520 | 0 |aInterim report of the 1935 census of Newfoundland and Labrador, containing 22 tables: population 1857-1935; percentage increase, 1857-1935; population by districts, 1857-1911; numerical and per cent increase of populations by districts, 1923 and 1935; populations and religions, St. John's City; per cent increase St. John's City, east and west; religions, percent of total population; religions, 1857-1935; numerical and per cent increase, religious denominations; religious denominations by districts 1921 and 1935; population classified according to religious denominations; population of chief towns, 1911, 1921 and 1935; sex distribution of population 1911, 1921, 1935; number of single, married and widowed and per cent of population of each 1911, 1921 and 1935; birthplace of the population and per cent distribution 1921 and 1935; nationality; school attendance by districts; radios, number owned by districts; fisheries, number males engaged in cod fishery; cod fishery, number fishing in certain areas, by districts; fishing equipment, vessels, boats, gear, etc.; quantities of various kinds of fish consumed by the population. |