Window on the past : archaeological assessment of the Place Point Site, Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta / by Marc G. Stevenson.  : R61-2/9-29E

Recent archaeological assessment of the Peace Point site, in Wood Buffalo National Park, which lies across the border between Alberta and the Northwest Territories, has uncovered an uncommon archaeological resource that offers an opportunity to illuminate not only the past cultural dynamics of the region, but also the northern hunter-gatherer way of life in general. This report presents the results of investigations carried out at Peace Point and in the vicinity during 1980 and 1981. The significance of the Peace Point site is seen to derive primarily from the site's deeply stratified cultural deposits and their high degree of structural integrity and resolution. In recognition of this unique set of circumstances, this report explores the potential of the site to enable the researcher to formulate a cultural chronology, to clarify how similar sites are formed, and to explicate social behaviour from the material remains of past northern hunter-gatherers. In so doing, the archaeological significance of the site is believed to have been accurately identified.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Canadian Heritage. Canadian Parks Service.
Titre Window on the past : archaeological assessment of the Place Point Site, Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta / by Marc G. Stevenson.
Titre de la série Studies in archaeology, architecture and history0821-1027
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Papier
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Canadian Heritage. 1986.
Reliure Softcover
Description 145p. : figs., illus., references, tables ; 24 cm.
ISSN 0821-1027
Numéro de catalogue
  • R61-2/9-29E
Descripteurs Archaeology
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