Distribution, inequality and concentration of income among older immigrants in Canada, 1990 / by K. G. Basavarajappa.  : CS11-0019/129E-PDF

In this study, we examine the distribution, inequality, polarization and concentration of income of older immigrants, defined as those aged 55 years and over by birthplace and sex ... The data come from the 1991 Census of Canada. Income refers to personal income obtained in the calendar year 1990. Income from all sources (wages & salary, government transfers, investment, retirement) are included.--Page 2

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Ministère/Organisme Statistics Canada.
Titre Distribution, inequality and concentration of income among older immigrants in Canada, 1990 / by K. G. Basavarajappa.
Titre de la série Analytical Studies Branch research paper series1205-9153No. 129
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Autres formats offerts Papier-[Anglais]
Note(s) "In this study, we examine the distribution, inequality, polarization and concentration of income of older immigrants, defined as those aged 55 years and over by birthplace and sex ... The data come from the 1991 Census of Canada. Income refers to personal income obtained in the calendar year 1990. Income from all sources (wages & salary, government transfers, investment, retirement) are included."--Page 2.
The catalogue number (11F0019MPE) and ISBN (0-660-17768-4) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada April 1999.
Description 23p.graphs, references, tables
ISSN 1205-9153
Numéro de catalogue
  • CS11-0019/129E-PDF
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