Interim report no. 3 : Georgian Bay Canal Commission : transatlantic passenger and freight traffic and steamship subsidies / by W. Sanford Evans. : Z1-1914/1-3E-PDF

"This report presents certain statistical compilations which may form, at least partially, the groundwork for a study of the problem of passenger traffic on the North Atlantic in its relations to general traffic, and of the operation of Canadian mail subsidies and steamship subventions in relation to the general traffic problem. As material for these compilations returns were obtained from the steamship companies, showing traffic by vessels in detail, and for certain facts the ships' manifest at Montreal, Halifax, and St. John were checked over for the years 1911, 1912, and 1913. The compilation of this material occupied several months, but it was found necessary to start from the basic details in order to secure what was essential to supplement the statistics in official publications. The time available has not permitted any further working over of this material, nor the completing of such a study as would trace tendencies and suggest conclusions. The statistical tables must therefore be submitted with only a few descriptive notes"--Intro., p. 3.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Privy Council Office.
Canada. Royal Commission on Georgian Bay Canal.
Titre Interim report no. 3 : Georgian Bay Canal Commission : transatlantic passenger and freight traffic and steamship subsidies / by W. Sanford Evans.
Variante du titre Transatlantic passenger and freight traffic and steamship subsidies
Type de publication Monographie
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Rapport intérimaire n° 3 : Commission du canal de la baie Georgienne : le trafic transatlantique du fret et des passagers et les subventions aux paquebots.
Historical publication digitized by the Privy Council Office of Canada.
Cover title.
"8 George V.; Sessional Paper no. 142; A. 1918."
"Printed by order of Parliament."
Chair, William Sanford Evans; Commissioners, Edouard Gohier and Frank Stephen Meighen.
Printed in: Sessional Papers of the Dominion of Canada, 1918, vol. 14, no. 141, p. 1-53.
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Printer to the King, 1918.
Auteur / Contributeur Evans, W. Sanford(William Sanford),1869-1949.
Gohier, Edouard,1861-1923.
Meighen, Frank Stephen,1870-1946.
Description 53 p.
Numéro de catalogue
  • Z1-1914/1-3E-PDF
Descripteurs Commissions of inquiry
Water transport
Economic statistics
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