009. 17p. (214 Ko). Figures en couleur, graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CS63-256/2007F-PDF
Periodic Releases
Canadian economic accounts quarterly review. Quarterly. Ottawa. ISSN 1703-7565 Electronic.
"This publication presents an overview of the economic developments reported in Canada's national accounts for the most recent quarter. The overview covers several broad areas: 1) Gross domestic product (GDP) by income and by expenditure, 2) GDP by industry, 3) Balance of international payments accounts, 4) Labour productivity and other related variables, 5) International investment position and 6) National balance sheet accounts."--Page 4 (page 6 of 42), Third quarter, 2003.
Vol. 8, No. 2, Second quarter 2009. 49p. (548 KB). Graphs, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number CS13-010/8-2E-PDF -
Revue trimestrielle des comptes économiques canadiens. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1703-7573 Électronique.
«Cette publication offre un aperçu des événements économiques présentés dans les comptes nationaux du Canada pour le plus récent trimestre. Cet aperçu couvre plusieurs grands thèmes: 1) le produit intérieur brut (PIB) en termes de revenus et de dépenses; 2) le PIB par industrie, 3) la balance des paiements internationaux; 4) la productivité du travail et d'autres variables connexes; 5) le bilan des investissements internationaux et 6) les comptes du bilan national.»--Page 4 (page 6 de 44), troisième trimestre, 2003.
Vol. 8, n° 2, deuxième trimestre de 2009. 51p. (566 Ko). Graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CS13-010/8-2F-PDF -
National balance sheet accounts - data tables. Quarterly. Ottawa. ISSN 1916-4513 Electronic.
Second quarter 2009. (Accessible on Statistics Canada website).
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number CS13-022/2009-2E-HTML -
Comptes du bilan national - tableaux de données. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1916-4521 Électronique.
Deuxième trimestre de 2009. (Disponible sur le site Web de Statistique Canada).
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Numéro de catalogue CS13-022/2009-2F-HTML -
The supply and disposition of refined petroleum products in Canada. Monthly. Ottawa. ISSN 1715-1481 Electronic.
Vol. 64, No. 6, June 2009. 90p. (587 KB). Figs., graph, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number CS45-004/64-6E-PDF -
Approvisionnement et utilisation des produits pétroliers raffinés au Canada. Mensuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1715-149X Électronique.
Vol. 64, n° 6, juin 2009. 90p. (638 Ko). Figures, graphique, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CS45-004/64-6F-PDF -
Canadian vehicle survey. Quarterly. Ottawa. ISSN 1496-3736 Electronic.
"Prior to 2004, the survey was sponsored by Transport Canada. Since then, the survey has been co-sponsored by Transport Canada and Natural Resources Canada."--Page 8, Third quarter, 2004.
January to March 2009. 72p. (357 KB). Tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number CS53-0004/2009-1E-PDF -
Enquête sur les véhicules au Canada. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1496-3744 Électronique.
«Avant 2004, Transports Canada était le commanditaire de l’enquête. Depuis 2004, Transports Canada et Ressources Naturelles Canada en sont les co-commanditaires.»--Page 8, troisième trimestre, 2004.
Janvier à mars 2009. 74p. (381 Ko). Tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CS53-0004/2009-1F-PDF -
Voyages internationaux, renseignements préliminaires. Mensuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1499-7886 (66-001-PIF) Électronique.
Vol. 25, n° 7, juillet 2009. 5p. (133 Ko). Tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CS66-001/25-7F-PDF -
Canada's international investment position. Quarterly. Ottawa. ISSN 1480-8412 Electronic.
Vol. 7, No. 2, Second quarter 2009. 93p. (674 KB). Glossary, graphs, tables.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number CS67-202/7-2E-PDF -
Bilan des investissements internationaux du Canada. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1708-0711 Électronique.
Vol. 7, n° 2, deuxième trimestre 2009. 96p. (760 Ko). Glossaire, graphiques, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CS67-202/7-2F-PDF -
Rapports sur la santé. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1209-1375 (82-003-XIF) Électronique.
Vol. 20, n° 3. Septembre 2009. 76p. (1267 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableaux.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue CS82-003/20-3F-PDF
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