Action plan for the northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus), Scotian Shelf population, in Atlantic Canadian waters . : CW69-21/30-2017E-PDF

"The Scotian Shelf population of Northern Bottlenose Whales was listed as Endangered under the Species at Risk Act in 2006. The Recovery Strategy for the Northern Bottlenose Whale (Scotian Shelf population) was published in 2010, and was amended in 2016. This Action Plan identifies activities (“recovery measures”) that will help achieve the recovery goals and strategies outlined in the Recovery Strategy. The recovery goal for the Scotian Shelf Northern Bottlenose Whale population, as presented in the Recovery Strategy, is “to achieve a stable or increasing population and to maintain, at a minimum, current distribution”. Successful recovery of the Scotian Shelf Northern Bottlenose Whale population depends on the commitment and cooperation of many organizations that will implement the measures set out in this Action Plan. The Action Plan is designed to provide guidance to managers and partners seeking to implement specific recovery measures. The Action Plan builds upon the successful activities already underway by identifying new or complementary activities that have yet to be initiated or are in need of further improvement"--Executive summary, p. iii.

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Ministère/Organisme Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Titre Action plan for the northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus), Scotian Shelf population, in Atlantic Canadian waters .
Variante du titre Action plan for the northern bottlenose whale, Scotian Shelf population
Titre de la série Species at Risk Act, action plan series
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Plan d'action pour la baleine à bec commune (Hyperoodon ampullatus), population du plateau néo-écossais, dans les eaux canadiennes de l'Atlantique.
Cover title.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 31-35).
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2017.
Description iv, 37 p.
ISBN 978-0-660-07062-9
Numéro de catalogue
  • CW69-21/30-2017E-PDF
Descripteurs Endangered species
Nature conservation
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