The Family Violence Initiative - year five report  : H72-2/2004E-PDF

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The Family Violence Initiative: Year Five Report is a summary of the most notable accomplishments achieved by the Government of Canada during the first five years of the current Family Violence Initiative (1997-2002). It provides information from case studies, departmental performance reports and reviews, as well as evaluation studies. In addition, the Report outlines priorities for future activities under the Family Violence Initiative.

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Ministère/Organisme Canada. Health Canada.
Titre The Family Violence Initiative - year five report
Type de publication Monographie
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Autres formats offerts Papier-[Anglais | Français]
Note(s) The catalogue number and ISBN for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication. Includes an addendum of "edits made to the formatting of the Family Violence Initiative: Year Five Report, December 2002 since it was distributed to Ministers."--Page 3.
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Health Canada 2004.
Description 82p.fig., references, table
Numéro de catalogue
  • H72-2/2004E-PDF
Descripteurs Family violence
Federal programs
Performance assessment
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