01573cam 22002418a 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450136001382600130002743000009004045000087004135200566005006920021010666920019010877100054011067100068011608560103012289.838207CaOODSP20221107151327cr |||||||||||170623s1962 onc o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-nt1 aR77-22/1962E-PDF00aJunior high school remedial reading program h[electronic resource] : bSir Alexander Mackenzie School, Inuvik, N.W.T. - June 1961. aOttawa : bEducation Division, Northern Administration Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, c1962. a3 p. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"A study of the test results seemed to indicate that our students generally had inadequate reading vocabularies, and more over failed to comprehend adequately the material which they read ... The approach taken in each remedial group, therefore, was one which concentrated on reading for general significance, for meaning, with as much work on word recognition and vocabularly [sic] skills as was necessary for understanding the selections being read. In some groups there was also an effort made to read more rapidly, while concentrating on main ideas."--p. 3.072gccstaEducation072gccstaReading1 aCanada. bIndigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.1 aCanada.bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources.40qPDFs3.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R77-22-1962-eng.pdf01861cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450102001382600093002403000010003334900045003435000016003885000173004045000087005775200401006646920027010656920021010926920037011137100085011507750157012358300064013928560103014569.838201CaOODSP20221107151326cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR6-2/3-1983E-PDF00aFire protection guidelines for child and adult community care facilities h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Technical Services and Contracts, c1983. a23 p.1 aBand technical publications ; vBTP-FS-4 a"May 1983." aIssued also in French under title: Lignes directrices sur la protection contre l'incendie dans les établissements de soins communautaires pour enfants ou pour adultes. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The purpose of this publication is to outline basic building and fire protection standards required by established codes for the design, construction and renovation of buildings used for child and adult care. Also it outlines special provisions for ensuring the protection of the occupants in situations where fire control, protection and resources are inadequate or ineffective."--Introduction.072gccstaFire prevention072gccstaBuildings072gccstaCommunity infrastructures1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bTechnical Services and Contracts Branch.08tLignes directrices sur la protection contre l'incendie dans les établissements de soins communautaires pour enfants ou pour adultes w(CaOODSP)9.838203#0aBand technical publications ;vBTP-FS-4.w(CaOODSP)9.83638340qPDFs4.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-3-1983-eng.pdf01983cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450166001382600094003043000010003984900052004085000020004605000118004805000087005985200519006856920037012046920021012416920040012627100108013027750097014108300071015078560103015789.838203CaOODSP20221107151326cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/3-1983F-PDF00aLignes directrices sur la protection contre l'incendie dans les établissements de soins communautaires pour enfants ou pour adultes h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Services techniques et marchés, c1983. a23 p.1 aPublications techniques des bandes ; vPTB-FS-4 a« Mai 1983. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Fire protection guidelines for child and adult community care facilities. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. a« L'objet de cette publication est d'exposer les normes fondamentales de protection contre l'incendie fixées dans les codes régissant la conception, la construction et la rénovation de bâtiments abritant des établissements de soins pour enfants ou pour adultes. Elles contiennent également des dispositions spéciales visant à assurer la protection des occupants dans des circonstances où la lutte et la protection contre l'incendie et les ressources sont insuffisantes ou inefficaces. » -- Introduction.072gccstaPrévention des incendies072gccstaBâtiment072gccstaInfrastructure communautaire1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.08tFire protection guidelines for child and adult community care facilities w(CaOODSP)9.838201#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vPTB-FS-4.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs3.47 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-3-1983-fra.pdf01704cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450061001382600093001993000014002924900045003065000017003515000083003685000087004515040041005385200426005796920019010056920027010246920020010517100085010717750067011568300064012238560103012879.838204CaOODSP20221107151326cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR6-2/4-1983E-PDF00aTraining volunteer firefighters h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Technical Services and Contracts, c1983. a5, [1] p.1 aBand technical publications ; vBTP-FS-6 a"July 1983." aIssued also in French under title: Formation des sapeurs-pompiers bénévoles. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This publication is intended for bands who are considering setting up a volunteer fire brigade, or who wish to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of a brigade already in existence. It outlines the topics that should be included in a basic course, the facilities that should be provided, the qualifications needed for personnel and the types of firefighting courses available for volunteer brigades."--Introduction.072gccstaIndians072gccstaFire prevention072gccstaTraining1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bTechnical Services and Contracts Branch.08tFormation des sapeurs-pompiers bénévoles w(CaOODSP)9.838205#0aBand technical publications ;vBTP-FS-6.w(CaOODSP)9.83638340qPDFs3.39 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-4-1983-eng.pdf01809cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450076001382600094002143000009003084900052003175000024003695000077003935000087004705040033005575200490005906920019010806920037010996920021011367100108011577750056012658300071013218560103013929.838205CaOODSP20221107151327cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/4-1983F-PDF00aFormation des sapeurs-pompiers bénévoles h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Services techniques et marchés, c1983. a7 p.1 aPublications techniques des bandes ; vPTB-FS-6 a« Juillet 1983. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Training volunteer firefighters. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« La présente publication s'adresse aux bandes qui entendent mettre sur pied un corps de sapeurs-pompiers bénévoles ou qui souhaitent améliorer l'efficacité ou le rendement des corps constitués. On y définit les sujets qui devraient être traités dans un cours de base, les installations dont on devra disposer, les compétences des instructeurs, ainsi que les types de cours de lutte contre les incendies offerts aux corps de sapeurs-pompiers bénévoles. » -- Introduction.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaPrévention des incendies072gccstaFormation1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.08tTraining volunteer firefighters w(CaOODSP)9.838204#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vPTB-FS-6.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs3.06 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-4-1983-fra.pdf01647cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450064001382600093002023000015002954900045003105000019003555000121003745000087004955040041005825200277006236920022009006920023009226920031009457100085009767750105010618300064011668560103012309.838209CaOODSP20221107151327cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR6-2/5-1983E-PDF00aWaste stabilization pond O&M guide h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Technical Services and Contracts, c1983. aiii, 25 p.1 aBand technical publications ; vBTP-MS-2 a"August 1983." aIssued also in French under title: Guide d'exploitation et d'entretien des bassins de stabilisation des eaux usées. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the operation and maintenance of waste stabilization ponds used as wastewater disposal systems in Indian communities and northern locations. Waste stabilization ponds are commonly known as lagoons."--Introduction.072gccstaGuidelines072gccstaWaste water072gccstaAboriginal reserves1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bTechnical Services and Contracts Branch.08tGuide d'exploitation et d'entretien des bassins de stabilisation des eaux usées w(CaOODSP)9.838210#0aBand technical publications ;vBTP-MS-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83638340qPDFs3.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-5-1983-eng.pdf01729cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450114001382600096002523000015003484900054003635000026004175000028004435000082004715000087005535040033006405200305006736920030009786920023010086920031010317100108010627750059011708300071012298560103013009.838210CaOODSP20221107151327cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/5-1983F-PDF00aGuide d'exploitation et d'entretien des bassins de stabilisation des eaux usées h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, [Services techniques et marchés], c1983. aiii, 29 p.1 aPublications techniques des bandes ; v[PTB-MS-2] a« Septembre 1983. » aTitre pris sur la couv. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Waste stabilization pond O & M guide. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Le présent document a pour objet de fournir des lignes directrices d'exploitation et d'entretien des bassins de stabilisation des eaux usées, communément appelés lagunes, utilisés comme systèmes d'évacuation des eaux usées dans les agglomérations indiennes et du Nord. » -- Introduction.072gccstaLignes directrices072gccstaEaux usées072gccstaRéserve autochtone1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.08tWaste stabilization pond O&M guide w(CaOODSP)9.838209#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vPTB-MS-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs2.58 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-5-1983-fra.pdf01577cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450084001382600093002223000014003154900047003295000019003765000022003955000115004175000087005325200232006196920019008516920023008706920020008937100085009137750099009988300064010978560102011619.838214CaOODSP20221107151328cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR6-2/6-1983E-PDF00aContracting for professional services by band councils h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Technical Services and Contracts, c1983. aii, 28 p.1 a[Band technical publications] ; vBTP-CN-2 a"August 1983." aTitle from cover. aIssued also in French under title: Passation de marchés de services professionnels par les conseils de bande. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The purpose of this publication is to provide band councils with guidelines to assist them in obtaining consulting services from the private sector by applying principles and practices accepted in the industry."--Introduction.072gccstaIndians072gccstaContracting072gccstaServices1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bTechnical Services and Contracts Branch.08tPassation de marchés de services professionnels par les conseils de bande w(CaOODSP)9.838215#0aBand technical publications ;vBTP-CN-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83638340qPDFs747 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-6-1983-eng.pdf01639cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450108001382600094002463000014003404900069003545000022004235000100004455000087005455200272006326920019009046920034009236920019009577100108009767750079010848300071011638560103012349.838215CaOODSP20221107151328cr |||||||||||170613s1983 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/6-1983F-PDF00aPassation de marchés de services professionnels par les conseils de bande h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Services techniques et marchés, c1983. aii, 28 p.1 aPublications sur les marchés destinées aux bandes ; vBTP-CN-2 a« Août 1983. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Contracting for professional services by band councils. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. a« La présente publication a pour objet de fournir aux conseils de bande des lignes directrices qui les aideront à obtenir des services d'experts-conseils du secteur privé en appliquant des principes et des pratiques acceptés dans l'industrie. » -- Introduction.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaPassation des marchés072gccstaService1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.08tContracting for professional services by band councils w(CaOODSP)9.838214#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vBTP-CN-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs3.27 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-6-1983-fra.pdf01436cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450120001382600101002583000024003594900053003835000025004365000087004615040033005485200205005816920031007866920028008176920018008457100108008638300072009718560103010439.838277CaOODSP20221107151336cr |||||||||||170615t19841983onca #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/7-1984F-PDF00aGuide d'exploitation et d'entretien des stations d'épuration par aération prolongée h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Services techniques et marchés, c1984, c1983. a17, [1] p. : bill.1 aPublications techniques des bandes ; vBTP-MS-12 a« Février 1984. » aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Ce document traite de l'exploitation et de l'entretien des stations d'épuration par aération prolongée des eaux usées des réserves indiennes et installations du Ministère. » -- Introduction.072gccstaRéserve autochtone072gccstaGestion de l'eau072gccstaManuel1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vBTP-MS-12.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs2.77 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-7-1984-fra.pdf01932cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450111001382600101002493000041003504900053003915000025004445000102004695000087005715040033006585200456006916920031011476920040011786920036012187100108012547750081013628300072014438560103015159.838278CaOODSP20221107151336cr |||||||||||170615t19841983onca #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/8-1984F-PDF00aExploitation et entretien des puits et stations de pompage des collectivités h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Services techniques et marchés, c1984, c1983. a1 v. (pagination multiples) : bill.1 aPublications techniques des bandes ; vBTP-MS-11 a« Février 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Community wells and pump house operation and maintenance. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« La présente publication établit des lignes directrices sur l'exploitation et l'entretien au personnel des bandes responsable des approvisionnements des collectivités en eau souterraine. Elle fournit des renseignements sur les puits, pompes et stations de pompage et décrit les tâches reliées à l’entretien courant et préventif, les programmes de protection recommandés et certaines techniques de dépannage courantes. » -- Introduction.072gccstaRéserve autochtone072gccstaInfrastructure communautaire072gccstaApprovisionnement en eau1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.08tCommunity wells and pump house operation and maintenance w(CaOODSP)9.838279#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vBTP-MS-11.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs2.69 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-8-1984-fra.pdf01802cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450086001382600098002243000036003224900046003585000021004045000022004255000118004475000087005655040041006525200336006936920031010296920037010606920024010977100085011217750102012068300065013088560103013739.838279CaOODSP20221107151336cr |||||||||||170615s1984 onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR6-2/8-1984E-PDF00aCommunity wells and pump house operation and maintenance h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa?] : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, [Technical Services and Contracts], c1984. a1 v. (various pagings) : bill.1 aBand technical publications ; vBTP-MS-11 a"February 1984." aTitle from cover. aIssued also in French under title: Exploitation et entretien des puits et stations de pompage des collectivités. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This publication provides operation and maintenance guidelines for Band staff responsible for community groundwater supplies. It provides information on wells, pumps and pump houses and describes routine and preventive maintenance tasks, recommended protection programs and some common trouble shooting techniques."--Introduction.072gccstaAboriginal reserves072gccstaCommunity infrastructures072gccstaWater supply1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bTechnical Services and Contracts Branch.08tExploitation et entretien des puits et stations de pompage des collectivités w(CaOODSP)9.838278#0aBand technical publications ;vBTP-MS-11.w(CaOODSP)9.83638340qPDFs3.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-8-1984-eng.pdf01597cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450068001382600098002063000010003044900047003145000021003615000022003825000111004045000087005155200260006026920031008626920019008936920024009127100085009367750095010218300064011168560103011809.838280CaOODSP20221107151337cr |||||||||||170615s1983 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR6-2/9-1983E-PDF00aSource list of publications on housing h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa?] : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, [Technical Services and Contracts], c1983. a18 p.1 aBand technical publications ; v[BTP-HS-2] a"November 1983." aTitle from cover. aIssued also in French under title: Liste de référence des publications sur la construction domiciliaire. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"This document provides brief summaries of various publications on housing and community facilities. Note that some of the general construction books also cover plumbing, heating and electrical wiring, as well as aspects of house planning."--Introduction.072gccstaAboriginal reserves072gccstaHousing072gccstaConstruction1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bTechnical Services and Contracts Branch.08tListe de référence des publications sur la construction domiciliaire w(CaOODSP)9.838281#0aBand technical publications ;vBTP-HS-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83638340qPDFs3.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-9-1983-eng.pdf01713cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450104001382600101002423000010003434900052003535000024004055000084004295000087005135200391006006920031009916920020010226920024010427100108010667750063011748300071012378560103013089.838281CaOODSP20221107151337cr |||||||||||170615t19841983onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/9-1984F-PDF00aListe de référence des publications sur la construction domiciliaire h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Services techniques et marchés, c1984, c1983. a16 p.1 aPublications techniques des bandes ; vBTP-HS-2 a« Janvier 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Source list of publications on housing. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. a« Le but du présent document est de fournir de brefs résumés de diverses publications sur la construction domiciliaire et les installations communautaires. On remarquera que certains ouvrages portant sur la construction en général s'étendent également à la plomberie, le chauffage, le câblage et sur certains aspects de la planification de la construction. » -- Introduction.072gccstaRéserve autochtone072gccstaLogement072gccstaConstruction1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.08tSource list of publications on housing w(CaOODSP)9.838280#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vBTP-HS-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs2.36 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-9-1984-fra.pdf02086cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450090001392600093002293000024003224900045003465000021003915000114004125000087005265040041006135200687006546920019013416920027013606920034013877100085014217750098015068300064016048560104016689.838282CaOODSP20221107151337cr |||||||||||170615s1983 onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR6-2/10-1983E-PDF00aProtective measures and situation readiness for firefighters h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Technical Services and Contracts, c1983. aiii, 69 p. : bill.1 aBand technical publications ; vBTP-FS-5 a"November 1983." aIssued also in French under title: Mesures de protection et préparation à l'intervention pour les pompiers. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The purpose of this publication is to discuss protective measures for firefighters and basic readiness for various types of fire and other emergencies. This information will assist the regional Fire and Safety Officers (RFSO) in the planning of volunteer fire brigade training programs. A main objective when establishing volunteer fire brigade training programs is to inform the students of the dangers inherent in exposure to fires. Volunteer fire brigade members should be made aware that exposure dangers can be significantly reduced through safety measures, proper use and storage of equipment, application of tested and approved procedures, and plain common sense."--Purpose.072gccstaIndians072gccstaFire prevention072gccstaEmergency preparedness1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bTechnical Services and Contracts Branch.08tMesures de protection et préparation à l'intervention pour les pompiers w(CaOODSP)9.838283#0aBand technical publications ;vBTP-FS-5.w(CaOODSP)9.83638340qPDFs7.89 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-10-1983-eng.pdf02195cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450107001392600094002463000023003404900052003635000026004155000106004415000087005475040033006345200761006676920019014286920037014476920029014847100108015137750085016218300071017068560104017779.838283CaOODSP20221107151337cr |||||||||||170615s1983 onca #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR6-2/10-1983F-PDF00aMesures de protection et préparation à l'intervention pour les pompiers h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Services techniques et marchés, c1983. aiv, 75 p. : bill.1 aPublications techniques des bandes ; vBTP-FS-5 a« Septembre 1983. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Protective measures and situation readiness for firefighters. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« La présente publication traite des mesures de protection et des méthodes de préparation des pompiers aux divers types d'incendie et autres situations d'urgence. Elle aidera les agents régionaux de la sécurité et de la prévention des incendies (ARSPI) à planifier les programmes de formation des corps de pompiers bénévoles. Un des principaux objectifs de ces programmes est de faire connaître les dangers inhérents à l'exposition au feu. Les pompiers bénévoles doivent apprendre que ces dangers peuvent être considérablement réduits grâce aux mesures de sécurité, aux bonnes méthodes d'utilisation et de rangement de l'équipement, à l'application des méthodes éprouvées et approuvées ainsi qu'au simple bon sens. » -- Objet.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaPrévention des incendies072gccstaProtection civile1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. bDirection générale des services techniques et des marchés.08tProtective measures and situation readiness for firefighters w(CaOODSP)9.838282#0aPublications techniques des bandes ;vBTP-FS-5.w(CaOODSP)9.83825340qPDFs6.04 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R6-2-10-1983-fra.pdf01394cam 22002658a 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000016001382450189001542600131003435000029004745000087005035200256005906920019008466920021008657000021008867100068009077100050009758560103010259.838126CaOODSP20221107151314cr |||||||||||170623s1970 onc o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-on1 aR77-19/1970E-PDF1 aEllis, E.A.14aThe grade age progress project h[electronic resource] : ba study of four reserves in the Georgian Bay district for the years 1965-66 to 1969-70 / cby E.A. Ellis and Pierre J. Stang. aOttawa : bGuidance Services Division, Education Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada, c1970. a"July and August, 1970." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"It was decided to take a small group of students and determine if it is possible to obtain complete in-school and other training enrolment to obtain complete in-school and other training enrolment statistics for them for a five year period."--p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaEducation1 aStang, Pierre J.2 aIndian and Eskimo Affairs Program (Canada). bEducation Branch.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs8.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R77-19-1970-eng.pdf01766cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450173001382600112003113000009004235000087004325200378005196920019008976920022009166920019009387100079009578560113010368560113011498560113012628560113013759.838657CaOODSP20221107151430cr |||||||||||170620s1970 onc #os f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-on1 aR5-279/1970E-PDF00aStatistical data of the Ontario Indians h[electronic resource] / cprepared by Departmental Statistics Division, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. aOttawa : bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Departmental Statistics Division, c1970. a4 v. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The Survey of Indian Bands and Reserves was conducted in Ontario during the summer of 1970. The primary reason for conducting this survey was to gather accurate and up-to-date information from the principal source for each band and reserve in a standardized form in order to serve the demands of Departmental managers for planning and development purposes."--Introduction.072gccstaIndians072gccstaStatistics072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs. bDepartmental Statistics Division.40qPDFs114.73 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-279-1970-1-eng.pdfzv. 140qPDFs69.94 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-279-1970-2-eng.pdfzv. 2A40qPDFs72.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-279-1970-3-eng.pdfzv. 2B40qPDFs46.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-279-1970-4-eng.pdfzv. 2C01318cas 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860063001302450122001932460049003152600116003643100012004803620043004925000087005355200204006225460032008266920035008586920030008937100050009237920067009739.838547CaOODSP20221107151415cr |||||||||||170620d19741977oncar p o|s f0###a0eng|d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aR41-25-PDFzR43-1/1975zR41-1/1975zR41-1/1976zR41-1/197704aThe Indian and Inuit graduate register ... h[electronic resource] = bl'annuaire des diplômés indiens et inuit ...11aAnnuaire des diplômés indiens et inuit ... aOttawa : bEducation - Operations, Indian and Eskimo Affairs Program, Indian and Northern Affairs, c1974-1977? aAnnual.1 aBegan with: 1974 ; ceased after: 1977? aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The Indian and Inuit Graduate Register is an annual cumulative listing of Canadian Indian and Inuit graduates of universities, teachers' colleges and schools of nursing." - Introduction, p. 1, 1975. aText in English and French.072gccstaPostsecondary education072gccstaAboriginal peoples1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada. tThe Indian and Inuit graduate register ... w(CaOODSP)9.83855101353cas 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860063001302450126001932460049003192600135003683100011005033620059005145000087005735200204006605460038008646920023009026920039009257100044009647910067010089.838551CaOODSP20221107151415cr |||||||||||170620d19741977oncar p o s f0###b0fre|d aCaOODSPbfre aengafre an-cn---1 aR41-25-PDFzR43-1/1975zR41-1/1975zR41-1/1976zR41-1/197704aThe Indian and Inuit graduate register ... h[ressource électronique] = bl'annuaire des diplômés indiens et inuit ...11aAnnuaire des diplômés indiens et inuit ... aOttawa : bÉducation - Exploitation, Programme des affaires indiennes et esquimaudes, Affaires indiennes et du Nord, c1974-1977? aAnnuel1 aParaît depuis : 1974 ; ne paraît plus après : 1977? aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. a«Cet annuaire fournit une liste cumulative annuelle des Indiens et Inuit diplômés des universités, des écoles de formation des maîtres et des écol d'infirmières.» - Introduction, p. 1, 1975. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaAutochtones072gccstaEnseignement postsecondaire1 aCanada.bAffaires indiennes et du Nord. tThe Indian and Inuit graduate register ... w(CaOODSP)9.83854701749cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000023001382450175001612600096003363000015004325000029004475000147004765000087006235040033007105200335007436920019010786920031010976920035011287100055011637750126012188560103013449.836562CaOODSP20221107150926cr |||||||||||170511s1979 onc #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR5-145/1979F-PDF1 aSiggner, Andrew J.10aAperçu de la situation démographique, sociale et économique de la population indienne inscrite du Canada h[ressource électronique] / cétabli par Andrew J. Siggner. a[Ottawa?] : bProgramme des Affaires indiennes et inuit, Direction de la recherche, c1979. aiii, 52 p. a« 10 Septembre 1979. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: An overview of demographic social and economic conditions among Canada's registered Indian population. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Le présent rapport donne un aperçu de la situation démographique, sociale et économique des Indiens inscrits du Canada et en compare certains aspects avec ceux de la situation que connaît l'ensemble de la population canadienne. Divers indicateurs ont été sélectionnés pour évaluer cette situation. » -- Introduction.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaConditions sociales072gccstaConditions économiques2 aProgramme des affaires indiennes et inuit (Canada)08tAn overview of demographic social and economic conditions among Canada's registered Indian population w(CaOODSP)9.83581140qPDFs5.16 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-145-1979-fra.pdf01490cam 22002418a 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430011001050860021001161000024001372450190001612600061003513000012004124900065004245000031004895000085005205200470006057100070010758560103011459.835887CaOODSP20221107150753cr |||||||||||170622s1993 onc o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn--1 aR5-154/1993E-PDF1 aSlipchenko, Walter.00aReport on the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation's visit to the Chukotka Autonomous (OKRUG) District, Russian Federation, January 15-17, 1993 h[electronic resource] / cWalter Slipchenko. a[Ottawa] : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, c1993. a[70] p.0 aCircumpolar Liaison Directorate publication series ; v93-08 a"December/Décembre 1993." aDigitized edition from print produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. a"The following report highlights the IRC trip to the Chukotka Region. The publication of this document is important with respect to the new framework for northern bilateral co-operation between Canada and Russia. The report provides insight into the vast possibilities for Aboriginal regional authorities to pursue co-operation activities in such areas as, economic development and socio-cultural exchanges between the Canadian and Russian northern regions"--p. iv.1 aCanada.bIndian and Northern Affairs. bNorthern Affairs Program.40qPDFs2.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-154-1993-eng.pdf01990cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000045001392450105001842600122002893000036004114900018004475000018004655000087004835040041005705200739006116920019013506920028013696920024013977100056014217100050014778300044015278560105015719.836989CaOODSP20221107151029cr |||||||||||170518s1961 oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-bc1 aR42-3/1961-6E-PDF1 aManning, T. H. q(Thomas Henry), d1911-10aNotes on Winter Harbour, Bridport Inlet, and Skene Bay h[electronic resource] / cby T. H. Manning. aOttawa : bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, c1961. a1 v. (various pagings) : bmaps1 aNCRC ; v61-6 a"June, 1961." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Winter Harbour and the bay lying between Wakeham point and Hearne Point were perfectly clear of ice when first seen by Parry on September 5, 1819. However, heavy ice lay off Cape Hearne, blocking the way to the southward. Parry's ships, the Hecla and Griper, were therefore anchored in the lee of the land between Wakeham Point and Fife Point, where there was excellent holding ground of mud and sand in 7 to 10 fathoms of water about a mile and a half from shore. This anchorage gave secure shelter, with the wind from ENE round by N to SW, and the bay was freer of ice than any other part of the southern coast of the island. In spite of the fresh northerly gale, the ice off Hearne Point did not move for about 30 hours."--p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaCanadian history072gccstaExplorations2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v61-6.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs10.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1961-6-eng.pdf02124cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000058001392450154001972460084003512600122004353000038005574900018005955000022006135000087006355200756007226920017014786920029014956920031015247100056015557100050016118300044016618560105017059.836990CaOODSP20221107151029cr |||||||||||170518s1961 oncdbo #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-nt1 aR42-3/1961-2E-PDF1 aFerguson, J. Douglas q(Joseph Douglas), d1901-1981.14aThe human ecology and social and economic change in the community of Tuktoyaktuk, N. W. T. h[electronic resource] : ba study / cby J. D. Ferguson.14aHuman ecology and social economic change in the community of Tuktoyaktuk N.W.T. aOttawa : bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, c1961. a[100] p. : bgraphs, maps, photos1 aNCRC ; v61-2 a"February, 1961." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"This report summarizes the findings of an anthropological field trip to Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. during the summer of 1957. The field research and preparation of this report were sponsored wholly by the Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre of the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. The purpose of the trip was to study the social organization of the Tuktoyaktuk Eskimos in relation to the resources of the area and to find out how the Eskimos' society is adapting to new demands brought about by changes In available resources. To this end, an inventory of resources was carried out in addition to a sociological study. Finally, It was also proposed to estimate future change In the social and economic order."--Purpose of Study.072gccstaInuit072gccstaSocial conditions072gccstaEconomic conditions2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v61-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs21.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1961-2-eng.pdf02133cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000027001392450128001662600127002943000015004214900022004365000022004585000087004805000275005675040041008425200566008836920017014496920019014666920025014857100056015107100031015667100050015978300044016478560104016919.837020CaOODSP20221107151034cr |||||||||||170519s1960 onc #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR42-3/1960-2E-PDF1 aBalikci, Asen, d1929-10aSuicidal behaviour among the Netsilik Eskimos h[electronic resource] / cby Asen Balikci of the National Museum of Canada. a[Ottawa?] : b[Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre], c1960. a26, [1] p.1 a[NCRC] ; v[60-2] a"November, 1960." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"This article was read at the Annual Canadian Political Science Association meetings held in Kingston, Ontario, June, 1960. It is reproduced with authors permission by the Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre as a contribution to the knowledge of Northern Canada." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"During two field trips in the summer of 1959 and the winter of 1960 among the Arviligjuar Eskimos of Pelly Bay, District of Keewatin, a considerable number of successful and attempted suicide cases were recorded. The survey also gathered data on interpersonal and intergroup relations, namely shaman-patient, shaman-shaman interactions, sharing practices, problems of circulation of women, parents-descendants relations, feuding, etc. A first analysis of this material indicated a very low level of social integration of traditional Netsilik society."--p. [1].072gccstaInuit072gccstaSuicide072gccstaSocial issues2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)2 aNational Museum of Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v60-2.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs1.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1960-2-eng.pdf01635cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000022001392450117001612600122002783000038004004900018004385000018004565000087004745040041005615200357006026920017009596920027009766920031010037000020010347100056010547100050011108300044011608560105012049.837022CaOODSP20221107151035cr |||||||||||170519s1961 oncabo #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-nt1 aR42-3/1961-7E-PDF1 aDailey, Robert C.10aThe Eskimo of Rankin Inlet h[electronic resource] : ba preliminary report / cby Robert C. and Lois A. Dailey. aOttawa : bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, c1961. aix, 106 p. : bill., maps, photos1 aNCRC ; v61-7 a"June, 1961." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This is the final report of a preliminary investigation of the mining community (including Eskimo settlements) situated on the premises of the North Rankin Nickel Mines, Limited, Rankin Inlet, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. The observations contained in this account were made during the months of June, July and August, 1958."--Preface.072gccstaInuit072gccstaMining industry072gccstaEconomic conditions1 aDailey, Lois A.2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v61-7.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs16.82 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1961-7-eng.pdf02235cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000024001392450183001632460103003462600122004493000020005714900018005915000020006095000087006295040041007165050369007575200397011266920019015236920031015426920029015737000028016027100056016307100050016868300044017368560105017809.837031CaOODSP20221107151036cr |||||||||||170519s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-nt1 aR42-3/1961-3E-PDF1 aHelm, June, d1924-14aThe subsistence economy of the Dogrib Indians of Lac La Martre in the Mackenzie District of the Northwest Territories h[electronic resource] / cby June Helm and Nancy O. Lurie.14aSubsistence economy of the Dogrib Indians of Lac La Martre in the Mackenzie District of the N.W.T. aOttawa : bNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, c1961. a117 p. : bill.1 aNCRC ; v61-3 a"August, 1961." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.2 aChapter I. The Dogrib Indians and their congeners - Chapter II. The local community -- Chapter III. The standard of living and the money economy -- Chapter IV. Exploitation of flora -- Chapter V. Exploitation of fauna -- Chapter VI. Native clothing and footgear -- Chapter VII. Summary and conclusions -- Appendix. Practical problems and suggestions -- References. a"The Marten Lake Indians as a regional group have long been recognized in the historical literature. In fact, Marten Lake appears very early in the reports, the Northwest Company establishing a trading fort on the lake in 1790, but the purpose was to exploit the trading potential of the peoples along the Mackenzie to the west, rather than to trade with the Marten Lake group per se."--p. 7.072gccstaIndians072gccstaEconomic conditions072gccstaSocial conditions1 aLurie, Nancy Oestreich.2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v61-3.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs13.08 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1961-3-eng.pdf02169cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000037001392450143001762600128003193000023004474900018004705000018004885000087005065040041005935200897006346920019015316920021015506920029015717100056016007100050016568300044017068560105017509.837032CaOODSP20221107151036cr |||||||||||170519m19481961oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR42-3/1962-1E-PDF1 aHonigmann, John J., d1914-1977.10aFoodways in a Muskeg community h[electronic resource] : ban anthropological report on the Attawapiskat Indians / cby John J. Honigmann. aOttawa : bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, c1948, 1961. aix, 216 p. : bmap1 aNCRC ; v62-1 a"July, 1961." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Anthropological field work among the Attawapiskat Indians living on the west coast of James Bay, Ontario, was carried out within the period from July 27, 1947 to June 6, 1948. The accompanying report presents a picture of the lifeways of these Cree speaking people. The purpose is, first, to show the extent to which the people's food habits are determined by social and environmental factors; second, to outline some of the paths which a planned development program could follow in an attempt to improve the native diet and make the Indians more self-sufficient, and, third, to present a body of information that would be useful to government officials charged with administering the Attawapiskat and other, culturally related, Indian groups. The report is also intended to supplement the findings of the medical party who examined the health of the Indians in August, 1947."--Introduction.072gccstaIndians072gccstaNutrition072gccstaSocial conditions2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v62-1.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs15.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1962-1-eng.pdf02652cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000031001392450118001702600122002883000024004104900018004345000017004525000087004695040041005565201411005976920019020086920028020276920029020557100056020847100050021408300044021908560104022349.837036CaOODSP20221107151037cr |||||||||||170519s1961 oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-nt1 aR42-3/1961-4E-PDF1 aVanStone, James W.,d1925-14aThe economy of a frontier community h[electronic resource] : ba preliminary statement / cby James W. VanStone. aOttawa : bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, c1961. aiii, 33 p. : bmaps1 aNCRC ; v61-4 a"May, 1961." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The field work among Chipewyan Indians at Snowdrift, Northwest Territories, carried out for a period of thirteen weeks during the summer of 1960, arose out of a general interest on the part of the writer and some of his colleagues in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto in the problems of culture change in the area of the Mackenzie River Valley and Great Slave Lake. Although it was postulated that this culture area would turn out to be a relatively homogeneous universe of interacting forces, this generalization was qualified by the realization that in the history of contact, different parts of the area would show a variation in effects. Thus, some population groupings in the area would have been exposed more intensively to new penetrations, such as mining and commercial fishing, while others would still be following a trapping-trading economy with much less access to schools and other aspects of an urban environment. Obviously, in order to understand all the operative factors, it would be necessary that sub-groups or communities displaying all the differential effects of the historic acculturative continuum be discovered and made available for study. It was proposed that this information be obtained by a field survey which would be, followed by more intensive work in certain communities chosen as representative of specific acculturative levels."--Introduction.072gccstaIndians072gccstaCultural studies072gccstaSocial conditions2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v61-4.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs4.85 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1961-4-eng.pdf01638cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430021001050860022001261000032001482450092001802600124002723000025003964900018004215000019004395000087004585200459005456920018010046920032010226920028010547100056010827100050011388300044011888560104012329.837051CaOODSP20221107151039cr |||||||||||170519s1960 qucab #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---apn-----1 aR42-3/1960-1E-PDF1 aDunbar, M. J., d1914-1995.10aPreliminary report on the Bering Strait scheme h[electronic resource] / cM.J. Dunbar. aMontreal : bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, c1960. a17 p. : bill., maps1 aNCRC ; v60-1 a"March, 1960." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The idea that it might be feasible and advantageous to build a dam across Bering Strait was first suggested in the last decade of the last century, in the belief that this would stop ice-laden Arctic water from passing through the Strait into the Bering Sea and thus ameliorate the climate of the North Pacific. In point of fact, very little, if any, Arctic water passes southward into the Bering Sea, but this was not known at the time."--Introduction.072gccstaArctic072gccstaNorthern development072gccstaWater management2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v60-1.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs5.84 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1960-1-eng.pdf01997cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000035001392450096001742600128002703000042003984900018004405000087004585040041005455200777005866920017013636920029013806920031014097100056014407100050014968300044015468560105015909.837053CaOODSP20221107151040cr |||||||||||170519s1961 oncdbo #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cnh--1 aR42-3/1961-1E-PDF1 aWillmott, W. E. q(William E.)14aThe Eskimo community at Port Harrison P.Q. h[electronic resource] / cWilliam E. Willmott. a[Ottawa?] : bDepartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, c[1961?]. aviii, 197 p. : bgraphs, maps, photos1 aNCRC ; v61-1 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is based on research carried out while the author was employed by the Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre during the summer of 1958. It was submitted in thesis form as a partial requirement for an MA degree to the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at McGill University. It examines the process of social change among the 350 Eskimos living in the area of Port Harrison by distinguishing two categories within the population. The categories are compared in terms of social organization, and consist of, first, those Eskimos who live in traditional camps and subsist on a mixed economy of hunting and trapping, and second, those who have moved recently to the settlement at Port Harrison and subsist on wage labour for white employers."--Abstract.072gccstaInuit072gccstaSocial conditions072gccstaEconomic conditions2 aNorthern Co-ordination and Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aNCRC (Series)v61-1.w(CaOODSP)9.83702640qPDFs21.62 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R42-3-1961-1-eng.pdf01791cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000026001382450173001642460033003372600094003703000014004645000021004785000111004995000087006105200459006976920031011566920024011876920028012117100089012397750058013288560103013869.838792CaOODSP20221107151448cr |||||||||||170623t19801983onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR5-284/1980E-PDF1 aHenderson, William B.10aCanada's Indian reserves h[electronic resource] : bthe Usufruct in our Constitution / cprepared by Wm. B. Henderson for Research Branch, Indian and Northern Affairs.10aUsufruct in our Constitution aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs, Research Branch, Corporate Policy, c1980, c1983. aii, 44 p. a"February 1980." aIssued also in French under title: Les réserves indiennes au Canada : l'Usufruit dans notre constitution. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a""This paper examines within an historical and judicial context the "federalization" of Indian reserves and the use of the concept of the usufruct in defining the nature of Indian interest in reserve lands after Confederation. It builds on the material contained in his previous report entitled "Canada's Indian Reserves: Pre-Confederation", which provides an historical analysis of the Indian interest in reserve lands prior to Confederation."--Preface.072gccstaAboriginal reserves072gccstaConstitution072gccstaCanadian history1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada. bCorporate Policy. bResearch Branch.08tLes réserves indiennes au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83879340qPDFs4.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-284-1980-eng.pdf02039cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000026001382450228001642460071003922460037004632600121005003000014006215000022006355000105006575000087007625200530008496920031013796920024014106920030014347100109014647750049015738560103016229.838793CaOODSP20221107151448cr |||||||||||170623t19811983onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR5-284/1981F-PDF1 aHenderson, William B.14aLes réserves indiennes au Canada h[ressource électronique] : bl'Usufruit dans notre constitution / cpréparé par Wm. B. Henderson pour la Direction de la recherche, Ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada.14aRéserves indiennes du Canada : bUsufruit dans notre constitution10aUsufruit dans notre constitution aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Direction de la recherche, Orientations générales, c1981, c1983. aii, 54 p. a« Août 1981. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Canada's Indian reserves : the Usufruct in our Constitution. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. a« Ce rapport étudie la "fédéralisation" des réserves indiennes dans un contexte historique et judiciaire, ainsi que la façon dont on a utilisé le concept d'usufruit pour définir les intérêts des Indiens sur les terres de réserves après la Confédération. Il est fondé sur le contenu du rapport précédent appelé "Les réserves indiennes au Canada avant la Confédération", qui constitue une analyse historique des intérêts des Indiens sur les terres de réserves pendant cette période. » -- Avant-propos.072gccstaRéserve autochtone072gccstaConstitution072gccstaHistoire du Canada1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada. bOrientations générales. bDirection de la recherche.08tCanada's Indian reserves w(CaOODSP)9.83879240qPDFs2.57 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-284-1981-fra.pdf01351cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000020001382450166001582600105003243000010004295000020004395000022004595000087004815200229005686920018007976920020008156920020008357100053008557100050009088560103009589.838802CaOODSP20221107151449cr |||||||||||170623s1979 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR5-290/1979E-PDF1 aMadill, Dennis.13aAn archival finding aid for primary source material on the Métis h[electronic resource] / cprepared by Dennis Madill, Treaties and Historical Research Centre. a[Ottawa?] : b[Indian and Northern Affairs Canada], Treaties and Historical Research Centre, c1979. a36 p. a"October 1979." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"Sometimes conditions will arise that make it difficult or impossible to secure the material listed in the Halfbreeds-Primary Source Material. The foreward will outline some methods for dealing with these conditions."--p. 2.072gccstaMétis072gccstaArchives072gccstaResearch2 aTreaties and Historical Research Centre (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs2.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-290-1979-eng.pdf02228cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860035001352450107001702460042002772600071003193000020003905000022004105000158004325000087005905040041006775200706007185300033014246920034014576920022014916920021015137100050015347750072015847760060016567950058017168560104017749.838827CaOODSP20221107151453cr |||||||||||170623t20042003onca #ob f000 0 eng d z0-662-36400-7 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR2-171/2004E-PDFzR2-171/2004E00aFirst Nations governance handbook h[electronic resource] : ba resource guide for effective councils.10aResource guide for effective councils aOttawa : bIndian Affairs and Northern Development, c2004, c2003. a102 p. : bill. aTitle from cover. aIssued also in French under title: Guide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations : une source d'informations pour rehausser l'efficacité des conseils. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The First Nations Governance Handbook: A Resource Guide for Effective Councils deals with how a First Nation Council can be more effective. A Working Committee of First Nations Chiefs and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) officials sponsored the Handbook because many newly elected councillors, and chiefs, had expressed a desire to know what their new duties were. While many books describe the roles and responsibilities of leaders and boards of directors, none deal with the special work of First Nations Councils. The Working Committee intends that the Handbook be a useful resource for councillors who would like to build a strong, stable organization in their community."--Introduction. aIssued also in printed form.072gccstaAboriginal governments072gccstaGovernance072gccstaHandbooks1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.08tGuide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations w(CaOODSP)9.8388290#tFirst Nations governance handbook : w(CaOODSP)9.649217 tFirst Nations governance handbook w(CaOODSP)9.83883140qPDFs36.08 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R2-171-2004-eng.pdf02453cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860035001352450153001702460068003232600070003913000020004615000028004815000121005095000087006305040033007175200872007505300045016226920035016676920023017026920018017257100052017437750058017957760074018537950072019278560104019999.838829CaOODSP20221107151453cr |||||||||||170623t20042003onca #ob f000 0 fre d z0-662-76182-0 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR2-171/2004F-PDFzR2-171/2004F00aGuide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations h[ressource électronique] : bune source d'informations pour rehausser l'efficacité des conseils.10aSource d'informations pour rehausser l'efficacité des conseils aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord canadien, c2004, c2003. a108 p. : bill. aTitre pris sur la couv. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: First Nations governance handbook : a resource guide for effective councils. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Le Guide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations : une source d’informations pour rehausser l'efficacité des conseils porte sur les façons d’accroître l’efficacité des conseils des Premières nations. Un Comité de travail regroupant des chefs des Premières nations et des représentants d’AINC a parrainé la production du Guide pour donner suite au désir exprimé par des conseillers et des chefs récemment élus de mieux comprendre leurs nouvelles fonctions. Il existe de nombreuses publications traitant des rôles et des responsabilités des dirigeants et des conseils d’administration, mais aucune n’abordait ceux des conseils des Premières nations. Le Comité de travail souhaite faire du Guide une ressource utile pour les conseils qui aspirent à devenir une organisation stable et solide dans leur collectivité. » -- Introduction. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaGouvernement autochtone072gccstaGouvernance072gccstaManuel1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada.08tFirst Nations governance handbook w(CaOODSP)9.8388270#tGuide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations : w(CaOODSP)9.682432 tGuide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations w(CaOODSP)9.83883340qPDFs32.37 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R2-171-2004-fra.pdf02238cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860021001352450107001562460042002632600059003053000020003645000024003845000022004085000158004305000087005885040041006755200706007165300033014226920034014556920022014896920021015117100050015327750072015827760060016547940058017148560104017729.838831CaOODSP20221107151453cr |||||||||||170623s2001 onca #ob f000 0 eng d z0-662-29989-2 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR2-171/2001E-PDF00aFirst Nations governance handbook h[electronic resource] : ba resource guide for effective councils.10aResource guide for effective councils aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, c2001. a102 p. : bill. a"November 2, 2001." aTitle from cover. aIssued also in French under title: Guide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations : une source d'informations pour rehausser l'efficacité des conseils. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The First Nations Governance Handbook: A Resource Guide for Effective Councils deals with how a First Nation Council can be more effective. A Working Committee of First Nations Chiefs and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) officials sponsored the Handbook because many newly elected councillors, and chiefs, had expressed a desire to know what their new duties were. While many books describe the roles and responsibilities of leaders and boards of directors, none deal with the special work of First Nations Councils. The Working Committee intends that the Handbook be a useful resource for councillors who would like to build a strong, stable organization in their community."--Introduction. aIssued also in printed form.072gccstaAboriginal governments072gccstaGovernance072gccstaHandbooks1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.08tGuide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations w(CaOODSP)9.8388330#tFirst Nations governance handbook : w(CaOODSP)9.648330 tFirst Nations governance handbook w(CaOODSP)9.83882740qPDFs30.63 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R2-171-2001-eng.pdf02353cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200017000880400017001050430012001220860035001342450153001692460068003222600061003903000020004515000039004715000028005105000121005385000087006595040033007465200874007796920035016536920023016886920018017117100052017297750058017817940072018398560104019119.838833CaOODSP20221107151453cr |||||||||||170623s2001 onca #ob f000 0 fre d z0-66286261-9 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR2-171/2001F-PDFzR2-171/2001F00aGuide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations h[ressource électronique] : bune source d'informations pour rehausser l'efficacité des conseils.10aSource d'informations pour rehausser l'efficacité des conseils aOttawa : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, c2001. a108 p. : bill. a« Le vendredi 2 novembre 2001. » aTitre pris sur la couv. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: First Nations governance handbook : a resource guide for effective councils. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Le Guide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations : une source d’informations pour rehausser l’efficacité des conseils porte sur les façons d’accroître l’efficacité des conseils des Premières nations. Un Comité de travail regroupant des chefs des Premières nations et des représentants d’AINC a parrainé la production du Guide pour donner suite au désir exprimé par des conseillers et des chefs récemment élus de mieux comprendre leurs nouvelles fonctions. Il existe de nombreuses publications traitant des rôles et des responsabilités des dirigeants et des conseils d’administration, mais aucune n’abordait ceux des conseils des Premières nations. Le Comité de travail souhaite faire du Guide une ressource utile pour les conseils qui aspirent à devenir une organisation stable et solide dans leur collectivité. » -- Introduction.072gccstaGouvernement autochtone072gccstaGouvernance072gccstaManuel1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada.08tFirst Nations governance handbook w(CaOODSP)9.838831 tGuide sur la gouvernance des Premières nations w(CaOODSP)9.83882940qPDFs49.14 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R2-171-2001-fra.pdf01970cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000020001382450105001582600135002633000018003985000017004165000122004335000087005555040041006425200567006836920018012506920019012686920018012877100089013057100053013947750106014478560103015539.838300CaOODSP20221107151339cr |||||||||||170615s1983 oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR5-257/1983E-PDF1 aMadill, Dennis.10aSelect annotated bibliography on Métis history and claims h[electronic resource] / cby D. Madill. aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Treaties and Historical Research Centre, Research Branch, Corporate Policy, c1983. a45 p. : bmap a"July 1983." aIssued also in French under title: Bibliographie annotée et choisie sur l'histoire et les revendications des Métis. