Modelling the behaviour of U.S. inventories : a Cointegration-Euler approach / by Iris Claus.  : FB3-2/97-19E

In this paper, the relative importance of the disequilibrium costs to adjustment costs of inventories is evaluated. An estimate of the rate of inventory adjustment towards its long-run equilibrium level is provided in the United States by means of a linear-quadratic model with integrated processes. A limited-information approach allows the time-series properties of the data to be exploited and consistent estimates of the structural parameters of the Euler equation obtained.--Abstract

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Ministère/Organisme Bank of Canada.
Titre Modelling the behaviour of U.S. inventories : a Cointegration-Euler approach / by Iris Claus.
Titre de la série Working paper1192-543497-19
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Papier
Autres formats offerts Électronique-[Anglais]
Note(s) "In this paper, the relative importance of the disequilibrium costs to adjustment costs of inventories is evaluated. An estimate of the rate of inventory adjustment towards its long-run equilibrium level is provided in the United States by means of a linear-quadratic model with integrated processes. A limited-information approach allows the time-series properties of the data to be exploited and consistent estimates of the structural parameters of the Euler equation obtained."--Abstract.
Résumés en français
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Bank of Canada 1997.
Reliure Softcover
Description 24p. : graphs, references, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-26340-5
ISSN 1192-5434
Numéro de catalogue
  • FB3-2/97-19E
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