Development of techniques and equipment to measure optical characteristics of agricultural plants and products / E.J. Brach. : A58-4/487E-PDF

"Engineering Research Service, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, has a remote sensing program which includes nine goals. To develop the theoretical basis and a catalog of spectral signatures for the application of infrared and other remote sensing techniques, to make non-destructive, instantaneous measurements of biological parameters through the development of sensors, techniques and systems to solve specific problems for Branch establishments, and to provide a resource of information and techniques for use as ground truth data in a remote sensing of agricultural parameters and develop a ground truth station to compliment satellite and aircraft sensors"--Summary.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Agriculture Canada. Engineering Research Service, issuing body.
Titre Development of techniques and equipment to measure optical characteristics of agricultural plants and products / E.J. Brach.
Titre de la série Contribution ; no. 487
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) "Report number 6842-1."
Includes bibliographical references (page 13).
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Engineering Research Service, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, October 1974.
Auteur / Contributeur Brach, E. J., author.
Description 1 online resource (ii, 31 pages) : illustrations, photographs, charts.
Numéro de catalogue
  • A58-4/487E-PDF
Descripteurs Agricultural implements -- Canada.
Agricultural industries -- Canada.
Agriculture -- Outillage -- Canada.
Industries agricoles -- Canada.
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