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Until recently, most Canadians associated the Métis with Louis Riel's activities in Red River and the District of Saskatchewan. Over the past decade regional history has enjoyed a revival and a new generation of historians has substantially enriched the literature on western history in general and Métis historiography in particular. The removal from London to Winnipeg of the Hudson's Bay Company's rich archival sources in 1974 has enabled historians to re-examine Métis history and move forward to a wider range of topics and disciplines."--Introduction.072gccstaMétis072gccstaHistory072gccstaClaims1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada. bCorporate Policy. bResearch Branch.2 aTreaties and Historical Research Centre (Canada)08tBibliographie annotée et choisie sur l'histoire et les revendications des Métis w(CaOODSP)9.83830140qPDFs6.46 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-257-1983-eng.pdf02173cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000020001382450133001582600180002913000025004715000104004965000087006005040033006875200722007206920018014426920020014606920025014807100109015057100071016147750083016858560103017689.838301CaOODSP20221107151340cr |||||||||||170615s1983 oncb #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR5-257/1983F-PDF1 aMadill, Dennis.10aBibliographie annotée et choisie sur l'histoire et les revendications des Métis h[ressource électronique] / cpar D. Madill. a[Ottawa?] : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, Centre de la recherche historique et de l'étude des traités, Direction de la recherche, Orientations générales, c1983. aiii, 54 p. : bcarte aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Select annotated bibliography on Métis history and claims. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Jusqu'à une époque récente, la plupart des Canadiens associaient les Métis aux activités de Louis Riel dans la région de la rivière Rouge et dans le district de la Saskatchewan. L'histoire régionale a cependant connu un renouveau au cours de la dernière décennie, et une nouvelle génération d'historiens a sensiblement enrichi la documentation consacrée à l'histoire de l'Ouest en général et à celle des Métis en particulier. Le transfert de Londres à Winnipeg des riches archives de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson, en 1974, a permis aux historiens de procéder à un réexamen de l'histoire des Métis et de se pencher sur un éventail plus large de sujets et de domaines. » -- Introduction.072gccstaMétis072gccstaHistoire072gccstaRevendication1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada. bOrientations générales. bDirection de la recherche.2 aCentre de recherches historiques et d'étude des traités (Canada)08tSelect annotated bibliography on Métis history and claims w(CaOODSP)9.83830040qPDFs3.25 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-257-1983-fra.pdf01367cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450117001382600078002553000013003335000022003465000024003685000087003925200338004796920019008176920021008366920031008577100047008887100050009358560104009859.838365CaOODSP20221107151349cr |||||||||||170623s1971 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-sk1 aR5-258/1971E-PDF00aReport, education program. pSaskatchewan h[electronic resource] / cIndian-Eskimo Program, Information Center. aOttawa : bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, c1971. a[190] p. a"February, 1971." aTitle from caption. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The need for a comprehensive inventory of programs and services available to Canada's Indian people has been recognized and efforts are underway to satisfy this need ... This report presents the results of initial efforts to satisfy the above mentioned information needs derived from discussions with activity specialists."--p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaEducation072gccstaAboriginal programs2 aIndian and Eskimo Affairs Program (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs18.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-258-1971-eng.pdf01362cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450112001382600078002503000013003285000022003415000024003635000087003875200338004746920019008126920021008316920031008527100047008837100050009308560104009809.838367CaOODSP20221107151349cr |||||||||||170623s1971 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-ab1 aR5-259/1971E-PDF00aReport, education program. pAlberta h[electronic resource] / cIndian-Eskimo Program, Information Center. aOttawa : bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, c1971. a[180] p. a"February, 1971." aTitle from caption. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The need for a comprehensive inventory of programs and services available to Canada's Indian people has been recognized and efforts are underway to satisfy this need ... This report presents the results of initial efforts to satisfy the above mentioned information needs derived from discussions with activity specialists."--p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaEducation072gccstaAboriginal programs2 aIndian and Eskimo Affairs Program (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs20.03 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-259-1971-eng.pdf01361cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450111001382600078002493000013003275000022003405000024003625000087003865200338004736920019008116920021008306920031008517100047008827100050009298560104009799.838372CaOODSP20221107151350cr |||||||||||170623s1971 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-qc1 aR5-262/1971E-PDF00aReport, education program. pQuebec h[electronic resource] / cIndian-Eskimo Program, Information Center. aOttawa : bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, c1971. a[177] p. a"February, 1971." aTitle from caption. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The need for a comprehensive inventory of programs and services available to Canada's Indian people has been recognized and efforts are underway to satisfy this need ... This report presents the results of initial efforts to satisfy the above mentioned information needs derived from discussions with activity specialists."--p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaEducation072gccstaAboriginal programs2 aIndian and Eskimo Affairs Program (Canada)1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs15.63 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-262-1971-eng.pdf00842cam 22002298a 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450085001382600061002233000029002845000020003135000087003336920020004206920019004407100050004598560103005099.838411CaOODSP20221107151355cr |||||||||||170623s1983 oncab o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-mb1 aR44-29/1983E-PDF00aInformation for prospective teachers bInterlake area.h[electronic resource] :  a[Ottawa] : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, c1983. a[20] p. : bill. ; maps. a"Ottawa, 1983." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada].072gccstaTeachers072gccstaIndians1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs2.93 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R44-29-1983-eng.pdf01607cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430021001050860033001262450101001592600079002603000021003395000111003605000087004715040041005585200428005996920019010276920028010466920028010747100050011027750074011528560103012269.838502CaOODSP20221107151408cr |||||||||||170619s1971 onco ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-quan-cnm--1 aR5-271/1971E-PDFzR32-1367/300aIndians of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces h[electronic resource] : b(an historical review). aOttawa : bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, cc1971. a36 p. : bphotos aIssued also in French under title: Les Indiens du Québec et des Provinces Maritimes : (revue historique). aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"When European explorers first began to arrive in the New World, the Maritime Provinces and most of Quebec were inhabited by migratory tribes speaking a variety of Algonkian languages. These were the Beothuk, Micmac, Malecite, Naskapi, Montagnais, Algonkin and Cree Indians. In addition an Iroquoian tribe, probably Mohawk, lived a more or less settled agricultural life along the banks of the St. Lawrence River."--p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaCanadian history072gccstaAboriginal lands1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.08tLes Indiens du Québec et des Provinces Maritimes w(CaOODSP)9.83870340qPDFs6.65 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-271-1971-eng.pdf01269cam 22002778a 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000022001382450153001602600076003133000017003895000020004065000087004265200213005136920019007266920034007456920030007796920029008097100050008388560103008889.837877CaOODSP20221107151239cr |||||||||||170623s1975 onca o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-on1 aR5-243/1975E-PDF1 aSaigaonkar, D. G.10aReliability of enrolment data bank-feasibility study in Kingston Education District, 1969-70 to 1973-74 h[electronic resource] / cD.G. Saigaonkar. aOttawa : bDepartment of Indian Affairs & Northern Development, c1975. a23 p. bill. a"October 1975." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"In 1974, the Educational Management Information System working group recommended a reliability study of the data bank covering the period from the school year 1969-1970 to 1973-1974 inclusive"--Introduction.072gccstaIndians072gccstaDemographic statistics072gccstaElementary schools072gccstaSecondary schools1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs4.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-243-1975-eng.pdf01121cam 22002658a 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430011001050860021001161000018001372450109001552600030002643000010002945000015003045000087003195200218004066920019006246920035006436920024006787100050007028560103007529.838659CaOODSP20221107151431cr |||||||||||170623s1977 onc o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn--1 aR44-42/1977E-PDF1 aDaniels, E.R.10aUniversity-level education for Indian people h[electronic resource] : ba study paper / cE.R. Daniels. aOttawa : bDIAND, c1977. a45 p. a"1976-77." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"As university students and staff began to edge into the new academic year in the Fall of '76, the Department of Indian Affairs was becoming increasingly aware of the need to take stock of the situation."--p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaPostsecondary education072gccstaUniversities1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs1.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R44-42-1977-eng.pdf01724cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430021001050860034001262450106001602600079002663000028003455000116003735000087004895040033005765200533006096920019011426920030011616920030011917100052012217750069012738560104013429.838703CaOODSP20221107151436cr |||||||||||170621s1971 onco #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn-quan-cnm--1 aR5-271/1971F-PDFzR32-1367/3F04aLes Indiens du Québec et des Provinces Maritimes h[ressource électronique] : b(revue hisotrique). aOttawa : bMinistère des Affaires Indiennes et du Nord canadien, cc1971. a30 p. : bphotographies aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Indians of Qubebec and the Maritime Provinces : (an historical review). aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Lorsque les explorateurs européens commencèrent à arriver au Nouveau Monde, les provinces Maritimes et la majeure partie du Québec étaient habitées par des tribus migratrices qui parlaient diverses langues algonquines. Ces Indiens étaient des Beothuks, des Micmacs, des Malécites, des Naskapis, des Montagnais, des Algonquins et des Cris. En outre une tribu de la Confédération iroquoise, probablement de Mohawks, menait une vie agricole plus ou moins sédentaire, sur les bords du fleuve Saint-Laurent. » -- p. 1.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaHistoire du Canada072gccstaTerres autochtones1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada.08tIndians of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces w(CaOODSP)9.83850240qPDFs10.32 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-271-1971-fra.pdf01706cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001302450067001502460020002172600072002373000012003095000022003215000087003435050314004305200355007445460032010996920019011316920019011506920034011697100050012037920039012538560100012929.835891CaOODSP20221107150754cr |||||||||||170427s1982 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aR5-156/1982-PDF00aRegional guide h[electronic resource] = bLe guide régional.15aGuide régional a[Ottawa?] : bDepartment of Indian and Northern Affairs, c[1982?]. a[53] p. aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada].0 aDirectorate -- Planning -- Regional Personnel Service -- Finance and Administration -- The Regional Information Service -- Local Government -- Employment and Social Development -- Economic Development -- Reserves and Trusts -- Education -- Engineering and Architecture -- District Office and Services Centres. a"The primary role of this service is to provide information to the employees of the Department, Native people and the public at large on the programs, services and accomplishments of the Department in Native communities as well as on the projects Native people have carried out in co-operation with the Department."--The Regional Information Service. aText in English and French.072gccstaIndians072gccstaRegions072gccstaGovernment departments1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada. tRegional guide w(CaOODSP)9.83589240qPDFs12.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-156-1982.pdf01866cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001302450071001502460020002212600071002413000012003125000028003245000087003525050452004395200357008915460038012486920019012866920019013056920037013247100052013617910039014138560100014529.835892CaOODSP20221107150754cr |||||||||||170427s1982 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aR5-156/1982-PDF00aRegional guide h[ressource électronique] = bLe guide régional.15aGuide régional a[Ottawa?] : bMinistère Affaires Indiennes et du Nord, c[1982?]. a[53] p. aTitre pris sur la couv. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada].0 aLa Direction Générale -- La Direction de la Planification -- Le Service Régional du Personnel -- La Direction Finance et Administration -- Le Service Régional de l'Information -- La Direction Administration Locale -- La Direction Emploi et Développement Social -- La Direction Développement Économique -- La Direction Réserves et Fiducie -- La Direction Éducation -- La Direction Génie et Architecture -- District et Centres de Services. a« Le rôle premier du Service de l’Information est de renseigner les employés du Ministère, la population autochtone et le grand public sur les programmes, services et réalisations du Ministère en milieu autochtone de même que sur les projets autochtones réalisés conjointement avec le Ministère. » -- Le Service Régional de l'Information. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaRégion072gccstaMinistère gouvernemental1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada. tRegional guide w(CaOODSP)9.83589140qPDFs12.80 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-156-1982.pdf01420cam 2200265za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450098001382600146002363000016003825000022003985000087004205200347005076920019008546920024008736920030008977100052009277100071009798560104010509.835893CaOODSP20221107150754cr |||||||||||170427s1981 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR5-157/1981F-PDF04aLes lois sur les Indiens et leurs lois modificatrices, 1868-1950 h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa?] : bAffaires indiennes et du Nord, Centre de la recherche historique et de l'étude des traités, Orientations générales, c1981. aiii, 363 p. a« Avril 1981. » aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. a« En résumé, ce volume comprend: a) un choix de lois adoptées entre 1868 et 1875 b) Les versions successives de la Loi sur les Indiens, de 1876 à nos jours c) Les lois modificatrices. Les lois contenues dans ce volume sont présentées de façon chronologique, selon l'année où chacune a été adoptée par le parlement. » -- Contenu.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaLégislation072gccstaHistoire du Canada1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada.2 aCentre de recherches historiques et d'étude des traités (Canada)40qPDFs26.50 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-157-1981-fra.pdf01781cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000026001382450098001642600076002623000010003385000018003485000087003665000105004535200550005586920019011086920031011276920030011587100050011887750089012387940049013278560103013769.836736CaOODSP20221107150951cr |||||||||||170623s1981 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR5-207/1981E-PDF1 aHenderson, William B.10aCanada's Indian reserves h[electronic resource] : blegislative powers / cWm. B. Henderson. aOttawa : bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Research Branch, c1981. a34 p. a"April 1981." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Compétences législatives sur les réserves indiennes au Canada. a""Lands reserved for the Indians" have a special place in the distribution of legislative powers within our federal system; the phrase describes a class of subjects over which the legislative power of Parliament is exclusive. This does not mean, however, that provincial laws have no application within the borders of Indian reserves. Indians living on reserves have always had the provincial laws of tort and contract, for example, available to them except as Parliament has from time to time modified or abrogated these"--Introduction, p. [1].072gccstaIndians072gccstaAboriginal reserves072gccstaDivision of powers1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.08tCompétences législatives sur les réserves indiennes au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.836739 tCanada's Indian reserves w(CaOODSP)9.85129440qPDFs3.43 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-207-1981-eng.pdf02387cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860024001172450274001412460126004152460069005412600067006103000039006775000195007165000017009115000031009285200731009596920029016906920043017197100056017627100039018187750122018578560106019799.838610CaOODSP20221107151424cr |||||||||||170620s2016 oncab o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-mb1 aEn106-157/2016E-PDF00aProject 4 – all-season road connecting Berens River to Poplar River First Nation h[electronic resource] : benvironmental impact statement : project summary / csubmitted to, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency ; submitted by, Manitoba East Side Road Authority.30aAll-season road connecting Berens River to Poplar River First Nation : benvironmental impact statement : project summary17aProject 4 – all-season road : benvironmental impact statement a[Ottawa] : bCanadian Environmental Assessment Agency, c2016. aiv, 57 p. : bcol. ill., col. maps aIssued also in French under title: Projet 4 – route toutes saisons entre la rivière Berens et la Première nation de Poplar River : étude d’impact environnemental : résumé du projet. aCover title. a"February 2016 (updated)." a“This document provides a summary of the detailed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed all-season road connecting Berens River First Nation and Poplar River First Nation (the ‘Project‘) submitted to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship (MCWS) by the Manitoba East Side Road Authority (ESRA). The document provides an overview of the proposed Project components and activities, the extensive engagement activities completed to-date and potential environmental effects of the Project and proposed mitigation measures. ESRA’s conclusions on predicted residual environmental effects and the significance of those effects are presented"--Introd., p. 1.072gccstaRoad construction072gccstaEnvironmental impact assessment1 aCanada. bCanadian Environmental Assessment Agency.1 aManitoba East Side Road Authority.08tProjet 4 – route toutes saisons entre la rivière Berens et la Première nation de Poplar River w(CaOODSP)9.83861340qPDFs4.33 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acee-ceaa/En106-157-2016-eng.pdf02714cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860024001172450345001412460148004862460076006342600075007103000049007855000176008345000022010105000038010325200914010706920034019846920040020187100064020587100077021227750107021998560106023069.838613CaOODSP20221107151424cr |||||||||||170620s2016 oncab o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn-mb1 aEn106-157/2016F-PDF00aProjet 4 – route toutes saisons entre la rivière Berens et la Première nation de Poplar River h[ressource électronique] : bétude d’impact environnemental : résumé du projet / csoumis à, l'Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale ; soumis par, la Commission manitobaine d'aménagement de la route située du côté est.30aRoute toutes saisons entre la rivière Berens et la Première nation de Poplar River : bétude d’impact environnemental : résumé du projet17aProjet 4 – route toutes saisons : bétude d’impact environnemental a[Ottawa] : bAgence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale, c2016. aiv, 65 p. : bcartes en coul., ill. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Project 4 – all-season road connecting Berens River to Poplar River First Nation: environmental impact statement: project summary. aTitre de la couv. a« Février 2016 (actualisé). » a« Le présent document est un résumé de l’étude d’impact environnemental détaillée du projet de route toutes saisons reliant la Première Nation de Berens River à la Première Nation de Poplar River (ci-après le « Projet ») déposée auprès de l’Agence canadienne d’évaluation environnementale (ACEE) et de Conservation et Gestion des ressources hydriques Manitoba (CGRH) par la Commission manitobaine d’aménagement de la route située du côté est (ci-après la « Commission »). Il propose un aperçu des composantes et des activités du Projet et des nombreuses activités d’engagement réalisées jusqu’à présent, ainsi que des effets environnementaux potentiels du Projet et des mesures d’atténuation proposées. Enfin, il contient les conclusions de la Commission sur les effets environnementaux résiduels prévus et sur l’importance de ces effets »--Introd., p. 1.072gccstaConstruction routière072gccstaÉvaluation environnementale1 aCanada. bAgence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale.2 aCommission manitobaine d'aménagement de la route située du côté est.08tProject 4 – all-season road connecting Berens River to Poplar River First Nation w(CaOODSP)9.83861040qPDFs4.04 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acee-ceaa/En106-157-2016-fra.pdf02362cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001391000026001602450184001862460053003702600062004233000026004855000213005115000017007245000144007415000034008855040041009195200689009606920028016496920027016776920033017047000025017377100041017627750106018038560103019099.835199CaOODSP20221107150617cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncd ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08302-5 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aFC5-47/2017E-PDF1 aMcLean-McKay, Marcie.00aInitiating budgeting behaviour among non-budgeters h[electronic resource] : ba financial literacy pilot using mobile technology / c[Marcie McLean-McKay and Josh Leigh-Mossley].30aFinancial literacy pilot using mobile technology a[Ottawa] : bFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada, c2017. a32 p. : bcol. charts aIssued also in French under title: Promouvoir l’établissement d’un budget chez les personnes qui n’en ont pas : projet pilote sur la littératie financière réalisé au moyen des technologies mobiles. aCover title. a"Marcie McLean-McKay and Josh Leigh-Mossley, Education, Research and Policy Division, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada"--Verso of cover. a"April 2017"--Verso of cover. bIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report presents the results of a pilot project that FCAC conducted through the Carrot Rewards mobile application. In delivering on its mandate to increase financial literacy among Canadians, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) delivered some of its financial education materials through the Carrot Rewards application. This app enabled FCAC to explore opportunities to expand its efforts to promote consumer awareness and increase financial literacy using mobile technology. The Carrot Rewards app offered loyalty reward points in exchange for participation in short quizzes and for reading financial education messages related to budgeting"--About this report, p. 2.072gccstaPersonal finance072gccstaBudget planning072gccstaEducational resources1 aLeigh-Mossley, Josh.2 aFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada.08tPromouvoir l’établissement d’un budget chez les personnes qui n’en ont pas w(CaOODSP)9.83520140qPDFs1.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-47-2017-eng.pdf02713cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001391000026001602450256001862460093004422600086005353000030006215000147006515000022007985000195008205000040010155040048010555200886011036920033019896920037020226920036020597000025020957100065021207750075021858560103022609.835201CaOODSP20221107150617cr |||||||||||170622s2017 oncd ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08303-2 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFC5-47/2017F-PDF1 aMcLean-McKay, Marcie.10aPromouvoir l’établissement d’un budget chez les personnes qui n’en ont pas h[ressource électronique] : bprojet pilote sur la littératie financière réalisé au moyen des technologies mobiles / c[Marcie McLean-McKay et Josh Leigh-Mossley].30aProjet pilote sur la littératie financière réalisé au moyen des technologies mobiles a[Ottawa] : bAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, c2017. a34 p. : bgraph. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Initiating budgeting behaviour among non-budgeters: a financial literacy pilot using mobile technology. aTitre de la couv. a« Marcie McLean-McKay et Josh Leigh-Mossley, Division de l’éducation, de la recherche et des politiques, Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada »--Verso de la couv. a« Avril 2017 »--Verso de la couv. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport donne les résultats d’un projet pilote réalisé par l’ACFC par l’entremise de l’application Carotte Points Santé. Dans l’exécution de son mandat visant à accroître la littératie financière chez les Canadiens, l’ACFC a publié certains de ses documents d’éducation financière par l’entremise de l’application Carotte Points Santé. Cette application permet à l’ACFC d’explorer les occasions d’élargir ses efforts de sensibilisation des consommateurs et d’accroître la littératie financière au moyen de la technologie mobile. L’application Carotte Points Santé offre des points de programmes de fidélisation en échange de la participation à de courts jeux-questionnaires et de la lecture de messages sur l’éducation financière liés à l’établissement d’un budget »--À propos du présent rapport, p. 2.072gccstaFinances personnelles072gccstaPlanification budgétaire072gccstaRessources pédagogiques1 aLeigh-Mossley, Josh.2 aAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada.08tInitiating budgeting behaviour among non-budgeters w(CaOODSP)9.83519940qPDFs1.32 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-47-2017-fra.pdf02119cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001391110079001602450134002392460049003732600060004223000037004825000173005195000017006925000018007095200766007276920028014936920023015217100041015447750129015858560103017149.835203CaOODSP20221107150617cr |||||||||||170622s2017 oncad o f100 0 eng d a978-0-660-08304-9 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aFC5-48/2017E-PDF2 aNational Research Symposium on Financial Literacyd(2016 :cMoncton, N.B.)14aThe path towards smarter, more targeted, and more effective financial literacy h[electronic resource] : bpost-symposium report.17aFinancial literacy : bpost-symposium report aOttawa : bFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada, c2017. a33 p. : bcol. charts, col. ill. aIssued also in French under title: La voie vers des initiatives de littératie financière mieux conçues, mieux ciblées et plus efficaces : compte rendu du symposium. aCover title. a"March 2017." a“To help mark Canada’s sixth annual Financial Literacy Month, FCAC hosted a National Research Symposium on Financial Literacy in Moncton, New Brunswick in November 2016. This gathering of leading researchers from the public, private and academic sectors shared groundbreaking findings on topics that hold the key to improving Canadians’ financial literacy. This report highlights these impressive research projects, with the goal of informing the work of many other stakeholders on a nation-wide basis. That aligns with our symposium theme, The Path Towards Smarter, More Targeted, and More Effective Financial Literacy. And it supports FCAC’s mandate of collaborating with stakeholders to strengthen the financial literacy of Canadians"--Introd., p. 1.072gccstaPersonal finance072gccstaConferences2 aFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada.08tLa voie vers des initiatives de littératie financière mieux conçues, mieux ciblées et plus efficaces w(CaOODSP)9.83520540qPDFs1.54 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-48-2017-eng.pdf02333cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001391110093001602450168002532460058004212600084004793000045005635000146006085000022007545000021007765200910007976920033017076920020017407100065017607750103018258560103019289.835205CaOODSP20221107150618cr |||||||||||170622s2017 oncad o f100 0 fre d a978-0-660-08305-6 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFC5-48/2017F-PDF2 aSymposium national sur la recherche en littératie financièred(2016 :cMoncton, N.-B.)13aLa voie vers des initiatives de littératie financière mieux conçues, mieux ciblées et plus efficaces h[ressource électronique] : bcompte rendu du symposium.17aLittératie financière : bcompte rendu du symposium aOttawa : bAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, c2017. a34 p. : bgraph. en coul., ill. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : The path towards smarter, more targeted, and more effective financial literacy: post-symposium report. aTitre de la couv. a« Mars 2017. » a« Pour aider à souligner le sixième Mois de la littératie financière au Canada, l’ACFC accueillait, en novembre 2016, un symposium de recherche en littératie financière à Moncton au Nouveau Brunswick. Ce rassemblement a permis à des chercheurs éminents des secteurs public, privé et universitaire de partager leurs dernières avancées dans des domaines qui sont déterminants pour améliorer la littératie financière des Canadiens. Ce compte rendu présente ces projets de recherche impressionnants dans le but d’alimenter les travaux de plusieurs autres intervenants à l’échelle nationale. Ceci cadre tout à fait avec le thème de notre symposium, La voie vers des initiatives mieux conçues, mieux ciblées et plus efficaces, et soutient le mandat de l’ACFC qui vise à collaborer avec les intervenants pour améliorer la littératie financière des Canadiens »--Introd., p. 1.072gccstaFinances personnelles072gccstaCongrès2 aAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada.08tThe path towards smarter, more targeted, and more effective financial literacy w(CaOODSP)9.83520340qPDFs1.51 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-48-2017-fra.pdf02510cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001391000018001602450186001782460062003642600062004263000010004885000215004985000017007135000130007305000034008605040041008945200886009356920028018216920022018496920022018717000019018937100041019127750103019538560104020569.835206CaOODSP20221107150618cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc obs f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08306-3 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aFC5-49/2017E-PDF1 aSimhon, Yoni.10aFinancial literacy and retirement well‑being in Canada h[electronic resource] : ban analysis of the 2014 Canadian Financial Capability Survey / c[Yoni Simhon and Steve Trites].30aAnalysis of the 2014 Canadian Financial Capability Survey a[Ottawa] : bFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada, c2017. a36 p. aIssued also in French under title: La littératie financière et le bien-être financier à la retraite au Canada : une analyse des résultats de l’enquête canadienne sur les capacités financières de 2014. aCover title. a"Yoni Simhon and Steve Trites, Education, research and policy division, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada"--Verso of cover. a"March 2017"--Verso of cover. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“Our study focuses on retirees (Canadians aged 65 and older, who are retired) and near-retirees (Canadians aged 55 and older, who are working). We conducted an analysis using data from the 2014 Canadian Financial Capability Survey to model the impact of an increase in financial literacy on financial well-being. Among the studied age groups, we found that the two most important elements of financial literacy were (1) financial confidence and (2) making use of advice on financial products. In almost every instance, these variables were related to our indicators of financial well-being. Our results suggest that retirees and near retirees may benefit from experiential learning approaches intended to increase financial confidence as well as from using the skills related to making use of advice on the products that help them reach their financial goals"--Executive summary.072gccstaPersonal finance072gccstaRetirement072gccstaStatistics1 aTrites, Steve.2 aFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada.08tLa littératie financière et le bien-être financier à la retraite au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83520740qPDFs1,012 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-49-2017-eng.pdf02968cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001391000018001602450244001782460094004222600086005163000013006025000163006155000022007785000181008005000039009815040048010205201205010686920033022736920020023066920024023267000019023507100065023697750081024348560103025159.835207CaOODSP20221107150618cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc obs f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08307-0 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFC5-49/2017F-PDF1 aSimhon, Yoni.13aLa littératie financière et le bien-être financier à la retraite au Canada h[ressource électronique] : bune analyse des résultats de l’Enquête canadienne sur les capacités financières de 2014 / c[Yoni Simhon et Steve Trites].30aAnalyse des résultats de l’Enquête canadienne sur les capacités financières de 2014 a[Ottawa] : bAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, c2017. av, 39 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Financial literacy and retirement well‑being in Canada: an analysis of the 2014 Canadian Financial Capability Survey. aTitre de la couv. a« Yoni Simhon et Steve Trites, Division de l’éducation, de la recherche et des politiques, Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada »--Verso de la couv. a« Mars 2017 »--Verso de la couv. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Notre étude se concentre sur les retraités (les Canadiens de 65 ans et plus, qui sont à la retraite) et les quasi-retraités (les Canadiens de 55 ans et plus, qui travaillent encore). Nous avons mené une analyse en utilisant des données de l’Enquête canadienne sur les capacités financières de 2014 pour modéliser les répercussions d’une augmentation de la littératie financière sur le bien-être financier. Parmi les groupes d’âge étudiés, nous avons constaté que les deux principaux éléments de la littératie financière étaient 1) la confiance en soi en matière de finances et 2) la mise en pratique des conseils sur les produits financiers. Dans presque tous les cas, ces variables avaient un lien avec nos indicateurs de bien-être financier. Les résultats de notre recherche laissent entendre que les retraités et quasi-retraités pourraient tirer profit de méthodes d’apprentissage par expérience ayant pour objet d’accroître la confiance en soi en matière de finances, ainsi que de l’utilisation des compétences liées à la mise en pratique des conseils sur les produits pouvant les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs financiers »--Résumé, p. v.072gccstaFinances personnelles072gccstaRetraite072gccstaStatistiques1 aTrites, Steve.2 aAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada.08tFinancial literacy and retirement well‑being in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83520640qPDFs1.00 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-49-2017-fra.pdf01938cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860021001352450085001562600062002413000010003035000108003135000017004215000018004385040041004565200880004976930023013776930013014007100041014137750092014548560102015469.835220CaOODSP20221107150620cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc ob f000 0 eng d a9780660083087 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aFC5-50/2017E-PDF00aNational research plan for financial literacy 2016-2018 h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada, c2017. a16 p. aIssued also in French under title: Plan national de recherche sur la littératie financière 2016-2018. aCover title. a"March 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references. a“This document presents Canada’s 2016-2018 National Research Plan for Financial Literacy. The objective of the Plan is to focus efforts and enhance coordination among researchers to generate key empirical evidence that will contribute to the successful implementation of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy—Count me in, Canada. This Plan acts as a guide for financial literacy researchers by describing key research opportunities and important areas of focus that are of primary interest to the goals of the national strategy for financial literacy. The Plan also outlines the concrete research projects that are being undertaken during the 2016-2018 timeframe. The Plan will be revisited and revised on an ongoing basis to ensure that it reflects the needs of the national strategy as well as that it is adequately addressing emerging issues"--Preamble, p. 1. 4aFinancial literacy 4aResearch2 aFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada.08tPlan national de recherche sur la littératie financière 2016-2018 w(CaOODSP)9.83522140qPDFs695 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-50-2017-eng.pdf02132cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860021001352450101001562600086002573000010003435000100003535000022004535000021004755040048004965201013005446930024015576930014015817100065015957750080016608560102017409.835221CaOODSP20221107150620cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc ob f000 0 fre d a9780660083094 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFC5-50/2017F-PDF00aPlan national de recherche sur la littératie financière 2016-2018 h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, c2017. a17 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : National research plan for financial literacy 2016-2018. aTitre de la couv. a« Mars 2017. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent document fait état du Plan national de recherche sur la littératie financière du Canada de 2016 à 2018. Le Plan a pour objectif de cibler les efforts et d’améliorer la coordination entre les chercheurs afin de produire des données empiriques clés qui contribueront à la mise en œuvre fructueuse de la Stratégie nationale en matière de littératie financière – Compte sur moi, Canada. Le Plan sert d’orientation pour les chercheurs en littératie financière en décrivant les principales possibilités de recherche et les domaines d’intérêt importants qui sont pertinents aux objectifs de la Stratégie nationale en matière de littératie financière. Il expose également les projets de recherche concrets qui seront entrepris entre 2016 et 2018. Le Plan sera réexaminé et révisé sur une base régulière pour s’assurer qu’il tient compte des besoins de la Stratégie nationale et qu’il aborde les nouveaux enjeux de manière adéquate » -- Préambule, p. 1. 4aCulture financière 4aRecherche2 aAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada.08tNational research plan for financial literacy 2016-2018 w(CaOODSP)9.83522040qPDFs707 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/acfc-fcac/FC5-50-2017-fra.pdf02540cam 2200265za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450147001382600056002853000030003415000140003715040048005115201391005596920025019506920023019756920024019987100032020227750120020548560100021749.838744CaOODSP20221107151441cr |||||||||||170622s2016 oncd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aRv4-83/2016F-PDF00aEstimation et analyse de l’écart fiscal lié à la taxe sur les produits et services/taxe de vente harmonisée h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : b[Agence du revenu du Canada], c[2016] a11 p. : bgraph. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Estimating and analyzing the tax gap related to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'analyse des estimations de l'écart fiscal lié à la TPS/TVH pour la période de 2000 à 2014 révèle, qu'en moyenne, environ, 5,6 % des recettes fiscales possibles sont perdues en raison de l'inobservation. Le but du présent document ne consiste pas à estimer le montant des recettes perdues en raison du non-paiement. Même si l'estimation de l'écart fiscal permet de fournir un point de repère sommaire de la portée de l'inobservation en matière de TPS/TVH au Canada, elle ne peut pas servir à déterminer exactement les groupes ou les secteurs qui sont les plus susceptibles d'être contrevenants. De nombreux facteurs doivent être pris en considération au moment d’analyser les écarts fiscaux, y compris le fait que les estimations sont modelées et, par conséquent, touchées par les hypothèses sous-jacentes et les données de sondage. Les écarts fiscaux devraient plutôt être considérés comme une tendance au fil du temps. Cela est appuyé par le fait que les fluctuations de l'écart fiscal peuvent s'expliquer par la date à laquelle les CTI sont demandés et les changements aux taux de TPS/TVH ou les partenaires provinciaux. La présente analyse suggère que l'inobservation en matière de TPS/TVH a été assez constante au fil du temps et que son niveau se situe dans la moyenne par rapport aux estimations internationales »--Conclusion, p. 10.072gccstaTaxe de vente072gccstaConformité072gccstaStatistiques2 aAgence du revenu du Canada.08tEstimating and analyzing the tax gap related to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax w(CaOODSP)9.83855940qPDFs855 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/arc-cra/Rv4-83-2016-fra.pdf02252cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450085001382600054002233000028002775000082003055040048003875201347004356920018017826920023018007100032018237750042018558560101018979.838748CaOODSP20221107151442cr |||||||||||170622s2016 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aRv4-84/2016F-PDF00aÉcart fiscal au Canada h[ressource électronique] : bune étude conceptuelle. a[Ottawa] : bAgence du revenu du Canada, c[2016] a31 p. : bill. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Tax gap in Canada: a conceptual study. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Les administrateurs fiscaux utilisent différentes techniques pour comprendre et combattre l'inobservation et leurs approches évoluent constamment. Ces dernières années, certaines administrations fiscales ont commencé à utiliser l'écart fiscal comme un outil afin d'aider à évaluer la portée des pertes de recettes fiscales et l'efficacité de leurs activités d'observation, et pour communiquer au gouvernement et au public les résultats de leurs efforts. Le présent document représente la première étape du travail de l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) sur le concept de l'écart fiscal. Puisque nous commençons ce travail, il est important que les Canadiens et les intervenants comprennent clairement la définition d'estimation de l'écart fiscal et ce qu'elle peut dire ou non à l'ARC et aux Canadiens. Pour parvenir à cette compréhension, le présent document : examine certaines des principales considérations liées à l'estimation de l'écart fiscal; décrit les approches à l'égard de l'estimation de l'écart fiscal adoptées par des pays clés qui publient ces estimations; examine les avantages et les limites de l'estimation de l'écart fiscal et aborde l'utilité éventuelle et la pertinence du concept pour l'ARC; et détermine les prochaines mesures que l'ARC prendra sur cet enjeu »--Introd., p. 5.072gccstaImpôt072gccstaConformité2 aAgence du revenu du Canada.08tTax gap in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83856040qPDFs5.15 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/arc-cra/Rv4-84-2016-fra.pdf02179cam 2200265za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450125001382600051002633000026003145000154003405040041004945201046005356920023015816920022016046920022016267100027016487750138016758560100018139.838559CaOODSP20221107151416cr |||||||||||170622s2016 oncd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aRv4-83/2016E-PDF00aEstimating and analyzing the tax gap related to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : b[Canada Revenue Agency], c[2016] a11 p. : bcol. charts aIssued also in French under title: Estimation et analyse de l’écart fiscal lié à la taxe sur les produits et services/taxe de vente harmonisée. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“The analysis of GST/HST gap estimates for the period from 2000 to 2014 shows that, on average, about 5.6 per cent of potential tax revenues are forgone due to non-compliance. This paper does not attempt to estimate how much revenue is forgone due to non-payment. Many factors need to be considered when analyzing tax gaps including that the estimates are modeled and therefore impacted by the underlying assumptions and survey data. While this estimate is useful in providing a rough benchmark of the extent of GST/HST non-compliance in Canada, it cannot be used to pinpoint which groups or sectors are the most likely to be non-compliant. Tax gaps are best viewed as a trend over time. This is supported by the fact that fluctuations in the tax gap can be explained by the timing of when ITCs are claimed and changes to the GST/HST rates or provincial partners. This analysis suggests that non-compliance with the GST/HST has been fairly constant over time and is in the mid-range compared to international estimates"--Conclusion, p. 10.072gccstaSales taxes072gccstaCompliance072gccstaStatistics2 aCanada Revenue Agency.08tEstimation et analyse de l’écart fiscal lié à la taxe sur les produits et services/taxe de vente harmonisée w(CaOODSP)9.83874440qPDFs812 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/arc-cra/Rv4-83-2016-eng.pdf02043cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450070001382600049002083000024002575000090002815040041003715201162004126920017015746920022015917100027016137750048016408560101016889.838560CaOODSP20221107151417cr |||||||||||170622s2016 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aRv4-84/2016E-PDF00aTax gap in Canada h[electronic resource] : ba conceptual study. a[Ottawa] : bCanada Revenue Agency, c[2016] a31 p. : bcol. ill. aIssued also in French under title: Écart fiscal au Canada : une étude conceptuelle. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“Tax administrators use a variety of techniques to understand and combat non-compliance and their approaches are constantly evolving. In recent years, some tax administrations have started to use the tax gap as an additional tool to help evaluate the extent of lost tax revenue and the effectiveness of their compliance activities, and to communicate to the government and the public the results of their efforts. This paper represents the first step in the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) work on the concept of the tax gap. As we begin this work, it is important that Canadians and stakeholders alike have a clear understanding of what a tax gap estimate is and what it can – and cannot – tell the CRA and Canadians. To achieve this understanding, this paper: examines some of the key considerations related to tax gap estimation; outlines the approaches to tax gap estimation taken by key countries that publish such estimates; reviews the advantages and limitations of tax gap estimation and discusses the potential utility and relevance of the concept for the CRA; and identifies the next steps that the CRA will take on this issue"--Introd., p. 5.072gccstaTaxes072gccstaCompliance2 aCanada Revenue Agency.08tÉcart fiscal au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83874840qPDFs5.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/arc-cra/Rv4-84-2016-eng.pdf01172cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001391100048001612450054002092600060002633000024003235000067003475000017004145200173004316920022006046920023006266920030006497750051006797940049007308560103007799.838780CaOODSP20221107151446cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onca #o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-07901-1 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aA22-597/2017E-PDF1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada.10aAgricultural innovations h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada, cc2017. a25 p. : bcol. ill. aIssued also in French under title: Innovations en agriculture. aCover title. a"This publication highlights some of our current scientific accomplishments and shows how they benefit the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadian economy"--p. 3.072gccstaInnovation072gccstaAgriculture072gccstaAgri-food industry08tInnovations en agriculture w(CaOODSP)9.838782 tAgricultural innovations w(CaOODSP)9.86235640qPDFs3.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aac-aafc/A22-597-2017-eng.pdf01224cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001391100053001612450060002142600065002743000028003395000070003675000022004375200189004596920022006486920023006706920038006937750049007317940051007808560103008319.838782CaOODSP20221107151446cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onca #o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07902-8 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aA22-597/2017F-PDF1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada.10aInnovations en agriculture h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, cc2017. a25 p. : bill. en coul. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Agricultural innovations. aTitre de la couv. a« Voici quelques exemples de nos réalisations scientifiques les plus récentes qui ont su bénéficier au secteur agricole et agroalimentaire et à l’économie canadienne »--p. 3.072gccstaInnovation072gccstaAgriculture072gccstaIndustrie agro-alimentaire08tAgricultural innovations w(CaOODSP)9.838780 tInnovations en agriculture w(CaOODSP)9.86236440qPDFs3.29 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aac-aafc/A22-597-2017-fra.pdf01789cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100410008001270410008001350430012001430860021001552450295001762460107004712600100005783000045006785000032007235200381007555460032011366920021011686920019011896920022012087100048012307920099012788560098013779.835905CaOODSP20221107150756cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onca o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08432-9 aCaOODSPbeng afre aeng an-cn---1 aA72-140/2017-PDF00aStratégie d’intervention en cas de perturbation des marchés du bétail h[electronic resource] : baider l’industrie de l’élevage du bétail et les gouvernements à se préparer = Livestock Market Interruption Strategy : helping the livestock industry and governments get prepared.31aLivestock Market Interruption Strategy : bhelping the livestock industry and governments get prepared a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada = Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, cc2017. a[2] p. (un-numbered pages) : bcol. ill. aParallel title from p. [2]. a“Canada’s red meat industry depends on trade, but what happens when an emergency strikes and the borders close overnight? One confirmed case of foot-and-mouth disease could have a generational impact on farmers. The Livestock Market Interruption Strategy (LMIS) was designed by industry and governments to ensure a coordinated, rapid response to such emergencies"--p. [2]. aText in French and English.072gccstaLivestock072gccstaMarkets072gccstaStrategies1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada. tStratégie d’intervention en cas de perturbation des marchés du bétail w(CaOODSP)9.83590740qPDFs568 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aac-aafc/A72-140-2017.pdf01980cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100410008001270410008001350430012001430860021001552450299001762460107004752600100005823000054006825000035007365200547007715460038013186920019013566920019013756920022013947100053014167910099014698560098015689.835907CaOODSP20221107150756cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onca o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08432-9 aCaOODSPbfre afre aeng an-cn---1 aA72-140/2017-PDF00aStratégie d’intervention en cas de perturbation des marchés du bétail h[ressource électronique] : baider l’industrie de l’élevage du bétail et les gouvernements à se préparer = Livestock Market Interruption Strategy : helping the livestock industry and governments get prepared.31aLivestock Market Interruption Strategy : bhelping the livestock industry and governments get prepared a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada = Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, cc2017. a[2] p. (pages non numérotées) : bill. en coul. aTitre parallèle de la p. [2]. a« L’industrie des viandes rouges du Canada dépend du commerce, mais qu’arrive-t-il lorsqu’une situation d’urgence survient et qu’il y a une fermeture soudaine des frontières? Un cas confirmé de fièvre aphteuse pourrait avoir un impact intergénérationnel sur les agriculteurs. La Stratégie d’intervention en cas de perturbation des marchés du bétail (SIPMB) a été conçue par l’industrie et les gouvernements de façon à assurer la prise de mesures rapides et coordonnées dans les situations d’urgence »--p. [1]. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaBétail072gccstaMarché072gccstaStratégie1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada. tStratégie d’intervention en cas de perturbation des marchés du bétail w(CaOODSP)9.83590540qPDFs568 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aac-aafc/A72-140-2017.pdf01250cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430021001270860024001482450083001722600060002553000045003155000108003605000019004685200148004876920030006356920031006656920033006967100048007297750091007778560104008689.835910CaOODSP20221107150756cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onca o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08438-1 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---an-us---1 aA72-131/6-2017E-PDF03aAn overview of e-commerce trends in the United States h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada, cc2017. a[3] p. (un-numbered pages) : bcol. ill. aIssued also in French under title: Un apperçu des tendances du commerce électronique aux États-Unis. aCaption title. a"Basic elements to consider for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) doing business in the United States via e-commerce channels"--p. [1].072gccstaAgri-food products072gccstaElectronic commerce072gccstaInternational markets1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada.08tUn aperçu des tendances du commerce électronique aux États-Unis w(CaOODSP)9.83591140qPDFs276 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aac-aafc/A72-131-6-2017-eng.pdf01306cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430021001270860024001482450100001722600065002723000054003375000097003915000022004885200180005106920036006906920034007266920033007607100053007937750078008468560104009249.835911CaOODSP20221107150756cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onca o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08439-8 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---an-us---1 aA72-131/6-2017F-PDF03aUn aperçu des tendances du commerce électronique aux États-Unis h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada, cc2017. a[3] p. (pages non numérotées) : bill. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre: An overview of e-commerce trends in the United States. aTitre de départ. a« Éléments de base à prendre en compte pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) qui font affaire avec les États-Unis à l'aide du commerce électronique »--p. [1].072gccstaProduit agro-alimentaire072gccstaCommerce électronique072gccstaMarché international1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada.08tAn overview of e-commerce trends in the United States w(CaOODSP)9.83591040qPDFs279 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aac-aafc/A72-131-6-2017-fra.pdf02003cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000030001382450194001682600055003623000011004175000099004285000017005275200885005446920020014296920028014497000032014777100033015097750083015428560100016259.838470CaOODSP20221107151403cr |||||||||||170619s1994 onc #oi f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn--- aSB4-46/1994E-PDF1 aGadoury, Lorraine,d1956-10aPersons sentenced to death in Canada, 1867-1976 h[electronic resource] : ban inventory of case files in the fonds of the Department of Justice / cLorraine Gadoury and Antonio Lechasseur. a[Ottawa] : bNational Archives of Canada, cc1994. a330 p. aIssued also in French under title: Les condamnés/es à la peine de mort au Canada, 1867-1976. aCover title. a"This reference tool relating to persons sentenced to death in Canada covers the period from Confederation to the abolition of the death penalty in 1976. The files described in the main body of the volume (the alphabetical inventory) concern all the persons who were condemned to a death sentence after they underwent trial for murder (for the earlier period, there are also some cases of rape, high treason or burglary). In all of these cases, the condemned person's file had to be transferred to the Department of Justice so that the Governor General could decide whether to allow the execution to take place or to commute the sentence. Therefore these files, which contain transcripts of evidence, petitions, letters from the public, reports and recommendations from different authorities, are kept in the fonds of the Department of Justice at the National Archives of Canada."072gccstaArchives072gccstaCriminal justice1 aLechasseur, Antonio,d1955-2 aNational Archives of Canada.08tLes condamnées/es à la peine de mort au Canada, 186-1976 w(CaOODSP)9.83852640qPDFs944 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/bac-lac/SB4-46-1994-eng.pdf02220cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000030001382450232001682600057004003000011004575000093004685000022005615201073005836920020016566920027016767000032017037100035017357750072017708560100018429.838526CaOODSP20221107151411cr |||||||||||170619s1994 onc #oi f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aSB4-46/1994F-PDF1 aGadoury, Lorraine,d1956-14aLes condamnées/es à la peine de mort au Canada, 186-1976 h[ressource électronique] : bun répertoire des dossiers individuels conservés dans le fonds du ministère de la Justice / cLorraine Gadoury et Antonio Lechasseur. a[Ottawa] : bArchives nationales du Canada, cc1994. a345 p. