Information guide . : F2-75/1987-19E-PDF
"The tax reform proposals are far-reaching in scope and in their impact. They are contained in a series of documents that provide detailed and frequently technical explanations which, taken together, run to several hundred pages. This book is designed to provide an overview of tax reform and a guide to where specific information is found in the main documents. The primary source of guidance is found in section 2. This section provides a brief tour of Tax Reform 1987 in capsule form. Opposite each item is an index of page references to the main reform documents. ..."--Intro.
Lien permanent pour cette publication :
Ministère/Organisme | Canada. Department of Finance. |
Titre | Information guide . |
Type de publication | Monographie |
Langue | [Anglais] |
Autres langues publiées | [Français] |
Format | Électronique |
Document électronique | |
Note(s) | Digitized edition from print [produced by Finance Canada]. Issued also in French under title: Guide de renseignements. |
Information sur la publication | [Ottawa : Dept. of Finance, 1987] |
Description | 54 p. |
Numéro de catalogue |
Descripteurs | Taxes Reform |
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