Railway carloadings . : CS52-001E-IN

Presents information on number of cars and tonnes of revenue freight loaded by class I and II railways in Canada for 69 commodities. With tables for Eastern and Western Canada supplemented by a chart portraying the daily average freight loaded, this publication is considered a good indicator of current business activity.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Statistics Canada.
Titre Railway carloadings .
Type de publication Série
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Fait suite à Railway carloadings ; Vol. 47, no. 1 (Jan. 1970)-v.75, no. 12 (Dec. 1998).
Suivi de Monthly railway carloadings ; 1496-8592 ; Began with vol. 78, No. 1, January, 2001; ceased with vol. 90 no. 12, December 2013.
Format Électronique
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Statistics Canada, 1999-2001.
Chronologie Vol. 76, no. 1-vol. 77, no. 12.
Périodicité Monthly
ISSN 1480-7491
Numéro de catalogue
  • CS52-001E-IN
Descripteurs Freight
Rail transport industry
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2001 Cliquer pour agrandir
2000 Cliquer pour agrandir
1999 Cliquer pour agrandir
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