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2 résultats pour « Structural steel industry -- Canada. » trié par ministère/organisme en ordre croissant
- Fabricated structural steel and steel buildings from Canada. C52-83/1981E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :C52-83/1981E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, issuing body.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:PDF
- Report of the Canadian structural steel fact-finding mission to Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Puerto Rico and Mexico, March 16 to 29, 1980. C52-84/1980E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :C52-84/1980E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, issuing body.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:PDF
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