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184 résultats pour « Sedimentology » trié par ministère/organisme en ordre croissant
- ADFEX Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) / [by] James Syvitski and Charles Schafer. M183-2/2312E-PDF Date :[1990].Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/2312E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Aeromagnetic survey program of the Geological Survey of Canada 2000-2001 M44-2001/D20E-IN Date :2001.Numéro de catalogue :M44-2001/D20E-INISBN :0-662-29894-2Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Application of high-resolution seismic-reflection techniques in Champlain Sea sediments near Lachute-Saint-Benoît, Quebec M44-2001/D6E-IN Date :2001.Numéro de catalogue :M44-2001/D6E-INISBN :0-662-29884-5Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Beach morphodynamics and sediment transport at Tibjak Beach, Canadian Beaufort Sea Coast / [by] Arnaud Héquette, Kimberley A. Jenner and Philip R. Hill. M183-2/2280E-PDF Date :1990].Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/2280E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Bedrock mapping in the Committee Bay Belt, Laughland Lake area, central mainland Nunavut M44-2001/C12E-IN Date :2001.Numéro de catalogue :M44-2001/C12E-INISBN :0-662-29855-1Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- BsnMod : a Windows program for simulating basin-scale fluid flow and heat-transfer processes related to sediment compaction and tectonic uplifting in two dimensions / by G. Chi. M44-2001/D24E-PDF Date :2001.Numéro de catalogue :M44-2001/D24E-PDFISBN :0-662-29898-5Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada, issuing body.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- The ca. 2680 Ma Raquette Lake Formation and correlative units across the Slave Province, Northwest Territories-Nunavut : evidence for a craton-scale overlap sequence / by Wouter Bleeker. M44-2001/C7E-PDF Date :2001.Numéro de catalogue :M44-2001/C7E-PDFISBN :0-662-29850-0Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada, issuing body.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Carboniferous and Permian subsurface stratigraphy, Prince Patrick Island, Northwest Territories, Canadian Arctic / by B. Beauchamp et al. M42-565E Date :2001.Numéro de catalogue :M42-565EISBN :0-660-18285-8ISSN :0068-7626Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- Characterization of aliettite-bearing rocks of the Olympus mine, Stanleyville, Ontario M44-2001/D2E-IN Date :2001.Numéro de catalogue :M44-2001/D2E-INISBN :0-662-29881-0Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Chasm and Dog Creek lithofacies, Chilcotin Group basalt, Bonaparte Lake map area, British Columbia / R.E. Farrell ... [et al.] M44-2007/A5E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :M44-2007/A5E-PDFISBN :978-0-662-45535-6ISSN :1701-4387Ministère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada, issuing body.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
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