Indigenous education and employment trends in selected cities, 2011 . : R3-178/2016E-PDF
The urban Indigenous adult population is growing both in absolute numbers and as a proportion of the total adult population. The proportion of the Indigenous population with post-secondary qualifications is higher in large cities than in other parts of Canada and has now reached 45%. Still, the percent of the urban Indigenous population with university certificates or degrees remains lower than the general population. Indigenous educational levels are higher in cities in eastern and central Canada than in western cities. The gap in postsecondary education between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous populations is also smallest in cities in eastern and central Canada and largest in prairie cities. There are differences among Indigenous identity groups but these are not as large as the differences between the Indigenous and Non-Indigenous populations. Higher levels of education, and especially university-level qualifications, are strongly associated with higher rates of employment, greater parity between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous populations, and between men and women.
Lien permanent pour cette publication :
Ministère/Organisme | Canada. Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. |
Titre | Indigenous education and employment trends in selected cities, 2011 . |
Type de publication | Monographie |
Langue | [Anglais] |
Autres langues publiées | [Français] |
Format | Électronique |
Document électronique | |
Note(s) | Issued also in French under title: Tendances en matière de scolarité et d’emploi chez les autochtones dans des villes choisies en 2011. This is the fifth in a series of reports based on the 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006 Censuses and the 2011 National Household Survey. For the fourth report, please see R3-178/2013E-PDF. |
Information sur la publication | [Gatineau, QC] : Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, c2015. |
Description | [4] p. (un-numbered pages) |
ISBN | 978-0-660-04236-7 |
Numéro de catalogue |
Numéro de catalogue du ministère | QS-7133-000-EE-A1 |
Descripteurs | Aboriginal peoples Urban communities Education Employment Statistics |
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