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Persons sentenced to death in Canada, 1867-1976. aTitre de la couv. a« Cet ouvrage de référence sur les condamnés/es à la peine de mort au Canada couvre la période qui s'étend de la Confédération à l'abolition de la peine capitale en 1976. Les dossiers qui sont décrits dans la partie principale de l'ouvrage (le répertoire alphabétique) sont ceux de toutes les personnes qui ont été condamnées à être exécutées suite à leur procès pour meurtre (on retrouve également quelques cas de condamnations pour viol, haute trahison ou cambriolage dans les premières années). Dans tous ces cas, le dossier du condamné devait être envoyé au ministère de la Justice pour que le Gouverneur général puisse décider en dernier ressort si la peine de mort devait être appliquée ou si on devait plutôt commuer la peine. C'est ainsi que les dossiers, comprenant des transcriptions des procès, des pétitions et lettres du public, des rapports et des recommandations provenant de divers instances se retrouvent dans le fonds du ministère de la Justice conservé aux Archives nationales du Canada »--Introduction, p. 5.072gccstaArchives072gccstaJustice pénale1 aLechasseur, Antonio,d1955-2 aArchives nationales du Canada.08tPersons sentenced to death in Canada, 1867-1976 w(CaOODSP)9.83847040qPDFs1.0 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/bac-lac/SB4-46-1994-fra.pdf02604cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860022001301000019001522450174001712600041003453000026003864900066004125000017004785040041004955201361005365460033018976920032019306920034019626920021019967000021020177000024020387100020020628300071020828560113021539.838456CaOODSP20221107151401cr |||||||||||170619s2017 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aFB3-6/2017-8E-PDF1 aChernis, Tony.12aA three‐frequency dynamic factor model for nowcasting Canadian provincial GDP growth h[electronic resource] / cby Tony Chernis, Calista Cheung and Gabriella Velasco. a[Ottawa] : bBank of Canada, c2017. a35 p. : bcol. charts1 aBank of Canada staff discussion paper, x1914-0568 ; v2017-8 a"June 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This paper estimates a three‐frequency dynamic factor model for nowcasting Canadian provincial gross domestic product (GDP). Canadian provincial GDP is released by Statistics Canada on an annual basis only, with a significant lag (11 months). This necessitates a mixed-frequency approach that can process timely monthly data, the quarterly national accounts and the annual target variable. The model is estimated on a wide set of provincial, national and international data. We assess the extent to which these indicators can be used to nowcast annual provincial GDP in a pseudo real‐time setting and construct indicators of unobserved monthly GDP for each province that can be used to assess the state of regional economies. The monthly activity indicators fit the data well in‐sample, are able to track business‐cycle turning points across the provinces, and showcase the significant regional heterogeneity that characterizes a large diverse country like Canada. They also provide more timely indications of business‐cycle turning points and are able to pick up shorter periods of economic contraction that would not be observed in the annual average. In a pseudo real‐time exercise, we find the model outperforms simple benchmarks and is competitive with more sophisticated mixed-frequency approaches such as MIDAS models"--Abstract, p. ii. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaEconomic forecasting072gccstaGross domestic product072gccstaProvinces1 aCheung, Calista.1 aVelasco, Gabriella.2 aBank of Canada.#0aStaff discussion paper (Bank of Canada)v2017-8w(CaOODSP)9.80627340qPDFs1.18 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/banque-bank-canada/FB3-6-2017-8-eng.pdf02285cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860022001301000031001522450114001832600041002973000026003384900066003645000017004305040052004475201156004995460033016556920027016886920026017156920027017417100020017688300071017888560112018599.838457CaOODSP20221107151401cr |||||||||||170619s2017 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aFB3-6/2017-9E-PDF1 aSutherland, Christopher S.10aWhat explains month-end funding pressure in Canada? h[electronic resource] / cby Christopher S. Sutherland. a[Ottawa] : bBank of Canada, c2017. aiii, 62 p. : bcharts1 aBank of Canada staff discussion paper, x1914-0568 ; v2017-9 a"June 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 37-39).3 a"The Canadian overnight repo market persistently shows signs of latent funding pressure around month-end periods. Both the overnight repo rate and Bank of Canada liquidity provision tend to rise in these windows. This paper proposes three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses to explain this phenomenon. First, month-end funding pressure may be caused by search frictions. Market participants place a premium on liquidity around month-end periods because of the confluence of a generalized liquidity preference, heightened month-end forecast uncertainty, and resultant search frictions in the repo market. Second, this funding pressure could be attributed to spillovers from the US overnight repo market. Third, month-end funding pressure might be associated with large Canadian banks’ end-of-month repo adjustments. By combining market, central-bank and payments data, this paper provides evidence that the first hypothesis explains the latent funding pressure observed on the first day of the month. Using market and non-public regulatory data, this paper further argues that the second and third hypotheses are much less plausible"--Abstract, p. ii. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaCapital markets072gccstaInterest rates072gccstaMonetary policy2 aBank of Canada.#0aStaff discussion paper (Bank of Canada)v2017-9w(CaOODSP)9.80627340qPDFs892 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/banque-bank-canada/FB3-6-2017-9-eng.pdf02695cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860023001301000020001532450171001732600041003443000031003854900064004165000017004805040049004975201468005465460033020146920027020476920026020746920032021007000021021327100020021538300083021738560113022569.838717CaOODSP20221107151438cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aFB3-5/2017-22E-PDF1 aPozzi, Lorenzo.10aDetecting scapegoat effects in the relationship between exchange rates and macroeconomic fundamentals h[electronic resource] / cby Lorenzo Pozzi and Barbara Sadaba. a[Ottawa] : bBank of Canada, c2017. aiii, 38 p. : bcol. charts1 aBank of Canada staff working paper, x1701-9397 ; v2017-22 a"June 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references (30-31).3 a“This paper presents a new testing method for the scapegoat model of exchange rates that aims to tighten the link between the theory on scapegoats and its empirical implementation. This new testing method consists of a number of steps. First, the exchange rate risk premium, the unobserved time-varying structural impact of the macro fundamentals on the exchange rate and the unobserved fundamental of the model are estimated. Next, the scapegoat terms in the model’s exchange rate equation are estimated under the restrictions implied by these first-step estimates. The scapegoat terms consist of macro fundamentals, i.e., potential scapegoats, interacted with parameter expectations, where the latter are proxied using survey data. We use a Bayesian Gibbs sampling approach to estimate the different steps of the methodology for eight countries (five developed, three emerging) versus the US over the period 2002Q1–2014Q4. The macro fundamentals we consider are real GDP growth, the inflation rate, the long-run nominal interest rate and the current account to GDP ratio. We calculate the posterior probabilities that these macro fundamentals are scapegoats. For the inflation rate, these probabilities are considerably higher than the imposed prior probabilities of 0.5 in five out of eight countries (including the Anglo-Saxon economies). We find little evidence to suggest that the other macro fundamentals we consider are scapegoats"--Abstract, p. ii. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaCapital markets072gccstaExchange rates072gccstaStatistical analysis1 aSadaba, Barbara.2 aBank of Canada.#0aStaff working paper (Bank of Canada)x1701-9397 ; v2017-22w(CaOODSP)9.80622140qPDFs975 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/banque-bank-canada/FB3-5-2017-22-eng.pdf02415cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430021001180860023001391000022001622450138001842600041003223000031003634900064003945000017004585040049004755201199005245460033017236920036017566920031017926920027018237000022018507100020018728300083018928560114019759.838718CaOODSP20221107151438cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---an-us---1 aFB3-5/2017-23E-PDF1 aMiyamoto, Wataru.10aUnderstanding the cross‐country effects of US technology shocks h[electronic resource] / cby Wataru Miyamoto and Thuy Lan Nguyen. a[Ottawa] : bBank of Canada, c2017. aiii, 47 p. : bcol. charts1 aBank of Canada staff working paper, x1701-9397 ; v2017-23 a"June 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references (34-38).3 a“Business cycles are substantially correlated across countries. Yet most existing models are not able to generate substantial transmission through international trade. We show that the nature of such transmission depends fundamentally on the features determining the responsiveness of labor supply and labor demand to international relative prices. We augment a standard international macroeconomic model to incorporate three key features: a weak short-run wealth effect on labor supply, variable capital utilization, and imported intermediate inputs for production. This model can generate large and significant endogenous transmission of technology shocks through international trade. We demonstrate this by estimating the model using data for Canada and the United States with limited-information Bayesian methods. We find that this model can account for the substantial transmission of permanent US technology shocks to Canadian aggregate variables such as output and hours, documented in a structural vector autoregression. Transmission through international trade is found to explain the majority of the business cycle co-movement between the United States and Canada"--Abstract, p. ii. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaTechnological innovation072gccstaInternational trade072gccstaEconomic impact1 aNguyen, Thuy Lan.2 aBank of Canada.#0aStaff working paper (Bank of Canada)x1701-9397 ; v2017-23w(CaOODSP)9.80622140qPDFs1.57 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/banque-bank-canada/FB3-5-2017-23-eng.pdf01908cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860023001391100043001622450122002052600069003273000059003964900045004555000138005005040041006385200468006796920028011476920026011757750122012017940117013238300063014408560103015039.837052CaOODSP20221107151039cr |||||||||||170620s2017 qucabd ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08602-6 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-bc1 aTU3-7/15-0347E-PDF2 aTransportation Safety Board of Canada.10aCapsizing and loss of life, Leviathan II, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, 25 October 2015 h[electronic resource]. aGatineau, QC : bTransportation Safety Board of Canada, cc2017. aii, 49 p. : bcol. chart, ill. (mostly col.), col. map1 aMarine investigation report ; vM15P0347 aIssued also in French under title: Chavirement et perte de vie, Leviathan II, baie Clayoquot (Colombie-Britannique), 25 octobre 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“On 25 October 2015, at approximately 1500 Pacific Daylight Time, the passenger vessel Leviathan II was on a whale-watching excursion with 27 people on board when it capsized off Plover Reefs in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia. The subsequent rescue operation recovered 21 survivors, which included 18 passengers and 3 crew members. There were 6 fatalities. As a result of the capsizing, approximately 2000 litres of fuel leaked into the water"--Summary, t.p.072gccstaMarine accidents072gccstaInvestigations08tChavirement et perte de vie, Leviathan II, baie Clayoquot (Colombie-Britannique), 25 octobre 2015 w(CaOODSP)9.837054 tCapsizing and loss of life, Leviathan II, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, 25 October 2015 w(CaOODSP)9.841143#0aMarine investigation report ;vM15P0347w(CaOODSP)9.50486740qPDFs1.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/bst-tsb/TU3-7-15-0347-eng.pdf02037cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860023001391100054001622450131002162600080003473000082004274900045005095000137005545040048006915200542007396920029012816920020013107750117013307940122014478300063015698560103016329.837054CaOODSP20221107151040cr |||||||||||170620s2017 qucabd ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08603-3 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn-bc1 aTU3-7/15-0347F-PDF2 aBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada.10aChavirement et perte de vie, Leviathan II, baie Clayoquot (Colombie-Britannique), 25 octobre 2015 h[ressource électronique]. aGatineau, QC : bBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada, cc2017. aii, 52 p. : bcarte en coul., graph. en coul., ill. (principalement en coul.)1 aRapport d'enquête maritime ; vM15P0347 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Capsizing and loss of life, Leviathan II, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, 25 October 2015. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le 25 octobre 2015, vers 15 h, heure avancée du Pacifique, le navire à passagers Leviathan II effectuait une excursion d’observation des baleines avec 27 personnes à bord lorsqu’il a chaviré au large des récifs Plover, dans la baie Clayoquot (Colombie-Britannique). Les opérations de sauvetage subséquentes ont permis de récupérer 21 survivants (18 passagers et 3 membres de l’équipage). Il y a eu 6 décès. Le chavirement a entraîné le rejet d’environ 2000 litres de carburant dans l’eau »--Sommaire, p. de t.072gccstaAccident maritime072gccstaEnquête08tCapsizing and loss of life, Leviathan II, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, 25 October 2015 w(CaOODSP)9.837052 tChavirement et perte de vie, Leviathan II, baie Clayoquot (Colombie-Britannique), 25 octobre 2015 w(CaOODSP)9.841144#0aRapport d'enquête maritime ;vM15P0347w(CaOODSP)9.50126940qPDFs1.06 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/bst-tsb/TU3-7-15-0347-fra.pdf01119cas 2200241za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860016001172450187001332460067003202460154003872600096005413100011006373620040006485000087006886920021007756920031007967100050008279.838342CaOODSP20221107151346cr |||||||||||170615d19571962oncar p o|s||f0 a0eng|d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR41-24E-PDF00aStatistical report and analysis of the distribution of Indian school children by age, grade and sex h[electronic resource] / cprepared by Education Division, Indian Affairs Branch.34aStatistical report - Education Division, Indian Affairs Branch3 iIssues 1959-1962 have title:aStatistical report on promotions, non-promotions and attendance of pupils, kindergarten to grande XII in Indian schools aOttawa : bIndian Affairs Branch, Department of Citizenship and Immigration, c[1957-1962?] aAnnual1 aBegan with 1957?; ceased with 1962? aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada].072gccstaEducation072gccstaAboriginal reserves1 aCanada. bCitizenship and Immigration Canada.01842cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450204001382600116003423000010004585000115004685000087005835200521006706920019011916920034012106920025012447100050012697100048013197750094013678560103014619.838465CaOODSP20221107151402cr |||||||||||170619s1961 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR5-267/1961F-PDF00aRésumé des mémoires présentés au Comité mixte des affaires indiennes 1959-1960 h[ressource électronique] / cPréparé par la Direction des affaires indiennes, à la demande du Comité mixte. a[Ottawa?] : b[Ministère de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration], Direction des affaires indiennes, c[1961?]. a29 p. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Summary of submissions to Joint Committee on Indian Affairs 1959-1960. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada]. a« Le but du présent document est de résumer brièvement les principaux points qui ont été soulevés dans les procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité mixte des affaires indiennes, en 1959 et 1960. On n'a pas l'intention d'étudier à fond et sous tous les aspects tous les sujets mentionnés, maïs d'essayer plutôt de réunir en quelques pages les principales opinions et suggestions qui ont été consignées dans un rapport de plus de 1,774 pages embrassant deux sessions du parlement. » -- Introduction.072gccstaIndiens072gccstaRecherche coopérative072gccstaPrésentation1 aCanada. bCitoyenneté et immigration Canada.1 aCanada. bDirection des affaires indiennes.08tSummary of submissions to Joint Committee on Indian Affairs 1959-1960 w(CaOODSP)9.83846740qPDFs8.30 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-267-1961-fra.pdf01740cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450171001382600095003093000010004045000125004145000087005395200461006266920019010876920034011066920023011407100050011637100037012137750109012508560103013599.838467CaOODSP20221107151402cr |||||||||||170619s1961 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR5-267/1961E-PDF00aSummary of submissions to Joint Committee on Indian Affairs 1959-1960 h[electronic resource] / cprepared at the request of Joint Committee by Indian Affairs Branch. a[Ottawa?] : bDepartment of Citizenship and Immigration, Indian Affairs Branch, c[1961?]. a23 p. aIssued also in French under title: Résumé des mémoires présentés au Comité mixte des affaires indiennes 1959-1960. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"The purpose of this paper is to summarize briefly the main points which have been raised in the Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Joint Committee on Indian Affairs in 1959 and 1960. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete treatment of every subject mentioned, but rather is an attempt to bring together in a few pages the main stream of views and suggestions that are recorded in over 1,650 pages covering two Sessions."--Introduction.072gccstaIndians072gccstaCollaborative research072gccstaSubmissions1 aCanada. bCitizenship and Immigration Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian Affairs Branch.08tRésumé des mémoires présentés au Comité mixte des affaires indiennes 1959-1960 w(CaOODSP)9.83846540qPDFs8.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-267-1961-eng.pdf01415nam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860023001392450041001622460054002032600083002573000026003404900036003665000068004025000048004705000071005186920023005896920027006126920031006396920021006707100056006917100050007477100056007977750052008538300055009058560105009609.832691CaOODSP20210625021845cr |||||||||||170619t20172016qucd o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-07687-4 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm15-3/8-2017E-PDF00aBoilermaker h[electronic resource].17aRed Seal occupational standard - boilermaker 2016 aGatineau, Que. : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, c[2017] , c2016. a104 p. : bcol. chart1 aRed Seal occupational standard. aIssued also in French under title: Chaudronnier/chaudronnière. a"Red Seal Program = Programme Sceau rouge." a"Interprovincial Standard Canada = Norme interprovinciale Canada."072gccstaOccupations072gccstaJob description072gccstaVocational training072gccstaStandards1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.1 aCanada. bTrades and Apprenticeship Division.2 aInterprovincial Standards Red Seal Program (Canada)08tChaudronnier/chaudronnière w(CaOODSP)9.832692#0aRed Seal occupational standard.w(CaOODSP)9.82260340qPDFs1.70 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em15-3-8-2017-eng.pdf01523nam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860023001392450062001622460079002242600074003033000026003774900035004035000104004385000048005425000071005906920023006616920027006846920031007116920021007427100056007637100050008197100056008697750088009258300055010138560105010689.833517CaOODSP20210625022211cr |||||||||||170619s2017 qucd o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-07883-0 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm15-3/9-2017E-PDF00aIndustrial mechanic (millwright) h[electronic resource].17aRed Seal occupational standard – industrial mechanic (millwright) - 2017 aGatineau, Que. : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, cc2017. a233 p. : bcol. chart1 aRed Seal occupational standard aIssued also in French under title: Mécanicien industriel/mécanicienne industrielle (de chantier). a"Red Seal Program = Programme Sceau rouge." a"Interprovincial Standard Canada = Norme interprovinciale Canada."072gccstaOccupations072gccstaJob description072gccstaVocational training072gccstaStandards1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.1 aCanada. bTrades and Apprenticeship Division.2 aInterprovincial Standards Red Seal Program (Canada)08tMécanicien industriel/mécanicienne industrielle (de chantier) w(CaOODSP)9.833518#0aRed Seal occupational standard.w(CaOODSP)9.82260340qPDFs2.76 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em15-3-9-2017-eng.pdf03441cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860020001391110077001592450240002362600074004763000010005505000276005605050913008365200772017496920022025216920029025436920019025726920024025917100074026157110077026897750260027668560101030269.827248CaOODSP20221107144750cr |||||||||||170621s2017 quc o f100 0 eng d a978-0-660-06762-9 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm8-1/2017E-PDF2 aInternational Labour Conferencen(103rd :d2014 :cGeneva, Switzerland)10aCanada’s report with respect to International Labour Organization instruments adopted at the 103rd session (June 2014) and 104th session (June 2015) of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland h[electronic resource]. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, cc2017. a51 p. aIssued also in French under title: Rapport du Canada en ce qui concerne les instruments de l’Organisation internationale du travail adoptés à la 103e session (juin 2014) et à la 104e session (juin 2015) de la Conférence internationale du travail à Genève, Suisse.00tCanada’s report with respect to International Labour Organization Instruments adopted at the 103rd session (June 2014) and 104th session (June 2015) of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland -- gAppendix A. tProtocol concerning Forced Labour, 2014 -- gAppendix B. tRecommendation concerning Forced Labour, 2014 -- gAppendix C. tRecommendation concerning Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy, 2015 -- gAppendix D. tLetter of Justice Canada regarding the appropriate legislative jurisdiction for the Instruments adopted in June 2014 and June 2015 -- gAppendix E. tRecord of the Votes regarding the Instruments adopted by the International Labour Conference in 2014 and 2015 -- gAppendix F. tText of Article 19 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Constitution regarding the Obligation of ILO Members in respect of Adopted Conventions and Recommendations. a“The purpose of this report is to bring instruments recently adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to the attention of the competent authorities in Canada, as required by Article 19 of the ILO’s Constitution. This report addresses the Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention and Forced Labour (Supplementary Measures) Recommendation, 2014, adopted by the International Labour Conference (ILC) at its 103rd Session in June 2014 and the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015, adopted by the ILC at its 104th Session in June 2015. The report includes a general description of these instruments and an assessment of the extent to which current Canadian law and practice comply with their provisions"--Introd., p. 1.072gccstaLabour law072gccstaInternational law072gccstaEconomy072gccstaHuman rights1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada. bLabour Program.2 aInternational Labour Conferencen(104th :d2015 :cGeneva, Switzerland)08tRapport du Canada en ce qui concerne les instruments de l’Organisation internationale du travail adoptés à la 103e session (juin 2014) et à la 104e session (juin 2015) de la Conférence internationale du travail à Genève, Suisse w(CaOODSP)9.82724940qPDFs660 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em8-1-2017-eng.pdf03688cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860020001391110077001592450269002362600072005053000010005775000255005875051054008425200874018966920028027706920031027986920033028296920021028627100078028837110077029617750235030388560101032739.827249CaOODSP20221107144750cr |||||||||||170621s2017 quc o f100 0 fre d a978-0-660-06763-6 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm8-1/2016F-PDF2 aConférence internationale du travailn(103e :d2014 :cGenève, Suisse)10aRapport du Canada en ce qui concerne les instruments de l’Organisation internationale du travail adoptés à la 103e session (juin 2014) et à la 104e session (juin 2015) de la Conférence internationale du travail à Genève, Suisse h[ressource électronique]. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, cc2017. a56 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada’s report with respect to International Labour Organization instruments adopted at the 103rd session (June 2014) and 104th session (June 2015) of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.00tRapport du Canada en ce qui concerne les instruments de l’Organisation internationale du travail adoptés à la 103e session (juin 2014) et à la 104e session (juin 2015) de la Conférence internationale du travail à Genève, Suisse -- gAnnexe A. tProtocole de 2014 relatif à la convention sur le travail forcé, 1930 -- gAnnexe B. tRecommandation (n° 203) sur le travail forcé (mesures complémentaires), 2014 -- gAnnexe C. tRecommandation (n° 204) sur la transition de l'économie informelle vers l'économie formelle, 2015 -- gAnnexe D. tLettres du ministère fédéral de la justice concernant la compétence législative au Canada relatif aux instruments adoptés en juin 2014 et 2015 -- gAnnexe E. tVotes concernant les instruments adoptés par la Conférence internationale du travail en 2014 et 2015 -- gAnnexe F. tTexte de l'article 19 de la Constitution de l'Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT) portant sur les obligations des Membres de l'OIT en ce qui a trait aux conventions et aux recommandations adoptées. a« Le but du présent rapport est de porter à l’attention des autorités compétentes du Canada, conformément à l’article 19 de la Constitution de l’Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT), les instruments récemment adoptés par l’OIT. Le présent rapport porte sur le protocole relatif à la convention sur le travail forcé et sur la recommandation concernant le travail forcé (mesures complémentaires), 2014, adoptée par la Conférence internationale du Travail (CIT) à sa 103e session en juin 2014 et la recommandation concernant la transition de l’économie informelle vers l’économie formelle, 2015, adoptée par la CIT à sa 104e session en juin 2015. Le rapport décrit de manière générale ces instruments et il évalue dans quelle mesure la législation et les pratiques canadiennes respectent leurs dispositions »--Introd., p. 1.072gccstaDroit du travail072gccstaDroit international072gccstaDroits de la personne072gccstaÉconomie1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada. bProgramme du travail.2 aConférence internationale du travailn(104e :d2015 :cGenève, Suisse)08tCanada’s report with respect to International Labour Organization instruments adopted at the 103rd session (June 2014) and 104th session (June 2015) of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland w(CaOODSP)9.82724840qPDFs827 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em8-1-2017-fra.pdf02858cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001392450177001612600071003383000010004095000100004195000022005195000026005415000025005675040048005925201423006406100061020636920048021246920036021726920025022087100116022337750080023498560103024299.833257CaOODSP20221107150200cr |||||||||||170619s2017 quc ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07826-7 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm20-57/2017F-PDF00aAudit des renseignements sur les bénéficiaires de subventions et contributions h[ressource électronique] / cDirection générale des services de vérification interne. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, c2017. a12 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Audit of grants and contributions recipient information. aTitre de la couv. a« Non classifié. » a« Février 2017. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Dans son Rapport sur les plans et priorités de 2016 à 2017, Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC) prévoit consacrer 1,7 milliard de dollars aux programmes de subventions et de contributions (S et C) votées de bas de page. Les paiements faits aux bénéficiaires de S et C représentent une mobilisation importante des ressources d'EDSC et touchent la vie quotidienne des Canadiens. Les bénéficiaires de S et C sont des particuliers ou des organisations ayant reçu l'autorisation de recevoir des paiements en raison de leur participation à des programmes administrés respectivement par la Direction générale des opérations de programmes (DGOP) et la Direction générale des services de traitement et de paiement (DGSTP). Le Système commun pour les subventions et les contributions (SCSC) est une application permettant de gérer les dossiers des programmes de S et C. Les dossiers, qui contiennent des renseignements sur les bénéficiaires de S et C, sont enregistrés dans le module « Cycle de vie d'un projet » (CVP) du SCSC, dans le cas des organisations, ou dans le module « Client » du SCSC, dans le cas des particuliers. Un audit des renseignements sur les bénéficiaires des S et C, anciennement nommé « audit de la Gestion des fournisseurs – Phase 2 » a été approuvé dans le cadre du Plan de vérification axé sur les risques de 2015 à 2017 »--Sommaire exécutif, p. 1.16aCanada. bEmploi et développement social CanadaxAudit.072gccstaMinistère du gouvernement fédéral072gccstaGestion de l'information072gccstaVérification1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada. bDirection générale des services de vérification interne.08tAudit of grants and contributions recipient information w(CaOODSP)9.83325240qPDFs488 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em20-57-2017-fra.pdf03456cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001392450209001612600078003703000010004485000120004585000022005785000026006005000025006265202006006516100061026576920048027186920032027666920025027987100116028237750100029398560103030399.833259CaOODSP20221107150200cr |||||||||||170619t20172016quc o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07828-1 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm20-58/2017F-PDF00aAudit de la délégation des pouvoirs exercés dans le cadre de certains processus liés aux ressources humaines h[ressource électronique] / cDirection générale des services de vérification interne. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, c2017, c2016. a16 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Audit of the delegation of authorities for select human resources processes. aTitre de la couv. a« Non classifié. » a« Février 2017. » a« De nombreux pouvoirs en matière de ressources humaines (RH) sont délégués aux administrateurs généraux des ministères en vertu de divers textes législatifs et de politiques des organismes centraux. Le tableau des pouvoirs en matière de RH du Ministère répertorie ces pouvoirs, le niveau d’approbation requis et toutes les références, restrictions et conditions qui peuvent s’appliquer. Les gestionnaires peuvent exercer des pouvoirs délégués seulement dans leur champ de compétences ou dans leur sphère de responsabilité, à moins d’indication contraire, et en conformité des restrictions et conditions prescrites. Lorsqu’il délègue des pouvoirs et qu’il fournit une subdélégation, le Ministère doit s’assurer que les gestionnaires qui se voient accorder les pouvoirs remplissent certaines conditions précises. On encourage les gestionnaires qui exercent des pouvoirs en matière de RH à s’adresser aux responsables des RH pour obtenir des conseils et une orientation. Le Centre d’expertise de la Direction générale des services de ressources humaines (DGSRH) est responsable de la gestion de la subdélégation de pouvoirs liés à la dotation ministérielle, et fournit des conseils spécialisés concernant les pouvoirs en matière de RH. Depuis le 13 avril 2015, le Ministère utilise le système maSGE (PeopleSoft). Grâce à ce système, les gestionnaires peuvent maintenant autoriser par voie électronique plusieurs opérations liées aux RH qui relèvent de leurs pouvoirs subdélégués. L’audit portait essentiellement sur les processus qui ne sont pas liés à la dotation. Ceux-ci sont décrits à l’Annexe A. Il visait aussi deux processus se rapportant à la dotation, plus précisément aux nominations intérimaires et aux prolongations de nominations intérimaires. Les autres processus de dotation n’ont pas été examinés étant donné qu’ils avaient fait l’objet d’un audit externe en 2014 »--Sommaire exécutif, p. 1.16aCanada. bEmploi et développement social CanadaxAudit.072gccstaMinistère du gouvernement fédéral072gccstaGestion du personnel072gccstaVérification1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada. bDirection générale des services de vérification interne.08tAudit of the delegation of authorities for select human resources processes w(CaOODSP)9.83325840qPDFs513 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em20-58-2017-fra.pdf02612cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001391000022001612450130001832460073003132600074003863000026004605000129004865000017006155000056006325000086006885040049007745201115008236920024019386920022019627100056019847750067020407940064021078560103021719.834898CaOODSP20221107150535cr |||||||||||170622s2017 qucd obs f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08242-4 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm12-17/2017E-PDF1 aSegaert, Aaron A.14aThe national shelter study 2005-2014 h[electronic resource] : bemergency shelter use in Canada / c[author, Aaron Segaert].16aNational shelter study : bemergency shelter use in Canada 2005-2014 a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, cc2017. a43 p. : bcol. charts aIssued also in French under title: Étude nationale sur les refuges 2005-2014 : utilisation des refuges d'urgence au Canada. aCover title. aAt head of title: Homelessness Partnering Strategy. a"Author and principal investigator: Dr. Aaron Segaert"--Acknowledgements, p. [1]. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 41). a"The National Shelter Study: Emergency Shelter Use in Canada 2005–2014 is the second nationwide study done using emergency shelter data collected over an extended period of time to establish a baseline count and description of the homeless population in Canada. The first national shelter study was published in 2013 and covered the period from 2005 to 2009. The second study updates information and extends findings to 2014. In 2014, statistics on Indigenous identity, citizenship and military service of shelter users are available for the first time. The second National Shelter Study (NSS) used data provided by over 200 emergency shelters in Canada. These data were collected electronically by the Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS), the City of Toronto, BC Housing and the Province of Alberta. Emergency shelter use is the best available indicator of large-scale trends in homelessness. As the only homelessness research using a large nationally representative sample, the results of this study are important for understanding homelessness in Canada"--Executive summary, p. 5.072gccstaHomelessness072gccstaStatistics1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.08tÉtude nationale sur les refuges 2005-2014 w(CaOODSP)9.834900 tThe national shelter study : b2005-2016w(CaOODSP)9.88420340qPDFs987 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-17-2017-eng.pdf03072cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001391000022001612450154001832460102003372600072004393000030005115000114005415000022006555000086006775000080007635040056008435201497008996920021023966920024024177100054024417750061024957940074025568560104026309.834900CaOODSP20221107150535cr |||||||||||170622s2017 qucd obs f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08243-1 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm12-17/2017F-PDF1 aSegaert, Aaron A.10aÉtude nationale sur les refuges 2005-2014 h[ressource électronique] : bl'utilisation des refuges d'urgence au Canada / c[auteur, Aaron Segaert].16aÉtude nationale sur les refuges : bl’utilisation des refuges d’urgence au Canada, 2005-2014 a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, cc2017. a48 p. : bgraph. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : The national shelter study 2005-2014: emergency shelter use in Canada. aTitre de la couv. aEn tête de la couv. : Stratégie des partenariats de lutte contre l'itinérance. a« Aureur et chercheur principal : Aaron Segaert »--Remerciements, p. [1]. aComprend des références bibliographiques (p. 46). a« L’Étude nationale sur les refuges : Recours aux refuges d’urgence au Canada, 2005 à 2014 est la seconde analyse nationale fondée sur des données recueillies à long terme auprès de refuges d’urgence. Elle vise à établir un dénombrement de référence et une description des caractéristiques de la clientèle des refuges au Canada. La première étude nationale sur les refuges a été publiée en 2013 et portait sur la période allant de 2005 à 2009. La seconde étude sert à actualiser l’information et à élargir la portée des conclusions jusqu’en 2014. C’est d’ailleurs en 2014 que des statistiques sur l’identité autochtone, la citoyenneté et le service militaire de la clientèle des refuges ont été accessibles pour la première fois. La seconde Étude nationale sur les refuges (ENR) se fonde sur des données fournies par plus de 200 refuges d’urgence au Canada. Les données ont été recueillies de façon électronique à l’aide du Système d’information sur les personnes et les familles sans abri (SISA), par la ville de Toronto, par BC Housing et par la province de l’Alberta. Le recours aux refuges d’urgence est actuellement le meilleur indicateur pour dégager des tendances à grande échelle concernant l’itinérance. L’Étude constitue le seul projet de recherche fondé sur un vaste échantillon représentatif national; ses résultats sont donc très utiles pour comprendre l’itinérance au Canada »--Résumé, p. 6.072gccstaSans-abri072gccstaStatistiques1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.08tThe national shelter study 2005-2014 w(CaOODSP)9.834898 tL’étude nationale sur les refuges : b2005-2016w(CaOODSP)9.88420440qPDFs1.04 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-17-2017-fra.pdf01578cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860023001392450097001622460112002592600073003713000031004444900041004755000077005165000052005935000075006456920022007206920032007426920037007746920017008117100054008287100059008827100064009417750057010058300061010628560105011239.833518CaOODSP20221107150232cr |||||||||||170619s2017 qucd o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07884-7 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm15-3/9-2017F-PDF00aMécanicien industriel/mécanicienne industrielle (de chantier) h[ressource électronique].17aNorme professionelle du Sceau rouge - mécanicien industriel/mécanicenne industrielle (de chantier) - 2017 aGatineau, Qué. : bEmploi et développement social Canada, cc2017. a278 p. : bgraph. en coul.1 aNorme professionnelle du Sceau rouge aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Industrial mechanic (millwright). a« Programme Sceau rouge = Red Seal Program. » a« Norme interprovinciale Canada = Interprovincial Standard Canada. »072gccstaProfession072gccstaDescription de poste072gccstaFormation professionnelle072gccstaNorme1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.1 aCanada. bDivision des métiers et de l'apprentissage.2 aProgramme des normes interprovinciales Sceau rouge (Canada)08tIndustrial mechanic (millwright) w(CaOODSP)9.833517#0aNorme professionnelle du Sceau rouge.w(CaOODSP)9.82260440qPDFs3.23 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em15-3-9-2017-fra.pdf01594cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450138001632600074003013000011003755000179003865000019005655200309005846920019008936920030009126920019009427100056009617750123010177950059011408560105011999.835826CaOODSP20221107150745cr |||||||||||170616s2017 quc o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08421-3 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm12-27/5-2017E-PDF00aNew Horizons for Seniors Program - engaging seniors, strengthening communities h[electronic resource] : bgaining community support. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, cc2017. a[3] p. aIssued also in French under title: Programme Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés - mobiliser les aînés, renforcer les collectivités : obtenir l’appui de la collectivité. aCaption title. a“Before applying for New Horizons for Seniors Program funding, find out what community needs your project would address and ensure you have your community’s support. Your community could be your town, village or neighbourhood, or it could be a group of people with common interests or goals"--p. [1].072gccstaSeniors072gccstaCommunity programs072gccstaFunding1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.08tProgramme Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés - mobiliser les aînés, renforcer les collectivités w(CaOODSP)9.835828 tTips for gaining community support w(CaOODSP)9.82009240qPDFs224 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-27-5-2017-eng.pdf01636cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450174001632600072003373000036004095000150004455000022005955200403006176920018010206920035010386920023010737100054010967750103011508560105012539.835828CaOODSP20221107150746cr |||||||||||170616s2017 quc o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08422-0 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm12-27/5-2017F-PDF00aProgramme Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés - mobiliser les aînés, renforcer les collectivités h[ressource électronique] : bobtenir l’appui de la collectivité. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, cc2017. a[3] p. (pages non numérotées) aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : New Horizons for Seniors Program - engaging seniors, strengthening communities: gaining community support. aTitre de départ. a« Avant de présenter une Demande de financement aux fins du programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînés, déterminez si votre projet répondra aux besoins dans la collectivité et assurez-vous d’obtenir l’appui de celle-ci. Par collectivité, on entend votre ville, votre village ou votre quartier, ou encore tout groupe de personnes ayant des intérêts ou des objectifs communs »--p. [1].072gccstaAîné072gccstaProgramme communautaire072gccstaFinancement1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.08tNew Horizons for Seniors Program - engaging seniors, strengthening communities w(CaOODSP)9.83582640qPDFs210 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-27-5-2017-fra.pdf01563cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450134001632600074002973000011003715000166003825000019005485200308005676920019008756920030008946920019009247100056009437750123009997950046011228560105011689.835839CaOODSP20221107150747cr |||||||||||170619s2017 quc o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08423-7 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm12-27/6-2017E-PDF00aNew Horizons for Seniors Program - engaging seniors, strengthening communities h[electronic resource] : brecruiting volunteers. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, cc2017. a[2] p. aIssued also in French under title: Programme Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés - mobiliser les aînés, renforcer les collectivités : recruter des bénévoles. aCaption title. a“Skills-based volunteerism is an approach that organizations may use to improve their sustainability and efficiency. This approach enables organizations to recruit volunteers for specific jobs based on their personal talents, professional skills, experiences, education or personal interests"--p. [1].072gccstaSeniors072gccstaCommunity programs072gccstaFunding1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.08tProgramme Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés - mobiliser les aînés, renforcer les collectivités w(CaOODSP)9.835843 tRecruiting volunteers w(CaOODSP)9.82009840qPDFs206 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-27-6-2017-eng.pdf01620cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450161001632600072003243000036003965000146004325000022005785200404006006920018010046920035010226920023010577100054010807750103011348560105012379.835843CaOODSP20221107150748cr |||||||||||170619s2017 quc o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08424-4 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm12-27/6-2017F-PDF00aProgramme Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés - mobiliser les aînés, renforcer les collectivités h[ressource électronique] : brecruter des bénévoles. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, cc2017. a[2] p. (pages non numérotées) aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : New Horizons for Seniors Program - engaging seniors, strengthening communities: recruiting volunteers. aTitre de départ. a« Les compétences axées sur le bénévolat est une approche que les organismes peuvent utiliser pour améliorer leur viabilité et efficacité. Cette approche permet aux organismes de recruter des bénévoles pour des tâches spécifiques en fonction de leurs talents, de leurs compétences professionnelles, de leurs expériences, de leur éducation et de leurs intérêts personnels »--p. [1].072gccstaAîné072gccstaProgramme communautaire072gccstaFinancement1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.08tNew Horizons for Seniors Program - engaging seniors, strengthening communities w(CaOODSP)9.83583940qPDFs180 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-27-6-2017-fra.pdf01795cam 2200265za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001392450082001612600074002433000009003175000114003265200750004406920022011906920031012126920029012437100056012727750098013288560103014269.837446CaOODSP20221107151136cr |||||||||||170621s2017 quc o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08673-6 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm12-29/2017E-PDF00aMultilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework h[electronic resource]. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, cc2017. a6 p. aIssued also in French under title: Cadre multilatéral pour l’apprentissage et la garde des jeunes enfants. a“Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Most Responsible for Early Learning and Child Care agree on the importance of supporting parents, families and communities in their efforts to ensure the best possible future for their children. Ministers also recognize that quality early learning and child care systems play an important role in promoting the social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of young children and can support positive lifelong benefits. This Framework sets the foundation for governments to work toward a shared long-term vision where all children can experience the enriching environment of quality early learning and child care that supports children’s development to reach their full potential"--p. 1.072gccstaChild care072gccstaPreschool education072gccstaGovernment policy1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.08tCadre multilatéral pour l’apprentissage et la garde des jeunes enfants w(CaOODSP)9.83744740qPDFs418 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-29-2017-eng.pdf02026cam 2200265za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001392450107001612600072002683000009003405000097003495200980004466920035014266920028014616920037014897100054015267750077015808560103016579.837447CaOODSP20221107151136cr |||||||||||170621s2017 quc o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08674-3 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm12-29/2017F-PDF00aCadre multilatéral pour l’apprentissage et la garde des jeunes enfants h[ressource électronique]. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, cc2017. a7 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework. a« Les ministres fédéral, provinciaux et territoriaux responsables de l’apprentissage et de la garde des jeunes enfants s’entendent sur l’importance d’épauler les parents, les familles et les collectivités dans leurs efforts visant à offrir le meilleur avenir possible à leurs enfants. Les ministres reconnaissent aussi que des systèmes de qualité en matière d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants jouent un rôle important dans la promotion du développement social, affectif, physique et cognitif des jeunes enfants et que ces derniers en bénéficieront tout au long de leur vie. Le présent cadre constitue les bases qui amèneront les gouvernements à travailler à la concrétisation d’une vision commune à long terme selon laquelle tous les enfants profitent des services d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants de qualité qui créent un environnement enrichissant et favorisent le développement optimal de l’enfant »--p. 1.072gccstaÉducation préscolaire072gccstaSoin de l'enfant072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.08tMultilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework w(CaOODSP)9.83744640qPDFs411 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em12-29-2017-fra.pdf01474cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860023001392450061001622460078002232600081003013000031003824900041004135000056004545000052005105000075005626920022006376920032006596920037006916920017007287100054007457100059007997100064008587750036009228300061009588560105010199.832692CaOODSP20221107150037cr |||||||||||170619t20172016quc o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07688-1 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm15-3/8-2017F-PDF00aChaudronnier/chaudronnière h[ressource électronique].17aNorme professionnelle du Sceau rouge – chaudronnier/chaudronnière 2016 aGatineau, Qué. : bEmploi et développement social Canada, c[2017], c2016. a120 p. : bgraph. en coul.1 aNorme professionnelle du Sceau rouge aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Boilermaker. a« Programme Sceau rouge = Red Seal Program. » a« Norme interprovinciale Canada = Interprovincial Standard Canada. »072gccstaProfession072gccstaDescription de poste072gccstaFormation professionnelle072gccstaNorme1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.1 aCanada. bDivision des métiers et de l'apprentissage.2 aProgramme des normes interprovinciales Sceau rouge (Canada)08tBoilermaker w(CaOODSP)9.832691#0aNorme professionnelle du Sceau rouge.w(CaOODSP)9.82260440qPDFs2.04 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em15-3-8-2017-fra.pdf03139cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200041000880400017001290430012001460860035001582450148001932460099003412600071004403000036005115000145005475000086006925000022007785000024008005201311008245300043021356920053021786920037022316920024022686920024022927100054023167750094023707760059024648560103025238560151026269.837121CaOODSP20230710121343cr |||||||||||170620s2017 qucad o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08618-7z978-0-660-08619-4 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEm4-16/2017F-PDFzEm4-16/2017F00aCanada accessible - élaborer une loi fédérale sur l’accessibilité h[ressource électronique] : cce que nous avons appris des Canadiens.30aÉlaborer une loi fédérale sur l’accessibilité : bce que nous avons appris des Canadiens a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et développement social Canada, c2017. a36 p. : bgraph. en coul., ill. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Accessible Canada – creating new federal accessibility legislation: what we learned from Canadians. aLa copie a été replacée le 10 juillet 2023 à la demande du ministère-auteur. aTitre de la couv. a"Le 29 mai 2017.” a« En novembre 2015, le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a demandé à la ministre Carla Qualtrough d’engager directement un dialogue avec les Canadiens sur ce que doit contenir une loi visant à supprimer les obstacles et à empêcher la création de nouveaux obstacles pour les personnes handicapées. En juin 2016, la ministre Qualtrough a amorcé sa discussion avec la population en lançant un nouveau site Web, Canada accessible, au moyen duquel elle a demandé à tous les Canadiens de réfléchir à ce que l’accessibilité signifiait pour eux et à ce qu’elle pouvait signifier pour leur collectivité. De juin 2016 à février 2017, plus de 6 000 Canadiens et plus de 90 organisations ont fait part de leurs idées au sujet d’un Canada accessible, ce qui fait de cet exercice la consultation sur la condition des personnes handicapées la plus importante et la plus accessible jamais tenue au Canada. La consultation a rendu compte de l’enthousiasme et de l’espoir qu’inspire aux Canadiens le projet de loi sur l’accessibilité et a cherché à honorer la devise « rien sur nous sans nous » que la collectivité des personnes handicapées a faite sienne. Les Canadiens ont été encouragés à communiquer leurs idées, et ils ont eu de nombreuses occasions de le faire »--p. 7. aÉgalement publ. en version imprimée.072gccstaAccessibilité aux personnes handicapées072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale072gccstaLégislation072gccstaConsultation1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.08tAccessible Canada – creating new national accessibility legislation w(CaOODSP)9.8371180#tCe que nous avons appris - rapport w(CaOODSP)9.83712240qPDFs1.34 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em4-16-2017-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/emploi-developpement-social/programmes/canada-accessible/rapports/consultations-ce-que-nous-avons-appris.html02810cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200041000880400017001290430012001460860035001582450133001932460086003262600073004123000032004855000153005175000090006705000017007605000020007775201044007975300033018416920055018746920029019296920023019586920025019817100056020067750096020627760047021588560103022058560140023089.837118CaOODSP20230710121902cr |||||||||||170620s2017 qucad o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08616-3z978-0-660-08617-0 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEm4-16/2017E-PDFzEm4-16/2017E00aAccessible Canada – creating new federal accessibility legislation h[electronic resource] : bwhat we learned from Canadians.30aCreating new federal accessibility legislation : bwhat we learned from Canadians a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, c2017. a33 p. : bcol. charts, ill. aIssued also in French under title: Canada accessible - élaborer une loi fédérale sur l’accessibilité : ce que nous avons appris des Canadiens. aThe copy has been replaced on July 10th, 2023 as requested by the issuing department. aCover title. a"May 29, 2017." a“In November 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked Minister Carla Qualtrough to engage Canadians directly about what is needed in new legislation that would help remove barriers and prevent new barriers from being created for persons with disabilities. In June 2016, Minister Qualtrough began her discussion with Canadians by launching a new website, Accessible Canada, where she asked all Canadians to think about what accessibility means to them and what it could mean for their communities. Between June 2016 and February 2017, over 6,000 Canadians and over 90 organizations shared their ideas about an accessible Canada, marking the largest and most accessible consultation on disability issues that Canada has ever seen. The consultations reflected the spirit and hope that Canadians have toward the proposed legislation and strove to honour the disability community’s principle of “nothing about us without us.” Canadians were encouraged to share their ideas and were offered many different opportunities to do so"--p. 7. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaAccessibility for persons with disabilities072gccstaGovernment policy072gccstaLegislation072gccstaConsultations1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.08tCanada accessible - élaborer une loi fédérale sur l’accessibilité w(CaOODSP)9.8371210#tWhat we learned report w(CaOODSP)9.83711940qPDFs1.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/Em4-16-2017-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/accessible-canada/reports/consultations-what-we-learned.html01665cas 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880220014001060400017001200430012001370860035001491100062001842450120002462600043003663100014004093620023004235000066004465000017005125000132005295200363006616920036010247750116010607800123011767850064012999.838633CaOODSP20221107151427cr |||||||||||170620d19771977oncqr p o f0###a0eng|d z0-662-01304-2 y0704-1985 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEn103-5/2E-PDFzEn103-5-1977-21 aCanada. bFederal Environmental Assessment Review Office.10aRegister of panel projects submitted to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bEnvironment Canada, c1977. aQuarterly0 aNo. 2 (Dec. 1977). aAt head of title: Environmental assessment and review process aCover title. aIssued also in French under title: Registre des projets soumis au Bureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales. a"The Register's purpose is to provide public and private agencies, interest groups, and members of the general public with current information on projects submitted under the environmental assessment and review process to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office. At the same time the register will give information on related items"--Introduction.072gccstaEnvironmental protection08tRegistre des projets soumis au Bureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales w(CaOODSP)9.83866900tRegister of panel projects submitted under the federal environmental assessment and review process w(CaOODSP)9.83863600tRegister of panel projects and bulletin w(CaOODSP)9.83867501116cas 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880220014001060400017001200430012001370860033001492450166001822600057003483100014004053620023004195000017004425200190004596920036006497100062006857850115007479.838636CaOODSP20221107151428cr |||||||||||170620d19771977oncqr p o f0###a0eng|d z0-662-00824-3 y0704-1039 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEn103-5/1E-PDFzEn103-5-197710aRegister of panel projects submitted under the federal environmental assessment and review process h[electronic resource] / cOffuice of the Executive Chairman. aOttawa : bFisheries and Environment Canada, c1977. aQuarterly0 aNo. 1 (July 1977). aCover title. a"The Register's purpose is to provide public and private agencies, interest groups, and members of the general public with current information on Panel and related items"--Introduction.072gccstaEnvironmental protection1 aCanada. bFederal Environmental Assessment Review Office.00tRegister of panel projects submitted to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office w(CaOODSP)9.83863301755cas 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880220018001020400017001200430012001370860033001491100099001822450125002812600045004063100016004513620020004675000091004875000136005785000022007145200516007366920041012527750115012937850057014089.838669CaOODSP20221107151432cr |||||||||||170621d19771977oncqr p o f0###b0fre|d y0704-1985 z0-662-01304-2 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEn103-5/2F-PDFzEn103-5/19771 aCanada.bEnvironnement Canada. bBureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales.10aRegistre des projets soumis au Bureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bEnvironnement Canada, c1977. aTrimestriel0 aDécembre 1977. aEn tête du titre: Processus d'évaluation et de révision en matière d'environnement aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Register of panel projects submitted to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office. aTitre de la couv. a« En publiant ce registre, notre but est de fournir aux organismes tant publics que privés, aux divers groupes concernés ainsi qu'au grand public toutes les informations courantes relatives aux projets presentés au Bureau fedéral d'examen des evaluations environnementales pour faire l'objet d'un examen par une Commission dans le cadre du processus d'examen et d'êvaluation en matière d'environnement. Le registre fournira par la même occasion certains renseignements complementaires »--Introduction,.072gccstaProtection de l'environnement08tRegister of panel projects submitted to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office w(CaOODSP)9.83863300tRegistre des projets et bulletin w(CaOODSP)9.83867801645cas 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200063000880220025001510400017001760430012001930860133002051100062003382450069004002600130004693100030005993210026006293620043006555000074006985000017007725000073007895200210008626920036010727750057011087800115011657850051012809.838675CaOODSP20221107151432cr |||||||||||170620d19781980onctr p o f0###a0eng|d z0-662-01998-9z0-662-50171-3z0-662-50725-8z0-882-50844-0 y0713-2859y0704-1020 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEn103-5/3E-PDFzEn103-5/1978-4zEn103-5/1978-5zEn103-5/1978-6zEn103-5/1978-7zEn103-5/1978-8zEn103-5/1978-11zEn103-5/1978-121 aCanada. bFederal Environmental Assessment Review Office.10aRegister of panel projects and bulletin h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bOffice of the Executive Chairman, Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, Environment Canada, c1978-1980. aThree times a year,b1980 aQuarterly,b1978-19790 aNo. 3 (Mar. 1978)-no. 13 (Sept. 1980). aAt head of title: Federal environmental assessment and review process aCover title. aIssued also in French under title: Registre des projets et bulletin. a"The Register and bulletin provide public and private agencies, interest groups, and members of the general public with information on the environmental assessment and review process"--Introduction, no. 3.072gccstaEnvironmental protection08tRegistre des projets et bulletin w(CaOODSP)9.83867800tRegister of panel projects submitted to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office w(CaOODSP)9.83863300tRegister of panel projects w(CaOODSP)9.83868302024cas 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220025000880220063001130400017001760430012001930860101002051100099003062450066004052600144004713100034006153210028006493620041006775000098007185000084008165000022009005200522009226920041014447750064014857800116015497850045016659.838678CaOODSP20221107151433cr |||||||||||170621d19781980onctr p o f0###b0fre|d y0713-2859y0704-1020 z0-662-01998-9z0-662-50171-3z0-662-50725-8z0-882-50844-0 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEn103-5/3F-PDFzEn103-5/1978-4zEn103-5/1978-5zEn103-5/1978-6zEn103-5/1980-11zEn103-5/1980-121 aCanada.bEnvironnement Canada. bBureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales.10aRegistre des projets et bulletin h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bBureau du président exécutif, Bureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales, Environnement Canada, c1978-1980. aTrois fois par année, b1980 aTrimestriel,b1978-19790 aNo 3 (mars 1978)-no 13 (sept. 1980). aEn tête du titre: Processus fédéral d'évaluation et d'examen en matière d'environnement. