Census of Canada 1890-91 = Recensement du Canada 1890-91 : CS98-1891-PDF

"The Census of 1890-91, the third since the passing of the British North America Act (1867), has been made under the authority of the "Census Act," 42 Victoria, chap.XXI. and Revised Statutes, 1886, chap. 59. There will be an introduction and an index to each volume of this report. The information regarding population and property is a statement of facts existing on the 5th day of April, 1891, that day having been selected by the several authorities throughout the Empire as census day. The information relating to the census year is for the twelve months dating from the 6th day of April, 1890"--Introd., v. 1.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Department of Agriculture.
Canada. Census Branch.
Titre Census of Canada 1890-91 = Recensement du Canada 1890-91
Variante du titre Recensement du Canada 1890-91
Census of 1890-91
Report of the census of 1891
Canadian statistics : census of 1890-91
Type de publication Monographie
Langue Bilingue-[Anglais | Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Chiefly tables.
Errata laid in.
Historical census publication digitized in 2009 by Statistics Canada.
Includes indexes.
Text in English and in French.
Information sur la publication Ottawa : [Dept. of Agriculture = Département de l'agriculture], 1893-1897.(Printed by S.E. Dawson)
Description 4 v. (xxi, 403; xi, 361; vi, 401; xi, 570 p.)
Numéro de catalogue
  • CS98-1891-PDF
Descripteurs Census
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