Everyone's talking about water, it's time for action! : En4-119/2010
![Cover image](https://publications.gc.ca/site/couverture-cover/144431_362804_1271950609484.jpg)
Provides you with the basics about Canada’s water resources. It gives an overview of what the Government of Canada is doing to keep our water clean and safe, and tips for what you can do to use water more responsibly.
Lien permanent pour cette publication :
Ministère/Organisme | Canada. Environment Canada. |
Titre | Everyone's talking about water, it's time for action! |
Type de publication | Monographie |
Langue | Bilingue-[Anglais | Français] |
Format | Papier |
Autres formats offerts | Électronique-[Français], Électronique-[Anglais] |
Information sur la publication | Ottawa - Ontario : Environment Canada [2010]. |
Reliure | Softcover |
Description | English text, 7p. : illus. ; 22 cm. |
ISBN | 978-1-100-50857-3 |
Numéro de catalogue |
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