Economic fluctuations in Canada during the post-war period / published by the authority of the Hon. W. D. Euler. : CS11-D-52/1938E-PDF

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. General Statistics Branch.
Canada. Department of Trade and Commerce.
Titre Economic fluctuations in Canada during the post-war period / published by the authority of the Hon. W. D. Euler.
Type de publication Monographie
Langue Bilingue-[Anglais | Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) "Issued as a supplement to the Monthly Review of Business Statistics."
"January, 1938."
Digitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada].
Includes bibliographic references.
Chiefly English, with introductory text in French.
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Dominion Bureau of Statistics, 1938.
Description xxxviii, 116 p. : charts.
Numéro de catalogue
  • CS11-D-52/1938E-PDF
Descripteurs Businesses
Economic statistics
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