Manuscript report / National Historic Sites Service. : R61-2/7E-PDF

"The Manuscript Report Series is a reference collection of unedited, unpublished research reports reproduced in limited numbers. The series is intended to meet immediate research or site development needs. The reports have been prepared by headquarters, regional and contract researchers and encompass a wide variety of topics in archaeology, architecture, history and material culture. As a general rule, reports in the series appear in the language of the author and they are not translated and are identified as "Manuscript Report" or "Travail inédit" depending on the language in which they were written. Reproduction of a report in the series does not preclude its later editing, translation and publication and many of these reports have later been published in the series Canadian historic sites : occasional papers in archaeology and history"--from Bibliography: Manuscript Report Series Nos. 1-430, Unedited Manuscripts of the Parks Canada Research Division [R62-541/1982-PDF].

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. National Historic Sites Service.
Parks Canada.
Canada. Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
Titre Manuscript report / National Historic Sites Service.
Variante du titre National Historic Sites Service manuscript report
Type de publication Série - Parcourir les notices bibliographiques des numéros
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Suivi de Manuscript report / ; No. 106- no. 283.
Format Électronique
Note(s) Historical publications digitized from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library].
Includes bibliographies.
Vols. not published in chronological order; no. 110 issued in 1973 as part of this series.
Numbering alternates with that of: Travail inédit (Canada. Service des lieux historiques nationaux).
Continued by: Manuscript report (National Historic Parks and Sites Branch).
Information sur la publication [Ottawa] : National and Historic Parks Branch, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, [1968-1973].
Chronologie 1- no. 110
Périodicité Irregular
Description v.ill.
Numéro de catalogue
  • R61-2/7E-PDF
Descripteurs Historic sites
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