Readout stability of the Ottawa pea tenderometer / Peter W. Voisey. : A58-4/433E-PDF

"Tests were conducted over a 2 month period to examine the stability of the electronic force indicating system of the Ottawa Pea Tenderometer. The results show that over a period of 65 days changes in the zero and sensitivity of the force indicating system were not detectable. The electrical force calibration system was also stable within 0.5% of full scale. It was concluded, therefore, that the Ottawa Pea Tenderometer could be operated for long periods without adjusting the electronic force indicating system. This, however, does not eliminate the need for routine calibration checks to verify accuracy. These checks are easy to accomplish and allow confidence in the instrument readings"--Summary.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Agriculture Canada. Engineering Research Service, issuing body.
Titre Readout stability of the Ottawa pea tenderometer / Peter W. Voisey.
Titre de la série Contribution ; no. 433
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) "Report number 6820-9."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 5-7).
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Engineering Research Service, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, March 1974.
Auteur / Contributeur Voisey, Peter W, author.
Description 1 online resource (8 pages).
Numéro de catalogue
  • A58-4/433E-PDF
Descripteurs Peas -- Canada -- Testing.
Pois -- Canada -- Tests.
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