Regional assessment of seabed geohazard conditions Canadian Beaufort outer shelf and upper slope - legacy data synthesis : section 2 - geophysical and geological data compilation outer shelf and upper... : NE22-4/208-2E-PDF

"This handbook reviews a wide range of geological, acoustic and seismic geophysical data collected in the southern Canadian Beaufort Sea since the 1970’s up to and including 2010. The purpose has been to analyze these data and to produce a basic reference that describes and interprets features and anomalies that represent potential geohazards on the modern seafloor, and beneath it to a depth of approximately 1000 m"--Abstract, page i.

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Ministère/Organisme Environmental Studies Research Funds (Canada), issuing body.
Canada. Natural Resources Canada, issuing body.
Titre Regional assessment of seabed geohazard conditions Canadian Beaufort outer shelf and upper slope - legacy data synthesis : section 2 - geophysical and geological data compilation outer shelf and upper slope southern Beaufort Sea: a handbook of geohazard conditions / Woodworth-Lynas, C., S. Blasco, D. Duff, J. Fowler, E.B. İşler, J. Landva, E. Cumming, A. Caines and C. Smith.
Variante du titre Regional assessment of seabed geohazard conditions Canadian Beaufort outer shelf and upper slope: legacy data synthesis = Évaluation régionale des géorisques du fond marin, plate-forme continentale externe et talus supérieur de laportion canadienne de la mer de Beaufort : synthèse des données existantes
Geophysical and geological data compilation Southern Beaufort Sea: a handbook of geohazard conditions
Titre de la série Environmental Studies Research Funds report ; 208-2
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) "Report document No. 20110068-RPT-001 REV 2."
Includes bibliographical references (pages [167]-[181]).
Information sur la publication Ottawa, Ontario : Environmental Studies Research Funds, ESRF Secretariat, Natural Resources Canada, August 2016.
Auteur / Contributeur Woodworth-Lynas, C.M.T., author.
Description 1 online resource (4 volumes) : maps, charts, illustrations
Numéro de catalogue
  • NE22-4/208-2E-PDF
Descripteurs Marine geophysics -- Canada.
Géophysique marine -- Canada.
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