Garnet wheat : new promising variety of early maturing spring wheat / by L.H. Newman and A.G.O. Whiteside. : A12-2/83-1927E-PDF

"Among the numerous new varieties of cereals originated and developed by the Cereal Division of the Dominion Experimental Farm, Ottawa, the variety of spring wheat known as Garnet is receiving the greatest attention at the present moment. Probably no variety within recent times has been more widely discussed or more extensively investigated, especially during the past year or two, than this variety. ... A true and unbiased statement of what actually is known regarding the performance and quality of Garnet in comparison with other varieties in widely scattered districts should be useful in indicating the place which this variety may be entitled to occupy among those now being propagated or under investigation. Such a statement is attempted in the present bulletin"--Foreword, p. [2].

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Ministère/Organisme Canada. Department of Agriculture.
Dominion Experimental Farms and Stations (Canada)
Titre Garnet wheat : new promising variety of early maturing spring wheat / by L.H. Newman and A.G.O. Whiteside.
Titre de la série Bulletin, New series ; no. 83
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Cover title.
Includes: Map of portion of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta showing location of townships within which Garnet wheat was grown in field areas in 1926
Historical publication digitized 2013 by Internet Archives [for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada].
Includes bibliographical references.
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Dept. of Agriculture : Cereal Division, Dominion Experimental Farms, 1927.
Auteur / Contributeur Newman, L. H.
Whiteside, A. G. O.
Description 76 p : ill., col. map
Numéro de catalogue
  • A12-2/83-1927E-PDF
Descripteurs Wheat
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