Annual CNSC staff report for 2003 on the safety performance of the Canadian nuclear power industry : CC171-1/2003E
This report summarizes the safety performance assessment of Canada’s nuclear power plant industry. It describes safety performance across the industry in the areas of operating performance, performance assurance, design and analysis, equipment fitness for service, emergency preparedness, environmental performance, radiation protection, site security, and safeguards. The report grades power reactor sites licensees—Bruce A, Bruce B, Darlington, Pickering A, Pickering B, Gentilly-2, and Point Lepreau—on their effectiveness in these areas.
Lien permanent pour cette publication :
Ministère/Organisme | Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. |
Titre | Annual CNSC staff report for 2003 on the safety performance of the Canadian nuclear power industry |
Type de publication | Monographie |
Langue | [Anglais] |
Autres langues publiées | [Français] |
Format | Papier |
Note(s) | On title page: INFO-0745. |
Information sur la publication | Ottawa - Ontario : Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission November 2004. |
Reliure | Cerlox |
Description | 80p. : glossary, map, tables ; 28 cm. |
ISBN | 0-662-37281-6 |
Numéro de catalogue |
Descripteurs | Nuclear energy Safety |
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