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Register of panel projects and bulletin aTitre de la couv. a« En publiant ce registre, notre but est de fournir aux organismes tant publics que privés, aux divers groupes concernés ainsi qu'au grand public toutes les informations courantes relatives aux projets presentés au Bureau fedéral d'examen des evaluations environnementales pour faire l'objet d'un examen par une Commission dans le cadre du processus d'examen et d'êvaluation en matière d'environnement. Le registre fournira par la même occasion certains renseignements complementaires »--Introduction, no. 3.072gccstaProtection de l'environnement08tRegister of panel projects and bulletin w(CaOODSP)9.83867500tRegistre des projets soumis au Bureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales w(CaOODSP)9.83866900tRegistre des projets w(CaOODSP)9.83868701492cas 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200063000880220014001510400017001650430012001820860101001941100062002952450056003572600117004133100014005303620044005445000074005885000017006625000073006795200305007526920036010577750045010937800064011389.838683CaOODSP20221107151433cr |||||||||||170620d19811987quc x p o f0###a0eng|d z0-662-51182-4z0-662-51331-2z0-662-52508-6z0-662-55371-3 y0713-2867 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEn103-5/4E-PDFzEn103-5/1981-14zEn103-5/1981-15zEn103-5/1983-20zEn103-5/1984-22zEn106-8/19871 aCanada. bFederal Environmental Assessment Review Office.10aRegister of panel projects h[electronic resource]. aHull, Québec : bOffice of the Executive Chairman, Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, c1981-1987. aIrregular0 aNo. 14 (Jan. 1981)-no. 24 (Sept. 1987). aAt head of title: Federal environmental assessment and review process aCover title. aIssued also in French under title: Registre des projets et bulletin. a"This publication provides public and private agencies, interest groups, and members of the general public with information on the projects submitted to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office for formal review, under the environmental assessment and review process"--Introduction, no. 14.072gccstaEnvironmental protection08tRegistre des projets w(CaOODSP)9.83868700tRegister of panel projects and bulletin w(CaOODSP)9.83867501680cas 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880220063001020400017001650430012001820860101001941100099002952450054003942600151004483100016005993620043006155000098006585000072007565000022008285200391008506920041012417750051012827800057013339.838687CaOODSP20221107151434cr |||||||||||170621d19811987quc x p o f0###b0fre|d y0713-2867 z0-662-51182-4z0-662-51331-2z0-662-52508-6z0-662-55371-3 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEn103-5/4F-PDFzEn103-5/1981-14zEn103-5/1981-15zEn103-5/1983-20zEn103-5/1984-22zEn106-8/19871 aCanada.bEnvironnement Canada. bBureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales.10aRegistre des projets h[ressource électronique]. aHull, Québec : bBureau du président exécutif, Bureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales, Environnement Canada, c1981-1987. aIrrégulier0 aNo 14 (janv. 1981)-no 24 (sept. 1987). aEn tête du titre: Processus fédéral d'évaluation et d'examen en matière d'environnement. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Register of panel projects. aTitre de la couv. a« Le but poursuivi en publiant ce registre est de fournir aux organismes tant publics que privés, aux divers groupes intéressés ainsi qu'au grand public des informations concernant les projets du Bureau fedéral d'examen des evaluations environnementales pour examen officiel dans le cadre du processus d'examen et d'êvaluation en matière d'environnement »--Introduction, no. 14.072gccstaProtection de l'environnement08tRegister of panel projects w(CaOODSP)9.83868300tRegistre des projets et bulletin w(CaOODSP)9.83867801804cas 2200265za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200033000880220014001210400017001350430012001520860045001641100062002092450094002712600044003653100011004093620025004205000055004455000075005005200888005756920036014637750039014999.838705CaOODSP20221107151436cr |||||||||||170621d19851986oncar p o f0###a0eng|d z0-662-54062-Xz0-662-55033-1 y0837-2624 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEn104-1E-PDFzEn104-1/1985zEn104-1/19861 aCanada. bFederal Environmental Assessment Review Office.10aAnnual report h[electronic resource] / cFederal Environmental Assessment Review Office. a[Ottawa] : bThe Office, cc1985-c1987. aAnnual0 a1984/1985-1985/1986. aIssued also in French under title: Rapport annuel. aAt head of title: Federal environmental assessment and review process. a"In June, 1984, an Environmental Assessment and Review Process Guidelines Order was issued under the authority of a 1979 amendment to the Government Organization Act of 197 1. The Guidelines Order outlined a number of changes to the federal Environmental Assessment and Review Process (EARP) including the requirement that the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office (FEARO) inform the Minister of the Environment on a periodic basis about the implementation of the Process by initiating departments. To fulfill that requirement necessitates establishing interdepartmental reporting mechanisms and a clear definition of the information to be reported. This report outlines efforts made in this direction and provides a summary of EARP-related activities from April 1, 1984 to March 31, 1985. FEARO intends to produce these reports on an annual basis"--Introduction, 1984/1985.072gccstaEnvironmental protection08tRapport annuel w(CaOODSP)9.83870602072cas 2200265za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200033000880220014001210400017001350430012001520860045001641100099002092450113003082600043004213100011004643620025004755000059005005000097005595201071006566920041017277750038017689.838706CaOODSP20221107151436cr |||||||||||170621d19851986oncar p o f0###b0fre|d z0-662-54062-Xz0-662-55033-1 y0837-2624 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEn104-1F-PDFzEn104-1/1985zEn104-1/19861 aCanada.bEnvironnement Canada. bBureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales.10aRapport annuel h[ressource électronique] / cBureau fédéral d'examen des évaluations environnementales. a[Ottawa] : bLe Bureau, cc1985-c1987. aAnnuel0 a1984/1985-1985/1986. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Annual report. aEn tête du titre: Processus fédéral d'évaluation et d'eamen en matière d'environnement. a« En juin 1984, le décret sur les lignes directrices visant le processus d’évaluation et d’examen en matière d’environnement a été publié dans le cadre d’un amendement de 1979 à la Loi de 1971 sur l’organisation du gouvernement. Ce décret indique un certain nombre de modifications à apporter au Processus fédéral d’évaluation et d’examen en matière d’environnement (PÉEE) dont une vise à ce que le Bureau fédéral d’examen des évaluations environnementales (BFEÉE) informe périodiquement le ministre de l’Environnement au sujet de la mise en oeuvre du PÉEE par les ministères responsables. Cela exige la création de mécanismes interministériels de présentation de rapports et une définition précise de I’information que doivent comprendre les rapports. Le présent rapport indique les efforts faits à ces fins et présente un résumé des activités relatives au PÉEE qui ont été menées du 1rt avril 1984 au 31 mars 1985. Le BFEÉE entend continuer à produire des rapports annuels »--Introduction, 1984/1985.072gccstaProtection de l'environnement08tAnnual report w(CaOODSP)9.83870503812cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430030001270860023001572450194001802600063003743000053004375000231004905000017007215000114007385040041008525050713008935201366016066920030029726920020030026920031030227000041030537100077030947750215031718560100033869.838094CaOODSP20221107151310cr |||||||||||170619s2017 oncabd ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08778-8 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---an-cn-ntan-cn-nu1 aCW66-560/2017E-PDF00aKnowledge assessment (community and scientific) to inform the identification of critical habitat for Peary caribou, Rangifer tarandus pearyi, in the Canadian Arctic h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, cc2017. axi, 192 p. : bcol. charts, col. ill., col. maps aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation des connaissances (communautaires et scientifiques) aux fins de la désignation de l’habitat essentiel du caribou de Peary (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) dans l’Arctique canadien. aCover title. aAuthors cited on t.p. verso: Johnson, C.A., Neave, E., Blukacz-Richards, A., Banks, S.N., and P.E. Quesnelle. aIncludes bibliographical references.00tKnowledge assessment (community and scientific) to inform the identification of critical habitat for Peary caribou, Rangifer tarandus pearyi, in the Canadian Arctic --gAppendix I. tDelineation of local population units for population modelling --gAppendix II. tPopulation threats and mechanisms influencing habitat use and population condition --gAppendix III. tModelling seasonal habitat requirements for Peary caribou --gAppendix IV. tHabitat attributes review --gAppendix V. tZoning approach to help inform the amount of critical habitat required for Peary caribou --gAppendix VI. tPeary caribou population estimates by local population --gAppendix VII. tVital rates table for Peary caribou. a“This report describes work undertaken to inform the identification of critical habitat for Peary caribou (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) in Canada, as part of the requirement for the preparation of a federal Recovery Strategy for this species under the federal Species at Risk Act. The Recovery Strategy is being completed through a separate process by the Canadian Wildlife Service. The report presents a conceptual framework outlining the steps in the knowledge assessment process to inform the identification of critical habitat for Peary caribou based on scientific and community knowledge. It describes the necessary and available data to support implementation of the framework, and uses a variety of analytical procedures and assessment criteria to evaluate and describe population condition and habitat requirements across the current species distribution of Peary caribou in Canada. While data limitations and knowledge gaps that would enhance our understanding and address outstanding uncertainties are discussed, the report concludes that the available body of knowledge is sufficient from a science perspective to inform the identification of critical habitat for Peary caribou. Methodologies to update this assessment with new information are presented, as part of an adaptive management cycle to support the recovery of this species"--Preface, p. i.072gccstaEndangered species072gccstaHabitats072gccstaNature conservation1 aJohnson, C. A.q(Cheryl Ann),d1974-1 aCanada.bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.bScience and Technology.08tÉvaluation des connaissances (communautaires et scientifiques) aux fins de la désignation de l’habitat essentiel du caribou de Peary (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) dans l’Arctique canadien w(CaOODSP)9.83809740qPDFs4.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/CW66-560-2017-eng.pdf04187cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430030001270860023001572450224001802600071004043000067004755000209005425000022007515000128007735040048009015050877009495201535018266920028033616920019033896920037034087000041034457100086034867750189035728560100037619.838097CaOODSP20221107151311cr |||||||||||170619s2017 oncabd ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08779-5 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---an-cn-ntan-cn-nu1 aCW66-560/2017F-PDF00aÉvaluation des connaissances (communautaires et scientifiques) aux fins de la désignation de l’habitat essentiel du caribou de Peary (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) dans l’Arctique canadien h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, cc2017. axi, 270 p. : bcartes en coul., graph. en coul., ill. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Knowledge assessment (community and scientific) to inform the identification of critical habitat for Peary caribou, Rangifer tarandus pearyi, in the Canadian Arctic. aTitre de la couv. aAuteurs cités sur le verso de la p. de t. : Johnson, C.A., Neave, E., Blukacz-Richards, A., Banks, S.N. et P.E. Quesnelle. aComprend des références bibliographiques.00tÉvaluation des connaissances (communautaires et scientifiques) aux fins de la désignation de l’habitat essentiel du caribou de Peary (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) dans l’Arctique canadien --gAnnexe I. tDélimitation des unités de population locales pour la modélisation de la population --gAnnexe II. tMenaces pour les populations et facteurs ayant une influence sur l’utilisation de l’habitat et la condition des populations --gAnnexe III. tModélisation des besoins du caribou de Peary en matière d’habitat saisonnier --gAnnexe IV.tRevue des caractéristiques d’habitat --gAnnexe V. tMéthode de zonage visant à déterminer la quantité d’habitat essentiel nécessaire au caribou de Peary --gAnnexe VI. tEstImations des effectifs des populations locales de caribous de Peary --gAnnexe VII. tParamètres démographiques du caribou de Peary. a« Le présent rapport décrit les travaux réalisés aux fins de la désignation de l’habitat essentiel du caribou de Peary (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) au Canada, démarche nécessaire à la préparation d’un programme de rétablissement fédéral pour cette espèce en vertu de la Loi sur les espèces en péril. Le programme de rétablissement est élaboré dans le cadre d’un processus distinct par le Service canadien de la faune. Le présent rapport présente un cadre de travail conceptuel qui décrit les étapes du processus d’évaluation des connaissances aux fins de la désignation de l’habitat essentiel du caribou de Peary fondée sur des connaissances scientifiques et communautaires. Il décrit les données nécessaires et disponibles à l’appui de la mise en œuvre du cadre, et il emploie divers critères et analyses pour évaluer et décrire la condition des populations et les besoins en matière d’habitat dans l’ensemble de l’aire de répartition actuelle du caribou de Peary au Canada. Ce rapport traite des limites des données et des lacunes dans les connaissances, mais conclut toutefois que l’ensemble des connaissances disponible est suffisant, d’un point de vue scientifique, pour éclairer la désignation de l’habitat essentiel du caribou de Peary. Les méthodes utilisées pour mettre à jour cette évaluation sont présentées dans l’optique d’un cycle de gestion adaptative visant à favoriser le rétablissement du caribou de Peary au Canada »--Avant-propos, p. i.072gccstaEspèce menacée072gccstaHabitat072gccstaConservation de la nature1 aJohnson, C. A.q(Cheryl Ann),d1974-1 aCanada.bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.bSciences et technologie.08tKnowledge assessment (community and scientific) to inform the identification of critical habitat for Peary caribou, Rangifer tarandus pearyi, in the Canadian Arctic w(CaOODSP)9.83809440qPDFs3.64 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/CW66-560-2017-fra.pdf01957cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860025001392450114001642460036002782600068003143000025003825000158004075000016005655040041005815200530006226920033011526920028011856920036012137100053012497750080013027940075013827950073014578560101015309.833706CaOODSP20221107150256cr |||||||||||170621s2017 qucd ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-07937-0 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEn4-144/63-2017E-PDF00aCanadian environmental sustainability indicators h[electronic resource] : bglobal greenhouse gas emissions.30aGlobal greenhouse gas emissions aGatineau, QC : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, c2017. a10 p. : bcol. chart aIssued also in French under title: Indicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement : émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l'échelle mondiale. a"May 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references. a“The Global greenhouse gas emissions indicator reports global human emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) for 2005 and 2013. Emissions from energy and non-energy related sources are included in this indicator, while emissions from land use, land use change and forestry are excluded. The emissions of GHGs include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. The indicator provides a global perspective on Canada's share of GHG emissions"--About the indicator, p. 6.072gccstaAtmospheric emissions072gccstaGreenhouse gases072gccstaEnvironmental indicators1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tIndicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement w(CaOODSP)9.833707 tCanadian environmental sustainability indicators : w(CaOODSP)9.870974 tCanadian environmental sustainability indicators w(CaOODSP)9.81223740qPDFs479 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/En4-144-63-2017-eng.pdf02242cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860025001392450152001642460063003162600079003793000030004585000126004885000020006145040048006345200728006826920038014106920033014486920038014817100061015197750073015807940082016537950080017358560101018159.833707CaOODSP20221107150257cr |||||||||||170621s2017 qucd ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07938-7 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEn4-144/63-2017F-PDF00aIndicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement h[ressource électronique] : bémissions de gaz à effet de serre à l'échelle mondiale.30aÉmissions de gaz à effet de serre à l'échelle mondiale aGatineau, Qué. : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, c2017. a11 p. : bgraph. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian environmental sustainability indicators: global greenhouse gas emissions. a« Mai 2017. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'indicateur sur les Émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l'échelle mondiale recense les émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre (GES) d'origine anthropique pour 2005 et 2013. L'indicateur inclus les émissions associées à la production d'énergie et celles de sources non énergétiques. Les émissions provenant de l'affectation des terres, du changement d'affectation des terres et de la foresterie sont exclues. Les émissions de GES comprennent le dioxyde de carbone, le méthane, l'oxyde nitreux, les hydrofluorocarbures, les perfluorocarbures et l'hexafluorure de soufre. L'indicateur donne une perspective globale de la contribution du Canada aux émissions de GES »--À propos de l'indicateur, p. 6.072gccstaÉmissions atmosphériques072gccstaGaz à effet de serre072gccstaIndicateur environnemental1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tCanadian environmental sustainability indicators w(CaOODSP)9.833706 tIndicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement : w(CaOODSP)9.870975 tIndicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement w(CaOODSP)9.81223940qPDFs473 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/En4-144-63-2017-fra.pdf02528cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430021001270860023001481110067001712450078002382600207003163000032005235000080005555000017006355201098006526920018017506920025017686920023017937100048018167100134018647100053019987750064020518560099021159.834260CaOODSP20221107150408cr |||||||||||170620s2017 quc o f100 0 eng d a978-0-660-08071-0 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---an-cn-qc1 aEn154-71/2016E-PDF2 aRendez-vous St. Lawrencen(5th :d2016 :cQuébec (Québec))10aProceedings of the Rendez-vous St. Lawrence 2016 h[electronic resource]. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada ; a[Québec] : bMinistre du développement durable, de l’environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec, cc2017. a[21] p. (un-numbered pages) aIssued also in French under title: Actes du Rendez-vous Saint-Laurent 2016. aCover title. a“The fifth Rendez-vous St. Lawrence was held on October 12 and 13, 2016, in Quebec City. The theme was “Meeting the Information Integration Challenge.” The event attracted about 100 participants, including experts and representatives of communities, non-government organizations (NGOs), industry, universities and government. The Rendez-vous St. Lawrence is one of the dissemination mechanisms for the State of the St. Lawrence Monitoring Program (SSLMP), provided for in the Canada–Quebec Agreement on the St. Lawrence 2011–2026 (St. Lawrence Action Plan). The primary objectives are to share the most recent results obtained for environmental indicators monitored as part of the program and to explore ways to improve the state of the St. Lawrence. Speakers from government and the ZIP (zone d’intervention prioritaire, or area of prime concern) committees presented the results of various activities undertaken to monitor the state of the St. Lawrence. On the second day, a discussion was held about the dissemination products to obtain feedback from the client groups"--p. [3].072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater quality072gccstaConferences2 aSt. Lawrence Action Plan 2011-2026 (Canada)1 aQuébec (Province). bMinistère du développement durable, de l'environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques.1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tActes du Rendez-vous Saint-Laurent 2016 w(CaOODSP)9.83426240qPDFs735 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/En154-71-2016-eng.pdf02698cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430021001270860023001481110067001712450073002382600215003113000037005265000093005635000022006565201210006786920029018886920029019176920020019467100051019667100134020177100061021517750073022128560099022859.834262CaOODSP20221107150409cr |||||||||||170620s2017 quc o f100 0 fre d a978-0-660-08072-7 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---an-cn-qc1 aEn154-71/2016F-PDF2 aRendez-vous Saint-Laurentn(5e :d2016 :cQuébec (Québec))10aActes du Rendez-vous Saint-Laurent 2016 h[ressource électronique]. a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada ; a[Québec] : bMinistre du développement durable, de l’environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec, cc2017. a[22] p. (pages non numérotées) aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the Rendez-vous St. Lawrence 2016. aTitre de la couv. a« Le cinquième Rendez-vous Saint-Laurent a eu lieu les 12 et 13 octobre 2016 à Québec. Tenu sur le thème « Relevons le défi de l’intégration de l’information », l’événement a rassemblé une centaine de participants, notamment des experts et des porte-paroles de collectivités, d’organismes non gouvernementaux (ONG), du secteur industriel et des milieux universitaire et gouvernemental. Le Rendez-vous Saint-Laurent est un des mécanismes de diffusion du programme Suivi de l’état du Saint-Laurent (PSESL), prévu dans l’Entente Canada-Québec sur le Saint-Laurent 2011-2026 (Plan d’action Saint-Laurent). Les principaux objectifs étaient de rendre compte des plus récents résultats obtenus à partir d’indicateurs environnementaux suivis dans le cadre du programme et d’explorer des pistes pour l’améliorer. Des conférenciers provenant du milieu gouvernemental et des comités ZIP (zone d’intervention prioritaire) ont présenté les résultats de différents suivis de l’état du Saint-Laurent. La deuxième journée, un atelier de discussion sur les produits de diffusion a permis d’obtenir de la rétroaction de la part des clientèles »--Contexte, p. [3].072gccstaFleuve / Rivière072gccstaQualité de l'eau072gccstaCongrès2 aPlan d'action Saint-Laurent 2011-2026 (Canada)1 aQuébec (Province). bMinistère du développement durable, de l'environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques.1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tProceedings of the Rendez-vous St. Lawrence 2016 w(CaOODSP)9.83426040qPDFs821 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/En154-71-2016-fra.pdf02161cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860025001392450142001642460064003062600068003703000023004385000176004615000016006375040041006535200653006946920017013476920022013646920036013867100053014227750080014757940075015557950104016308560101017349.830481CaOODSP20221107145534cr |||||||||||170621s2017 qucb ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-07226-5 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aEn4-144/46-2017E-PDF00aCanadian environmental sustainability indicators h[electronic resource] : bphosphorus levels in the offshore waters of the Great Lakes.30aPhosphorus levels in the offshore waters of the Great Lakes aGatineau, QC : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, c2017. a12 p, : bcol. map aIssued also in French under title: Indicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement : concentrations de phosphore dans les eaux au large des côtes des Grands Lacs. a"May 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references. a“This indicator reports total phosphorus levels in the offshore waters of the 4 Canadian Great Lakes. The indicator assumes water in the Great Lakes would never be above phosphorus water quality objectives in the absence of human development. It provides information on how human activity contributes to phosphorus levels in lakes. A lake's phosphorus status is determined by comparing spring total phosphorus levels to its water quality objectives and the health of the lake's food web. Failure to meet a water quality objective for phosphorus suggests a greater risk to the health of the lake ecosystems"--What does the indicator measure, p. 7.072gccstaLakes072gccstaPollutants072gccstaEnvironmental indicators1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tIndicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement w(CaOODSP)9.830485 tCanadian environmental sustainability indicators : w(CaOODSP)9.890331 tData sources and methods for the phosphorus levels in the Great Lakes indicator w(CaOODSP)9.69647640qPDFs500 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/En4-144-46-2017-eng.pdf02338cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860025001392450171001642460082003352600079004175000154004965000020006505040048006705200786007186920015015046920020015196920038015397100061015777750073016387940082017117950130017938560101019239.830485CaOODSP20221107145535cr |||||||||||170621s2017 qucb ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07227-2 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aEn4-144/46-2017F-PDF00aIndicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement h[ressource électronique] : bconcentrations de phosphore dans les eaux au large des côtes des Grands Lacs.30aConcentrations de phosphore dans les eaux au large des côtes des Grands Lacs aGatineau, Qué. : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, c2017. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian environmental sustainability indicators: phosphorus levels in the offshore waters of the Great Lakes. a« Mai 2017. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'indicateur rend compte de l'état des concentrations de phosphore total dans les eaux au large des côtes des 4 Grands Lacs canadiens. Cet indicateur suppose que la concentration de phosphore dans l'eau des Grands Lacs ne serait jamais au-dessus des objectifs de qualité de l'eau en l'absence d'activité humaine. Il fournit des renseignements sur la façon dont l'activité humaine contribue à la teneur en phosphore des lacs. L'état du phosphore d'un lac est évalué en comparant les concentrations de phosphore total au printemps avec les objectifs de qualité de l'eau et de santé de la chaîne alimentaire de ce lac. Toute concentration autre que celle visée suggère un risque accru de détérioration des écosystèmes lacustres »--Que mesure l'indicateur, p. 7.072gccstaLac072gccstaPolluant072gccstaIndicateur environnemental1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tCanadian environmental sustainability indicators w(CaOODSP)9.830481 tIndicateurs canadiens de durabilité de l'environnement : w(CaOODSP)9.890332 tSources de données et méthodes de l'indicateur sur les concentrations de phosphore dans les Grands Lacs w(CaOODSP)9.64059140qPDFs462 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/En4-144-46-2017-fra.pdf01542cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860023001171100035001402450124001752600057002993000026003565000170003825000017005525000066005695200366006356920035010017750152010368560100011889.838815CaOODSP20221107151451cr |||||||||||170623s2008 onco #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aPS64-143/2008E-PDF2 aRoyal Canadian Mounted Police.10aRCMP Behavioural Sciences Branch-- providing the tools and expertise for investigative success h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bRoyal Canadian Mounted Police, c[2008] a15 p. : bphotographs aIssued also in French under title: La Sous-direction des sciences du comportement de la GRC-- offir les outils et l'expertise nécessaires au succès d'une enquête. aCover title. a"Trail gone cold? Out of leads? No suspects? Need the truth?" a"Based in Ottawa, the RCMP Behavioural Sciences Branch conducts research, develops policy and provides consultation to RCMP and other police services in Criminal Investigative Analysis, Geographic Profiling and Truth Verification. The branch also maintains the Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS) as well as the National Sex Offender Registry"--p. 3.072gccstaCriminal investigations08tLa Sous-direction des sciences comportement de la GRC-- offrir les outils et l'expertise nécessaires au succès d'une enquête w(CaOODSP)9.83881940qPDFs525 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sp-ps/PS64-143-2008-eng.pdf01649cam 2200241za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860023001171100034001402450161001742600056003353000028003915000140004195000101005595200497006606920031011577750119011888560100013079.838819CaOODSP20221107151451cr |||||||||||170623s2008 onco #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aPS64-143/2008F-PDF2 aGendarmerie royale du Canada.13aLa Sous-direction des sciences comportement de la GRC-- offrir les outils et l'expertise nécessaires au succès d'une enquête h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bGendarmerie royale du Canada, c[2008] a15 p. : bphotographies aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : RCMP Behavioural Sciences Branch-- providing the tools and expertise for investigative success. a« Affaire non résolue? À court de pistes? Aucun suspect? Besoin de connaître la vérité? » a« Située à Ottawa, la Sous-direction des sciences du comportement effectue des recherches, élabore des politiques et fournit des services de consultation à la GRC et à d’autres services de police en matière d’analyse des enquêtes criminelles, de profil géographique et de contrôle de la sincérité. La Sous-direction met également à jour le Système d’analyse des liens de la violence associée aux crimes (SALVAC) et le Registre national des délinquants sexuels »--p. 3.072gccstaEnquête criminelle08tRCMP Behavioural Sciences Branch-- providing the tools and expertise for investigative success w(CaOODSP)9.83881540qPDFs511 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sp-ps/PS64-143-2008-fra.pdf00724cas 2200217za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860017001171100058001342450079001922600062002713100011003333620050003445880037003946920020004317750055004519.838845CaOODSP20240624101919cr |||||||||||170623d20092012sncar p o f0###a0eng|d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-sn1 aPS61-34E-PDF2 aRoyal Canadian Mounted Police. b"F" Division (Sask.)14aThe year in review h[electronic resource] / c"F" Division, Saskatchewan. a[Regina, Saskatchewan] : bRoyal Canadian Mounted Police. aAnnual1 aBegan with 2008/2009?; ceased with 2011/2012? aDescription based on: 2008/2009.072gccstaPolicing08tRétrospective de l'année ... w(CaOODSP)9.83884802310cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450066001382460052002042600046002563000025003025000089003275000017004165040041004335201206004746920030016806920017017106920025017277100046017527100037017987750073018358560100019089.838719CaOODSP20221107151438cr |||||||||||170623s2017 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aD2-526/2017E-PDF00aSurgeon General report on mefloquine h[electronic resource].17aSurgeon General task force report on mefloquine a[Ottawa] : b[National Defence], c[2017] a66 p. : bcol. chart aIssued also in French under title: Rapport du médecin général sur la méfloquine. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) approach to malaria prevention, including use of malaria medication (called malaria chemoprophylaxis (MCP)), is consistent with the Canadian clinical practice guidelines (CPG) on malaria prevention and treatment. In most areas where the most dangerous form of malaria occurs (Plasmodium falciparum), the Canadian CPG and the CAF recommend that travelers use one of three options for MCP: mefloquine, atovaquone-proguanil (AP) (brand name Malarone), or doxycycline. Within the CAF and with respect to these options, the current policy is that the individual member, after suitable discussion with their health care provider, can choose his/her preferred agent from among those that are deemed medically suitable. The continued use of mefloquine as a MCP option in the CAF has recently received significant scrutiny. Given the concerns that have been raised about mefloquine, the Canadian Armed Forces Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) instructed the Surgeon General (SG) to critically analyze the body of knowledge regarding mefloquine, and to undertake a review of the CAF experience with the medication. This report is the SG response to this tasking"--Introd., p. 1, 2.072gccstaMilitary personnel072gccstaDrugs072gccstaHealth impact1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.1 aCanada.bSurgeon General Branch.08tRapport du médecin général sur la méfloquine w(CaOODSP)9.83872040qPDFs984 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-526-2017-eng.pdf02753cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450082001382460074002202600048002943000030003425000082003725000022004545201632004766920031021086920023021396920032021627100056021947100051022507750061023018560101023629.838720CaOODSP20221107151438cr |||||||||||170623s2017 oncd ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aD2-526/2017F-PDF00aRapport du médecin général sur la méfloquine h[ressource électronique].17aRapport du Groupe de travail du médecin général sur la méfloquine a[Ottawa] : b[Défense nationale], c[2017] a72 p. : bgraph. en coul. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Surgeon General report on mefloquine. aTitre de la couv. a« L’approche des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) en matière de prévention du paludisme, y compris l’utilisation de le médicament contre le paludisme (appelé chimioprophylaxie du paludisme (CPP)), est conforme aux recommandations de pratique clinique (RPC) canadiennes pour la prévention et le traitement du paludisme. Dans la plupart des zones où sévit la forme de paludisme la plus dangereuse (Plasmodium falciparum), les RPC canadiennes et les FAC recommandent aux voyageurs d’utiliser l’une des trois options suivantes pour la CPP : la méfloquine, l’atovaquone-proguanil (AP) (nom commercial Malarone) ou la doxycycline. Au sein des FAC, en ce qui concerne ces options, la politique actuelle est que chaque militaire peut choisir son agent privilégié parmi ceux qui sont jugés adéquats sur le plan médical, après une discussion appropriée avec son fournisseur de soins de santé. L’utilisation de la méfloquine comme option de CPP dans les FAC a récemment reçu beaucoup d’attention, notamment à l’occasion d’enquêtes du Comité permanent des anciens combattants, de commentaires des médias et de préoccupations soulevées par les vétérans. Compte tenu des préoccupations soulevées au sujet de la méfloquine, le chef d’état-major de la Défense (CEMD) des Forces armées canadiennes a chargé le médecin général d’analyser de manière critique l’ensemble des connaissances sur la méfloquine et d’entreprendre un examen de l’expérience des FAC à l’égard de ce médicament. Ce rapport est la réponse du médecin général à cette tâche »--Introd., p. 1, 2.072gccstaPersonnel militaire072gccstaMédicament072gccstaImpact sur la santé1 aCanada.bDirection générale du service de santé.1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tSurgeon General report on mefloquine w(CaOODSP)9.83871940qPDFs1.05 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-526-2017-fra.pdf03615cgm 2200409za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400017001070430012001240860021001362450081001572460028002382600044002663000092003105000112004025000030005145000136005445050318006805200979009985380047019775380036020246920024020606920029020846920026021137100046021397100037021857750059022228560148022818560171024298560163026008560135027638560152028988560155030509.838545CaOODSP20221107151414m go c f cr cna|||a||||170620s2017 onc006 fo vleng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aD2-386/2017E-MP400aStrong, secure, engaged h[electronic resource] : bCanada's defence policy.30aCanada's defence policy a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence, c[2017] a6 streaming videos (57 sec., 55 sec., 39 sec., 59 sec., 51 sec., 41 sec.) : bsd., col. aIssued also in French under title: Protection, sécurité, engagement : la politique de défense du Canada. aTitle from title screens. aTitles and transcripts of individual videos provided by publisher (http://dgpaapp.forces.gc.ca/en/canada-defence-policy/index.asp).00tTheme 1 : Canada's new vision for defence -- tTheme 2 : well-supported, diverse, resilient people and families -- tTheme 3 : investments to enhance capability and capacity -- tTheme 4 : defence innovation -- tTheme 5 : modernizing the business of defence -- tTheme 6 : stable, predictable, realistic funding. a"Canada’s defence policy – Strong, Secure, Engaged – will provide Canada with an agile, multi-purpose combat-ready military, operated by highly trained, well-equipped women and men, secure in the knowledge that they have the full support of their government and their fellow Canadians. This policy will ensure Canada is: strong at home with a military ready and able to defend its sovereignty, and to assist in times of natural disaster, support search and rescue, or respond to other emergencies; secure in North America, active in a renewed defence partnership in NORAD and with the United States; and engaged in the world, with Defence doing its part in Canadian contributions to a more stable and peaceful world. Strong, Secure, Engaged will shape Canada’s role in the world for decades to come. It will ensure that the CAF is equipped and prepared to protect Canadian sovereignty, defend North America, and contribute to global security"--Provided by publisher. aSystem requirements: Windows Media Player. aMode of access: World Wide Web.072gccstaArmed forces072gccstaNational security072gccstaDefence policy1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.1 aCanada. bCanadian Armed Forces.08tProtection, sécurité, engagement w(CaOODSP)9.83855640qMP4s70.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-1-eng.mp4zTheme 1 : Canada's new vision for defence40qMP4s68.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-2-eng.mp4zTheme 2 : well-supported, diverse, resilient people and families40qMP4s48.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-3-eng.mp4zTheme 3 : investments to enhance capability and capacity40qMP4s73.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-4-eng.mp4zTheme 4 : defence innovation40qMP4s63.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-5-eng.mp4zTheme 5 : modernizing the business of defence40qMP4s51.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-6-eng.mp4zTheme 6 : stable, predictable, realistic funding04098cgm 2200409za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400017001070430012001240860021001362450103001572460036002602600046002963000096003425000092004385000032005305000158005625050406007205201227011265380050023535380036024036920026024396920032024656920033024977100046025307100051025767750048026278560163026758560189028388560169030278560163031968560164033598560165035239.838556CaOODSP20221107151416m go c f cr cna|||a||||170620s2017 onc006 fo vlfre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aD2-386/2017F-MP400aProtection, sécurité, engagement h[electronic resource] : bla politique de défense du Canada.30aPolitique de défense du Canada a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale, c[2017] a6 vidéos en streaming (57 sec., 55 sec., 38 sec., 59 sec., 51 sec., 41 sec.) : bs., coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Strong, secure, engaged: Canada's defence policy. aTitre du titre des écrans. aLes titres et les transcriptions des vidéos individuels sont fournis par l'éditeur (http://dgpaapp.forces.gc.ca/fr/politique-defense-canada/index.asp).00tThème 1 : la nouvelle vision du Canada pour la défense -- tThème 2 : un personnel et des familles bien soutenus, diversifiés et résilients -- tThème 3 : des investissements pour améliorer les capacités -- tThème 4 : l’innovation dans le secteur de la défense -- tThème 5 : la modernisation des activités de la défense -- tThème 6 : un financement stable, prévisible et réaliste. a« La politique de défense du Canada Protection, Sécurité, Engagement fournira à notre pays des forces armées souples, polyvalentes et aptes au combat, gérées par des hommes et des femmes hautement formés, bien équipés, assurés d’avoir le plein appui de leur gouvernement et de leurs compatriotes canadiens. La politique prévoit que le Canada conservera : protection au pays à l’aide de forces armées prêtes et aptes à défendre sa souveraineté, à apporter une aide en cas de catastrophe naturelle, à appuyer les opérations de recherche et sauvetage, ou à répondre à d’autres urgences; sécurité en Amérique du Nord active au sein du partenariat de défense renouvelé avec le NORAD et avec les États-Unis; engagement dans le monde en faisant participer la Défense dans les opérations canadiennes contribuant à la stabilité et à la paix dans le monde. Protection, Sécurité, Engagement façonnera le rôle du Canada dans le monde pour des décennies à venir. Elle nous permettra de veiller à ce que les FAC soient équipées et préparées pour protéger la souveraineté du Canada, défendre l’Amérique du Nord et contribuer à la sécurité mondiale »--Fournis par l'éditeur. aExigences du système : Windows Media Player. aMode d'accès : World Wide Web.072gccstaForces armées072gccstaSécurité nationale072gccstaPolitique de défense1 aCanada. bForces armées canadiennes‏.1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tStrong, secure, engaged w(CaOODSP)9.83854540qMP4s70.82 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-1-fra.mp4zThème 1 : la nouvelle vision du Canada pour la défense40qMP4s68.05 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-2-fra.mp4zThème 2 : un personnel et des familles bien soutenus, diversifiés et résilients40qMP4 s47.21 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-3-fra.mp4zThème 3 : des investissements pour améliorer les capacités40qMP4s73.50 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-4-fra.mp4zThème 4 : l’innovation dans le secteur de la défense40qMP4s63.10 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-5-fra.mp4zThème 5 : la modernisation des activités de la défense40qMP4s51.48 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D2-386-2017m-6-fra.mp4zThème 6 : un financement stable, prévisible et réaliste01452cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450078001382460059002162600086002753000009003615000087003705050084004575200114005416920019006556920022006746920021006967100069007177100054007867400026008407400048008668560112009148560112010269.838707CaOODSP20221107151436cr |||||||||||170621s1967 onc os f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR5-283/1967E-PDF00aRegistered Indian population as at Dec. 31, 1966 h[electronic resource].13aRegistered Indian population as at December 31st, 1966 a[Ottawa?] : b[Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development], c[1967?]. a2 v. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada].0 av. 1. Provincial standards -- v. 2. Agency and district statistics for Ontario. aContains tables of statistics regarding the registered Indian population in Ontario as of December 31st 1966.072gccstaIndians072gccstaStatistics072gccstaRegisters1 aCanada. bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.1 aCanada. bIndigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.0 aProvincial standards.0 aAgency and district statistics for Ontario.40qPDFs34.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-283-1967-1-eng.pdfzv. 140qPDFs59.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-283-1967-2-eng.pdfzv. 201649cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000029001382450122001672500012002892600110003013000019004115000025004305000087004555200382005426920019009246920017009436920028009606920019009887000021010077100068010287100069010967100054011658560104012199.835849CaOODSP20221107150749cr |||||||||||170427s1967 onca o f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR5-148/1967E-PDF1 aBryant, Mary Harrington.10aMy first book h[electronic resource] : bstories / cby Mary Harrington Bryant ; design and layout by O.M.F. Larson. a4th ed. a[Ottawa?] : bIndian Affairs and Northern Development, Curriculum Section, Education Division, c[1967?]. a53 p. : bill. aWord list: p. 52-53. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada]. a"My First Book has been used for some time as a primer in the Aklavik Federal School. The stories are about everyday happenings in the Mackenzie Delta Area. It may be used successfully in other parts of the North as a supplementary reader to place emphasis on the similarities and differences between the ways of life of the eastern and western Eskimos and Indians."--Foreword.072gccstaIndians072gccstaInuit072gccstaChildren's books072gccstaReading1 aLarson, O. M. F.1 aCanada. bNorthern Administration Branch. bCurriculum Section.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.1 aCanada. bIndigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.40qPDFs45.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R5-148-1967-eng.pdf02787cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100410013001270430012001400860021001522450145001732600055003183000044003734900087004175000143005045000117006475040052007645201111008165460050019276920031019776920027020086920032020357000023020677100050020907100090021408300105022308560102023359.833452CaOODSP20221107150224cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncbd ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-07869-4 aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn-bc1 aFs97-4/3116E-PDF00aEnumeration of juvenile and adult coho salmon at Black Creek, Vancouver Island, 2013 h[electronic resource] / cby J. Meldrum ... [et al.]. a[Ottawa] : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, cc2017. aviii, 273 p. : bcol. charts, col. maps1 aCanadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, x1488-5387 ; v3116 aTitle at head of French abstract: Dénombrement des saumons coho juvéniles et adultes du ruisseau Black, sur l’île de Vancouver, 2013. aPublished by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada; originally issued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Stock Assessment.  aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 14-15). a“This report documents the 2013 smolt and adult enumeration programs for Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) at the Black Creek fence. Both enumeration programs are based on sampling conducted at the permanent fence site located 100 m upstream of tidal influence, about 40 m downstream from Seaview Road in Miracle Beach Provincial Park. A series of projects have been conducted sporadically at this location since 1968 and an uninterrupted data set has been compiled, under the present program, since 1984. In addition to Coho, Black Creek supports populations of coastal cutthroat trout (O. clarkii), and rainbow trout (O. mykiss). Recoveries of coded wire tagged Coho in the escapement are used with catch recoveries and release data to estimate ocean survival and exploitation rates. The utility of the data depends on long-term monitoring of escapements, smolt abundances, survivals, catches, exploitations and escapements. Data from the project, along with other sources, is used to predict Coho returns, ocean survival and migration patterns for the south coast of British Columbia"--Introd., p. 1. aIncludes pref. matter and abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaFisheries management1 aMeldrum, J.q(Jim)1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bSouth Coast Area. bStock Assessment.#0aCanadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences,x1488-5387 ; v3116w(CaOODSP)9.50521140qPDFs12.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mpo-dfo/Fs97-4-3116-eng.pdf03175cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100410013001270430012001400860021001521110171001732450273003442600052006173000028006694900086006975000126007835040048009095201414009575460050023716920031024216920032024526920023024847000023025077100050025307100040025808300104026208560101027249.835806CaOODSP20221107150742cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onca ob f100 0 eng d a978-0-660-08417-6 aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs97-6/3213E-PDF2 aTechnical Expertise in Stock Assessment (TESA) National Workshop on Incorporating an Ecosystem Approach into Single-Species Stock Assessmentsd(2016 :cNanaimo, B.C.)10aProceedings of the Technical Expertise in Stock Assessment (TESA) National Workshop on Incorporating an Ecosystem Approach into Single-Species Stock Assessments, 21-25 November 2016, Nanaimo, British Columbia h[electronic resource] / cAndrew M. Edwards ... [et al.]. aOttawa : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, c2017. avi, 53 p. : bcol. ill.1 aCanadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, x1488-5379 ; v3213 aPublished by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada; originally issued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 9).3 a“The Technical Expertise in Stock Assessment (TESA) group of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) held a national workshop on ‘Incorporating an ecosystem approach into single-species stock assessments’, in Nanaimo from 21st to 25th November, 2016. The workshop was chaired by Andrew Edwards and Rowan Haigh from the Pacific Region and Ross Tallman from the Central and Arctic Region. It was attended by 25 DFO participants and four external participants from Norway, the United States and local universities. There was a plenary session with two talks that gave an international overview, followed by 15 shorter talks from DFO participants. For the rest of the week participants worked in three break-out groups. The data-poor group primarily worked with the R package DLMtool (Data-Limited Methods Toolkit) to understand how DLMtool can implicitly incorporate ecosystem information. The data-rich group developed detailed recommendations for conducting a scoping exercise to determine where and how ecosystem factors could be incorporated into the advice-giving process. They also examined two case studies from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The data-alternative group investigated Empirical Dynamic Modelling (EDM), a novel approach that empirically incorporates interactions among ecosystem variables to predict future populations, without making assumptions about the underlying processes"--Abstract, p. v. aIncludes pref. matter and abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaFisheries management072gccstaConferences1 aEdwards, Andrew A.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.2 aPacific Biological Station (1972- )#0aCanadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences,x1488-5379 ; v3213w(CaOODSP)9.50444940qPDFs1.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mpo-dfo/Fs97-6-3213-eng.pdf02977cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100410013001270430012001400860021001521000025001732450198001982600054003963000028004504900087004785000108005655040050006735201321007235460052020446920030020966920027021266920031021537000020021847000025022047100050022297100130022798300105024098560101025149.837407CaOODSP20221107151129cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncb ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08668-2 aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn-on1 aFs97-4/3120E-PDF1 aReid, Scott, d1971-13aAn environmental DNA-based survey for redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus) in Greater Toronto Area watersheds h[electronic resource] / cby Scott M. Reid, Victoria Kopf and Margaret Boothroyd. a[Ottawa] : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, c2017. aiv, 10 p. : bcol. maps1 aCanadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, x1488-5387 ; v3120 aIssued by: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Aquatic Research and Monitoring Section. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 3-4).3 a“Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) is a small, colorful cyprinid found in the pools and slow-flowing sections of small Ontario streams. As a result of recent declines and threats to remaining populations, the species has been assessed by COSEWIC as Endangered in Canada. Ongoing inventory efforts are important to delineate areas of protected habitat and monitor trends in the distribution and abundance of Redside Dace populations. Between 2013 and 2015, we collected water samples (five 1-litre samples) from 149 sites in nine Greater Toronto Area watersheds (Bronte Creek, East Morrison Creek, Cold Creek, Kettleby Creek, Lynde Creek, Rainbow Creek, Sharon Creek, Spencer Creek, and Urfe Creek). The presence of Redside Dace at each site was assessed using environmental DNA (eDNA) methods based on species-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) primers and probe. Only five of the sites sampled for Redside Dace yielded positive eDNA detections. Four positive detections were from Lynde Creek, and one positive detection was from East Morrison Creek. Single-pass backpack electrofishing surveys failed to collect Redside Dace from Lynde and East Morrison creeks. Study results support earlier assessments of declining population status for Redside Dace in these watersheds"--Abstract, p. iv. aIncludes pref. material and abstract in French.072gccstaEndangered species072gccstaFreshwater fish072gccstaNature conservation1 aKopf, Victoria.1 aBoothroyd, Margaret.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.1 aOntario.bMinistry of Natural Resources and Forestry.bScience and Research Branch.bAquatic Research and Monitoring Section.#0aCanadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences,x1488-5387 ; v3120w(CaOODSP)9.50521140qPDFs1.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mpo-dfo/Fs97-4-3120-eng.pdf03201cam 2200373za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100410013001270430012001400860021001521000018001732450224001912600054004153000035004694900086005045000210005905000127008005040052009275201365009795460050023446920028023946920023024226920023024457000025024687000040024937100050025337100040025838300104026238560100027279.837491CaOODSP20221107151142cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncad ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08683-5 aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn-bc1 aFs97-6/3220E-PDF1 aCurtis, D. L.10aSuitability of duckweed (Lemna minor) and soybean (Glycine max) meal as alternative feed ingredients for signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) h[electronic resource] / cD.L. Curtis, I.P. Forster, and C.M. Pearce. a[Ottawa] : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, c2017. av, 25 p. : bcharts, col. ill.1 aCanadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, x1488-5379 ; v3220 aTitle at head of French abstract: Pertinence de la lentille d'eau (Lemna minor) et du tourteau de soya (Glycine max) à titre d'ingrédients alternatifs pour l'écrevisse signal (Pacifastacus leniusculus). aPublished by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada; originally issued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station.  aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 11-17). a“The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is native to British Columbia (BC) and commands a high price as a luxury food item in foreign markets. The demand for signal crayfish led to interest in developing intensified aquaculture practices as far back as the 1970s. More recently, there has been interest in developing optimal culture conditions for hatching and raising juveniles. There has also been a recent surge in attention to developing compound diets for this species for use in intensive or semi-intensive culture. However, these recent efforts have primarily been based in Sweden, Spain, and other countries where this species has been introduced. To date, little work has been done on this species in its native range. Furthermore, despite a growing body of literature, these studies have primarily examined the effects of diet on growth and survival in juveniles, and there have been few studies looking at the digestibility of feed ingredients in adult signal crayfish. The primary objective of the current study, therefore, was to determine the suitability of duckweed (Lemna minor) as a dietary ingredient in signal crayfish feeds through both growth experiments using juveniles and digestibility studies with adults, and to compare these results with a commonly used fish meal substitute, soybean (Glycine max) meal"--Introd., p. [1]-2. aIncludes pref. matter and abstract in French.072gccstaAnimal nutrition072gccstaAquaculture072gccstaCrustaceans1 aForster, Ian,d1957-1 aPearce, Christopher Michael,d1965-1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.2 aPacific Biological Station (1972- )#0aCanadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences,x1488-5379 ; v3220w(CaOODSP)9.50444940qPDFs597 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mpo-dfo/Fs97-6-3220-eng.pdf02533cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880220014001100400017001240430012001410860024001532450154001772600121003313000036004524900121004885000151006095000019007605040041007795200894008206920023017146920024017376920020017617100050017817750134018318300139019658560103021049.832346CaOODSP20221107145947cr |||||||||||170622s2017 oncad ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-07643-0 z1919-6806 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aFs48-2/24-2017E-PDF03aAn investigation of the effects of extended holding conditions on the biochemical composition and quality of the blue mussel h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, Aquaculture, Biotechnology and Aquatic Animal Health Science Branch, c2017. a4 p. : bcol. charts, col. ill.1 aAquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) fact sheet, x1919-6814 ; vissue 24, March, 2017 aIssued also in French under title: Étude des effets d’un entreposage prolongé sur la composition biochimique et la qualité de la moule bleue. