The retirement home market study - Montréal  : NH2-25E

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These annual surveys of all private retirement homes in the province’s six census metropolitan areas are an indispensable source of information for all decision-makers, developers and investors interested in this sector of the housing market. They are conducted every fall, and include a comprehensive breakdown of rents and vacancy rates according to building type and size.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Market Analysis Centre.
Titre The retirement home market study - Montréal
Type de publication Série
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Papier
Autres formats offerts Électronique-[Anglais]
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Chronologie 2006--
Périodicité Annual
Reliure Processed
Numéro de catalogue
  • NH2-25E
Descripteurs Housing
Market analysis
Numéros 2006:
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