Fuel life cycle assessment model methodology. : En4-418/1-2023E-PDF

"The Government of Canada's Fuel Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Model is a tool that allow users to calculate the life cycle carbon intensity (CI) of fuels and energy sources produced and used in Canada. The Fuel LCA Model uses a life cycle approach, which considers the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions involved in multiple stages of the fuel's production process, from feedstock production to fuel combustion. The objective of the following document entitled The Fuel LCA Model Methodology is to explain the methodology used in the development of the Fuel LCA Model. The document describes the general assumptions, data sources, and calculation procedures associated with the development of the Fuel LCA Model"--Preface, page i.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada, issuing body.
Titre Fuel life cycle assessment model methodology.
Type de publication Monographie
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Édition ultérieure Fuel life cycle assessment model methodology. 2024
Édition précédente Fuel LCA model methodology.
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Méthode du modèle d'analyse du cycle de vie des combustibles.
Includes bibliographical references.
Information sur la publication Gatineau, QC : Environment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, January 2023.
Description 1 online resource (vi, 84 pages) : colour illustrations
ISBN 9780660438528
Numéro de catalogue
  • En4-418/1-2023E-PDF
Numéro de catalogue du ministère EC22081
Descripteurs Fuel -- Environmental aspects -- Canada -- Evaluation -- Methodology.
Carbon dioxide -- Environmental aspects -- Canada -- Evaluation -- Methodology.
Greenhouse gases -- Environmental aspects -- Canada -- Evaluation -- Methodology.
Life cycle assessment -- Canada -- Methodology.
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