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“This study assessed the physiological condition of cultured Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) held in a commercial wet storage facility under ambient environmental conditions. Newfoundland harvested mussels were held for one month each in fall, winter and spring and sampled weekly under industry standard conditions. Held mussels were compared directly with freshly harvested samples taken at the same point in time. Changes in biochemical composition (i.e., lipid, fatty acid, glycogen content) and quality (i.e., taste, palatability) were compared between the held and freshly harvested mussels. Results showed that while mussel condition was reduced after four weeks holding, biochemical composition was affected only by seasonality and not by holding conditions. Taste panellists were unable to differentiate between freshly harvested mussels and those kept in holding"--Summary, p. 1.072gccstaAquaculture072gccstaBiochemistry072gccstaMolluscs1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.08tÉtude des effets d’un entreposage prolongé sur la composition biochimique et la qualité de la moule bleuew(CaOODSP)9.832347#0aAquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) fact sheet,x1919-6814 ; vissue 24, March, 2017w(CaOODSP)9.50643440qPDFs853 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mpo-dfo/Fs48-2-24-2017-eng.pdf02948cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880220014001100400017001240430012001410860024001532450143001772600153003203000044004734900134005175000169006515000022008205040048008425201211008906920023021016920021021246920021021457100053021667750149022198300151023688560103025199.832347CaOODSP20221107145947cr |||||||||||170622s2017 oncad ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07644-7 z1919-6849 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFs48-2/24-2017F-PDF00aÉtude des effets d’un entreposage prolongé sur la composition biochimique et la qualité de la moule bleueh[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bPêches et Océans Canada, Division des sciences de l’aquaculture, de la biotechnologie et de la santé des animaux aquatiques, c2017. a4 p. : bgraph. en coul., ill. en coul.1 aFiche technique du Programme coopératif de recherche et développement en aquaculture (PCRDA), x1919-6857 ; vn° 24, mars 2017 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : An investigation of the effects of extended holding conditions on the biochemical composition and quality of the blue mussel. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Dans cette étude, la condition physiologique de moules bleues (Mytilus edulis) de culture entreposées dans un entrepôt de pêche fraîche exposé aux conditions environnementales ambiantes a été évaluée. Des moules récoltées à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador ont été entreposées durant un mois à l’automne, en hiver et au printemps et échantillonnées chaque semaine dans les conditions standards de l’industrie. Les moules entreposées ont été comparées à des échantillons de moules fraîchement récoltées au même moment. Les changements dans la composition biochimique (teneur en lipides, en acides gras et en glycogène) et la qualité (goût et appétibilité) ont été comparés entre les moules entreposées et les moules fraîchement récoltées. Les résultats ont révélé que la condition des moules était moins bonne après quatre semaines d’entreposage, mais que leur composition biochimique n’était affectée que par la saison de la récolte et non par les conditions d’entreposage. Les membres du groupe chargé de goûter les moules n’ont pas été en mesure de distinguer entre les moules fraîchement récoltées et celles entreposées »--Résumé, p. 1.072gccstaAquaculture072gccstaBiochimie072gccstaMollusque1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans.08tAn investigation of the effects of extended holding conditions on the biochemical composition and quality of the blue mussel w(CaOODSP)9.832346#0aFiche technique du Programme coopératif de recherche et développement en aquaculture (PCRDA)x1919-6857 ; vn° 24, mars 2017w(CaOODSP)9.50282940qPDFs805 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mpo-dfo/Fs48-2-24-2017-fra.pdf01111cas 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880400017001020410013001190430012001320860021001442220024001652450050001892460036002392600070002753000024003453100014003693620052003835000056004355460098004915800089005896920026006786920031007047100018007357920044007539.838850CaOODSP20221107151456cr |||||||||||170623d19741980oncq| p o f0###a0eng|d# y0317-6673 aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aR61-4-PDFzR61-4 0aConservation Canada00aConservation Canada h[electronic resource]. 05aConservation Canada f1976-1978 aOttawa : bParks Canada, Indian and Northern Affairs,c1974-1980. a20 v. : bcol. ill. aQuarterly0 a[v. 1, no. 1 (March 1974) - v. 5, no. 4 (1980)] aHistorial publication digitized from print in 2016. aText in English and French. French text follows the English; Text in English only, 1979-1980. aIssued also in French only, v.4, no. 4-v. 5, no. 4 under title: Conservation Canada.072gccstaHistoric sites072gccstaNature conservation2 aParks Canada. tConservation Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83885701963cam 2200385za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430030001330450009001630860040001721000021002122450278002332600101005113000026006124900034006385000054006725000115007265040039008415200121008806920017010016920041010186920026010597000023010857000020011087100072011287400071012007400052012717750101013238300053014248560100014779.838768CaOODSP20221107151445cr |||||||||||170622s1981 oncabo|#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-10734-1 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-pian-cn-onan-cn-ns av-w-1 aR64-81/1981-45E-PDFzR64-81/1981-451 aAlyluia, Jeanne.10aEighteenth-century container glass from the Roma site, Prince Edward Island h[electronic resource] / cJeanne Alyluia. Bottle glass from a privy at Fort George Military Reserve, Ontario / Pierre R. Beaudet. Glassware excavated from Fort Anne, Nova Scotia / Jane E. Harris. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1981. a206 p. : bill., maps1 aHistory and archaeology ;v45 aHistorical publication digitized 2017 from print. aIssued also in French under title: Récipients en verre du XVIIIe siècle, site Roma, Île-du-Prince-Édouard. aIncludes bibliographic references.0 aThree monographs dealing with glass found in archaeological sites in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Ontario.072gccstaGlass072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaHistoric sites12aBeaudet, Pierre R.1 aHarris, Jane E.1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.02aBottle glass from a privy at Fort George Military Reserve, Ontario02aGlassware excavated from Fort Anne, Nova Scotia08tRécipients en verre du XVIIIe siècle, site Roma, l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard w(CaOODSP)9.838769#0aHistory and archaeology ;v45w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs56.82 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-45-eng.pdf02122cam 2200397za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410013001340430030001470860041001771000021002182450318002392600117005573000027006744900035007015000063007365000047007995000116008465040033009625200126009956920017011216920036011386920027011747000023012017000020012247100068012447400100013127400058014127750100014708300054015708560100016249.838769CaOODSP20221107151445cr |||||||||||170622s1981 oncab||#o f000 0 fre d qpapier : z0-660-90534-5 aCaOODSPbfre1 afreheng an-cn-pian-cn-onan-cn-ns1 aR64-81/1981-45F-PDFzR64-81/1981-45F1 aAlyluia, Jeanne.10aRécipients en verre du XVIIIe siècle, site Roma, l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard h[ressource électronique] / cJeanne Alyluia. Verre de bouteille recueilli dans les latrines de la réserve militaire du fort George, Ontario / Pierre R. Beaudet. Verrerie mis au jour au fort Anne en Nouvelle-Écosse / Jane E. Harris. aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Environnement Canada, cc1981. a205 p. :bill., cartes1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v45 aPublication historique numérisée de l'imprimée en 2017. a« Traduit par le Secrétariat d'État ». aPublié en anglais sous le titre : Eighteenth-century container glass from the Roma site, Prince Edward Island. aComprend des réf. bibliogr.0 aTrois monographies sur le verre des sites archéologiques à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, en Ontario et en Nouvelle-Écosse072gccstaVerre072gccstaFouilles archéologiques072gccstaLieu historique12aBeaudet, Pierre R.1 aHarris, Jane E.1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.02aVerre de bouteille recueilli dans les latrines de la réserve militaire du fort George, Ontario02aVerrerie mis au jour au fort Anne en Nouvelle-Écosse08tEighteenth-century container glass from the Roma site, Prince Edward Island w(CaOODSP)9.838768#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v45w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs56.07 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-45-fra.pdf02305cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330450015001450860041001601000041002012450102002422600101003443000026004454900034004715000054005055000086005595040039006455200921006846920027016056920019016326920021016517100072016727750070017448300053018148560100018679.838772CaOODSP20221107151445cr |||||||||||170622s1981 oncabo|#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-10870-4 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-yk0 aw9w9b18981 aR64-81/1981-48E-PDFzR64-81/1981-48E1 aFriesen, Richard J. q(Richard John)14aThe Chilkoot Pass and the great Gold Rush of 1898 h[electronic resource] / cRichard J. Friesen. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1981. a144 p. : bill., maps1 aHistory and archaeology ;v48 aHistorical publication digitized 2015 from print. aIssued also in French under title: Le col Chilkoot et la ruée vers l'or de 1898. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"The rush over the Chilkoot and White passes reached its zenith in the winter of 1897-98 when an unprecedented number of goldseekers scrambled over the mountain barrier to the Klondike. Actually a place in Yukon history had been secured for the Yukon Pass long before the gold rush. A major trade route for the Tlingit Indians, the natives retained control of the Chilkoot Pass until the 1880s when the prospecting and trading activities of the Europeans and Americans dictated the necessity of a short route into the Yukon. In this study I trace the history of the Chilkoot Pass, emphasizing its important role in Yukon transportation, the great rush of 1898 and the establishment of an administrative structure after the boom period. The Chilkoot Pass played a significant role in the transportation infrastructure throughout the southwestern Yukon that would form the basis for Yukon development"--Abstract, p. 5.072gccstaNorthern Canada072gccstaHistory072gccstaMountains1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.08tLe col Chilkoot et la ruée vers l'or de 1898 w(CaOODSP)9.838776#0aHistory and archaeology ;v48w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs68.97 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-48-eng.pdf02610cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410013001340430012001470450015001590860041001741000041002152450103002562600117003593000027004764900035005035000063005385000090006015000047006915040033007385201116007716920020018876920025019076920020019327100068019527750074020208300054020948560100021489.838776CaOODSP20221107151446cr |||||||||||170622s1981 oncabo|#o f000 0 fre d qpapier : z0-660-90683-X aCaOODSPbfre1 afreheng an-cn-yk aw9w9b18981 aR64-81/1981-48F-PDFzR64-81/1981-48F1 aFriesen, Richard J. q(Richard John)13aLe col Chilkoot et la ruée vers l'or de 1898 h[ressource électronique] / cRichard J. Friesen.  aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Environnement Canada, cc1981. a159 p. :bill., cartes1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v48 aPublication historique numérisée de l'imprimée en 2015. aPublié en anglais sous le titre : The Chilkoot Pass and the great Gold Rush of 1898. a« Traduit par le Secrétariat d'État ». aComprend des réf. bibliogr.3 a« La ruée par les cols Chilkoot et White a atteint son apogée au cours de l'hiver de 1897-1898 alors qu'un nombre sans précédent de chercheurs d'or a escaladé la barrière montagneuse du Klondike. Enréalité l'histoire du Yukon avait, bien avant que ne commence la ruée vers l'or préparé, une place spéciale pour ce col du Yukon. Le col Chilkoot, importante voie de commerce, a été jalousement gardé par les Indiens indigènes tlingits, jusqu'en 1880, c'est-à-dire jusqu'au moment où le commerce et la prospection par les Européens et les Américains exigeaient l'ouverture d'une route plus courte vers le Yukon. Dans la présente étude, nous dessinons l'histoire du col Chilkoot en soulignant l'importance de son rôle dans le transport au Yukon, dans la ruée vers l'or de 1898 et dans l'établissement d'une structure administrative à la suite de la période de prospérité effervescente. Chilkoot a joué un rôle déterminant dans l'établissement de l'infrastructure des transports du sud-ouest du Yukon qui par la suite a formé l'assise du développement du Yukon »--Sommaire, p. 5.072gccstaMontagne072gccstaNord canadien072gccstaHistoire1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.08tThe Chilkoot Pass and the great Gold Rush of 1898 w(CaOODSP)9.838772#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v48w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs73.18 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-48-fra.pdf02580cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330450009001450860041001541000019001952450079002142600101002933000025003944900034004195000045004535000054004985000079005525040039006315201188006706920017018586920041018756920026019167100072019427750063020148300053020778560100021309.838778CaOODSP20221107151446cr |||||||||||170622s1982 oncabo|#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-11102-0 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn--- av0w51 aR64-81/1982-60E-PDFzR64-81/1982-60E1 aMcNally, Paul.10aTable glass in Canada, 1700-1850 h[electronic resource] / cPaul McNally. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1982. a164 p. : bill., map1 aHistory and archaeology ;v60 a"Edited by Paula E. Irving"--t.p. verso. aHistorical publication digitized 2016 from print. aIssued also in French under title: Verrerie de table au Canada, 1700-1850. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"This report describes and discusses representative glass artifacts from 15 archaeological sites excavated by the National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, between 1962 and 1974. The objects are chosen to illustrate either the typical wares of the sites excavated, or the history of glass manufacture and styles during the period, or both. Preliminary information consists of the terminology, technology and history of glass manufacture discussed in sufficient detail to clarify the descriptions and discussions making up the survey, which is organized chronologically in three sections. The first, reflecting the dominance of France in early Canada, comprises artifacts originally from France or her trading partners between about 1700 and 1760. The second comprises British-made glass from about 1760 into the 19th century, a period in which Britain was dominant politically in Canada as well as economically in the manufacture and trade of glass around the world. A third section describes the early products of American glass factories which began, though slowly, to make their way onto Canadian tables as the middle of the 19th century approached"--Abstract, p. 4.072gccstaGlass072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaGlass industry1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.08tVerrerie de table au Canada, 1700-1850 w(CaOODSP)9.838779#0aHistory and archaeology ;v60w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs44.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1982-60-eng.pdf02774cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410013001340430012001470450009001590860041001681000019002092450089002282600117003173000027004344900035004615000093004965000063005895000073006525040033007255201292007586920017020506920036020676920030021037100068021337750057022018300054022588560100023129.838779CaOODSP20221107151446cr |||||||||||170622s1982 oncabo|#o f000 0 fre d qpapier : z0-660-90863-8 aCaOODSPbfre1 afreheng an-cn--- av0w51 aR64-81/1982-60F-PDFzR64-81/1982-60F1 aMcNally, Paul.10aVerrerie de table au Canada, 1700-1850 h[ressource électronique] / cPaul McNally. aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Environnement Canada, cc1982. a164 p. : bill., carte1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v60 a« Traduction: Secrétariat d'État. Révision: Jacques Landriault »--p. de t., verso. aPublication historique numérisée de l'imprimée en 2016. aPublié en anglais sous le titre : Table glass in Canada, 1700-1850. aComprend des réf. bibliogr.3 a« La présente étude comporte une description des objets de verre représentatifs de 25 sites archéologiques où des fouilles ont été effectuées de 1962 à 1974 par la Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada. Les objets sont choisis pour illustrer les articles typiques des sites fouillés ou l'histoire de la fabrication du verre et des styles de la période. Les renseignements préliminaires sur l'histoire de la verrerie sont d'ordre terminologique, technologique et historique, et sont suffisamment détaillés pour que les descriptions et les explications de l'enquête, qui est divisée chronologiquement en trois sections, soient claires. La première section, qui porte sur le régime français, comprend des objets venus de France ou de ses partenaires commerciaux de 1700 à 1760. La deuxième porte sur la verrerie de fabrication britannique d'environ 1760 jusqu'au XIXe siècle, une période où la Grande-Bretagne dominait politiquement au Canada et se trouvait au premier rang dans le monde pour la fabrication et le commerce du verre. Une troisième section décrit les premiers produits des verriers américains, qui commencèrent, lentement, à garnir les tables canadiennes à l'approche du milieu du XIXe siècle »--Sommaire, p. 4.072gccstaVerre072gccstaFouilles archéologiques072gccstaIndustrie du verre1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.08tTable glass in Canada, 1700-1850 w(CaOODSP)9.838778#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v60w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs47.90 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1982-60-fra.pdf01647cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330450017001450860041001621000022002032450197002252460066004222600101004883000026005894900034006155000054006495000141007035040039008446920041008836920026009247000085009507100072010357750047011078300054011548560101012089.838781CaOODSP20221107151446cr |||||||||||170622s1983 oncabo|#o f000 0deng d qpaper : z0-660-11337-6 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-ab2 bd1802bd18061 aR64-81/1983-69E-PDFzR64-81/1983-69E1 aKarklins, Karlis.10aNottingham House, the Hudson's Bay Company in Athabasca, 1802-1806 h[electronic resource] / cKarlis Karklins. Peter Fidler and Nottingham House, Lake Athabasca, 1802-1806 / Robert S. Allen. 15aPeter Fidler and Nottingham House, Lake Athabasca, 1802-1806  aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1983. a347 p. : bill., maps1 aHistory and archaeology ;v69 aHistorical publication digitized 2017 from print. aIssued also in French under title: La poste de Nottingham: la présence de la Compagnie de la baie d'Hudson dans l'Athabasca, 1802-1806. aIncludes bibliographic references.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaHistoric sites12aAllen, Robert S. tPeter Fidler and Nottingham House, Lake Athabasca, 1802-1806.1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.08tLe poste de Nottingham w(CaOODSP)9.838787#0aHistory and archaeology ;v69 w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs148.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1983-69-eng.pdf01822cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410013001340430012001470450017001590860041001761000022002172450242002392460070004812600117005513000028006684900035006965000060007315000063007915000107008545040033009616920027009946920036010217000089010577100068011467750091012148300054013058560101013599.838787CaOODSP20221107151447cr |||||||||||170622s1983 oncabo|#o f000 0dfre d qpapier : z0-660-91045-4 aCaOODSPbfre1 afreheng an-cn-ab2 bd1802bd18061 aR64-81/1983-69F-PDFzR64-81/1983-69F1 aKarklins, Karlis.13aLe poste de Nottingham h[ressource électronique] : bla présence de la Compagnie de la baie d'Hudson dans l'Athabasca, 1802-1806 / cKarlis Karklins. Peter Fidler et le poste de Nottingham, lac Athabasca, 1802-1806 / Robert S. Allen. 15aPeter Fidler et le poste de Nottingham, lac Athabasca, 1802-1806  aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Environnement Canada, cc1983. a347 p. : bill., cartes1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v69 a« Traduction: Secrétariat d'État »--verso, p. de t. aPublication historique numérisée de l'imprimée en 2017. aPublié en anglais sous le titre : Nottingham House, the Hudson's Bay Company in Athabasca, 1802-1806. aComprend des réf. bibliogr.072gccstaLieu historique072gccstaFouilles archéologiques12aAllen, Robert S. tPeter Fidler et le poste de Nottingham, lac Athabasca, 1802-1806.1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.08tNottingham House, the Hudson's Bay Company in Athabasca, 1802-1806 w(CaOODSP)9.838781#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v69w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs148.97 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1983-69-fra.pdf01722cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330450009001450860041001541000023001952450092002182600101003103000026004114900034004375000054004715040039005255200546005646920019011106920028011296920026011577100072011838300053012558560100013089.838790CaOODSP20221107151447cr |||||||||||170622s1981 oncabo|#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-10842-9 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-ns0 aw2x01 aR64-81/1981-46E-PDFzR64-81/1981-46E1 aJohnston, A. J. B.10aDefending Halifax h[electronic resource] : bordnance, 1825-1906 / cA.J.B. Johnston.  aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1981. a155 p. : bill., maps1 aHistory and archaeology ;v46 aHistorical publication digitized 2017 from print. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"The purpose of this report is twofold: first, to describe and assess the impact the series of developments in armament during the latter half of the 19th century had generally on the defences of Halifax and second, to trace the history of the Citadel's ordnance in two markedly different eras, smooth bore (1825-60s) and rifled (1860s-1900). This approach has been adopted so that this aspect of the Citadel's history will not be seen in isolation but set in the wider context of British imperial policy for all of Halifax"--Abstract, p. 4.072gccstaWeapons072gccstaMilitary history072gccstaHistoric sites1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.#0aHistory and archaeology ;v46w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs69.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-46-eng.pdf01898cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330450009001450860041001541000023001952450142002182600101003603000037004614900034004985000054005325040039005865200658006256920026012836920028013097000022013377100072013598300053014318560100014849.838791CaOODSP20221107151448cr |||||||||||170622s1981 oncaboc#o f000 0deng d qpaper : z0-660-10843-7 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-ns0 aw0x41 aR64-81/1981-47E-PDFzR64-81/1981-47E1 aMorrison, James H.11a'We have held our own' h[electronic resource] : bthe western interior of Nova Scotia, 1800-1940 / cJames Morrison and Lawrence Friend. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1981. a159 p. : bill., maps, portraits1 aHistory and archaeology ;v47 aHistorical publication digitized 2015 from print. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"The area of western Nova Scotia that bounds Kejimkujik Lake has been inhabited by a great diversity of peoples. Beginning with the initial settlement by the Micmacs, various ethnic groups including the French, English, Scottish and Irish have lived in the area at one time or another. The settlers utilizing the natural resources of the area survived by fishing, farming, lumbering, mining and more recently,engaging in the tourist trade. As the mid-20th century approached, the communities in the area had, by self-initiative and adaptation, maintained a distinctive and deep-rooted culture that continued to sustain their life-style"--Abstract, p. 4.072gccstaSocial history072gccstaCanadian history1 aFriend, Lawrence.1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.#0aHistory and archaeology ;v47w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs74.82 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-47-eng.pdf02269cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160410018001330430012001510450009001630860041001721000020002132450092002332600101003253000020004264900034004465000046004805000074005265000054006005040039006545200918006935460034016116920022016456920026016677100072016938300053017658560101018189.838823CaOODSP20221107151452cr |||||||||||170623s1982 oncao||#o f000 0deng d qpaper : z0-660-11091-1 aCaOODSPbeng1 aengafrehfre an-cn-qu0 av2w41 aR64-81/1982-58E-PDFzR64-81/1982-58E1 aVermette, Luce.10aDomestic life at Les Forges du Saint-Maurice h[electronic resource] / cLuce Vermette. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1982. a316 p. : bill.1 aHistory and archaeology ;v58 a"Edited by B.E. Silversides"--t.p. verso. a"Translated by the Department of the Secretary of State"--t.p. verso. aHistorical publication digitized 2017 from print. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"This study presents a description of all those things in everyday domestic use at Les Forges du Saint-Maurice indicating the various types of activities involved. But such activities, objects and items of furnishings, being but elements of a larger whole, should be examined in relation to the life of the occupants of a house whose habits, lifestyle and social position they reflect. No study of this domestic life is possible, however, without, so to speak, a dissociation of the whole; one must provide a detailed description of the items, describe how people were housed, heated and lighted, how they prepared and consumed their food, how they cared for their health, how they dressed, what were their sports and games, and how they rested from their labours. This survey will be mainly concerned with two periods: the French régime (1729-60) and the Mathew Bell administration (1793-1845)"--Abstract, p. 6. aIncludes some text in French.072gccstaDaily life072gccstaSocial history1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.#0aHistory and archaeology ;v58w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs120.03 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1982-58-eng.pdf01948cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330450009001450860041001541000030001952450096002252600101003213000020004224900034004425000054004765040039005305200805005696920021013746920026013957100072014218300053014938560100015469.838835CaOODSP20221107151454cr |||||||||||170623s1982 oncao||#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-11218-3 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-qu0 av-w-1 aR64-81/1982-61E-PDFzR64-81/1982-61E1 aWade, Barbara J., d1942-10aCutlery from the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec h[electronic resource] / cBarbara J. Wade. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1982. a103 p. : bill.1 aHistory and archaeology ;v61 aHistorical publication digitized 2017 from print. aIncludes bibliographic references.0 a"This report provides a descriptive inventory of the cutlery from the fort at Coteau-du-Lac; that is, knives, clasp-knives, a case-knife, forks, spoons and razors. The present condition and pertinent characteristics of each group of artifacts are discussed, in conjunction with any historical references that would facilitate the dating on a stylistic analysis. Where possible, artifacts have been compared with similar finds from other sites in North America. Several tables have been provided, one which includes information on the building contexts, their dates and the quantity of artifacts found; the other includes information on the contexts within each category of artifacts. At the end of each cutlery section, a summary of the findings related to the contexts has been made"--Introd., p. 5.072gccstaArtefacts072gccstaSocial history1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.#0aHistory and archaeology ;v61w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs29.50 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1982-61-eng.pdf02531cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330450009001450860041001541000023001952450140002182600101003583000026004594900034004855000049005195000054005685040039006225201275006616920021019366920035019577100072019928300053020648560100021179.838841CaOODSP20221107151454cr |||||||||||170623s1982 oncab||#o f000 0|eng d qpaper : z0-660-11235-3 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-ns0 av8w81 aR64-81/1982-64E-PDFzR64-81/1982-64E1 aMorrison, James H.10aWave to whisper h[electronic resource] : bBritish military communications in Halifax and the Empire, 1780-1880 / cJames H. Morrison. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1982. a110 p. : bill., maps1 aHistory and archaeology ;v64 a"Editor: Bessie E. Silversides"--t.p. verso. aHistorical publication digitized 2017 from print. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"Within the British Empire, Halifax played a prominent part in the development of the visual telegraph system in North America; a telegraph system was initiated by the Duke of Kent in the 1790s during his stay in Halifax. With the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, military interest in communication systems declined. The electric telegraph, however, sparked renewed interest as Britain proceeded from the industrial to the electric age. The military, although hesitant in utilizing the various telegraph systems, eventually found them valuable. They were particularly useful in the coastal defence fortifications of the empire. In Halifax, an intricate military visual telegraph was in place to maintain constant communication with the outforts and the harbour mouth. Thus as the electric telegraph became widely accepted the army had one installed in the Halifax defence system by 1869. As a result the Citadel flags became merely a tradition and, almost a century after the visual telegraph had been introduced by the Duke of Kent, they were discarded. Yet, the Citadel remained the communication centre it had always been. By 1900 instead of a visual telegraph system, the Halifax Citadel controlled a web of telegraph and telephone wires to the outforts"--Abstract, p. 5.072gccstaTelegraph072gccstaMilitary communications1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.#0aHistory and archaeology ;v64w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs44.33 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1982-64-eng.pdf02444cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430039001330450009001720860041001811000020002222450190002422600101004323000020005334900034005535000040005875000054006275040039006815201140007206920023018606920023018837100072019068300053019788560099020319.838846CaOODSP20221107151455cr |||||||||||170623s1983 onca|||#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-11336-8 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---ae-uk-enae-fr---an------0 as-w-1 aR64-81/1983-68E-PDFzR64-81/1983-68E1 aRoss, Lester A.10aArchaeological metrology h[electronic resource] : bEnglish, French, American and Canadian systems of weights and measures for North American historical archaeology / cLester A. Ross. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1983. a123 p. : bill.1 aHistory and archaeology ;v68 a"Editor: Paula Irving"--t.p. verso. aHistorical publication digitized 2007 from print. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"To facilitate recognition of cultural units of measure associated with Euroamerican archaeological remains in North America, knowledge of historic measurement systems commonly used by Euroamericans is essential. For Canadian research, specific systems used in England, France, America and Canada during the 15th - 19th centuries provide a comprehensive view of the plethora of measurement units in common use. Measurement units constituting these systems are systematically organized by country, type of measurement system and period of usage. To facilitate commercial research of archaeological remains in Canada, a compilation of the major legislative statutes governing the use of weights and measures provides a glimpse of measurement customs and regulations which governed commerce during the 17th - 19th centuries.To facilitate future research within archaeological metrology, six inferences of metrological systems, units and archaeological remains are inferred from observations of historic measurement systems, suggesting a few of the more relevant correspondences among systems, units and surviving remains"--Abstract, p. 8.072gccstaMeasurement072gccstaArchaeology1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.#0aHistory and archaeology ;v68w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs3.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1983-68-eng.pdf01942cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450188001392460037003272600038003643000020004025000017004225000019004395000119004585050371005775200439009486920026013876920021014137100018014347750103014528560097015559.838494CaOODSP20221107151406cr |||||||||||170619s2006 onca|||#of f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR63-310/2006E-PDF04aThe Canadian Register of Historic Places documentation standards handbook h[electronic resource] /cHistoric Places Program Branch, National Historic Sites Directorate, Parks Canada.30aDocumentation standards handbook a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada,c2006. a83 p. : bill.  aCover title. a"August 2006". aIssued also in French under title: Répertoire canadien des lieux patrimoniaux, manuel de normes de documentation.2 a1. Introduction -- 2. Eligibility for listing in the Canadian Register -- 3. Roles and responsibilities -- 4. Nominating, listing, updating and de-listing historical place records -- 5. The Canadian Register and languages -- 6. The Canadian Register documentation standards -- Appendix A: Controlled vocabulary -- Appendix B: Qualifier lists -- Appendix C: Glossary. a"This Handbook describes the procedures for nominating historic places to the Canadian Register, and the procedures for listing, updating, and de-listing them. It describes the roles and responsibilities of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Registrars, and those of the Canadian Registrar. Finally, it sets out the Canadian Register Documentation Standards and provides guidelines on how to meet these standards"--Introd., p. 4.072gccstaHistoric sites072gccstaHandbooks2 aParks Canada.08tRépertoire canadien des lieux patrimoniaux, manuel de normes de documentation w(CaOODSP)9.83849540qPDFs2.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R63-310-2006-eng.pdf02345cam 2200397za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200036000880200035001240200040001590400017001990410013002160430012002290450009002410860073002501000020003232450372003432460119007152600146008343000051009804900067010315000063010985000024011615040032011855460048012176920036012656920021013017000025013227100086013477910152014338300059015858560126016448560177017709.838581CaOODSP20221107151420cr |||||||||||170620s1981 oncabo|#oc f001 0 fre d qpapier (v. A) : z0-660-50887-7 qpapier (v. B) :z0-660-50885-5 qpapier (ensemble) : z0-660-50886-9 aCaOODSPbfre1 afreaeng an-cn-qu ax1x5 aR64-81/1981-51-PDFzR64-81/1981-51zR64-81/1981-51AzR64-81/1981-51B1 aLemire, Robert.10aInventaire des bâtiments construits entre 1919 et 1959 dans le vieux Montréal et les quartiers Saint-Georges et Saint-André h[ressource électronique] = bInventory of buildings constructed between 1919 and 1959 in Old Montreal and Saint-Georges and Saint-André wards / cRobert Lemire, recherche ; Monique Trépanier, coordinatrice du manuscrit et photographe.11aInventory of buildings constructed between 1919 and 1959 in Old Montreal and Saint-Georges and Saint-André wards  a[Ottawa] : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada = National Historic Parks and Sites, Parks Canada,cc1981. a2 v. (330 p.) : bill., cartes géographiques1 aHistoire et archéologie = History and archaeology ;v51a -51b aPublication historique numérisée de l'imprimée en 2016. aComprend des index. aBibliographie: v. A, p. 15. aTexte en français et en anglais sur 2 col.072gccstaPatrimoine architectural072gccstaBâtiment1 aTrépanier, Monique.1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux. tInventaire des bâtiments construits entre 1919 et 1959 dans le vieux Montréal et les quartiers Saint-Georges et Saint-André w(CaOODSP)9.838597#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v51A-51Bw(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs61.88 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-51-1.pdfz51A, p. 1-244 (Inventoire)40qPDFs22.40 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-51-2.pdfz51B, p. 247-330 (Index géographique, Index des noms propres, illustrations) 02287cam 2200397za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200035000880200034001230200034001570400017001910410013002080430012002210450009002330860073002421000020003152450365003352460119007002600146008193000034009654900067009995000057010665000022011235040031011455460052011766920033012286920021012617000025012827100072013077920152013798300058015318560125015898560175017149.838597CaOODSP20221107151422cr |||||||||||170620s1981 oncabo|#oc f001 0 eng d qpaper (v. A) : z0-660-50887-7 qpaper (v. B) :z0-660-50885-5 qpaper (set) : z0-660-50886-9 aCaOODSPbeng1 afreaeng an-cn-qu ax1x5 aR64-81/1981-51-PDFzR64-81/1981-51zR64-81/1981-51AzR64-81/1981-51B1 aLemire, Robert.10aInventaire des bâtiments construits entre 1919 et 1959 dans le vieux Montréal et les quartiers Saint-Georges et Saint-André h[electronic resource] = bInventory of buildings constructed between 1919 and 1959 in Old Montreal and Saint-Georges and Saint-André wards / cRobert Lemire, research ; Monique Trépanier, manuscript coordinator and photographer.11aInventory of buildings constructed between 1919 and 1959 in Old Montreal and Saint-Georges and Saint-André wards  a[Ottawa] : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada = National Historic Parks and Sites, Parks Canada,cc1981. a2 v. (330 p.) : bill., maps1 aHistoire et archéologie = History and archaeology ;v51a -51b aHistorical publication digitized from print in 2016. aIncludes indexes. aBibliography: v. A, p. 16. aText in French and English in parallel columns.072gccstaHeritage architecture072gccstaBuildings1 aTrépanier, Monique.1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch. tInventaire des bâtiments construits entre 1919 et 1959 dans le vieux Montréal et les quartiers Saint-Georges et Saint-André w(CaOODSP)9.838581#0aHistory and archaeology ;v51A-51Bw(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs61.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-51-1.pdfz51A, p. 1-244 (Inventory)40qPDFs22.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1981-51-2.pdfz51B, p. 247-330 (Geographical index, Index of proper names, Illustrations) 02659cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860038001301000044001682450119002122600118003313000020004494900061004695000054005305000136005845040039007205201152007595460033019116920024019446920019019687100072019877750123020598300052021828560099022349.838621CaOODSP20221107151426cr |||||||||||170620s1975 oncao||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn-bc1 aR64-81/1975-5E-PDFzR64-81/1975-51 aArima, E. Y. q(Eugene Yuji), d1938- .12aA report on a West coast whaling canoe reconstructed at Port Renfrew, B.C. h[electronic resource] / cE.Y. Arima. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs, c1975. a157 p. : bill.1 aHistory and archaeology = Histoire et archéologie ;v5 aHistorical publication digitized 2016 from print. aIssued also in French under title: Rapport sur la construction d'une pirogue baleinière de la Côte Ouest à Port Renfrew (C.-B.). aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"The following report describes the construction of a moderately large West Coast or "Nootka" canoe of red cedar from observations at Port Renfrew, B.C., in 1973-74, supplementing other descriptions of the art of canoe carving and documenting the particular example built for the National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, for eventual display at Friendly Cove. A brief overview of the Northwest Coast canoe styles places the West Coast canoe in area perspective. Construction description covers materials, tools and technical procedures, both as manifested in the project and as recalled by the builders, Charles Jones, Sr., hereditary chief of the local Pachena tribe, and George Louie, Sr., from Ahousat. Canoe usage is described from recollections and other sources since cedar dugouts have passed out of existence except in the specialized form of the modern racing canoes and the increasingly rare modified fishing boats without the high traditional head pieces at the ends. Lastly, the Port Renfrew whaling canoe reconstruction project is briefly evaluated as an instance of material culture study in ethnology"--Abstract, p. 5 aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaShipbuilding072gccstaWhaling1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.08tRapport sur la reconstitution d'une pirogue baleinière de la Côte Ouest à Port Renfrew (C.-B.) w(CaOODSP)9.838626#0aHistory and archaeology ;v5w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs51.53 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1975-5-eng.pdf03181cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410018001340430012001520860038001641000044002022450147002462600117003933000020005104900034005305000053005645000048006175000120006655040033007855201594008185460037024126920031024496920032024807100068025127750099025808300053026798560099027329.838626CaOODSP20221107151426cr |||||||||||170620s1981 oncao||#o f000 0 fre d qpapier : z0-660-90709-7 aCaOODSPbfre1 afrebengheng an-cn-bc1 aR64-81/1975-5F-PDFzR64-81/1975-51 aArima, E. Y. q(Eugene Yuji), d1938- .10aRapport sur la reconstitution d'une pirogue baleinière de la Côte Ouest à Port Renfrew (C.-B.) h[ressource électronique] / cE.Y. Arima. aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Environnement Canada, cc1981. a130 p. : bill.1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v5 a« Traduit par le Secrétariat d'État »--p. 3. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimée 2016. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A report on a West coast whaling canoe reconstructed at Port Renfrew, B.C. aComprend des réf. bibliogr.3 a« Le texte suivant relate les observations faites à Port Renfrew (C.-B.), en 1973-1974, sur la construction d'une pirogue taillée dans le cèdre rouge, d'une grandeur moyenne, typique de la Côte Ouest et aussi connue sous le nom de "Nootka". Cette description complète la série de textes portant sur la fabrication des canots et servira de documentation au modèle construit pour la Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux de Parcs Canada dans le but de l'exposer éventuellement à Friendly Cove. L'introduction comporte un bref aperçu des styles de canots de la Côte Nord-Ouest et permet de placer le canot de la Côte Ouest dans son contexte régional. La description portera sur les matériaux, les outils et les procédés techniques qui ont été utilisés pour la réalisation du projet et qui ont été évoqués par les fabricants, Charles Jones père, chef héréditaire de la tribu locale Pachena, et George Louie, père, de Ahousat. En ce qui concerne l'utilisation du canot, il a fallu s'inspirer d'autres sources et recueillir différents témoignages car les pirogues de cèdre ont pratiquement disparu et ne subsistent que sous la forme spécialisée du canot de course moderne ou encore sous la forme, de plus en plus rare, de bateaux de pêche modernes, modifiés et dépourvus des extrémités relevées des canots traditionnels. En bref, le projet de reconstruction du canot de Port Renfrew, destiné à la chasse à la baleine, est un exemple du type d'étude en culture matérielle entreprise dans le domaine de l'ethnologie »--Sommaire, p. 4. aComprend un résumé en anglais.072gccstaConstruction navale072gccstaChasse à la baleine1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.08tA report on a West coast whaling canoe reconstructed at Port Renfrew, B.C. w(CaOODSP)9.838621#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v5w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs57.86 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1975-5-fra.pdf03623cam 2200457za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160410013001330430012001460860040001581000021001982450673002192460114008922460160010062460082011662460097012482600236013453000020015814900062016015000054016635000184017175040039019015200099019405460034020396920030020736920041021036920021021447000129021657000131022947000178024257000128026037000127027317100072028587750082029308300053030128560100030659.838630CaOODSP20221107151427cr |||||||||||170620s1977 oncao||#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-00959-5 aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aR64-81/1977-12E-PDFzR64-81/1977-121 aLueger, Richard.10aPrehistoric occupations at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec h[electronic resource] : ba mixed assemblage of archaic and woodland artifacts / cRichard Lueger. Analyses of two prehistoric copper artifacts from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec / A. Couture and J.O. Edwards. Identification of representative prehistoric stone artifacts and samples of unworked stone from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec / D.E. Lawrence. Fish remains from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec / W.B. Scott. The human osteological material from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec / J. Edson Way.15aAnalyses of two prehistoric copper artifacts from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec15aIdentification of representative prehistoric stone artifacts and samples of unworked stone from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec15aFish remains from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec15aHuman osteological material from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs = Direction des parcs et des lieux historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord, cc1977. a219 p. : bill.1 aHistory and archaeology = Histoire et archéologie ;v12 aHistorical publication digitized 2016 from print. aIssued also in French under title: Description des habitats préhistoriques de Coteau-du-Lac : assemblage disparate d'artefacts datant de la période archaïque et du sylvicole... aIncludes bibliographic references.3 aFive monographs describing archaeological investigations at the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec. aIncludes abstracts in French.072gccstaCulture autochtone072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaArtefacts12aCouture, A. tAnalyses of two prehistoric copper artifacts from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec.12aEdwards, J. O.tAnalyses of two prehistoric copper artifacts from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec.12aLawrence, D. E.tIdentification of representative prehistoric stone artifacts and samples of unworked stone from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec.12aScott, W. B. q(William Beverley), d1917- tFish remains from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec.12aWay, J. Edson, d1947- tThe human osteological material from the cloverleaf bastion of the fort at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec.1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.08tDescription des habitats préhistoriques de Coteau-du-Lac w(CaOODSP)9.838639#0aHistory and archaeology ;v12w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs39.45 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1977-12-eng.pdf03614cam 2200481za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410018001340430012001520860041001641000021002052450727002262460027009532460131009802460161011112460094012722460087013662600132014533000020015854900035016055000061016405000047017015000092017485040033018405200101018735460055019746920030020296920036020596920020020957000144021157000148022597000179024077000139025867000112027257100068028377750073029058300054029788560100030329.838639CaOODSP20221107151428cr |||||||||||170620s1979 oncao||#o f000 0 fre d qpapier : z0-660-90178-1 aCaOODSPbfre1 afrebengheng an-cn-qu1 aR64-81/1977-12F-PDFzR64-81/1977-12F1 aLueger, Richard.10aDescription des habitats préhistoriques de Coteau-du-Lac h[ressource électronique] : bassemblage disparate d'artefacts datant de la période archaïque et du sylvicole / cRichard Lueger. Analyse de deux artefacts en cuivre datant de la préhistoire, découverts au fort de Coteau-du-Lac, dans le bastion tréflé / A. Couture et J.O. Edwards. Description de certains artefacts préhistoriques en pierre et de fragments de pierre non façonnée provenant du bastion tréflé du fort de Coteau-du-Lac / D.E. Lawrence. Description des restes de poissons provenant du bastion tréflé du fort de Coteau-du-Lac / W.B. Scott. Inventaire des ossements humains découverts sur le site du fort de Coteau-du-Lac / J. Edson Way.14aCoteau-du-Lac, Québec15aAnalyse de deux artefacts en cuivre datant de la préhistoire, découverts au fort de Coteau-du-Lac, dans le bastion tréflé 15aDescription de certains artefacts préhistoriques en pierre et de fragments de pierre non façonnée provenant du bastion tréflé du fort de Coteau-du-Lac 15aDescription des restes de poissons provenant du bastion tréflé du fort de Coteau-du-Lac15aInventaire des ossements humains découverts sur le site du fort de Coteau-du-Lac  aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, c1979. a276 p. : bill.1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v12 aPublication historique numérisée 2016 de l’imprimé. a« Traduit par le Secrétariat d'État ». aPublié en anglais sous le titre : Prehistoric occupations at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec ... aComprend des réf. bibliogr.3 aCinq monographies décrivant les enquêtes archéologiques au fort à Coteau-du-Lac, au Québec. aComprend des résumés en anglais et en français.072gccstaCulture autochtone072gccstaFouilles archéologiques072gccstaArtefact12aCouture, A.tAnalyse de deux artefacts en cuivre datant de la préhistoire, découverts au fort de Coteau-du-Lac, dans le bastion tréflé.12aEdwards, J. O. tAnalyse de deux artefacts en cuivre datant de la préhistoire, découverts au fort de Coteau-du-Lac, dans le bastion tréflé.12aLawrence, D. E. tDescription de certains artefacts préhistoriques en pierre et de fragments de pierre non façonnée provenant du bastion tréflé du fort de Coteau-du-Lac.12aScott, W. B. q(William Beverley), d1917-tDescription des restes de poissons provenant du bastion tréflé du fort de Coteau-du-Lac.12aWay, J. Edson, d1947- tInventaire des ossements humains découverts sur le site du fort de Coteau-du-Lac.1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.08tPrehistoric occupations at Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec w(CaOODSP)9.838630#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v12w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs45.01 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1977-12-fra.pdf02154cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330860040001451000021001852450111002062600118003173000011004354900034004465000054004805000110005345040039006445200732006836920034014156920034014496920026014837100072015097750094015818300053016758560100017289.838646CaOODSP20221107151429cr |||||||||||170620s1978 onc #ob f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-01775-X aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR64-81/1978-21E-PDFzR64-81/1978-211 aPriess, Peter J.13aAn annotated bibliography for the study of building hardware h[electronic resource] / cPeter J. Priess. aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs, c1978. a79 p. 1 aHistory and archaeology ;v21 aHistorical publication digitized 2016 from print. aIssued also in French under title: Bibliographie annotée pour l'étude de la quincaillerie du bâtiment. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"Building hardware is an important subject for both the historical archaeologist and the restorationist. However, neither profession appears to be involved in any extensive research of it. To provide some degree of assistance, comments are provided for several hundred references. These are arranged in categories of general references, bolts(including nuts), brackets, fasteners, grilles and railings, gutter supports, grates, hasps, hinges, knockers, latches, locks (including keys and padlocks), nails, roofing, screws, shutter catches, sliding bolts, timber anchors and wall anchors. The references come from a variety of sources, have been written for various purposes and often are only of limited value"--Abstract, p. 4.072gccstaConstruction materials072gccstaArchitectural heritage072gccstaBibliographies1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.08tBibliographie annotée pour l'étude de la quincaillerie du bâtiment w(CaOODSP)9.838647#0aHistory and archaeology ;v21w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs25.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1978-21-eng.pdf02519cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410013001340430012001470860040001591000021001992450123002202600137003433000011004804900035004915000053005265000062005795000107006415040033007485200981007816920037017626920037017996920025018367100068018617750086019298300054020158560100020699.838647CaOODSP20221107151429cr |||||||||||170620s1978 onc #ob f000 0 fre d qpapier : z0-660-90035-1 aCaOODSPbfre1 afreheng an-cn---1 aR64-81/1978-21F-PDFzR64-81/1978-211 aPriess, Peter J.10aBibliographie annotée pour l'étude de la quincaillerie du bâtiment h[ressource électronique] / cPeter J. Priess. aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Ministère des Affaires indiennes et Nord,cc1978. a80 p. 1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v21 a« Traduit par le Secrétariat d'État »--p. 3. aPublication historique numérisée de l’imprimée 2016. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : An annotated bibliography for the study of building hardware. aComprend des réf. bibliogr.3 a« La quincaillerie du bâtiment est un sujet important tant pour le spécialiste en archéologie historique que pour le restaurateur. Cependant, ces spécialistes ne semblent pas avoir entrepris de recherches poussées dans ce domaine. Afin de faciliter la tâche au lecteur, nous avons annoté plusieurs centaines d'ouvrages de référence. Ces derniers sont classés par catégories, à savoir les ouvrages de référence générale, les boulons (qui comprennent les ëcrous), les jambes, les attaches, les grilles architecturales et les balustrades, les crochets de gouttières, les grilles, les moraillons, les charnières, les heurtoirs, les loquets, les serrures (comprenant les clés et cadenas), les clous, la toiture, les vis, les loqueteaux de persiennes, les verrous, les ferrures de bois d'oeuvre et les ancres. Les références proviennent de diverses sources, ont été rédigées à des fins variées et n'ont souvent qu'un evaleur limitée »--Sommaire, p. 4.072gccstaMatériau de construction072gccst aPatrimoine architectural072gccstaBibliographie1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.08tAn annotated bibliography for the study of building hardware w(CaOODSP)9.838646#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v21w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs26.04 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1978-21-fra.pdf02825cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200028000880400017001160430012001330860040001451000019001852450218002042460095004222600101005173000021006184900034006395000054006735000117007275040039008445201056008836920017019396920041019566920026019977000020020237100072020437400094021157750101022098300053023108560100023639.838759CaOODSP20221107151443cr |||||||||||170622s1979 onca|||#o f000 0 eng d qpaper : z0-660-10415-6 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-ns1 aR64-81/1979-29E-PDFzR64-81/1979-291 aMcNally, Paul.10aFrench table glass from the fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia h[electronic resource] / cPaul McNally. Eighteenth-century French blue-green bottles from the fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia / Jane E. Harris.15aEighteenth-century French blue-green bottles from the fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia  aOttawa : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, cc1979. a152 p. : bill. 1 aHistory and archaeology ;v29 aHistorical publication digitized 2017 from print. aIssued also in French under title: Le verre de table français de la forteresse de Louisbourg, Nouvelle-Écosse. aIncludes bibliographic references.3 aThe first monograph in the collection describes how "A survey of table glass at Louisbourg reveals that the French used table wares made of at least five different metals (in addition to such English pieces as might have been owned by French inhabitants). The five classes of metal found were: common green or verre fougère metal; common clear or cristallin glass; a crizzléd metal; a clear potash-lime or Bohemian-style metal, and a clear metal with significant lead content - demi-lead crystal"--Abstract, p. 4. The second monograph details the glassware and states that "A large portion of the glassware excavated at the Fortress of Louisbourg consists of blue-green bottles of 18th-century French origin. Distinctions in bottle terminology occurred consistently in the Louisbourg inventories of the period andwere applied to the blue-green glass containers in the Louisbourg archaeological collection, resulting in the establishment of a typology consisting of four bottle forms: fioles, flacons, bouteilles and dames-jeannes" --Abstract, p. 84.072gccstaGlass072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaHistoric sites1 aHarris, Jane E.1 aCanada. bParks Canada. bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.02aEighteenth-century French blue-green bottles from the fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia08tLa verre de table français de la forteresse de Louisbourg, Nouvelle-Écosse w(CaOODSP)9.838764#0aHistory and archaeology ;v29w(CaOODSP)9.83798240qPDFs42.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1979-29-eng.pdf01901cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450105001392460039002442500019002832600045003023000025003475000017003725000067003895000125004565050282005815200504008636920026013676920021013937100018014147750071014328560096015039.838528CaOODSP20221107151412cr |||||||||||170619r20112006oncao||#of f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR62-506/2006E-PDF00aCanadian Register of Historic Places h[electronic resource] : bwriting statements of significance.30aWriting statements of significance aElectronic ed. a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada,c2011, c2006. a77 p. : bcol. ill.  aCover title. aDigitized edition from print, produced 2011 [by Parks Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Le Répertoire canadien des lieux patrimoniaux : rédaction d'énoncés d'importance.2 aGeneral guidelines -- Checklist for preparing statements of significance -- Writing a statement of significance for the Canadian Register of Historic Places -- Guidelines for heritage districts -- Guidelines for archaeological sites and places with an archaeological component. a"The Canadian Register of Historic Places (CRHP) is a federal, provincial and territorial collaboration designed to conserve historic places in Canada and to foster a culture of conservation across the country. ... A key element in the required documentation for listing on the CRHP is a Statement of Significance (SOS). ... A SOS for the historic place is a key document in determining goals, standards and techniques that are appropriate for conserving the historic places in to the future"--p. 2.072gccstaHistoric sites072gccstaHandbooks2 aParks Canada.08tLe Répertoire canadien des lieux patrimoniaux w(CaOODSP)9.83853140qPDFs886 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R62-506-2006-eng.pdf01561cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450098001392600039002373000037002765000017003135000131003305000121004615040041005825200327006236920026009506920021009767100055009977100018010527750104010708560097011749.838534CaOODSP20221107151413cr |||||||||||170619s2009 oncao||#of f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR62-507/2009E-PDF02aA guide to working with the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada,cc2009. aiii, 40 p. : bill. (some col.)  aCover title. a"Document prepared by the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office (FHBRO) under the direction of Victoria Angel"--t.p. verso. aIssued also in French under title: Manuel de référence du Bureau d'examen des édifices fédéraux du patriomoine. