Working papers, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division / Issued by Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division.  : CS88-0006-IN

Statistics Canada is engaged in the "Information System for Science and Technology Project" to develop useful indicators of activity and a framework to tie them together into a coherent picture of science and technology (S&T) in Canada. The working papers series is used to publish results of the different initiatives conducted within this project. The data are related to the activities, linkages and outcomes of S&T. Several key areas are covered such as: innovation, technology diffusion, human resources in S&T and interrelations between different actors involved in S&T. Also presents data tabulations taken from regular surveys on research and development (R&D) and S&T and made possible by the project.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Statistics Canada. Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division.
Titre Working papers, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division / Issued by Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division.
Type de publication Série - Parcourir les notices bibliographiques des numéros
Langue Bilingue-[Anglais | Français]
Fait suite à Working papers - Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division ; 1706-8967 ; [No. 97-003]--No. 3, December 2008
Format Électronique
Note(s) "Previously Science and Technology Redesign Project working papers. This product was discontinued as a bilingual product on March 13, 2002 and is now available in separate English and French editions."
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada. 1997 -- 2002.
Chronologie [No. 97-001 -- 01-008]
Périodicité Irregular
Numéro de catalogue
  • CS88-0006-IN
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