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office’s (FHBRO) goal in publishing this guideis to explain to custodian departments the nature of their heritage obligations under theTreasury Board Policy on Management of Real Property, as well as the processes administered by FHBRO to help to ensure compliance"--Preface, p. i.072gccstaHistoric sites072gccstaHandbooks1 aCanada.bFederal Heritage Buildings Review Office.2 aParks Canada.08tManuel de référence du Bureau d'examen des édifices fédéraux du patrimoine w(CaOODSP)9.83853540qPDFs2.87 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R62-507-2009-eng.pdf01693cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000029001392450286001682600114004543000020005685000017005885000018006055000174006235040041007975200257008386920033010956920022011287000019011507100018011697750108011878560096012959.838515CaOODSP20221107151410cr |||||||||||170619s2005 onca|||#o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aR62-505/2005E-PDF1 aShipley, Robert, d1948-10aPrinciples for the governance of the heritage conservation sector in Canada h[electronic resource] : blessons from international experience / cprepared for the Historic Places Program Branch, National Historic Sites Directorate, Parks Canada by Robert Shipley and Jason Kovacs. aWaterloo, Ont. : bHeritage Resources Centre = Centre des ressources du patrimoine [for Parks Canada],c2005. a31 p. : bill.  aCover title. a"March 2005". aIssued also in French under title: Principes de gouvernance pour le secteur de la conservation du patrimoine au Canada : leçons tirées de l'expérience internationale. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 a"The specific objective of this project is to assess international heritage conservation charters and conventions as well as reports on governance from other countries and to develop principles for sound governance that can be applied in Canada"--p. 2.072gccstaHeritage conservation072gccstaGovernance1 aKovacs, Jason.2 aParks Canada.08tPrincipes de gouvernance pour le secteur de la conservation du patrimoine au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83852040qPDFs345 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R62-505-2005-eng.pdf02936cam 2200373za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200029000880400017001170410013001340430012001470860041001591000019002002450260002192600117004793000020005964900035006165000063006515000047007145000104007615040033008655201136008986920017020346920036020516920027020877000020021147100068021347400118022027750088023208300054024088560100024629.838764CaOODSP20221107151444cr |||||||||||170622s1979 onca|||#o f000 0 fre d qpapier : z0-660-90238-9 aCaOODSPbfre1 afreheng an-cn-ns1 aR64-81/1979-29F-PDFzR64-81/1979-29F1 aMcNally, Paul.13aLa verre de table français de la forteresse de Louisbourg, Nouvelle-Écosse h[ressource électronique] / cPaul McNally. Bouteilles françaises bleu-vert du XVIIIe siècle récupérées à la forteresse de Louisbourg, Nouvelle-Écosse / Jane E. Harris. aOttawa : bDirection des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Environnement Canada, cc1979. a160 p. :bill. 1 aHistoire et archéologie ;v29 aPublication historique numérisée de l'imprimée en 2017. a« Traduit par le Secrétariat d'État ». aPublié en anglais sous le titre : French table glass from the fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia. aComprend des réf. bibliogr.3 a« L'étude des objets de verre retrouvés à l'emplacement des fouilles de la forteresse de Louisbourg nous apprend que les articles de table français étaient faits de cinq sortes différentes de verre (sans compter un certain nombre de spécimens anglais que pouvaient posséder les habitants français de l'époque). Ce sont le verre vert ordinaire ouverre fougère, le verre transparent ordinaire aussi appelé verre "cristallin", le verre gercé, le verre transparent à base de potasse et de chaux, dit verre "façon de Bohême" etle verre transparent contenant une quantité substantielle de plomb - le verre demi-plomb »--Sommaire, p. 4. « Une grande partie du verre trouvé à la forteresse deLouisbourg se compose de bouteilles françaises bleu-vert qui datent du XVIIIe siècle. Dans les inventaires d'époque trouvés à Louisbourg, chaque type de bouteille porte un nom. Par la suite, on a donc donné ces noms aux contenants en verre bleu- vert de la collection archéologique de Louisbourg, qui se divisent ainsi en quatre types selon leurforme: fioles, flacons, bouteilles et dames-jeannes »--Sommaire, p. 90.072gccstaVerre072gccstaFouilles archéologiques072gccstaLieu historique12aHarris, Jane E.1 aCanada. bParcs Canada. bLieux et parcs historiques nationaux.02aBouteilles françaises bleu-vert du XVIIIe siècle récupérées à la forteresse de Louisbourg, Nouvelle-Écosse08tFrench table glass from the fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia w(CaOODSP)9.838759#0aHistoire et archéologie ;v29w(CaOODSP)9.83827140qPDFs46.79 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R64-81-1979-29-fra.pdf02118nam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450229001392460039003682600038004073000020004455000022004655000022004875000120005095050441006295200500010706920027015706920018015977100018016157750098016338560097017319.838495CaOODSP20221107151407cr |||||||||||170619s2006 onca|||#of f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR63-310/2006F-PDF00aRépertoire canadien des lieux patrimoniaux, manuel de normes de documentation h[ressource électronique] /cDirection du Programme des lieux patrimoniaux, Direction générale des lieux historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada.30aManuel de normes de documentation  a[Ottawa] : bParcs Canada,c2006. a87 p. : bill.  aTitre de la couv. a« Août 2006 ». aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : The Canadian Register of Historic Places documentation standards handbook.2 a1. Introduction -- 2. Admissibilité à l'inscription au Répertoire canadien -- 3. Rôles et responsibilités -- 4. Demande d'inscription, inscription, mise à jour et radiation des enregistrements de lieux patrimoniaux -- 5. Le Répertoire canadien et les langues -- 6. Normes de documentation du Répertoire canadien -- Appendix A: Vocabulaires contrôlés -- Appendix B: Liste des qualificatifs -- Appendix C: Glossaire des termes. a« Le présent manuel énonce les procédures qui s’appliquent à la demande d’inscription, à l’inscription, à la mise à jour et à la radiation de lieux patrimoniaux au Répertoire canadien. Il définit les rôles et responsabilités des registraires fédéral, provinciaux et territoriaux ainsi que ceux du registraire canadien. Finalement, il définit les normes de documentation du Répertoire canadien et donne des directives à suivre pour satisfaire ces normes »--Introd., p. 4.072gccstaLieu historique072gccstaManuel2 aParcs Canada.08tThe Canadian Register of Historic Places documentation standards handbook w(CaOODSP)9.83849440qPDFs2.64 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R63-310-2006-fra.pdf01777nam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171000029001392450340001682600115005083000020006235000022006435000021006655000161006865040033008475200303008806920036011836920023012197000019012427100018012617750100012798560096013799.838520CaOODSP20221107151410cr |||||||||||170619s2005 onca|||#o| f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR62-505/2005F-PDF1 aShipley, Robert, d1948-10aPrincipes de gouvernance pour le secteur de la conservation du patrimoine au Canada h[ressource électronique] : bleçons tirées de l'expérience internationale / crédigé pour la Direction du programme des lieux patrimoniaux, Direction générale des lieux historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada par Robert Shipley et Jason Kovacs. aWaterloo, Ont. : bHeritage Resources Centre = Centre des ressources du patrimoine [pour Parcs Canada],c2005. a37 p. : bill.  aTitre de la couv. a« Mars 2005 ». aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Principles for the governance of the heritage conservation sector in Canada: lessons from international experience. aComprend des réf. bibliogr.0 a« La présente étude vise avant tout à évaluer les chartes et les conventions internationales en matière de conservation du patrimoine de même que les rapports sur la gouvernance d’autres pays, et à élaborer des principes de bonne gouvernance qui peuvent s’appliquer au Canada »--p. 2.072gccstaProtection du patrimoine072gccstaGouvernance1 aKovacs, Jason.2 aParcs Canada.08tPrinciples for the governance of the heritage conservation sector in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83851540qPDFs462 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R62-505-2005-fra.pdf01893nam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450120001392460040002592600074002993000028003735000022004015000025004235000119004485050194005675200621007616920027013826920018014097100018014277750061014458560097015069.838531CaOODSP20221107151412cr |||||||||||170619s2006 oncao||#of f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR62-506/2006F-PDF03aLe Répertoire canadien des lieux patrimoniaux h[ressource électronique] : brédaction d'énoncés d'importance.30aRédaction d'énoncés d'importance a[Ottawa] : bDirection des services historiques, Parcs Canada,c2006. a86 p. : bill. en coul. aTitre de la couv. a« novembre 2006 ». aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian Register of Historic Places: writing statements of significance.2 aLignes directrices générales-- Lignes directrices pour les secteurs patrimoniaux -- Lignes directrices pour les site archéologiques et les lieux comprenant une composante archéologique.0 a« Le Répertoire canadien des lieux patrimoniaux (RCLP) est une base de données nationale en ligne sur les lieux patrimoniaux reconnus officiellement par les administrations fédérale, provinciales, territoriales et locales. ... L'Énoncé d'importance est un moyen concis d'exprimer la valeur patrimoniale. Il peut être utilisé par lesnombreuses juridictions à l'échelle du pays qui s'emploient à reconnaître la valeur patrimoniale. Il permet de s'assurer que les valeurs patrimoniales sont communiquées de manière efficace et uniforme, aplanissant ainsi les différences entre les juridictions »--p. 2.072gccstaLieu historique072gccstaManuel2 aParcs Canada.08tCanadian Register of Historic Places w(CaOODSP)9.83852840qPDFs2.46 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R62-506-2006-fra.pdf01681nam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001172450113001392600039002523000046002915000022003375000156003595000115005155000033006305200406006636920027010696920018010967100069011147100018011837750093012018560097012949.838535CaOODSP20221107151413cr |||||||||||170619s2009 oncao||#of f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aR62-507/2009F-PDF00aManuel de référence du Bureau d'examen des édifices fédéraux du patrimoine h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bParcs Canada,cc2009. aiii, 40 p. : bill. (certaines en coul.)  aTitre de la couv. a« Document réalisé par le Bureau d’examen des édifices fédéraux du patrimoine (BEÉFP) sous la direction de Victoria Angel »--p. de t., verso. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A guide to working with the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office. aComprend des réf. bibliogr. a« Le but visé par le Bureau d’examen des édifices fédéraux du patrimoine (BEÉFP) en publiant ce manuel de référence est d’expliquer aux ministères gardiens leurs obligations en matière de patrimoine découlant de la Politique du Conseil du Trésor sur la gestion des biens immobiliers ainsi que les processus administrés par le BEÉFP pour les aider à s’y conformer »--Préf., p. i.072gccstaLieu historique072gccstaManuel1 aCanada.bBureau d'examen des édifices fédéraux du patrimoine.2 aParcs Canada.08tA guide to working with the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office w(CaOODSP)9.83853440qPDFs1.46 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/pc/R62-507-2009-fra.pdf01168nas 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880400017001020410013001190430012001320860021001442220024001652450054001892460036002432600072002793000040003513100016003913620052004075000063004595460119005225800087006416920027007286920037007557100018007927910044008109.838857CaOODSP20221107151457cr |||||||||||170623d19741980oncq| p o f0###a0fre|d# y0317-6673 aCaOODSPbfre aengafre an-cn---1 aR61-4-PDFzR61-4 0aConservation Canada00aConservation Canada h[ressource électronique]. 05aConservation Canada f1976-1978 aOttawa : bParcs Canada, Affaires indiennes et du Nord,c1974-1980. a20 v. : bill. (certaines en coul.) aTrimestriel0 a[v. 1, nº. 1 (mars 1974) - v. 5, nº 4 (1980)] aPublication historique numérisée de l'imprimée en 2016. aTexte en anglais et en français. Texte en français suit le texte anglais; texte en anglais seulement, 1979-1980. aPublié aussi en anglais, v. 4, no 4-v. 5, no 4 sous le titre: Conservation Canada072gccstaLieu historique072gccstaConservation de la nature2 aParcs Canada. tConservation Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83885001359cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100046001502450127001962460057003232460045003802600043004253000013004684900060004815000056005415200128005975460035007256920023007606920027007837920065008108300077008758560093009529.838783CaOODSP20221107151447cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-309/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to establish Gender Equality Week h[electronic resource] = bLoi instituant la Semaine de l’égalité des sexes.11aLoi instituant la Semaine de l’égalité des sexes31iShort title : aGender Equality Week Act a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aii, 3 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-309, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"As passed by the House of Commons, June 21, 2017." a"This enactment designates the fourth week in September in each and every year as 'Gender Equality Week' "--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaGender equality tAn Act to establish Gender Equality Week w(CaOODSP)9.838784#0aBill C-...vBill C-309, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.500659 40qPDFs137 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-309-3.pdf01437cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100049001502450131001992460057003302460069003872600047004563000013005034900080005165000064005965200136006605460038007966920031008346920024008657910065008898300076009548560093010309.838784CaOODSP20221107151447cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-309/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to establish Gender Equality Week h[ressource électronique] = bLoi instituant la Semaine de l’égalité des sexes.11aLoi instituant la Semaine de l’égalité des sexes31iTitre abrégé : aLoi sur la Semaine de l’égalité des sexes a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aii, 3 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-309, 1re session, 42e législature a« Adopté par la Chambre des communes, le 21 juin 2017. » a« Le texte désigne la quatrième semaine du mois de septembre comme « Semaine de l’égalité des sexes » »--Sommaire, p. ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaÉgalité des sexes072gccstaLégislation tAn Act to establish Gender Equality Week w(CaOODSP)9.838783#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-309, 1re session, 42e législature40qPDFs137 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-309-3.pdf01431cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100046001492450205001952460088004002460043004882600043005313000015005744900059005895000056006485460035007046920032007396920031007716920020008026920023008227920112008458300056009578560092010139.838805CaOODSP20221107151450cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-23/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act respecting the preclearance of persons and goods in Canada and the United States h[electronic resource] = bLoi relative au précontrôle de personnes et de biens au Canada et aux États-Unis.11aLoi relative au précontrôle de personnes et de biens au Canada et aux États-Unis31iShort title : aPreclearance Act, 2016 a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aiii, 34 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-23, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"As passed by the House of Commons, June 21, 2017." aText in English and in French.072gccstaInternational travel072gccstaInternational trade072gccstaSecurity072gccstaLegislation tAn Act respecting the preclearance of persons and goods in Canada and the United States w(CaOODSP)9.838808#0aBill C-...vBill C-23, 1st session, 42nd Parliament40qPDFs538 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-23-3.pdf01526cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100049001492450209001982460088004072460055004952600047005503000015005974900079006125000064006915460038007556920032007936920031008256920022008566920024008787910112009028300094010148560092011089.838808CaOODSP20221107151450cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-23/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act respecting the preclearance of persons and goods in Canada and the United States h[ressource électronique] = bLoi relative au précontrôle de personnes et de biens au Canada et aux États-Unis.11aLoi relative au précontrôle de personnes et de biens au Canada et aux États-Unis31iTitre abrégé : aLoi sur le précontrôle (2016) a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aiii, 34 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-23, 1re session, 42e législature a« Adopté par la Chambre des communes, le 21 juin 2017. » aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaVoyage international072gccstaCommerce extérieur072gccstaSécurité072gccstaLégislation tAn Act respecting the preclearance of persons and goods in Canada and the United States w(CaOODSP)9.838805#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-23, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs538 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-23-3.pdf02472cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100046001492450378001952460198005732600043007713000015008144900059008295000056008885200803009445460035017476920023017826920022018057920175018278300076020028560092020789.838814CaOODSP20221107151451cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-25/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Cooperatives Act, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and the Competition Act h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions, la Loi canadienne sur les coopératives, la Loi canadienne sur les organisations à but non lucratif et la Loi sur la concurrence.11aLoi modifiant la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions, la Loi canadienne sur les coopératives, la Loi canadienne sur les organisations à but non lucratif et la Loi surl a concurrence a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aiii, 44 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-25, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"As passed by the House of Commons, June 21, 2017." a"Part 1 amends the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Cooperatives Act and the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act to, among other things, (a) reform some aspects of the process for electing directors of certain corporations and cooperatives; (b) modernize communications between corporations or co-operatives and their shareholders or members; (c) clarify that corporations and cooperatives are prohibited from issuing share certificates and warrants, in bearer form; and (d) require certain corporations to place before the shareholders, at every annual meeting, information respecting diversity among directors and the members of senior management. Part 2 amends the Competition Act to expand the concept of affiliation to a broader range of business organizations"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaBusinesses tAn Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Cooperatives Act, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and the Competition Act w(CaOODSP)9.838817#0aBill C-...vBill C-25, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.500659 40qPDFs592 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-25-3.pdf02722cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100049001492450382001982460198005802600047007783000015008254900079008405000064009195200992009835460038019756920022020136920024020357910175020598300094022348560092023289.838817CaOODSP20221107151451cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-25/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Cooperatives Act, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and the Competition Act h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions, la Loi canadienne sur les coopératives, la Loi canadienne sur les organisations à but non lucratif et la Loi sur la concurrence.11aLoi modifiant la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions, la Loi canadienne sur les coopératives, la Loi canadienne sur les organisations à but non lucratif et la Loi sur la concurrence a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aiii, 44 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-25, 1re session, 42e législature a« Adopté par la Chambre des communes, le 21 juin 2017. » a« La partie 1 modifie la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions, la Loi canadienne sur les coopératives et la Loi canadienne sur les organisations à but non lucratif afin, notamment : a) de réformer certains aspects du processus d’élection des administrateurs de certaines sociétés par actions et coopératives; b) de moderniser les communications entre les sociétés par actions et leurs actionnaires ou entre les coopératives et leurs membres ou leurs détenteurs de parts de placement; c) d’établir clairement qu’il est interdit aux sociétés et aux coopératives de délivrer des titres au porteur; d) d’exiger que certaines sociétés présentent aux actionnaires des renseignements relatifs à la diversité au sein des administrateurs et au sein des membres de la haute direction. La partie 2 modifie la Loi sur la concurrence pour rendre la notion d’affiliation applicable à un plus large éventail d’organisations d’affaires »--Sommaire, p. ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaEntreprise072gccstaLégislation tAn Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Cooperatives Act, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and the Competition Act w(CaOODSP)9.838814#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-25, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs592 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-25-3.pdf01986cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100046001502450185001962460084003812460076004652600043005413000013005844900060005975000056006575200567007135460035012806920030013156920025013456920023013707920097013938300077014908560093015679.838483CaOODSP20221107151405cr |||||||||||170619s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-211/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act respecting a federal framework on post-traumatic stress disorder h[electronic resource] = bLoi concernant un cadre fédéral relatif à l'état de stress post-traumatique.11aLoi concernant un cadre fédéral relatif à l'état de stress post-traumatique13iShort title : aFederal Framework on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aii, 3 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-211, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"As passed by the House of Commons, June 16, 2017." a"This enactment requires the Minister of Health to convene a conference with the Minister of National Defence, the Minister of Veterans Affairs, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, provincial and territorial government representatives responsible for health and representatives of the medical community and patients’ groups for the purpose of developing a comprehensive federal framework to address the challenges of recognizing the symptoms and providing timely diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaMilitary personnel072gccstaMental health072gccstaLegislation tAn Act respecting a federal framework on post-traumatic stress disorder w(CaOODSP)9.838488#0aBill C-...vBill C-211, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.500659 40qPDFs174 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-211-3.pdf02228cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100049001502450190001992460084003892460099004732600047005723000013006194900080006325000064007125040048007765200663008245460038014876920031015256920026015566920024015827910096016068300095017028560093017979.838488CaOODSP20221107151406cr |||||||||||170619s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-211/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act respecting a federal framework on post-traumatic stress disorder h[ressource électronique] = bLoi concernant un cadre fédéral relatif à l'état de stress post-traumatique.11aLoi concernant un cadre fédéral relatif à l'état de stress post-traumatique13iLoi sur le cadre fédéral relatif à l’état de stress post-traumatique aTitre abrégé :  a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aii, 3 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-211, 1re session, 42e législature a« Adopté par la Chambre des communes, le 16 juin 2017. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le texte exige du ministre de la Santé qu’il convoque une conférence avec le ministre de la Défense nationale, le ministre des Anciens Combattants, le ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile, des représentants responsables de la santé des gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux ainsi que des représentants de la communauté médicale et des groupes de patients dans le but d’élaborer un cadre fédéral global visant à surmonter les difficultés que posent la reconnaissance des symptômes de l’état de stress post-traumatique et l’établissement rapide de son diagnostic et de son traitement »--Sommaire, p. ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaPersonnel militaire072gccstaSanté mentale072gccstaLégislation tAn Act respecting a federal framework on post-traumatic stress disorder w(CaOODSP)9.838483#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-211, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs174 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-211-3.pdf01532cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100046001492450292001952460164004872600041006513000014006924900059007065000036007655460035008016920023008366920018008596920024008776920028009017920122009298300075010518560092011269.838580CaOODSP20221107151419cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-56/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Abolition of Early Parole Act h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition et la Loi sur l’abolition de la libération anticipée des criminels.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition et la Loi sur l’abolition de la libération anticipée des criminels a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, 2017. aii, 10 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-56, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"First reading, June 19, 2017." aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaParole072gccstaImprisonment072gccstaCriminal justice tAn Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Abolition of Early Parole Act w(CaOODSP)9.838582#0aBill C-...vBill C-56, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50065940qPDFs396 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-56-1.pdf01618cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100049001492450295001982460164004932600047006573000014007044900079007185000045007975460038008426920024008806920038009046920027009426920026009697910123009958300094011188560092012129.838582CaOODSP20221107151420cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-56/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Abolition of Early Parole Act h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition et la Loi sur l’abolition de la libération anticipée des criminels.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition et la Loi sur l’abolition de la libération anticipée des criminels a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aii, 10 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-56, 1re session, 42e législature a« Première lecture le 19 juin 2017. » aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaLibération conditionnelle072gccstaJustice pénale072gccstaEmprisonnement tAn Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Abolition of Early Parole Act w(CaOODSP)9.838580#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-56, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs396 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-56-1.pdf01516cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100046001492450297001952460150004922600043006423000015006854900059007005000036007595460035007956920023008306920019008536920033008727920142009058300075010478560092011229.838586CaOODSP20221107151420cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-58/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur l’accès à l’information, la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et d’autres lois en conséquence.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur l’accès à l’information, la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et d’autres lois en conséquence a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aiii, 59 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-58, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"First reading, June 19, 2017." aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaPrivacy072gccstaAccess to information tAn Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts w(CaOODSP)9.838588#0aBill C-...vBill C-58, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50065940qPDFs814 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-58-1.pdf01585cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100049001492450301001982460150004992600047006493000015006964900079007115000045007905460038008356920024008736920023008976920035009207910142009558300094010978560092011919.838588CaOODSP20221107151421cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-58/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur l’accès à l’information, la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et d’autres lois en conséquence.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur l’accès à l’information, la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et d’autres lois en conséquence a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aiii, 59 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-58, 1re session, 42e législature a« Première lecture le 19 juin 2017. » aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaVie privée072gccstaAccés à l'information tAn Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts w(CaOODSP)9.838586#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-58, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs814 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-58-1.pdf02229cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860024001171100103001412450121002442600043003653000014004084900117004225000114005395000017006535000065006705040039007355200785007746920030015596920019015897000023016087750041016318300135016728560108018079.838590CaOODSP20221107151421cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aXC35-1/1-421-9E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs.10aBreaking point h[electronic resource] : bthe suicide crisis in Indigenous communities / cMaryAnn Mihychuk, chair. a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aix, 97 p.1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs ; v9th report, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aIssued also in French under title: Point du rupture : la crise de suicides dans les communautés autochtones. a"June 2017." aOriginal published on: 2017/06/19; published on: 2017/07/26. aIncludes bibliographic references. a"The House of Commons Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs adopted a motion in 2016 to examine and prepare a report on suicide among Indigenous peoples and communities. Over the course of the study, the Committee heard from over 50 Indigenous youth representatives, First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, leading Indigenous academics and health professional organizations, caregivers such as social workers, health administrators and educators, and mental health advocacy organizations. These witnesses, including many Indigenous youth, shared their difficult personal experiences of suicide, but also expressed hope that through community leadership and resolve, suicide and mental distress can be addressed."--Executive summary, p. 1.072gccstaAboriginal peoples072gccstaSuicide1 aMihychuk, MaryAnn.08tPoint du rupture w(CaOODSP)9.838592#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs ;v9th report, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.81802940qPDFs1.65 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc35-1/XC35-1-1-421-9-eng.pdf02567cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860024001171100106001412450146002472600047003933000015004404900115004555000106005705000021006765000082006975040048007795201081008276920023019086920019019317000023019507750039019738300133020128560108021459.838592CaOODSP20221107151421cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aXC35-1/1-421-9F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent des affaires autochtones et du Nord.10aPoint du rupture h[ressource électronique] : bla crise de suicides dans les communautés autochtones / cla présidente, MaryAnn Mihychuk. a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aix, 105 p.1 aRapport du Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du Nord ; v9e rapport, 1re session, 42e législature aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Breaking point: the suicide crisis in indigenous communities. a« Juin 2017. » aDate originale de publication : 2017/06/19; date de publication : 2017/07/26. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« En 2016, le Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du Nord de la Chambre des communes a adopté une motion lui donnant pour mandat de réaliser une étude sur le suicide au sein des peuples et des collectivités autochtones et d’en faire rapport. Tout au long de son étude, le Comité a entendu plus de 50 représentants des jeunes autochtones, des dirigeants de collectivités des Premières Nations, inuites et métisses, des universitaires autochtones de renom et des représentants d’organisations professionnelles de la santé, des soignants, notamment des travailleurs sociaux, des administrateurs du secteur de la santé et des éducateurs, ainsi que des porte-paroles d’organismes de sensibilisation à la santé mentale. Les témoins entendus, dont de nombreux jeunes autochtones, ont relaté leur expérience difficile du suicide, mais ont aussi exprimé l’espoir que l’on puisse, grâce au leadership et à la détermination des collectivités, combattre le suicide et la détresse psychologique »--Résumé, p. 1.072gccstaAutochtones072gccstaSuicide1 aMihychuk, MaryAnn.08tBreaking point w(CaOODSP)9.838590#0aRapport du Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du Nord ;v9e rapport, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.81803040qPDFs1.98 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc35-1/XC35-1-1-421-9-fra.pdf01697cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860024001171100097001412450100002382600043003383000028003814900111004095000065005205000088005855000017006735040039006905200244007296920016009736920023009896920030010127000019010427750072010618300130011338560108012639.838602CaOODSP20221107151423cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aXC12-1/1-421-7E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.10aDebt in the agriculture sector and its effects h[electronic resource] / cPat Finnigan, chair. a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. avii, 20 p. : bfigures.1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food ; v7th report, 42nd parliament, 1st session aOriginal published on: 2017/06/19; published on: 2017/06/30. aIssued also in French under title: Dettes dans le secteur agricole et leurs effets. a"June 2017." aIncludes bibliographic references. a"The committee held four public hearings between 11 April and 9 May 2017 and heard from various representatives from the agriculture and agri-food sector as well as officials from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada"--p. 1.072gccstaDebt072gccstaAgriculture072gccstaAgri-food industry1 aFinnigan, Pat.08tDettes dans le secteur agricole et leurs effets w(CaOODSP)9.838605#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food ;v7th report, 42nd parliament, 1st sessionw(CaOODSP)9.507031 40qPDFs1.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc12-1/XC12-1-1-421-7-eng.pdf01774cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860024001171100111001412450113002522600047003653000028004124900119004405000080005595000092006395000021007315040048007525200235008006920038010356920023010736920017010967000019011137750071011328300137012038560108013409.838605CaOODSP20221107151423cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aXC12-1/1-421-7F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire.10aDettes dans le secteur agricole et leurs effets h[ressource électronique] / cle président, Pat Finnigan. a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. avii, 22 p. : bfigures.1 aRapport du Comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire ; v7e rapport, 42e législature, 1e session aDate originale de publication: 2017/06/19; date de publication: 2017/06/30. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Debt in the agriculture sector and its effects. a« Juin 2017. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le Comité a tenu quatre audiences publiques du 11 avril au 9 mai 2017 et entendu divers représentants du secteur agricole et agroalimentaire de même que les représentants d’Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada »--p. 1.072gccstaIndustrie agro-alimentaire072gccstaAgriculture072gccstaDette1 aFinnigan, Pat.08tDebt in the agriculture sector and its effects w(CaOODSP)9.838602#0aRapport du Comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire ;v7e rapport, 42e législature, 1e sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50342440qPDFs1.48 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc12-1/XC12-1-1-421-7-fra.pdf01527cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100099001422450138002412600044003793000010004234900114004335000143005475000019006905000091007095040039008006920043008397750127008828300132010098560108011419.838616CaOODSP20221107151425cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aXC59-1/1-421-34E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.10aQuestion of privilege regarding the free movement of Members of Parliament within the Parliamentary Precinct h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Common, c[2017]. a16 p.1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs ; v34th report, 42nd parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Question de privilège concernant la libre circulation des députés au sein de la Cité parlementaire. aCaption title. aOriginal published on: 2017/06/19; published on: 2017/06/29; published on: 2017/07/06. aIncludes bibliographic references.072gccstaMembers of the House of Commons08tQuestion de privilège concernant la libre circulation des députés au sein de la Cité parlementaire w(CaOODSP)9.838618#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs ;v34th report, 42nd parliament, 1st sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50691140qPDFs459 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc59-1/XC59-1-1-421-34-eng.pdf01617cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100117001422450136002592600047003953000010004424900127004525000154005795000026007335000116007595040048008756920030009237750133009538300145010868560108012319.838618CaOODSP20221107151425cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aXC59-1/1-421-34F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre.10aQuestion de privilège concernant la libre circulation des députés au sein de la Cité parlementaire h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] bChambre des communes, c[2017]. a16 p.1 aRapport du Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre ; v34e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Question of privilege regarding the free movement of Members of Parliament within the Parliamentary Precinct. aTitre de la légende. aDate originale de publication : 2017/06/19; date de publication : 2017/06/29; date de publication : 2017/07/06. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaDéputé fédéral08tQuestion of privilege regarding the free movement of Members of Parliament within the Parliamentary Precinct w(CaOODSP)9.838616#0aRapport du Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre ;v34e rapport, 42e législature, 1re sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50330740qPDFs562 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc59-1/XC59-1-1-421-34-fra.pdf01660cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100099001422450175002412600045004163000010004614900114004715000219005855000019008045000065008236920028008886920023009167750203009398300132011428560108012749.838624CaOODSP20221107151426cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aXC59-1/1-421-35E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.12aA third interim report in response to the Chief Electoral Officer’s recommendations for legislative reforms following the 42nd General Election h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c[2017]. a24 p.1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs ; v35th report, 42nd parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Troisième rapport provisoire en réponse aux recommandations du directeur général des élections concernant la réforme législative à la suite de la 42e élection générale. aCaption title. aOriginal published on: 2017/06/20; published on: 2017/06/29.072gccstaHouse of Commons072gccstaLegislation08tTroisième rapport provisoire en réponse aux recommandations du directeur général des élections concernant la réforme législative à la suite de la 42e élection générale w(CaOODSP)9.838625#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs ;v35th report, 42nd parliament, 1st sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50691140qPDFs517 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc59-1/XC59-1-1-421-35-eng.pdf01713cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100117001422450212002592600049004713000010005204900127005305000191006575000026008485000082008746920032009566920024009887750170010128300145011828560108013279.838625CaOODSP20221107151426cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aXC59-1/1-421-35F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre.10aTroisième rapport provisoire en réponse aux recommandations du directeur général des élections concernant la réforme législative à la suite de la 42e élection générale h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c[2017]. a25 p.1 aRapport du Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre ; v35e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : A third interim report in response to the Chief Electoral Officer’s recommendations for legislative reforms following the 42nd General Election. aTitre de la légende. aDate originale de publication : 2017/06/20; date de publication : 2017/06/29.072gccstaChambre des communes072gccstaLégislation08tA third interim report in response to the Chief Electoral Officer’s recommendations for legislative reforms following the 42nd General Election w(CaOODSP)9.838624#0aRapport du Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre ;v35e rapport, 42e législature, 1re sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50330740qPDFs803 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc59-1/XC59-1-1-421-35-fra.pdf02177cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100079001422450191002212600043004123000015004554900094004705000201005645000017007655000091007825040039008735200440009126920032013526920032013846920031014167000027014477750157014748300112016318560108017439.838627CaOODSP20221107151426cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aXC26-1/1-421-18E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Finance.10aCanada's federal regional development agencies supporting businesses, sectors, individuals and communities h[electronic resource] : ba summary of the testimony / cWayne Easter, chair. a[Ottawa] ; bHouse of Commons, c2017. avii, 23 p.1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Finance ; v18th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: le soutien des agences fédérales de développement régional aux entreprises, aux secteurs, aux particuliers et aux collectivités : résumé des témoignages. a"June 2017." aOriginal published on: 2017/06/20; published on: 2017/07/06; published on: 2018/01/11. aIncludes bibliographic references. a"This report summarizes the presentations that these representatives made to the Committee, with a particular focus on the structures and roles of the federal regional development agencies, their budgets and programs, and their performance. It also describes the ways in which these agencies support businesses, as well as specific sectors, individuals and communities within Canada"--p. 1.072gccstaRegional development072gccstaFederal institutions072gccstaBusiness develoment1 aEaster, Wayne, d1949-08tLe soutien des agences fédérales de développement régional aux entreprises, aux secteurs, aux particuliers et aux collectivités w(CaOODSP)9.838628#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Finance ;v18th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50681340qPDFs751 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc26-1/XC26-1-1-421-18-eng.pdf02227cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100083001422450228002252600047004533000015005004900093005155000180006085000021007885000113008095040048009225200442009706920042014126920036014546920034014907000027015247750131015518300111016828560108017939.838628CaOODSP20221107151426cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aXC26-1/1-421-18F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent des finances.13aLe soutien des agences fédérales de développement régional aux entreprises, aux secteurs, aux particuliers et aux collectivités h[ressource électronique] : brésumé des témoignages / cle président, Wayne Easter. a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. avii, 25 p.1 aRapport du Comité permanent des finances ; v18e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's federal regional development agencies supporting businesses, sectors, individuals and communities: a summary of the testimony. a« Juin 2017. » aDate originale de publication: 2017/06/20; date de publication: 2017/07/06; date de publication: 2018/01/11. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport résume les exposés qu’ont présentés ces représentants au Comité et met tout particulièrement l’accent sur les structures et les rôles des agences fédérales de développement régional, leurs budgets et leurs programmes, ainsi que leur rendement. Il décrit aussi les façons dont ces agences soutiennent les entreprises, ainsi que certains secteurs, particuliers et collectivités au Canada »--p. 1.072gccstaDéveloppement de l'entreprise072gccstaDéveloppement régional072gccstaInstitution fédérale1 aEaster, Wayne, d1949-08tCanada's federal regional development agencies supporting businesses, sectors, individuals and communities w(CaOODSP)9.838627#0aRapport du Comité permanent des finances ;v18e rapport, 42e législature, 1re sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50320840qPDFs905 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc26-1/XC26-1-1-421-18-fra.pdf02028cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100113001422450080002552600043003353000029003784900128004075000074005355000017006095000065006265040039006915200637007306920022013677000024013897750058014138300146014718560109016179.838631CaOODSP20221107151427cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aXC27-1/1-421-14E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.10aAviation safety in Canada h[electronic resource] / c Judy A. Sgro, chair. a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aviii, 37 p. : bfigures.1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities ; v14th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: La sécurité aérienne au Canada. a"June 2017." aOriginal published on: 2017/06/20; published on: 2017/06/30. aIncludes bibliographic references. a"Air transportation is experiencing strong growth worldwide and Canada is no exception. Moreover, Canada’s geography and its distance from other major cities in the world make air travel essential for many Canadians. This is why public confidence in the safety of Canada’s air transport system is so important. Furthermore, this confidence is essential in maintaining the viability of the air transportation sector. Recognizing this, the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities met from April to June 2017 to study the safety of the Canadian civil aviation system"--p. 1.072gccstaAir safety1 aSgro, Judy, d1944-08tLa sécurité aérienne au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.838632#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities ;v14th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50711840qPDFs1.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc27-1/XC27-1-1-421-14-eng.pdf02222cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100128001422450100002702600047003703000029004174900137004465000071005835000021006545000082006755040048007575200744008056920032015497000024015817750050016058300156016558560109018119.838632CaOODSP20221107151427cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aXC27-1/1-421-14F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent des transports, de l'infrastructure et des collectivités.13aLa sécurité aérienne au Canada h[ressource électronique] / cla présidente, Judy A. Sgro. a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aviii, 42 p. : bfigures.1 aRapport du Comité permanent des transports, de l'infrastructure et des collectivités ;v14e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Aviation safety in Canada. a« Juin 2017. » aDate originale de publication : 2017/06/20; date de publication : 2017/06/30. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Partout dans le monde, le transport aérien est en forte progression et le Canada n’y fait pas exception. D’ailleurs, la géographie du pays et son éloignement des autres grandes villes du monde rendent le transport aérien essentiel pour bon nombre de Canadiens et Canadiennes. C’est pourquoi la confiance du public envers la sécurité du transportaérien canadien est importante. En outre, cette confiance est nécessaire à la viabilité du transport aérien. Reconnaissant cela, le Comité permanent des transports, de l’infrastructure et des collectivités (le Comité) s’est réuni d’avril à juin 2017 afin d’étudier la sécurité du système d’aviation civile canadien »--p. 1.072gccstaSécurité aérienne1 aSgro, Judy, d1944-08tAviation safety in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.838631#0aRapport du Comité permanent des transports, de l'infrastructure et des collectivités ;v14e rapport, 42e législature, 1re sessionw(CaOODSP)9.50351140qPDFs1.56 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc27-1/XC27-1-1-421-14-fra.pdf02171cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100099001422450109002412600043003503000015003934900110004085000121005185000017006395000113006565200672007696920030014416920024014716920020014957000032015157750073015478300128016208560109017489.838671CaOODSP20221107151432cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aXC64-1/1-421-12E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.10aLGBTQ+ at risk abroad h[electronic resource] : bCanada's call to action / cBorys Wrzesnewskyj, chair. a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. avii, 36 p.1 aReport of Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration ; v12th report, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aIssued also in French under title: Les personnes LGBTQ+ vulnérables à l'étranger : l'appel à l'action du Canada. a"June 2017." aOriginal published on: 2017/06/20; published on: 2017/07/06, 2017/10/13, 2018/02/12, 2018/02/13, 2018/05/14. a"This report begins with an overview of Canada’s refugee system, including how resettlement priorities are established. It then looks at the 2011 Government of Canada refugee resettlement pilot project. The next two sections outline the unique risks and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ refugees. Finally, the last section considers certain areas of improvement such as supporting LGBTQ+ refugees by stabilizing the project and making it a regular program with multi-year funding. The Committee’s recommendations, presented throughout the report, aim to strengthen Canada’s efforts in supporting and protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals internationally"--p. 1.072gccstaSexual orientation072gccstaHuman rights072gccstaRefugees1 aWrzesnewskyj, Borys,d1960-08tLes personnes LGBTQ+ vulnérables à l'étranger w(CaOODSP)9.838673#0aReport of Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration ;v12th report, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50711540qPDFs1.46 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc64-1/XC64-1-1-421-12-eng.pdf02435cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001171100109001422450154002512600047004053000010004524900119004625000092005815000021006735000128006945200890008226920021017126920033017336920032017667000032017987750046018308300137018768560108020139.838673CaOODSP20221107151432cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aXC64-1/1-421-12F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration.14aLes personnes LGBTQ+ vulnérables à l'étranger h[ressource électronique] : bl'appel à l'action du Canada / cle président, Borys Wrzesnewskyj. a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. avii, 1 aRapport du Comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration ; v12e rapport, 1re session, 42e législature aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : LGBTQ+ at risk abroad: Canada's call to action. a« Juin 2017. » aDate originale de publication: 2017/06/20; date de publication: 2017/07/06, 2017/10/13, 2018/02/12, 2018/02/13, 2018/05/14. a« Le présent rapport s’ouvre sur un aperçu du système de protection des réfugiés du Canada, notamment l’établissement des priorités de réinstallation. Il examine par la suite le projet pilote de réinstallation de réfugiés mis en œuvre par le gouvernement en 2011. Puis, deux sections sont consacrées aux risques et aux difficultés uniques que connaissent les réfugiés LGBTQ+. Enfin, la dernière section recense certaines améliorations possibles, comme le renforcement du soutien aux réfugiés LGBTQ+ en stabilisant le projet et en le transformant en programme normal assorti d’un financement pluriannuel. Les recommandations du Comité, présentées au fil du rapport, visent à renforcer les efforts que déploie le Canada pour appuyer et protéger les droits des personnes LGBTQ+ à l’international »--p. 1.072gccstaRéfugié072gccstaDroits de la personne072gccstaOrientation sexuelle1 aWrzesnewskyj, Borys,d1960-08tLGBTQ+ at risk abroad w(CaOODSP)9.838671#0aRapport du Comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration ;v12e rapport, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50350840qPDFs367 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/xc64-1/XC64-1-1-421-12-fra.pdf01203cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100046001492450131001952460057003262460048003832600036004313000015004674900059004825000036005415460035005776920023006126920029006357920069006648300075007338560093008089.838676CaOODSP20221107151432cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-59/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act respecting national security matters h[electronic resource] = bLoi concernant des questions de sécurité nationale.11aLoi concernant des questions de sécurité nationale31iShort title : aNational Security Act, 2017 a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons,  aiv, 138 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-59, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"First reading, June 20, 2017." aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaNational security tAn Act respecting national security matters w(CaOODSP)9.838677#0aBill C-...vBill C-59, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50065940qPDFs1.54 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-59-1.pdf01291cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100049001492450135001982460057003332460063003902600047004533000015005004900079005155000045005945460038006396920024006776920032007017910069007338300094008028560093008969.838677CaOODSP20221107151433cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-59/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act respecting national security matters h[ressource électronique] = bLoi concernant des questions de sécurité nationale.11aLoi concernant des questions de sécurité nationale31iTitre abrégé : aLoi de 2017 sur la sécurité nationale a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aiv, 138 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-59, 1re session, 42e législature a« Première lecture le 20 juin 2017. » aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaSécurité nationale tAn Act respecting national security matters w(CaOODSP)9.838676#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-59, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs1.54 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-59-1.pdf02058cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100046001492450109001952460044003042600043003483000014003914900059004055000056004645200928005205460035014486920022014836920023015057920060015288300076015888560092016649.838685CaOODSP20221107151433cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-36/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Statistics Act h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur la statistique.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur la statistique a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aii, 11 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-36, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"As passed by the House of Commons, June 20, 2017." a"This enactment amends the Statistics Act to strengthen the independence of Statistics Canada, including by providing for the appointment of the Chief Statistician to hold office during good behaviour and by assigning to the Chief Statistician the powers related to methods, procedures and operations of Statistics Canada. It also establishes a transparent process to issue directives to the Chief Statistician concerning those methods, procedures and operations or the statistical programs. In addition, it establishes the Canadian Statistics Advisory Council, no longer requires the consent of respondents to transfer their Census information to Library and Archives Canada and repeals imprisonment as a penalty for any offence committed by a respondent. Finally, it amends certain provisions by modernizing the language of the Act to better reflect current methods of collecting statistical information"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaStatistics072gccstaLegislation tAn Act to amend the Statistics Act w(CaOODSP)9.838686#0aBill C-...vBill C-36, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.500659 40qPDFs276 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-36-3.pdf02188cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100049001492450113001982460044003112600047003553000014004024900079004165000064004955200995005595460038015546920024015926920024016167910060016408300094017008560092017949.838686CaOODSP20221107151433cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-36/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Statistics Act h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur la statistique.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur la statistique a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aii, 11 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-36, 1re session, 42e législature a« Adopté par le Chambre des communes, le 20 juin 2017. » a« Le texte modifie la Loi sur la statistique de manière à renforcer l’indépendance de Statistique Canada, notamment en prévoyant la nomination du statisticien en chef à titre inamovible et en lui attribuant les pouvoirs liés aux méthodes, procédures et opérations de Statistique Canada. Il met également en place un processus transparent dans le cadre duquel les directives sur ces méthodes, procédures et opérations ou sur les programmes statistiques sont données au statisticien en chef. Le texte établit le Conseil consultatif canadien de la statistique, n’exige plus le consentement des répondants pour transférer les données du recensement à Bibliothèque et Archives Canada et supprime lapeine d’emprisonnement imposée aux répondants pour une infraction. Enfin, il modifie certaines dispositions de la Loi afin d’en moderniser le libellé de façon à mieux refléter les pratiques actuelles en matière de collecte de renseignements »--Sommaire, p. ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaStatistiques tAn Act to amend the Statistics Act w(CaOODSP)9.838685#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-36, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs276 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-36-3.pdf02040cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860023001171100101001402450202002412600033004433000010004764900134004865000137006205000017007575000017007745200503007916920033012946920037013277000025013647000029013897750049014188300153014678560106016209.838710CaOODSP20221107151437cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aYC23-0/421-15E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bSenate. bStanding Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade.10aNorth American neighbours h[electronic resource] : bCanada and Mexico cooperation in uncertain times / c[the Honourable Raynell Andreychuk, chair ; the Honourable Percy E. Downe, deputy chair]. a[Ottawa] : bSenate, c2017. a14 p.1 aReport of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade ;v[15th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session] aIssued also in French under title: Voisins nord-américains : la coopération entre le Canada et le Mexique en des temps incertains. aCover title. a"June 2017." a"This current report offers an assessment of the continued relevance of the Committee’s 2015 report based on the testimonies heard in Ottawa and Mexico City. This report suggests that despite the current context of uncertainty related to the North American trilateral relationship, opportunities for a more strategic, meaningful engagement between Canada and Mexico continue to exist, and that such occasions hold tremendous potential benefit not only mutually, but also for North America"--p. 4.072gccstaFree trade agreements072gccstaInternational cooperation1 aAndreychuk, Raynell.1 aDowne, Percy E., d1954-08tVoisins nord-américains w(CaOODSP)9.838713#0aReport of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade ;v[15th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session]w(CaOODSP)9.50525440qPDFs2.61 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sen/yc23-0/YC23-0-421-15-eng.pdf02138cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860023001171100111001402450232002512600033004833000010005164900149005265000121006755000022007965000021008185200533008396920036013726920039014087000025014477000029014727750050015018300167015518560106017189.838713CaOODSP20221107151437cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aYC23-0/421-15F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bSénat. bComité permanent des affaires étrangères et du commerce international.10aVoisins nord-américains h[ressource électronique] : bla coopération entre le Canada et le Mexique en des temps incertains / c[l’honorable Raynell Andreychuk, présidente ; l’honorable Percy E. Downe, vice-président]. a[Ottawa] : bSénat, c2017. a16 p.1 aRapport du Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires étrangères et du commerce international ; v[15e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session] aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : North American neighbours: Canada and Mexico cooperation in uncertain times. aTitre de la couv. a« Juin 2017. » a« Le présent rapport évalue la pertinence du rapport de 2015 du comité d’après les témoignages entendus à Ottawa et à Mexico. Il remarque que, malgré le climat d’incertitude qui touche actuellement les relations trilatérales nord-américaines, les occasions d’un engagement plus stratégique et significatif entre le Canada et le Mexique persistent et qu’elles présentent d’extraordinaires possibilités de retombées, non seulement pour les deux partenaires, mais pour l’ensemble du continent »--p. 4-5.072gccstaAccord de libre-échange072gccstaCoopération internationale1 aAndreychuk, Raynell.1 aDowne, Percy E., d1954-08tNorth American neighbours w(CaOODSP)9.838710#0aRapport du Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires étrangères et du commerce international ;v[15e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session]w(CaOODSP)9.50165440qPDFs2.62 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sen/yc23-0/YC23-0-421-15-fra.pdf01339cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100046001502450163001962460082003592600041004413000013004824900060004955000056005555200102006115460035007136920020007486920023007687920076007918300077008678560093009449.838760CaOODSP20221107151444cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-311/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Holidays Act (Remembrance Day) h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi instituant des jours de fête légale (jour du Souvenir).11aLoi modifiant la Loi instituant des jours de fête légale (jour du Souvenir) a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, 2017. aii, 1 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-311, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"As passed by the House of Commons, June 21, 2017." a"This enactment amends the Holidays Act to make Remembrance Day a legal holiday"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaHolidays072gccstaLegislation tAn Act to amend the Holidays Act (Remembrance Day) w(CaOODSP)9.838761#0aBill C-...vBill C-311, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.500659 40qPDFs198 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-311-3.pdf01449cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100049001502450167001992460082003662600047004483000013004954900080005085000064005885200145006525460038007976920024008356920024008597910076008838300095009598560093010549.838761CaOODSP20221107151444cr |||||||||||170622s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-311/3-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Holidays Act (Remembrance Day) h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi instituant des jours de fête légale (jour du Souvenir).11aLoi modifiant la Loi instituant des jours de fête légale (jour du Souvenir) a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aii, 1 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-311, 1re session, 42e législature a« Adopté par le Chambre des communes, le 21 juin 2017. » a« Le texte modifie la Loi instituant des jours de fête légale afin de donner au jour du Souvenir le statut de fête légale »--Sommaire. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaJour férié072gccstaLégislation tAn Act to amend the Holidays Act (Remembrance Day) w(CaOODSP)9.838760#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-311, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs198 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-311-3.pdf01381cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100046001502450163001962460077003592600043004363000013004794900060004925000036005525200159005885460035007476920023007826920024008057920081008298300076009108560093009869.838571CaOODSP20221107151418cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-362/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (economic substance) h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (substance économique).11aLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (substance économique) a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aii, 1 p.1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-362, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"First reading, June 19, 2017." a"This enactment amends the Income Tax Act to deem certain avoidance transactions to be a misuse of provisions providing for tax benefits"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaTax benefits tAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (economic substance) w(CaOODSP)9.838572#0aBill C-...vBill C-362, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50065940qPDFs150 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-362-1.pdf01518cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100049001502450167001992460077003662600047004433000013004904900080005035000045005835200230006285460038008586920024008966920027009207910081009478300095010288560093011239.838572CaOODSP20221107151418cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-362/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (economic substance) h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (substance économique).11aLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (substance économique) a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, c2017. aii, 1 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-362, 1re session, 42e législature a« Première lecture le 19 juin 2017. » a« Le texte modifie la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu afin que certaines opérations d’évitement soient présumées être des abus dans l’application de dispositions prévoyant des avantages fiscaux »--Sommaire, p. ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaAvantage fiscal tAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (economic substance) w(CaOODSP)9.838571#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-362, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs150 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-362-1.pdf01534cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100049001492450156001982460066003542600043004203000013004634900079004765000045005555200269006005460038008696920024009076920034009317910081009658300094010468560092011409.838576CaOODSP20221107151419cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-57/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Federal Sustainable Development Act h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi fédérale sur le développement durable.11aLoi modifiant la Loi fédérale sur le développement durable a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aii, 9 p.1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-57, 1re session, 42e législature a« Première lecture le 19 juin 2017. » a« Le texte modifie la Loi fédérale sur le développement durable pour accroître la transparence du processus décisionnel en matière de développement durable et assortir ce processus de l’obligation de rendre compte devant le Parlement »--Sommaire, p. ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaDéveloppement durable tAn Act to amend the Federal Sustainable Development Act w(CaOODSP)9.838574#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-57, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs470 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-57-1.pdf01411cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301100046001492450152001952460066003472600043004133000013004564900058004695000036005275200205005635460035007686920023008036920035008267920081008618300075009428560092010179.838574CaOODSP20221107151419cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-57/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Federal Sustainable Development Act h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi fédérale sur le développement durable.11aLoi modifiant la Loi fédérale sur le développement durable a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, c2017. aii, 9 p.1 aBill C-... ;vBill C-57, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"First reading, June 19, 2017." a"This enactment amends the Federal Sustainable Development Act to make decision making related to sustainable development more transparent and subject to accountability to Parliament"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaSustainable development tAn Act to amend the Federal Sustainable Development Act w(CaOODSP)9.838576#0aBill C-...vBill C-57, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50065940qPDFs470 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/parl/XB421-57-1.pdf00987cas 2200241za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880400017001020430012001190860031001312450135001622640053002973100011003503620054003615000103004156920020005187100035005387750085005737800087006589.838555CaOODSP20230131160105cr |||||||||||170620d20182018oncau p o f0 b0fre|d y1927-1360 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCH41-44F-PDFzCH41-22F-PDF00aLignes directrices sur la présentation des demandes - le volet Initiatives collectives : bFonds du Canada pour les périodiques. 1a[Ottawa] : bPatrimoine canadien, c[2017]-2018. aAnnuel1 aParaît depuis et ne paraît plus après 2017-18. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Application guidelines -- Collective Initiatives component.072gccstaÉdition1 aCanada. bPatrimoine canadien.08tApplication guidelines -- Collective Initiatives component : w(CaOODSP)9.83855400tFonds du Canada pour les périodiques, initiatives collectives w(CaOODSP)9.50241000960cas 2200241za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880400017001020430012001190860031001312450091001622640051002533100011003043620035003155000128003506920022004787100033005007750114005337800071006479.838554CaOODSP20230131155910cr |||||||||||170620d20182018oncau p o f0 a0eng|d y1927-1352 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCH41-44E-PDFzCH41-22E-PDF00aApplication guidelines -- Collective Initiatives component : bCanada Periodical Fund. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanadian Heritage, c[2017]-2018. aAnnual1 aBegan and ceased with 2017-18. aIssued also in French under title: Lignes directrices sur la présentation des demandes - le volet Initiatives collectives.072gccstaPublishing1 aCanada. bCanadian Heritage.08tLignes directrices sur la présentation des demandes - le volet Initiatives collectives : w(CaOODSP)9.83855500tCanada Periodical Fund, Collective Initiatives w(CaOODSP)9.50601001408cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860022001171100078001392450225002172600091004423000010005335000021005435000017005645200360005816920019009416920029009607100061009898560104010509.838809CaOODSP20221107151450cr |||||||||||170623s2007 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aHS64-34/2007E-PDF2 aFederal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors (Canada)10aWorking together for seniors h[electronic resource] : ba toolkit to promote seniors' social integration in community services, programs and policies / cFederal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors. a[Ottawa] : bFederal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors, c2007. a26 p. a"November 2007." aCover title. a"The purpose of this toolkit is to: (1) provide information and data about social isolation amongst seniors, (2) suggest ways that organizations can promote social inclusion, and (3) provide a tool that can be used to screen existing and planned programs and services, for their impact (positive or negative) on social isolation"--Executive summary, p. 2.072gccstaSeniors072gccstaSocial conditions1 aCanada. bHuman Resources and Social Development Canada.40qPDFs1.74 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/edsc-esdc/HS64-34-2007-eng.pdf01448cem 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660340055001070400017001620430057001790860022002362450104002582550101003622600052004633000015005155000134005305000029006645000019006935000094007126920027008066920020008336920016008537100040008697750118009098560107010279.838866CaOODSP20221107151458m go c f cr |||||||||||170623s2017 oncb ag a fo 0 eng d1 aab7000000dW1410000eW0600000fN0840000gN0550000 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-mban-cn-nfan-cn-ntan-cn-nuan-cn-qcan-cn-yk1 aM78-4/5-2017E-PDF00aArctic field sites supported by the Polar Continental Shelf Program (2016) h[electronic resource]. aScale 1:700,000 ; bvertical near-sided proj.c(W 141°00’--W 60°00'/N 84°00'--N 55°00’). a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, cc2017. a1 col. map aIssued also in French under title: Sites des projets en Arctique soutenus par le Programme du plateau continental polaire (2016). aRelief shown by shading. aIncludes text. a"Produced by: Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada."072gccstaNorthern Canada072gccstaResearch072gccstaMaps1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.08tSites des projets en Arctique soutenus par le Programme du plateau continental polaire (2016) w(CaOODSP)9.83887040qPDFs13.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M78-4-5-2017-eng.pdf01502cem 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660340055001070400017001620430057001790860022002362450127002582550104003852600056004893000021005455000119005665000044006855000023007295000123007526920025008756920021009006920017009217100044009387750099009828560107010819.838870CaOODSP20221107151459m go c f cr |||||||||||170623s2017 oncb ag a fo 0 fre d1 aab7000000dW1410000eW0600000fN0840000gN0550000 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn-mban-cn-nfan-cn-ntan-cn-nuan-cn-qcan-cn-yk1 aM78-4/5-2017F-PDF00aSites des projets en Arctique soutenus par le Programme du plateau continental polaire (2016) h[ressource électronique]. aScale 1:700,000 ; bproj. perspective verticallec(W 141°00’--W 60°00'/N 84°00'--N 55°00’). a[Ottawa] : bRessources naturelles Canada, cc2017. a1 carte en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Arctic field sites supported by the Polar Continental Shelf Program (2016). aLe relief est représenté par ombrage. aComprend le texte. a« Carte créée par le Centre canadien de cartographie et d'observation de la Terre, Ressources naturelles Canada. »072gccstaNord canadien072gccstaRecherche072gccstaCarte1 aCanada. bRessources naturelles Canada.08tArctic field sites supported by the Polar Continental Shelf Program (2016) w(CaOODSP)9.83886640qPDFs13.22 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M78-4-5-2017-fra.pdf01550cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450092001382600052002303000024002825000107003065000021004135200604004346920028010386920033010667100040010997750052011398560105011919.838798CaOODSP20221107151449cr |||||||||||170623s2016 onca #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aM4-154/2016E-PDF00aLetstalkcleanresources.ca h[electronic resource] : bonline engagement : final report. a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, cc2016. a34 p. : bcol. ill. aIssued also in French under title: Parlonsressourcespropres.ca, participation en ligne, rapport final. a"December 2016." a"In July 2016, the Government of Canada invited Canadians to engage in a dialogue and share their ideas on clean technology in Canada’s natural resource sectors on “LetsTalkCleanResources.ca.” Engagement objectives were to communicate the wide range of applications and benefits of clean technology in Canada’s natural resource sectors and to engage in a conversation with Canadians about their ideas to develop clean technology and meet Canada’s Mission Innovation commitments. This online engagement complements conversations with key partners and stakeholders"--Executive summary, p. 4.072gccstaClean technology072gccstaCitizen participation1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.08tParlonsressourcespropres.ca w(CaOODSP)9.83880040qPDFs4.55 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M4-154-2016-eng.pdf01842cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450104001382600056002423000028002985000104003265000026004305200867004566920030013236920036013537100044013897750050014338560105014839.838800CaOODSP20221107151449cr |||||||||||170623s2016 onca #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aM4-154/2016F-PDF00aParlonsressourcespropres.ca h[ressource électronique] : bparticipation en ligne : rapport final. a[Ottawa] : bRessources naturelles Canada, cc2016. a38 p. : bill. en coul. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Letstalkcleanresources.ca, online engagement, final report. a« Décembre 2016 ». a« En juillet 2016, le gouvernement du Canada a invité la population canadienne à prendre part à un dialogue et à échanger ses idées sur les technologies propres dans les secteurs des ressources naturelles au Canada sur le site Web « Parlonsressourcespropres.ca ». Les objectifs en matière de consultation consistaient à faire connaître la grande variété d'applications et d'avantages des technologies propres dans les secteurs des ressources naturelles au Canada et de se lancer dans une conversation avec les Canadiens et Canadiennes à propos de leurs idées en ce qui a trait à la mise au point de technologies propres et aux engagements à remplir par l'initiative Mission Innovation du Canada. Cette consultation en ligne constitue un complément aux conversations avec les principaux partenaires et les intervenants clés »--résumé, p. 4.072gccstaTechnologie propre072gccstaParticipation du citoyen1 aCanada. bRessources naturelles Canada.08tLetstalkcleanresources.ca w(CaOODSP)9.83879840qPDFs6.28 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M4-154-2016-fra.pdf01746cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000029001382450163001672600080003303000046004104900052004565040041005085200588005496920026011376920021011636920018011847100040012027100033012428300069012758560112013449.838458CaOODSP20221107151401cr |||||||||||170619s2017 oncad ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aM183-2/8007E-PDF1 aNikolic, L. q(Ljubomir)10aModelling the magnetic field of the solar corona with potential-field source-surface and Schatten current sheet models h[electronic resource] / cL. Nikolic. a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, c2017. a69 p. : bcharts (mostly col.), col. ill.1 aGeological Survey of Canada, open file ; v8007 aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Space weather refers to the dynamic conditions on the Sun and in the space environment, in particular, in the near-Earth environment, that can affect critical infrastructure. NRCan operates the Canadian Space Weather Forecast Centre and conducts research into space weather effects on power systems, pipelines, radio communications and GNSS positioning to help Canadian industry understand and mitigate the effects of space weather. This paper describes theoretical models and numerical techniques used to model the coronal magnetic field of the Sun"--Summary provided by publisher.072gccstaSpace sciences072gccstaMagnetism072gccstaModels1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeological Survey of Canada.#0aOpen file (Geological Survey of Canada)v8007w(CaOODSP)9.50687840qPDFs7.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M183-2/M183-2-8007-eng.pdf01751cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001171000033001382450125001712600080002963000052003764900052004285000154004805040050006345200443006846920023011276920024011506920021011747100040011957100033012358300069012688560112013379.838460CaOODSP20221107151401cr |||||||||||170619s2016 oncabd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-mb1 aM183-2/8045E-PDF1 aHinton, M. J.q(Marc Joseph)10aGroundwater level monitoring near Killarney and Cartwright, Manitoba, 2010-2014 h[electronic resource] / cM.J. Hinton. a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, c2016. avi, 69 p. : bcol. charts, col. ill., col. maps1 aGeological Survey of Canada, open file ; v8045 aFiles in XLS format are not included in this PDF copy. This publication is available for free download through GEOSCAN (http://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/). aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 7-8).3 a"The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) is investigating the hydrogeology of the Spiritwood buried valley aquifer in southwestern Manitoba as part of its Groundwater Geosciences Program. This Open File Report presents hourly groundwater level and temperature data collected between November 2010 and November 2014 from eight piezometers installed by the GSC at four sites located near Killarney and Cartwright, Manitoba"--Abstract, p. iii.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaHydrogeology072gccstaModelling1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeological Survey of Canada.#0aOpen file (Geological Survey of Canada)v8045w(CaOODSP)9.50687840qPDFs1.84 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M183-2/M183-2-8045-eng.pdf02428cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860021001302450140001512600080002913000040003714900052004115000154004635040052006175201006006695460061016756920025017366920022017616920029017837000035018127100040018477100033018878300069019208560113019899.838463CaOODSP20221107151402cr |||||||||||170619s2016 oncab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbiku an-cn-nu1 aM183-2/8057E-PDF00aCommunity workshop on permafrost and landscape change, Rankin Inlet, Nunavut h[electronic resource] / cG.A. Oldenborger ... [et al.]. a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, c2016. a25, [4] p. : bcol. ill., col. maps1 aGeological Survey of Canada, open file ; v8057 aFiles in KML format are not included in this PDF copy. This publication is available for free download through GEOSCAN (http://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/). aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 18-19). a"A community workshop on permafrost and landscape change was held in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut from February 1-3, 2016. The workshop consisted of an open house on permafrost research at Natural Resources Canada, educational outreach activities on climate change and permafrost, and a participatory mapping exercise for gathering local and traditional knowledge on permafrost and landscape change in the Rankin Inlet region. The mapping exercise documented observations of landscape features and landscape change that may be related to permafrost and permafrost processes. Observations shared during the participatory mapping exercise are presented as a series of maps keyed to a table of descriptions. Information gathered from the participatory mapping exercise will be interpreted in terms of permafrost conditions in the Rankin Inlet region and workshop results will be used to design and develop research activities and field operations within Natural Resources Canada"--Summary provided by publisher. aIncludes summary and table of observations in Inuktitut.072gccstaGeomorphology072gccstaPermafrost072gccstaSurficial geology1 aOldenborger, G. A. q(Greg A.)1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeological Survey of Canada.#0aOpen file (Geological Survey of Canada)v8057w(CaOODSP)9.50687840qPDFs13.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M183-2/M183-2-8057-eng.pdf02830cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430021001050860021001261000028001472450209001752600080003843000054004644900052005185000152005705040052007225050292007745200883010666920023019496920025019726920022019976920029020197000034020487100040020827100033021228300069021558560122022248560134023469.838468CaOODSP20221107151402cr |||||||||||170619s2016 oncbd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---an-gl---1 aM183-2/8106E-PDF1 aJames, Thomas Sinclair.12aA comparison of seismicity to the crustal deformation predicted by a glacial isostatic adjustment model in northern Canada and western Greenland h[electronic resource] / cT.S. James and T.D. Schamehorn. a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, c2016. avi, 18 p. : bcharts, col. maps + e1 v. ([1] p.)1 aGeological Survey of Canada, open file ; v8106 aFile in TXT format is not included in this PDF copy. This publication is available for free download through GEOSCAN (http://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/). aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 15-17).00tA comparison of seismicity to the crustal deformation predicted by a glacial isostatic adjustment model in northern Canada and western Greenland / rT.S. James and T.D. Schamehorn g(vi, 18 p.) --tDescription of the attribute fields in the Combined SHEEF2010/GLISN Catalogue g([1] p.). a"The stretching and squeezing induced by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) in northern Canada and western Greenland is compared to the spatial pattern of earthquakes to determine whether earthquakes occur where GIA-predicted crustal strain-rates are high. For the comparison, an updated seismicity catalogue was created from two previously-existing catalogs. Crustal motion rates were computed for a recently published GIA model that simulates the Earth's response to the last Ice Age. This GIA model fits sea-level and vertical crustal motion observations better than previous models. A region in Baffin Bay where predicted GIA strain-rates are high also features historically high seismicity, including the 1933 M 7.4 and the 1934 and 1945 M 6.5 earthquakes. Elsewhere, agreement is not strong. Suggestions are made for further investigations"--Summary provided by publisher.072gccstaEarthquakes072gccstaGeomorphology072gccstaGeophysics072gccstaSurficial geology1 aSchamehorn, T. D.q(Tyler D.)1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeological Survey of Canada.#0aOpen file (Geological Survey of Canada)v8106w(CaOODSP)9.50687840qPDFs2.98 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M183-2/M183-2-8106-1-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs20 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M183-2/M183-2-8106-2-eng.pdfzCatalogue attributes01878cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450157001382600080002953000056003754900052004315040049004835200656005326920025011886920022012136920023012356920029012587000034012877100040013217100033013618300069013948560113014639.838485CaOODSP20221107151405cr |||||||||||170619s2017 oncabd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-nu1 aM183-2/8135E-PDF00aAnalysis of piston cores and high-resolution sub-bottom profiler data, Baffin Bay slope, Nunavut h[electronic resource] / cD.C. Campbell ... [et al.]. a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, c2017. a178 p. : bcol. charts, ill. (some col.), col. maps1 aGeological Survey of Canada, open file ; v8135 aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 59). a"This Open File report summarizes a set of 20 piston cores, up to 822 cm long, taken from the continental slope of Baffin Bay, Canada, in water depths between 833 and 1715 m. It provides down-core lithostratigraphy, physical properties measurements, core photography and core X-radiography, in addition to high-resolution seismic data over most core sites, selected grain size data and portable X-ray fluorescence data. Preliminary along-slope correlation between cores and AMS radiocarbon ages are also provided. Further information on these cores is available through the Expedition Database at http://ed.gdr.nrcan.gc.ca/index_e.php"--Preface, p. 1.072gccstaGeomorphology072gccstaGeophysics072gccstaOcean floor072gccstaSurficial geology1 aCampbell, D. C. q(D. Calvin)1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeological Survey of Canada.#0aOpen file (Geological Survey of Canada)v8135w(CaOODSP)9.50687840qPDFs20.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M183-2/M183-2-8135-eng.pdf04553cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450137001382600080002753000046003554900052004015040041004535052542004945200787030366920024038236920025038476920022038726920020038946920029039147000030039437100040039737100033040138300069040468560112041159.838493CaOODSP20221107151406cr |||||||||||170619s2017 oncab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aM183-2/8151E-PDF00aGEM 2 High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP) activity h[electronic resource] : bworkshop report / cM.-C. Williamson (editor). a[Ottawa] : bNatural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, c2017. aiv, 55 p. : bill. (some col.), col. maps1 aGeological Survey of Canada, open file ; v8151 aIncludes bibliographical references.00tHALIP intrusive and extrusive complexes of Svalbard and the Barents Sea / rS. Planke, S. Polteau , K. Senger, H.H. Svensen, J.I. Faleide, R. Myklebust and C. Tegner g(p. 4-6) -- tHigh resolution stratigraphy of a 10 Myr Cenomanian-Turonian interval, Trans-Pecos, Texas, USA : key to understanding carbonate shelf deposition in a greenhouse climate, caldera eruptions, and impact of the HALIP / rBergman, S.C., Eldrett, J.S., Ma, C., Minisini, D., Macaulay, C.I., Ozkan, A., and Kelly, A.E. g(p. 7-8) -- tGiant circumferential and radiating dyke swarms of the High Artic Large Igneous Province / rK.L. Buchan and R.E. Ernst g(p. 9-10) -- tGeometry, structure and tectonic framework of the Alpha Ridge / rG.N. Oakey and R.W. Saltus g(p. 11-15) -- tU-Pb geochronology of bentonites from Ellef Ringnes and Axel Heiberg Islands - a record of Albian to Campanian felsic magmatism in the HALIP region / rW.J. Davis, C. Schröder-Adams, C.A. Evenchick, J.O. Herrle, J. Galloway g(p. 16-17) -- tNew U-Pb ages from South Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island : implications for HALIP magmatism / rCole G. Kingsbury, Richard E. Ernst, Sandra L. Kamo g(p. 18-21) -- tMorphology, mineralogy and geochemistry of gossans, Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut / rJ.B. Percival and M.-C. Williamson g(p. 22-26) -- tDrainage geochemistry surveys, Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut / rRick J. McNeil, Marie-Claude Williamson and Steve J.A. Day g(p. 27-33) -- tThe use of Structure from Motion to produce a high resolution digital elevation model for the White Glacier Basin, Axel Heiberg Island / rL. Copland and L. Thomson g(p. 34-35) -- tLarge-scale targeting for Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits using a mineral systems approach : an example from West Africa / rDanielle Giovenazzo, Rebecca Sproule, John Simmonds and Peter K. Williams g(p. 36-37) -- tLarge Igneous Provinces and resource exploration : implications for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration in the High Arctic / rR.E. Ernst and S.M. Jowitt g(p. 38-40) -- tNi-Cu-PGE prospectivity of the HALIP, Canadian Arctic islands : field-based evidence of structural controls on intrusive style / rBenoit-Michel Saumur g(p. 41-44) -- tQuantitative MLA-SEM mineralogy of gossans and stream sediments in the HALIP : implications for economic potential / rD.H.C. Wilton, M.-C. Williamson, and R.J. McNeil g(p. 45-50) -- tOrigin of base metal showings associated with evaporite diapirs and HALIP intrusive rocks / rMarie-Claude Williamson, Christopher Harrison and Rick J. McNeil g(p. 51-55). a"This publication contains the Program and Abstracts of the High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP) Workshop held in Ottawa on February 12-13, 2016. The HALIP Workshop brought together 17 participants from NRCan, universities and the private sector with expertise on the Large Igneous Provinces and Ni-Cu-PGE exploration targets in magmatic systems. The goals of the HALIP Workshop were (1) to promote a discussion of preliminary results; (2) to highlight the knowledge gaps in our understanding of this large igneous province; and (3) to suggest directions for future work in this region of Nunavut. Marie-Claude Williamson convened the HALIP Workshop and is acting as Editor of the Open File for the GEM 2 Program, Western Arctic Region Project"--Summary provided by publisher.072gccstaGeochemistry072gccstaGeomorphology072gccstaGeophysics072gccstaMinerals072gccstaSurficial geology1 aWilliamson, Marie-Claude.1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeological Survey of Canada.#0aOpen file (Geological Survey of Canada)v8151w(CaOODSP)9.50687840qPDFs7.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M183-2/M183-2-8151-eng.pdf02269cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880220014001100400017001240430012001410860026001532450111001792600092002903000054003824900110004365000102005465000022006485000102006705200554007725300043013266920018013696920033013876920041014207100044014617100042015057750054015477760070016018300126016718560110017979.829019CaOODSP20221107145202cr |||||||||||170622s2016 quca o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-07044-5 z1705-5806 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFo113-1/110-2016F-PDF00aCroissance de la forêt boréale canadienne h[ressource électronique] : bun demi-siècle de stabilité. aQuébec : bRessources naturelles Canada, Centre de foresterie des Laurentides, c2016. a[2] p. (pages non numérotées) : bill. en coul.1 aL'éclaircie du Service canadien des forêts - Centre de foresterie des Laurentides ; x1705-5814 ; v110 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Canadian boreal forest growth: half a century of stability. aTitre de départ. aL’ISSN (1705-5806) de l'édition imprimée a été copié dans cette publication électronique. a« Le réchauffement prévu par les scénarios de changement climatique et l’accroissement de la concentration atmosphérique en dioxyde de carbone (CO2) ont conduit de nombreux scientifiques à prédire une augmentation de la croissance des forêts aux latitudes septentrionales. Ces effets sont-ils déjà observables? C’est à cette tâche que se sont consacrés des chercheurs du Service canadien des forêts (SCF) à partir de données météorologiques et de l’Inventaire forestier national du Canada pour la période de 1950 à 2002. » aÉgalement publ. en version imprimée.072gccstaForêt072gccstaChangement climatique072gccstaRéchauffement de la planète1 aCanada. bRessources naturelles Canada.2 aCentre de foresterie des Laurentides.08tCanadian boreal forest growth w(CaOODSP)9.8290150#tCroissance de la forêt boréale canadienne : w(CaOODSP)9.829016#0aL'éclaircie du Service canadien des forêts, Centre de foresterie des Laurentides,x1705-5814 ; v110w(CaOODSP)9.50109940qPDFs1.82 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/Fo113-1-110-2016-fra.pdf01968cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880220014001100400017001240430012001410860026001532450079001792600092002583000030003504900109003805000076004895000022005655000102005875200427006895300043011166920030011596920029011897100044012187100042012627750037013047760041013418300126013828560110015089.828277CaOODSP20221107145017cr |||||||||||170622s2016 qucb o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-06930-2 z1705-5806 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFo113-1/109-2016F-PDF00aFeux de forêt h[ressource électronique] : bpas totalement aléatoires! aQuébec : bRessources naturelles Canada, Centre de foresterie des Laurentides, c2016. a[1] p. : bcarte en coul.1 aL'éclaircie du Service canadien des forêts - Centre de foresterie des Laurentides, x1705-5814 ; v109 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Forest fires: not totally random! aTitre de départ. aL’ISSN (1705-5806) de l'édition imprimée a été copié dans cette publication électronique. a« Le feu est un élément perturbateur lié à la dynamique de la forêt boréale canadienne. En 2015, quelque 7 000 feux ont brûlé près de 4 millions d’hectares de forêts au pays. Cela équivaut à plus de 100 fois la superficie de l’île de Montréal. Ces feux éclatent-ils aléatoirement sur le territoire ? C’est à cette question que se sont intéressés des chercheurs du Service canadien des forêts. » aÉgalement publ. en version imprimée.072gccstaIncendie de forêt072gccstaForest management1 aCanada. bRessources naturelles Canada.2 aCentre de foresterie des Laurentides.08tForest fires w(CaOODSP)9.8282730#tFeux de forêt : w(CaOODSP)9.828275#0aL'éclaircie du Service canadien des forêts, Centre de foresterie des Laurentides,x1705-5814 ; v109w(CaOODSP)9.50109940qPDFs1.42 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/Fo113-1-109-2016-fra.pdf00933cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860022001351100029001572450148001862600039003343000032003735040039004055900027004446920018004716920027004897750063005168560100005799.689070CaOODSP20221107134453cr |||||||||||170620s2006 xxca||||o f|0| 0 eng d a0-662-44597-X aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH21-280/2006E-PDF1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.10aStrategic risk communications h[electronic resource] : bframework and handbook / cfor Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. aOttawa : bHealth Canada, cc2006. aIn various pagings : bill. aIncludes bibliographic references. a12-26-Suppb2012-06-07072gccstaHealth072gccstaRisk management08tCommunication stratégique des risques w(CaOODSP)9.63349040qPDFs6.33 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sc-hc/H21-280-2006-eng.pdf00948cam 2200253za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860022001351100029001572450154001862600039003403000036003795040048004155900027004636920031004906920018005217750055005398560100005949.633490CaOODSP20221107134314cr |||||||||||170620s2006 xxca||||o f|0| 0 fre d a0-662-73012-7 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH21-280/2006F-PDF1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.10aCommunication stratégique des risques h[ressource électronique] : bcadre et manuel / cSanté Canada et de l'Agence de santé publique du Canada. aOttawa : bSanté Canada, cc2006. aEn pagination multiple : bill. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a12-26-Suppb2012-06-07072gccstaGestion des risques072gccstaSanté08tStrategic risk communications w(CaOODSP)9.68907040qPDFs6.43 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sc-hc/H21-280-2006-fra.pdf02455cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450127001632600038002903000014003285000180003425000056005225000060005785040052006385201031006906920026017216920021017476920043017687100029018117100063018407750137019038560101020409.803614CaOODSP20221107135240cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-03349-5 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH129-54/4-2017E-PDF00aGuidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment h[electronic resource] : bradiological impacts. aOttawa : bHealth Canada, c2017. aii, 37 p. aIssued also in French under title: Conseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales : les effets radiologiques. a"Publication date: January 2017”--Verso of cover. aIn p. 2, "air quality" should read: ionizing radiation. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 27-30). a“This document provides generic guidance on predicting health risks of [ionizing radiation] in federal environmental assessments (EAs) of proposed major resource and infrastructure projects (such as mines, dams, pipelines and other projects). It presents the principles, current practices and basic information Health Canada looks for when it reviews the environmental impact statement (EIS) or other reports submitted by project proponents as part of the EA process. It was prepared for the benefit of proponents and their consultants and to support an efficient and transparent project review process. The foundational information described here should be supplemented appropriately with additional information relevant to specific projects. The guidance was also prepared for responsible authorities (RAs) and stakeholders to the EA process to communicate our normal areas of engagement and our priorities within these areas to help ensure that sufficient evidence is available to support sound decisions"--Purpose, p. 2.072gccstaHealth hazards072gccstaRadiation072gccstaEnvironmental impact assessment1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.1 aCanada. bHealthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch.08tConseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales w(CaOODSP)9.80361640qPDFs287 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-54-4-2017-eng.pdf02665cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450175001632600038003383000014003765000139003905000061005295040059005905201287006496920033019366920023019696920040019927100104020327100029021367750097021658560101022629.803616CaOODSP20221107135240cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-03350-1 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH129-54/4-2017F-PDF00aConseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales h[ressource électronique] : bles effets radiologiques. aOttawa : bSanté Canada, c2017. aii, 39 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Guidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment: radiological impacts. a« Date de publication : mars 2017 »--Verso de la couv. aComprend des références bibliographiques (p. 28-31). a« Le présent document fournit des conseils généraux pour prévoir les risques sur la santé aux changements des niveaux d’exposition radiologique dans les évaluations environnementales (ÉE) fédérales des grands projets d’exploitation des ressources et de l’infrastructure qui sont proposés (par exemple les mines, les barrages et les pipelines). Il traite des principes, des pratiques actuelles de même que des renseignements de base dont Santé Canada tient compte au moment d’évaluer l’énoncé des incidences environnementales (EIE) présenté par les promoteurs du projet dans le cadre du processus d’évaluation environnementale. Il a été préparé à l’intention des promoteurs et de leurs consultants et dans le but de favoriser un processus d’examen des projets efficace et transparent. Aux renseignements de base fournis ici doivent s’ajouter les renseignements supplémentaires concernant les projets en cause. Ce document s’adresse aussi aux autorités responsables et aux intervenants qui participent au processus d’EE; il leur présente nos secteurs d’engagement normaux ainsi que nos priorités dans ces domaines afin qu’il y ait suffisamment de données probantes pour appuyer la prise de décisions judicieuses »--Objet, p. 2.072gccstaRisque pour la santé072gccstaRayonnement072gccstaÉvaluation environnementale1 aCanada. bDirection générale de la santé environnementale et de la sécurité des consommateurs.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment w(CaOODSP)9.80361440qPDFs305 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-54-4-2017-fra.pdf01914cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860023001352450098001582600040002563000010002965000132003065000017004385000023004555200817004786920021012956920025013166920025013417100029013667100036013957750080014318560101015119.835347CaOODSP20221107150637cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660083322 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH164-207/2017E-PDF00aCanada’s food guide consultation, phase 1 h[electronic resource] : bwhat we heard report. a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada, c2017. a36 p. aIssued also in French under title: Consultation sur le guide alimentaire canadien, phase 1 : rapport ce que nous avons entendu. aCover title. a"June 10th, 2017." a“Through Canada’s Food Guide, Health Canada provides practical, evidence-based, healthy eating recommendations to help Canadians make food choices. Health Canada is revising Canada’s Food Guide to reflect new evidence and meet the needs of various audiences who use healthy eating recommendations. In support of this initiative, Ipsos was commissioned by Health Canada to conduct Canada’s Food Guide Consultation, which seeks to inform Health Canada’s development and communication of healthy eating recommendations. This report presents a summary of what we heard from Phase 1 of Canada’s Food Guide Consultation. Ipsos analysed and reported on feedback submitted by participants via an eWorkbook that was available and completed online between October 24, 2016 and December 8, 2016"--Introd., p. 4.072gccstaNutrition072gccstaHealth policy072gccstaConsultations1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.2 aIpsos (Firm). bPublic Affairs.08tConsultation sur le guide alimentaire canadien, phase 1 w(CaOODSP)9.83535040qPDFs1.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H164-207-2017-eng.pdf02266cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860023001352450127001582600040002853000010003255000110003355000022004455000027004675201140004946920024016346920043016586920024017017100041017257100029017667750068017958560101018639.835350CaOODSP20221107150637cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660083339 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH164-207/2017F-PDF00aConsultation sur le guide alimentaire canadien, phase 1 h[ressource électronique] : brapport ce que nous avons entendu. a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada, c2017. a40 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada’s food guide consultation, phase 1: what we heard report. aTitre de la couv. a« Le 10 juin 2017. » a« Dans le Guide alimentaire canadien, Santé Canada fournit des recommandations pratiques sur la saine alimentation, fondées sur des données probantes, qui ont pour but d’aider les Canadiens à choisir leurs aliments. Santé Canada est en train de réviser le Guide alimentaire canadien dans le but de refléter les nouvelles données probantes et de répondre aux besoins des différentes clientèles cibles qui utilisent les recommandations sur la saine alimentation. Dans la cadre de cette initiative, Ipsos a été mandaté par Santé Canada pour mener une consultation sur le Guide alimentaire canadien. Cette consultation avait pour but d’orienter l’élaboration et la communication des recommandations sur la saine alimentation par Santé Canada. Ce rapport présente un sommaire de ce que nous avons entendu lors de la Phase 1 de la consultation sur le Guide alimentaire canadien. Il s’appuie sur l’analyse effectuée par Ipsos des opinions soumises par les participants à l’aide d’un cahier d’exercices qui a été affiché et rempli en ligne entre le 24 octobre et le 8 décembre 2016 » -- Introd., p. 4.072gccstaAlimentation072gccstaPolitique en matière de santé072gccstaConsultation2 aIpsos (Firme). bAffaires publiques.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tCanada’s food guide consultation, phase 1 w(CaOODSP)9.83534740qPDFs1.14 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H164-207-2017-fra.pdf01546cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860025001392450091001642600038002553000031002935000088003245000050004125200527004626920019009896920033010086920023010417100029010647750072010938560103011659.834594CaOODSP20221107150454cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onca o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08158-8 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH128-1/08-543-2E-PDF00aGuide for radon measurements in residential dwellings (homes) h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bHealth Canada, c2017. a22 p. : bill. (some col.) aIssued also in French under title: Guide sur les mesures du radon dans les maisons. a"Publication date: May 2017"--Verso of cover. a“This document is intended for persons and organizations carrying out radon testing in residential homes. The purpose of the testing is to evaluate radon levels in order to determine the need for remedial action to protect the occupants. The scope of this document is limited to guidance regarding types of measurement devices, device placement, measurement duration, and the interpretation of measurements. There is also brief mention of some preventive measures now available for new home construction"--Introd., p. 3.072gccstaHousing072gccstaRadioactive materials072gccstaMeasurement1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tGuide sur les mesures du radon dans les maisons w(CaOODSP)9.83459640qPDFs2.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H128-1-08-543-2-eng.pdf01642cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860025001392450081001642600038002453000040002835000106003235000060004295200587004896920020010766920032010966920018011287100029011467750086011758560103012619.834596CaOODSP20221107150454cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onca o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08159-5 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH128-1/08-543-2F-PDF00aGuide sur les mesures du radon dans les maisons h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bSanté Canada, c2017. a24 p. : bill. (certaines en coul.) aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Guide for radon measurements in residential dwellings (homes). a« Date de publication : mai 2017 »--Verso de la couv. a« Ce document est destiné aux personnes et aux organisations qui effectuent des mesures du radon dans les maisons. Ces mesures ont pour but d’établir les concentrations de radon afin de déterminer s’il est nécessaire de prendre des mesures correctives pour protéger les occupants. Ce document sert de guide pour les différents types d’appareils de mesure, leur installation, et la durée et l’interprétation des mesures. Il aborde également brièvement certaines mesures de prévention mises en œuvre lors de la construction de nouvelles maisons »--Introd., p. 3.072gccstaLogement072gccstaMatière radioactive072gccstaMesure1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuide for radon measurements in residential dwellings (homes) w(CaOODSP)9.83459440qPDFs1.40 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H128-1-08-543-2-fra.pdf01530cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450076001632600043002393000031002825000019003135000087003325200439004195300033008586920030008916920020009216920023009416920029009647100029009937750046010227760047010688560101011159.834060CaOODSP20221107150344cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08033-8 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH34-306/2017-1E-PDF00aJordan’s Principle h[electronic resource] : bquestions and answers. a[Ottawa] : b[Health Canada], cc2017. a[2] p. (un-numbered pages) aCaption title. aIssued also in French under title: Le principe de Jordan : questions et réponses. a“Jordan’s Principle is meant to prevent First Nations children from being denied essential services or experiencing delays in receiving them. Jordan’s Principle: applies to all First Nations children; involves all jurisdictional disputes, between federal departments or between federal and provincial governments; and provides payment for needed services by the government or department that first receives the request"--p. [1]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaAboriginal peoples072gccstaChildren072gccstaHealth care072gccstaGovernment policy1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tLe principe de Jordan w(CaOODSP)9.8340640#tJordan’s principle : w(CaOODSP)9.83406340qPDFs253 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H34-306-2017-1-eng.pdf01462cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200041000880400017001290430012001460860037001582450056001952600041002513000009002925000073003015000019003745040041003935200379004345300033008136920021008466920020008676920025008877100029009127750057009417760051009988560099010499.835162CaOODSP20221107150613cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08290-5z978-0-660-08291-2 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH129-73/2017E-PDFzH129-73/2017E00aHealth effects of cannabis h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada, cc2017. a4 p. aIssued also in French under title: Effets du cannabis sur la santé. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“There are both potential therapeutic uses for and potential health risks of using cannabis (marijuana). A chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for the way your brain and body respond to cannabis. While it is used by some for therapeutic purposes, there are short- and long-term physical and mental health effects that can be harmful"--p. [1]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaNarcotics072gccstaDrug use072gccstaHealth impact1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tEffets du cannabis sur la santé w(CaOODSP)9.8351660#tHealth effects of cannabis w(CaOODSP)9.83516540qPDFs284 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-73-2017-eng.pdf01627cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200041000880400017001290430012001460860037001582450066001952600041002613000009003025000070003115000022003815040048004035200498004515300043009496920018009926920035010106920032010457100029010777750051011067760057011578560099012149.835166CaOODSP20221107150613cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08292-9z978-0-660-08293-6 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH129-73/2017F-PDFzH129-73/2017F00aEffets du cannabis sur la santé h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada, cc2017. a4 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Health effects of cannabis. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« La consommation de cannabis (ou marijuana) peut avoir un usage thérapeutique, mais elle peut également comporter des risques pour la santé. Une substance chimique nommée delta-9-tétrahydrocannabinol (THC) est responsable des effets du cannabis sur le cerveau et sur l’organisme. Même si le cannabis peut servir à certaines fins thérapeutiques, sa consommation engendre des effets à court ou à long terme qui peuvent être néfastes pour la santé physique et mentale »--p. [1]. aÉgalement publ. en version imprimée.072gccstaDrogue072gccstaConsommation de drogues072gccstaImpact sur la santé1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tHealth effects of cannabis w(CaOODSP)9.8351620#tEffets du cannabis sur la santé w(CaOODSP)9.83516740qPDFs299 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-73-2017-fra.pdf01519cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200048000880400017001360430012001530860037001652450087002022600048002893000009003375000111003465000019004575000030004765000088005065200174005945300033007686920021008016930022008227100029008447750083008737760070009567940068010268560099010949.835169CaOODSP20221107150613cr |||||||||||170412s2017 onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660082950z9780660082912z9780660082905 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH129-74/2017E-PDFzH129-74/2017E00aLegalizing and strictly regulating cannabis h[electronic resource] : bthe facts. a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, cc2017. a2 p. aIssued also in French under title: La légalisation et la réglementation stricte du cannabis : les faits. aCaption title. aIssued by: Health Canada. aIncorrect ISBNs (978-0-660-08291-2, 978-0-660-08290-5) printed in this publication. a“This factsheet describes how the Cannabis Act would restrict access to cannabis, protect public health and safety, and set criminal penalties"--Provided by publisher. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaMarijuana 4aDrug legalization1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tLa légalisation et la réglementation stricte du cannabis w(CaOODSP)9.8351710#tLegalizing and strictly regulating cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.835168 tLegalizing and strictly regulating cannabis w(CaOODSP)9.85186640qPDFs244 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-74-2017-eng.pdf01473cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200033000880400017001210430012001380860037001502450106001872600050002933000009003435000098003525000022004505000031004725200200005035300043007036920021007466930027007677100029007947750068008237760086008917940083009778560099010609.835171CaOODSP20221107150613cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660082974z9780660082967 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH129-74/2017F-PDFzH129-74/2017F03aLa légalisation et la réglementation stricte du cannabis h[ressource électronique] : bles faits. a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, cc2017. a2 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Legalizing and strictly regulating cannabis: the facts. aTitre de départ. aPubl. par : Santé Canada. a« Cette fiche de renseignements décrit comment la Loi sur le Cannabis en limite l'accès, protège la santé et la sécurité du public, fixe des sanctions pénales » -- Fourni par l'éditeur. aÉgalement publ. en version imprimée.072gccstaMarijuana 4aDrogues--Légalisation1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tLegalizing and strictly regulating cannabis w(CaOODSP)9.8351690#tLa légalisation et la réglementation stricte du cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.835170 tLa légalisation et la réglementation stricte du cannabis w(CaOODSP)9.85186740qPDFs264 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-74-2017-fra.pdf01627cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001392450093001612600041002543000009002955000130003045000019004345200586004536920030010396920032010696920028011017100029011297750092011588560099012509.826461CaOODSP20221107144606cr |||||||||||170623s2016 onc o f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-06661-5 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH34-303/2016E-PDF00aAboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative (AHHRI) fact sheet h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada, cc2016. a2 p. aIssued also in French under title: Initiative sur les ressources humaines en santé autochtone (IRHSA) : fiche d'information. aCaption title. a“Indigenous communities require qualified health workers to deliver high quality, culturally safe health services. Ensuring an adequate supply of nurses, doctors and community-based workers is a challenge for some Indigenous communities. The Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative (AHHRI) invests $4.5 million annually in training and education. It aims to increase the number of Indigenous people entering health careers. It also provides training to community‑based workers and health managers delivering health services in First Nations and Inuit communities"--p. [1].072gccstaAboriginal peoples072gccstaHealth professionals072gccstaFederal programs1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tInitiative sur les ressources humaines en santé autochtone (IRHSA) w(CaOODSP)9.82646340qPDFs440 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H34-303-2016-eng.pdf01953cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860022001392450125001612600041002863000009003275000107003365000022004435200902004656920023013676920038013906920031014287100029014597750088014888560099015769.826463CaOODSP20221107144606cr |||||||||||170623s2016 onc o f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-06663-9 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH34-303/2016F-PDF00aInitiative sur les ressources humaines en santé autochtone (IRHSA) h[ressource électronique] : bfiche d'information. a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada, cc2016. a2 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative (AHHRI) fact sheet. aTitre de départ. a« Les communautés autochtones ont besoin de travailleurs de la santé qualifiés pour assurer la prestation de services de soins de santé de grande qualité et respectueux de la culture. Assurer la présence d’un nombre adéquat de ressources humaines en santé, y compris du personnel infirmier, des médecins et des travailleurs communautaires, demeure une préoccupation constante pour les communautés autochtones. L’Initiative sur les ressources humaines en santé autochtone (IRHSA) investit annuellement 4,5 millions de dollars en formation et en éducation. Elle vise à augmenter le nombre d’autochtones qui entreprennent une carrière dans le domaine de la santé. Elle fournit également une formation aux travailleurs communautaires et aux gestionnaires de la santé qui offrent des services de soins de santé aux communautés des Premières Nations et des Inuits »--p. [1].072gccstaAutochtones072gccstaProfessionnel de la santé072gccstaProgramme fédéral1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tAboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative (AHHRI) fact sheet w(CaOODSP)9.82646140qPDFs430 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H34-303-2016-fra.pdf02455cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450112001632600038002753000014003135000164003275000056004915040052005475201057005996920026016566920043016827100029017257100063017547750137018177940098019548560101020529.832514CaOODSP20240116111820cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc ob f000 0 eng d a978-1-100-19258-1 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH129-54/3-2017E-PDF00aGuidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment h[electronic resource] : bnoise. aOttawa : bHealth Canada, c2017. aii, 50 p. aIssued also in French under title: Conseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales : le bruit. a"Publication date: January 2017”--Verso of cover. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 26-27). a“This document provides generic guidance on predicting health risks related to levels and/or types of sound predicted in federal environmental assessments (EAs) of proposed major resource and infrastructure projects (such as mines, dams, pipelines and other projects). It presents the principles, current practices and basic information Health Canada looks for when it reviews the environmental impact statement (EIS) or other reports submitted by project proponents as part of the EA process. It was prepared for the benefit of proponents and their consultants and to support an efficient and transparent project review process. The foundational information described here should be supplemented appropriately with additional information relevant to specific projects. The guidance was also prepared for responsible authorities (RAs) and stakeholders to the EA process to communicate our normal areas of engagement and our priorities within these areas to help ensure that sufficient evidence is available to support sound decisions"--Purpose, p. 2.072gccstaHealth hazards072gccstaEnvironmental impact assessment1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.1 aCanada. bHealthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch.08tConseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales w(CaOODSP)9.832515 tGuidance for evaluating human health effects in impact assessment : b2023w(CaOODSP)9.93033840qPDFs565 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-54-3-2017-eng.pdf02799cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450170001632600038003333000014003715000130003855000066005155040059005815201278006406920033019186920029019516920040019807100104020207100029021247750097021537940134022508560101023849.802344CaOODSP20240116104455cr |||||||||||170623s2016 onc ob f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-03097-5 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH129-54/1-2017F-PDF00aConseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales h[ressource électronique] : bqualité de l’air. aOttawa : bSanté Canada, c2016. aii, 32 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Guidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment: air quality. a« Date de publication : décembre 2016 »--Verso de la couv. aComprend des références bibliographiques (p. 24-25). a« Le présent document fournit des conseils généraux pour prévoir les risques sur la santé liés aux changements de la qualité de l’air dans les évaluations environnementales (EE) fédérales des grands projets d’exploitation des ressources et de l’infrastructure qui sont proposés (par exemple les mines, les barrages et les pipelines). Il traite des principes, des pratiques actuelles de même que des renseignements de base dont Santé Canada tient compte au moment d’évaluer l’énoncé des incidences environnementales (EIE) présenté par les promoteurs du projet dans le cadre du processus d’évaluation environnementale. Il a été préparé à l’intention des promoteurs et de leurs consultants et dans le but de favoriser un processus d’examen des projets efficace et transparent. Aux renseignements de base fournis ici doivent s’ajouter les renseignements supplémentaires concernant les projets en cause. Ce document s’adresse aussi aux autorités responsables et aux intervenants qui participent au processus d’EE; il leur présente nos secteurs d’engagement normaux ainsi que nos priorités dans ces domaines afin qu’il y ait suffisamment de données probantes pour appuyer la prise de décisions judicieuses »--Objet, p. 2.072gccstaRisque pour la santé072gccstaQualité de l'air072gccstaÉvaluation environnementale1 aCanada. bDirection générale de la santé environnementale et de la sécurité des consommateurs.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment w(CaOODSP)9.802343 tConseils pour l'évaluation des effets sur la santé humaine dans le cadre d'une évaluation d'impact : b2023w(CaOODSP)9.90273540qPDFs248 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-54-1-2017-fra.pdf02552cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450118001632600038002813000014003195000175003335000057005085040052005655201017006176920026016346920023016606920043016837100029017267100063017557750137018187940098019558560185020539.802343CaOODSP20240116104808cr |||||||||||170623s2016 onc ob f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-03096-8 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aH129-54/1-2017E-PDF00aGuidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment h[electronic resource] : bair quality. aOttawa : bHealth Canada, c2016. aii, 30 p. aIssued also in French under title: Conseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales : qualité de l’air. a"Publication date: December 2016”--Verso of cover. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 22-23). a“This document provides generic guidance on predicting health risks of air quality in federal environmental assessments (EAs) of proposed major resource and infrastructure projects (such as mines, dams, pipelines and other projects). It presents the principles, current practices and basic information Health Canada looks for when it reviews the environmental impact statements (EIS) or other reports submitted by project proponents as part of the EA process. It was prepared for the benefit of proponents and their consultants and to support an efficient and transparent project review process. The foundational information described here should be supplemented appropriately with additional information relevant to specific projects. The guidance was also prepared for responsible authorities and stakeholders to the EA process to communicate our normal areas of engagement and our priorities within these areas to help ensure that sufficient evidence is available to support sound decisions"--Purpose, p. 2.072gccstaHealth hazards072gccstaAir quality072gccstaEnvironmental impact assessment1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.1 aCanada. bHealthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch.08tConseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales w(CaOODSP)9.802344 tGuidance for evaluating human health effects in impact assessment : b2023w(CaOODSP)9.90273440ahttp://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-54-2-2017-eng.pdfqPDFs234 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-54-1-2017-eng.pdf02728cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860024001392450159001632600038003223000014003605000124003745000064004985040059005625201267006216920033018886920040019217100104019617100029020657750097020947940134021918560101023259.832515CaOODSP20240116114632cr |||||||||||170623s2017 onc ob f000 0 fre d a978-1-100-97929-8 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aH129-54/3-2017F-PDF00aConseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales h[ressource électronique] : ble bruit. aOttawa : bSanté Canada, c2017. aii, 55 p. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Guidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment: noise. a« Date de publication : janvier 2017 »--Verso de la couv. aComprend des références bibliographiques (p. 29-30). a« Le présent document fournit des conseils généraux pour prévoir les risques sur la santé des changements des niveaux de bruit dans les évaluations environnementales (EE) fédérales des grands projets d’exploitation des ressources et de l’infrastructure qui sont proposés (par exemple les mines, les barrages et les pipelines). Il traite des principes, des pratiques actuelles de même que des renseignements de base dont Santé Canada tient compte au moment d’évaluer l’énoncé des incidences environnementales (EIE) présenté par les promoteurs du projet dans le cadre du processus d’évaluation environnementale. Il a été préparé à l’intention des promoteurs et de leurs consultants et dans le but de favoriser un processus d’examen des projets efficace et transparent. Aux renseignements de base fournis ici doivent s’ajouter les renseignements supplémentaires concernant les projets en cause. Ce document s’adresse aussi aux autorités responsables et aux intervenants qui participent au processus d’EE; il leur présente nos secteurs d’engagement normaux ainsi que nos priorités dans ces domaines afin qu’il y ait suffisamment de données probantes pour appuyer la prise de décisions judicieuses »--Objet, p. 2.072gccstaRisque pour la santé072gccstaÉvaluation environnementale1 aCanada. bDirection générale de la santé environnementale et de la sécurité des consommateurs.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuidance for evaluating human health impacts in environmental assessment w(CaOODSP)9.832514 tConseils pour l'évaluation des effets sur la santé humaine dans le cadre d'une évaluation d'impact : b2023w(CaOODSP)9.93033940qPDFs596 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H129-54-3-2017-fra.pdf02596cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860020001171000023001372450142001602600055003023000014003574900034003715000134004055000016005395040052005555201231006076920019018386920015018576920025018726920022018977000027019197100062019467750054020088300097020628560099021599.838527CaOODSP20221107151411cr |||||||||||170619s2017 onc obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aPS83-3/379E-PDF1 aStewart, Lynn Ann.10aComorbid mental disorders h[electronic resource] : bprevalence and impact on institutional outcomes / cLynn A. Stewart & Geoff Wilton. aOttawa : bCorrectional Service of Canada, c2017. avi, 51 p.1 aResearch report ; vno. R-379 aIssued also in French under title: Troubles mentaux concomitants : prévalence et incidence sur les résultats en établissement. a"May 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 29-35). a"The results of a Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) national mental health survey (N = 1,108) were used to determine prevalence rates of comorbid disorders among incoming federal male offenders and to examine outcomes associated with patterns of comorbidity during their incarceration. Results indicated that few male offenders with mental disorders in our population suffer from a single disorder. Nearly 70% with a mental disorder met criteria for at least one other diagnosis. For example, offenders with personality disorders comprise at least 48% of the incoming male population and 66% of these men have a co-occurring substance use disorder (SUD). Similarly, over 50% of the incoming male population had a current substance use disorder, and of these, two-thirds (68%) also met criteria for a co-occurring personality disorder. In summary, federal male offenders with a mental disorder typically have at least two other concurrent disorders. These results suggest that the outcomes for offenders with a mental disorder as well as their treatment needs cannot be fully understood without consideration of the high rates and impact of comorbid personality and substance abuse disorders"--Executive summary, p. iii, iv.072gccstaInmates072gccstaMen072gccstaMental health072gccstaStatistics1 aWilton, Geoff, d1981-1 aCanada. bCorrectional Service Canada. bResearch Branch.08tTroubles mentaux concomitants w(CaOODSP)9.838529#0aResearch report (Correctional Service Canada. Research Branch)vno. R-379w(CaOODSP)9.50606340qPDFs372 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/scc-csc/PS83-3-379-eng.pdf01842cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450107001382600057002453000011003024900039003135000134003525000019004865000016005055200625005216920019011466920015011656920025011806920022012057100062012277750054012898300085013438560100014289.838563CaOODSP20221107151417cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aPS83-5/R379E-PDF00aComorbid mental disorders h[electronic resource] : bprevalence and impact on institutional outcomes. a[Ottawa] : bCorrectional Service of Canada, c2017. a[1] p.1 aResearch at a glance ; vno. R-379 aIssued also in French under title: Troubles mentaux concomitants : prévalence et incidence sur les résultats en établissement. aCaption title. a"May 2017." a"Comorbid personality or substance abuse disorders underlie negative outcomes for offenders with a mental disorder. Understanding the outcomes of offenders with various types of mental disorders is key to ensuring effective correctional supervision and intervention strategies for this notable proportion of the offender population. Previous research has indicated poorer outcomes for offenders with mental disorders but which types of disorders contributed to this was not established. The current research provided a more detailed examination of outcomes for specific disorders and combinations of comorbid disorders."072gccstaInmates072gccstaMen072gccstaMental health072gccstaStatistics1 aCanada. bCorrectional Service Canada. bResearch Branch.08tTroubles mentaux concomitants w(CaOODSP)9.838565#0aResearch at a glance (Correctional Service Canada)vno. R-379w(CaOODSP)9.50664940qPDFs218 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/scc-csc/PS83-5-R379-eng.pdf03061nam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860020001171000023001372450165001602600056003253000014003814900039003955000119004345000020005535040058005735201654006316920019022856920017023046920026023216920024023477000027023717100063023987750050024618300113025118560099026249.838529CaOODSP20230801131754cr |||||||||||170619s2017 onc obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aPS83-3/379F-PDF1 aStewart, Lynn Ann.10aTroubles mentaux concomitants h[ressource électronique] : bprévalence et incidence sur les résultats en établissement / cLynn A. Stewart et Geoff Wilton. aOttawa : bService correctionnel du Canada, c2017. avi, 59 p.1 aRapport de recherche ; vn° R-379 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Comorbid mental disorders: prevalence and impact on institutional outcomes. a« Mai 2017. » aComprend des réferences bibliographiques (p. 34-41). a« Les résultats d’un sondage national du Service correctionnel du Canada (SCC) en matière de santé mentale (N = 1 108) ont été mis à profit pour déterminer les taux de prévalence des troubles concomitants chez les délinquants de sexe masculin nouvellement confiés au SCC ainsi que pour examiner les résultats associés aux combinaisons en matière de troubles concomitants pour la durée de leur peine. Selon les résultats, peu de délinquants aux prises avec des troubles mentaux dans notre population ont un seul trouble. Près de 70 % des délinquants ayant un trouble mental satisfaisaient aux critères diagnostiques pour au moins un autre trouble. Par exemple, les délinquants ayant un trouble de la personnalité constituaient au moins 48 % des délinquants de sexe masculin nouvellement admis et 66 % d’entre eux souffraient de trouble concomitant de toxicomanie. Dans le même ordre d’idées, plus de 50 % des délinquants de sexe masculin nouvellement admis souffraient actuellement de toxicomanie, et parmi ceux-ci, les deux tiers (68 %) répondaient aussi aux critères diagnostiques d’un trouble de la personnalité concomitant. En résumé, les délinquants de sexe masculin sous responsabilité fédérale ayant un trouble mental ont généralement au moins deux autres troubles concomitants. Ces données laissent croire que les résultats des délinquants ayant un trouble mental et leurs besoins en matière de traitement ne peuvent être pleinement compris sans tenir compte des taux élevés et de la grande incidence des troubles concomitants de la personnalité et de toxicomanie »--Résumé, p. iii, iv.072gccstaDétenu072gccstaHomme072gccstaSanté mentale072gccstaStatistiques1 aWilton, Geoff, d1981-2 aService correctionnel Canada. bDirection de la recherche.08tComorbid mental disorders w(CaOODSP)9.838527#0aRapport de recherche (Service correctionnel Canada. Direction de la recherche)vn° R-379w(CaOODSP)9.50246540qPDFs605 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/scc-csc/PS83-3-379-fra.pdf02107nam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450129001382600058002673000011003254900048003365000119003845000022005035000020005255200856005456920019014016920017014206920026014376920024014637100063014877750050015508300093016008560100016939.838565CaOODSP20230801131754cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aPS83-5/R379F-PDF00aTroubles mentaux concomitants h[ressource électronique] : bprévalence et incidence sur les résultats en établissement. a[Ottawa] : bService correctionnel du Canada, c2017. a[1] p.1 aRecherche en un coup d’oeil ; vn° R-379 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Comorbid mental disorders: prevalence and impact on institutional outcomes. aTitre de départ. a« Mai 2017. » a« La concomitance des troubles de la personnalité ou de toxicomanie sous-tend des résultats négatifs chez les délinquants présentant un trouble mental. Il est important de comprendre les résultats des délinquants présentant divers types de troubles mentaux pour assurer la mise en place de stratégies de surveillance et d’intervention correctionnelles efficaces à l'intention de cette proportion importante de la population carcérale. Des recherches antérieures ont révélé que les délinquants aux prises avec des troubles mentaux obtiennent de moins bons résultats correctionnels, mais n'ont pas permis d'établir les types de troubles qui contribuent à ce constat. La présente recherche a permis de fournir un examen plus détaillé des résultats selon des troubles spécifiques et des combinaisons de troubles concomitants. »072gccstaDétenu072gccstaHomme072gccstaSanté mentale072gccstaStatistiques2 aService correctionnel Canada. bDirection de la recherche.08tComorbid mental disorders w(CaOODSP)9.838563#0aRecherche en un coup d'œil (Service correctionnel Canada)vn° R-379w(CaOODSP)9.50303740qPDFs217 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/scc-csc/PS83-5-R379-fra.pdf01685cas 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880400017001020430012001190860187001311100063003182220084003812400082004652450130005472600047006773100011007243620054007355000074007895200347008636910036012106910041012467750054012877800054013419.501363CaOODSP20221107132954cr |||||||||||150406d20012011oncar p o s f0 b0fre|d a1701-8250 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS21-0003F-PDFzCS21-0003/2003F-PDFzCS21-0003/2004F-PDFzCS21-0003/2005F-PDFzCS21-0003/2006F-PDFzCS21-0003/2007F-PDFzCS21-0003/2008F-PDFzCS21-0003/2010F-PDFzCS21-0003/2011F-PDF1 aCanada. bStatistique Canada. bDivision de l'agriculture. 0aRépertoire des produits, des services et des personnes-ressources b(En ligne)10aRépertoire des produits, des services et des personnes-ressources (En ligne)10aRépertoire des produits, des services et des personnes-ressources h[ressource électronique] / cDivision de l'agriculture. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada c2001-2011. aAnnuel1 aParaît depuis 2001; ne paraît plus après 2011. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : People, products and services.3 aContient la liste complète des personnes-ressources et la description détaillée de tous les services de la Division de l'agriculture, y compris: les services personnalisées; les publications; les services par télécopieur; les produits à l'intention des enseignants; les documents de travail; et les produits et services électroniques.07aServices gouvernementaux2gcpds07aStatistiques de l'agriculture2gcpds08tPeople, products and services w(CaOODSP)9.50496500tPeople, products and services w(CaOODSP)9.84488401963cas 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220025000880400017001130410013001300430012001430860187001550860018003421100057003602220045004172400043004622450084005052460082005892600047006713100011007183620039007295000107007685000078008755200234009535460113011876900034013006900031013347750091013657750091014567920054015479.504965CaOODSP20221107133442cr |||||||||||150406d19942011oncar p oss f0 a0eng|d a1701-8242y1487-9492 aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aCS21-0003E-PDFzCS21-0003/2003E-PDFzCS21-0003/2004E-PDFzCS21-0003/2005E-PDFzCS21-0003/2006E-PDFzCS21-0003/2007E-PDFzCS21-0003/2008E-PDFzCS21-0003/2010E-PDFzCS21-0003/2011E-PDF1 aCS21-0003-PDF1 aCanada. bStatistics Canada. bAgriculture Division. 0aPeople, products and services b(Online)10aPeople, products and services (Online)00aPeople, products and services h[electronic resource] / cAgriculture Division.15aRépertoire des produits, des services et des personnes-ressourcesf1997-2002 aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1994-2011. aAnnual1 aBegan with 1994; ceased with 2011. aIssued also in French under title: Répertoire des produits, des services et des personnes-ressources. aSome issues digitized from print edition [produced by Statistics Canada].3 aProvides a complete list of all contacts plus detailed descriptions of all the services available including: custom services; publications; fax services; educational products; working papers; and electronic products and services. aText in English only, 1994-1996, 2003-2011; text in English and French with separate title pages, 1997-2002.07aAgriculture statistics2gcpds07aGovernment services2gcpds08tRépertoire des produits, des services et des personnes-ressources w(CaOODSP)9.50136308tRépertoire des produits, des services et des personnes-ressources w(CaOODSP)9.855050 tPeople, products and services w(CaOODSP)9.84488401630cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860024001172450197001412460052003382460058003902600044004483000010004925000066005025000017005685000021005855000022006065200540006286920023011686920022011917100023012138560104012369.838459CaOODSP20221107151401cr |||||||||||170619s1983 onc |||os f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS93-0036/1981E-PDF00a1981 Census of Canada 20 per cent data base h[electronic resource] : bhighlight information on ethnicity, place of birth, citizenship, income, language, immigration, religion, shelter costs.3 a1981 Census of Canada twenty per cent data base1 iAt head of title:aCanada update from the 1981 census a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, c1983. a39 p. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aCover title. aErratum laid in. a"April 26, 1983." a"The data presented in the following set of tables have been compiled from information collected from, one in five households in the June 1981 census. This set of tables includes highlight information on ethnicity, language, place of birth, immigration, citizenship and religion of the population, on income of persons and families as well as information on value of dwellings and shelter costs. Some tables include historical comparisons while others refer only to 1981. Geographical areas covered differ from table to table."--p. [4]072gccstaCensus data072gccstaPopulation2 aStatistics Canada.40qPDFs3.08 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS93-0036-1981-eng.pdf02018cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860030001481000023001782450245002012460090004462600063005363000031005994900064006305000066006945000018007605000070007785200494008485460032013426920023013746920019013976920017014167000016014337100061014497920047015108560099015579.838466CaOODSP20221107151402cr |||||||||||170619s1985 onca #os f00| 0 eng d z0-660-52823-1 aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-943/1981-PDFz95-9431 aBoxhill, Walton O.10a1981 shelter cost data h[electronic resource] : bediting and imputation strategies / cWalton O. Boxhill and Oliver Lo = Données de 1981 sur le prix du logement : stratégies de contrôle et d'imputation / Walton O. Boxhill et Oliver Lo.11aDonnées de 1981 sur le prix du logement : bstratégies de contrôle et d'imputation aOttawa : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c1985. a51, [4] p. : bill., figs.0 aWorking paper (Technical) = Document de travail (technique) aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. a"April 1985." aIssued by Statistics Canada, Housing, Family and Social Division. a"As shelter costs remain topical issues affecting very significant numbers of the Canadian population, it is very likely that the census information on shelter cost variables will be subjected to close public scrutiny. This paper was written to acquaint the reader and data user with some of the options considered and exercised in the determination of an appropriate module for editing and imputing values to the several shelter cost variables in the 1981 Census. ..."--Executive summary. aText in English and French.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaHousing072gccstaCosts1 aLo, Oliver.2 aStatistics Canada.bHousing, Family and Social Division. t1981 shelter cost data w(CaOODSP)9.83847640qPDFs2.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-943-1981.pdf02235cam 2200373za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860030001481000023001782450249002012460090004502600063005403000031006034900064006345000067006985000022007655000106007875200577008935460038014706920035015086920020015436920017015637000016015807100095015967100024016917910047017158560099017629.838476CaOODSP20221107151404cr |||||||||||170619s1985 onca #os f00| 0 fre d z0-660-52823-1 aCaOODSPbfre aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-943/1981-PDFz95-9431 aBoxhill, Walton O.10a1981 shelter cost data h[ressource électronique] : bediting and imputation strategies / cWalton O. Boxhill and Oliver Lo = Données de 1981 sur le prix du logement : stratégies de contrôle et d'imputation / Walton O. Boxhill et Oliver Lo.11aDonnées de 1981 sur le prix du logement : bstratégies de contrôle et d'imputation aOttawa : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c1985. a51, [4] p. : bill., figs.0 aWorking paper (Technical) = Document de travail (technique) aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada]. a« Avril 1985. » aPublié par Statistique Canada, Division des caractéristiques sociales, du logement et des familles. a« Comme le prix du logement reste une question d'actualité touchant un très grand nombre de Canadiens, il est fort probable que les données du recensement sur les variables du prix du logement soient minutieusement examinées par le public. Le présent document vise à renseigner le lecteur et l'utilisateur de données sur certaines des options envisagées et adoptées afin de déterminer un module approprié pour le contrôle et l'imputation de valeurs aux diverses variables du prix du logement utilisées lors du recensement de 1981. ... »--Résumé général. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaLogement072gccstaCoût1 aLo, Oliver.2 aStatistique Canada.bDivision des caractéristiques sociales, du logement et des familles.2 aStatistique Canada. t1981 shelter cost data w(CaOODSP)9.83846640qPDFs2.56 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-943-1981.pdf01847cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860030001481000017001782450344001952460149005392600063006883000010007514900064007615000066008255000018008915000070009095200186009795460032011656920023011976920018012207000023012387100061012617920076013228560099013989.838479CaOODSP20221107151404cr |||||||||||170619s1985 onc #os f00| 0 eng d z0-660-52824-X aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-944/1981-PDFz95-9441 aHamm, Brian.10aRelationship to person 1 and family characteristics h[electronic resource] : b1981 census head office processing results / cBrian Hamm and Walton O. Boxhill = Lien avec la personne 1 et caractéristiques des familles : résultats du dépouillement des données du recensement de 1981 au bureau central / Brian Hamm et Walton O. Boxhill.11aLien avec la personne 1 et caractéristiques des familles : brésultats du dépouillement des données du recensement de 1981 au bureau central aOttawa : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c1985. a33 p.0 aWorking paper (Technical) = Document de travail (technique) aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. a"April 1985." aIssued by Statistics Canada, Housing, Family and Social Division. a"This report summarizes the procedures and results of Head Office processing for the Relationship to Person 1 characteristic from the 1981 Census of Canada. ..."--Executive summary. aText in English and French.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaFamily1 aBoxhill, Walton O.2 aStatistics Canada.bHousing, Family and Social Division. tRelationship to person 1 and family characteristics w(CaOODSP)9.83849240qPDFs1.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-944-1981.pdf02051cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860030001481000017001782450348001952460149005432600063006923000010007554900064007655000067008295000022008965000106009185200256010245460038012806920035013186920019013537000023013727100095013957100024014907910076015148560099015909.838492CaOODSP20221107151406cr |||||||||||170619s1985 onc #os f00| 0 fre d z0-660-52824-X aCaOODSPbfre aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-944/1981-PDFz95-9441 aHamm, Brian.10aRelationship to person 1 and family characteristics h[ressource électronique] : b1981 census head office processing results / cBrian Hamm and Walton O. Boxhill = Lien avec la personne 1 et caractéristiques des familles : résultats du dépouillement des données du recensement de 1981 au bureau central / Brian Hamm et Walton O. Boxhill.11aLien avec la personne 1 et caractéristiques des familles : brésultats du dépouillement des données du recensement de 1981 au bureau central aOttawa : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c1985. a33 p.0 aWorking paper (Technical) = Document de travail (technique) aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada]. a« Avril 1985. » aPublié par Statistique Canada, Division des caractéristiques sociales, du logement et des familles. a« Le présent rapport présente les procédures employées et les résultats obtenus dans le cadre du dépouillement au bureau central des données du recensement du Canada de 1981 se rapportant au lien avec la Personne 1. ... »--Résumé général. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaFamille1 aBoxhill, Walton O.2 aStatistique Canada.bDivision des caractéristiques sociales, du logement et des familles.2 aStatistique Canada. tRelationship to person 1 and family characteristics w(CaOODSP)9.83847940qPDFs1.36 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-944-1981.pdf01984cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860022001301000025001522450260001772460097004372600108005343000026006424900104006685000066007725000017008385040041008555200482008965460032013786920023014106920026014337100041014597920058015008560100015589.838499CaOODSP20221107151407cr |||||||||||170619s1982 onca #os f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-971/1982-PDF1 aSingh, Françoise R.14aThe municipal structure in Canada h[electronic resource] : bproblems it creates for users of statistics / cby Françoise R. Singh = La structure municipale au Canada : les problèmes qu'elle cause aux utilisateurs de données / par Françoise R. Singh.11aStructure municipale au Canada : bles problèmes qu'elle cause aux utilisateurs de données a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, Geography Staff = Statistique Canada, Groupe de la géographie, c1982. a22 p. : bill., figs.0 aWorking paper (Geography series) = Document de travail (Série de la géographie) ;vno. 1 - GEO 82 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"When a geographer analyses a territory, he must decide on a certain level of spatial detail. Is he to analyse at the national level, at the provincial level, at the county level, at the municipal level or at the neighbourhood level? Each level has its advantages and disadvantages. The following paper deals with the municipal level, used as a basic unit for local government and as a statistical unit, since it is legally incorporated and identifies a community. ..."--Intro. aText in English and French.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaUrban planning2 aStatistics Canada.bGeography Staff. tThe municipal structure in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83852540qPDFs12.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-971-1982.pdf01339cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450071001662600042002373000023002795000045003025000017003475000066003645000094004305200263005246920023007876920035008107100023008457750078008688560103009469.838598CaOODSP20221107151422cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51270-X aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-931/1981E-PDFz99-93100aCanada's changing population distribution h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[29] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"July 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Évolution et répartition de la population au Canada. a"This report will attempt to describe the phenomenon of population change in Canada. It's a fascinating story, so let's just look at what has happened to the Canadian population since the 1871 Census, the first one taken after Confederation in 1867."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaPopulation distribution2 aStatistics Canada.08tÉvolution et répartition de la population au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83860640qPDFs1.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-931-1981-eng.pdf01424cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450087001662600043002533000027002965000055003235000024003785000088004025000067004905200308005576920035008656920041009007100024009417750066009658560103010319.838606CaOODSP20221107151423cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51270-X aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-931/1981F-PDFz99-93100aÉvolution et répartition de la population au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[29] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Juillet 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's changing population distribution. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« Nous tenterons dans notre étude de décrire le phénomène de l'évolution démographique au Canada. C'est une histoire fascinante. Voyons done ce qui a pu se produire dans la population canadienne depuis le recensement de 1871, le premier qui a eu lieu après la Confédération en 1867. »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaRépartition de la population2 aStatistique Canada.08tCanada's changing population distribution w(CaOODSP)9.83859840qPDFs2.08 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-931-1981-fra.pdf01233cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450051001662600042002173000023002595000045002825000018003275000066003455000072004115200236004836920023007196920019007427100023007617750056007848560103008409.838614CaOODSP20221107151424cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51271-8 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-932/1981E-PDFz99-93204aThe elderly in Canada h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[28] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"April 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Les personnes âgées au Canada. a"This report will try to answer questions the average Canadian might have about our aging population. It tells how many elderly there are and who they are. It examines where they live and how much money they have to spend."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaSeniors2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes personnes âgées au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83861740qPDFs4.15 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-932-1981-eng.pdf01350cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450065001662600043002313000027002745000055003015000022003565000068003785000067004465200321005136920035008346920018008697100024008877750046009118560103009579.838617CaOODSP20221107151425cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51271-8 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-932/1981F-PDFz99-93204aLes personnes âgées au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[28] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Avril 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : The elderly in Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« La présente étude essayera de répondre aux questions que le Canadien moyen pourrait se poser sur le vieillissement démographique au Canada. Elle donne le nombre de personnes âgées et précise qui elles sont, et examine leur lieu de résidence ainsi que la quantité d'argent dont elles disposent. »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaAîné2 aStatistique Canada.08tThe elderly in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83861440qPDFs4.29 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-932-1981-fra.pdf01334cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450059001662600042002253000023002675000045002905000016003355000066003515000078004175200304004956920023007996920034008227100023008567750062008798560103009419.838629CaOODSP20221107151426cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51272-6 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-933/1981E-PDFz99-93300aCanada's lone-parent families h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[36] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"May 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Les familles monoparentales au Canada. a"This report opens with a brief overview of some of the main growth trends in lone-parent families over the 50 years from 1931 to 1981. The importance of the long-term marital status, sex and age (that is, demographic) changes in this country's lone parents are described and explained. ..."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaSingle parent families2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes familles monoparentales au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83863440qPDFs2.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-933-1981-eng.pdf01468cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450071001662600043002373000027002805000055003075000020003625000076003825000067004585200404005256920035009296920033009647100024009977750054010218560103010759.838634CaOODSP20221107151427cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51272-6 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-933/1981F-PDFz99-93304aLes familles monoparentales au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[36] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Mai 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's lone-parent families. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« Cette étude débute par un bref aperçu de quelques-unes des principales tendances dans la croissance du nombre de familles monoparentales entre 1931 et 1981. On expose et explique l'importance des changements à long terme survenus dans la répartition selon l'état matrimonial, le sexe et l'âge (c'est-à-dire des changements démographiques), parmi les parents seuls du pays. ... »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaFamille monoparentale2 aStatistique Canada.08tCanada's lone-parent families w(CaOODSP)9.83862940qPDFs2.58 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-933-1981-fra.pdf01229cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450042001662600042002083000023002505000045002735000020003185000066003385000051004045200281004556920023007366920019007597100023007787750035008018560103008369.838641CaOODSP20221107151428cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51273-4 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-934/1981E-PDFz99-93400aLiving alone h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[22] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"January 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Vivre seul. a"This report answers several questions about people who live alone. It describes who they are, and looks at their numbers and why they are increasing. It discusses their income and what factors affect it. Finally, it tells where they live and in what type of housing."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaHousing2 aStatistics Canada.08tVivre seul w(CaOODSP)9.83865040qPDFs4.00 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-934-1981-eng.pdf01322cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450044001662600043002103000027002535000055002805000024003355000059003595000067004185200328004856920035008136920020008487100024008687750037008928560103009299.838650CaOODSP20221107151429cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51273-4 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-934/1981F-PDFz99-93400aVivre seul h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[22] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Janvier 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Living alone. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« Cette étude répond à plusieurs questions sur les personnes qui vivent seules. Elle décrit qui elles sont; elle examine leur nombre et les causes de son augmentation. Elle discute leur revenu et les facteurs qui l'influencent. Finalement, elle nous indique où elles vivent et dans quel genre de logements. »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaLogement2 aStatistique Canada.08tLiving alone w(CaOODSP)9.83864140qPDFs4.12 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-934-1981-fra.pdf01311cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450048001662600042002143000023002565000045002795000020003245000066003445000076004105200305004866920023007916920021008147100023008357750060008588560103009189.838652CaOODSP20221107151430cr |||||||||||170621s1985 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51274-2 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-935/1981E-PDFz99-93500aLanguage in Canada h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1985. a[20] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"January 1985." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: La situation linguistique au Canada. a"This report is about language in Canada. It tells where the various linguistic groups are located, examines language mobility, that is, the tendency of persons to speak at home a language that differs from their mother tongue, and looks at bilingual Canadians to see who and where they are."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaLanguages2 aStatistics Canada.08tLa situation linguistique au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83865640qPDFs2.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-935-1981-eng.pdf01394cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450069001662600043002353000027002785000055003055000024003605000065003845000067004495200365005166920035008816920018009167100024009347750043009588560103010019.838656CaOODSP20221107151430cr |||||||||||170621s1985 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51274-2 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-935/1981F-PDFz99-93503aLa situation linguistique au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1985. a[21] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Janvier 1985. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Language in Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« La présente étude traite de la situation linguistique au Canada. Elle renseigne sur la localisation des divers groupes linguistiques, examine le phénomène de la mobilité linguistique (c'est-à-dire la tendance à parler à la maison une langue différente de la langue maternelle), et révèle qui sont et où vivent les Canadiens bilingues. »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaLangue2 aStatistique Canada.08tLanguage in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83865240qPDFs2.55 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-935-1981-fra.pdf01502cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450049001662600042002153000023002575000045002805000019003255000066003445000065004105200517004756920023009926920022010157100023010377750049010608560103011099.838658CaOODSP20221107151430cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51275-0 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-936/1981E-PDFz99-93600aCanada's immigrants h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[42] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"August 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Les immigrants au Canada. a"To clarify what is meant by "immigrants" in this report, it is necessary to look at census definitions. For the purpose of census classification, an immigrant is a resident of Canada who is not a Canadian citizen by birth. Thus, persons born outside Canada, except those whose parents are Canadian, are considered immigrants. As well, a few persons born in Canada who were not considered as Canadians at birth but later obtained Canadian resident status are included among the immigrant population. ..."--p. [2]072gccstaCensus data072gccstaImmigrants2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes immigrants au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83866040qPDFs7.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-936-1981-eng.pdf01462cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450058001662600043002243000027002675000055002945000022003495000066003715000067004375200441005046920035009456920021009807100024010017750044010258560103010699.838660CaOODSP20221107151431cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51275-0 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-936/1981F-PDFz99-93604aLes immigrants au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[42] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Août 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's immigrants. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« Pour bien saisir la notion d' "immigrants" dans cette étude, il faut se reporter aux définitions du recensement. Pour les besoins de la classification dans le cadre du recensement, un immigrant est un résident du Canada qui n'est pas citoyen canadien de naissance. Ainsi, les personnes nées en dehors du Canada, exception faite des enfants nés de parents canadiens, sont considérées comme étant des immigrants. ... »--p. [2]072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaImmigrant2 aStatistique Canada.08tCanada's immigrants w(CaOODSP)9.83865840qPDFs8.51 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-936-1981-fra.pdf01279cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450052001662600042002183000023002605000045002835000017003285000066003455000066004115200283004776920023007606920030007837100023008137750050008368560103008869.838664CaOODSP20221107151431cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51276-9 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-937/1981E-PDFz99-93700aCanada's native people h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[36] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"June 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Les autochtones au Canada. a"This report discusses those native people who were identified by the 1981 Census. It tells who and where they are and how they live. It examines their languages, education and income. Finally, it provides an idea of what these findings may indicate for the future. ..."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaAboriginal peoples2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes autochtones au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83867440qPDFs6.15 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-937-1981-eng.pdf01414cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450059001662600043002253000027002685000055002955000021003505000069003715000067004405200385005076920035008926920023009277100024009507750047009748560103010219.838674CaOODSP20221107151432cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51276-9 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-937/1981F-PDFz99-93704aLes autochtones au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[40] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Juin 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's native people. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« La présente étude porte sur les autochtones qui ont été dénombrés lors du recensement de 1981. Elle nous indique qui ils sont, où ils sont établis et comment ils vivent. Elle contient des données sur leur langue, leur niveau de scolarité et leur revenu. Enfin, elle nous donne une idée des perspectives d'avenir que ces conclusions laissent entrevoir. ... »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaAutochtones2 aStatistique Canada.08tCanada's native people w(CaOODSP)9.83866440qPDFs6.79 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-937-1981-fra.pdf01691cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450049001662600042002153000023002575000045002805000021003255000066003465000064004125200707004766920023011836920021012067100023012277750048012508560103012989.838681CaOODSP20221107151433cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51277-7 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-938/1981E-PDFz99-93800aSchooling in Canada h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[24] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"February 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: La scolarité au Canada. a"This brief report takes a look at some of the recently released 1981 Census of Canada schooling information in the light of three main questions. First, how much schooling or education do Canadians have? Another way of phrasing this question is to ask what is Canada's stock of educated human resources, or is it possible to take an educational inventory of Canada? Second, how much schooling is actually going on in any given school year? In other words, how many people are attending school? And the third and last question this report attempts to answer is: How is schooling related to economic factors such as unemployment and to social characteristics such as ethnicity and religion? ..."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaEducation2 aStatistics Canada.08tLa scolarité au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83868840qPDFs7.17 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-938-1981-eng.pdf01934cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450057001662600043002233000027002665000055002935000025003485000066003735000067004395200910005066920035014166920022014517100024014737750044014978560103015419.838688CaOODSP20221107151434cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51277-7 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-938/1981F-PDFz99-93803aLa scolarité au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[24] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Février 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Schooling in Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« Dans cette brève étude, nous étudions certaines des données du recensement de 1981 récemment publiées sur la scolarité à partir de trois angles différents. Nous nous demanderons d'abord: dans quelle mesure les Canadiens sont-ils scolarisés? La question peut être formulée de deux autres façons: quel est le "produit" scolarisé du Canada? ou: est-il possible d'établir un répertoire de données sur la scolarité au Canada? Puis, nous chercherons à établir combien de personnes reçoivent un enseignement officiel pendant une année scolaire. En d'autres termes: combien de personnes fréquentent un établissement d'enseignement? Enfin, le troisième et dernier aspect sous lequel nous aborderons le sujet consiste à déterminer s'il y a un lien entre la scolarité et certains facteurs économiques, tels que le chômage, ou sociaux, tels que l'ethnie et la religion. ... »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaÉducation2 aStatistique Canada.08tSchooling in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83868140qPDFs7.65 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-938-1981-fra.pdf01233cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450063001662600042002293000023002715000045002945000021003395000066003605000085004265200195005116920023007066920019007297100023007487750069007718560103008409.838693CaOODSP20221107151435cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51278-5 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-939/1981E-PDFz99-93900aCanada's young family home-owners h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[20] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"February 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Les jeunes familles propriétaires au Canada. a"Given the choice, most Canadians would probably prefer to own their homes. Indeed, according to the 1981 Census, close to two-thirds of all households are already home- owners. ..."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaHousing2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes jeunes familles propriétaires au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83869540qPDFs2.10 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-939-1981-eng.pdf01317cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450078001662600043002443000027002875000055003145000025003695000080003945000067004745200246005416920035007876920020008227100024008427750058008668560103009249.838695CaOODSP20221107151435cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51278-5 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-939/1981F-PDFz99-93904aLes jeunes familles propriétaires au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[20] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Février 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's young family home-owners. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« S'ils avaient le choix, la plupart des Canadiens préféreraient probablement être propriétaires de leur maison. De fait, le recensement de 1981 révèle que les deux tiers de tous les ménages sont déjà propriétaires. ... »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaLogement2 aStatistique Canada.08tCanada's young family home-owners w(CaOODSP)9.83869340qPDFs2.39 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-939-1981-fra.pdf01146cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450053001662600042002193000023002615000045002845000022003295000066003515000074004175200133004916920023006246920025006477100023006727750058006958560103007539.838697CaOODSP20221107151435cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51279-3 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-940/1981E-PDFz99-94000aWomen in the work world h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[28] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"September 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: La femme dans le monde du travail. a"Since the beginning of this century the number of women in the Canadian labour force has been steadily increasing. ..."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaWomen workers2 aStatistics Canada.08tLa femme dans le monde du travail w(CaOODSP)9.83869940qPDFs7.05 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-940-1981-eng.pdf01189cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450067001662600043002333000027002765000055003035000026003585000070003845000067004545200144005216920035006656920024007007100024007247750048007488560103007969.838699CaOODSP20221107151435cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51279-3 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-940/1981F-PDFz99-94003aLa femme dans le monde du travail h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[28] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Septembre 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Women in the work world. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« Depuis le début du siècle, le nombre de femmes dans la population active canadienne a augmenté à un rythme régulier. ... »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaTravailleuse2 aStatistique Canada.08tWomen in the work world w(CaOODSP)9.83869740qPDFs7.82 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-940-1981-fra.pdf01320cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450068001662600042002343000023002765000045002995000016003445000066003605000087004265200280005136920023007936920018008167100023008347750070008578560103009279.838702CaOODSP20221107151436cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51280-7 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-941/1981E-PDFz99-94100aChanges in income in Canada, 1970-1980 h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[26] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"May 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: L'évolution des revenus au Canada : 1970-1980. a"Income is the single most important criterion to analyse the economic well being of families. The 1981 Census of Canada collected information on the incomes of families in 1980. Similar information was obtained in the previous decennial census for 1970 incomes. ..."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaIncome2 aStatistics Canada.08tL'évolution des revenus au Canada, 1970-1980 w(CaOODSP)9.83870440qPDFs2.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-941-1981-eng.pdf01422cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450079001662600043002453000027002885000055003155000020003705000085003905000067004755200347005426920035008896920018009247100024009427750063009668560103010299.838704CaOODSP20221107151436cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51280-7 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-941/1981F-PDFz99-94102aL'évolution des revenus au Canada, 1970-1980 h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[26] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Mai 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Changes in income in Canada: 1970-1980. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« Le revenu est le critère le plus important pour l'analyse du bien-être matériel des familles. Des renseignements sur le revenu des familles en 1980 ont été recueillis au recensement de 1981. Des données analogues sur le revenu des familles en 1970 ont été tirées des résultats du recensement décennal précédent. ... »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaRevenu2 aStatistique Canada.08tChanges in income in Canada, 1970-1980 w(CaOODSP)9.83870240qPDFs2.50 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-941-1981-fra.pdf01406cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450052001662600042002183000023002605000045002835000016003285000066003445000070004105200404004806920023008846920029009077100023009367750054009598560103010139.838711CaOODSP20221107151437cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd||||os f|0| 0 eng d z0-660-51281-5 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS99-942/1981E-PDFz99-94200aUrban growth in Canada h[electronic resource]. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1984. a[26] p. : bcharts aAt head of title: 1981 Census of Canada. a"May 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: L'expansion urbaine au Canada. a"This report will briefly examine the urbanization process that has taken place in Canada since the end of the past century. The evolution of Canada's urbanization rate will be compared with that of the corresponding rates of selected other countries. The study will examine both provincial and national data and focus on major urban population concentrations and census metropolitan areas."--Intro.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaUrban development2 aStatistics Canada.08tL'expansion urbaine au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83871240qPDFs1.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-942-1981-eng.pdf01521cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430012001230860031001352450063001662600043002293000027002725000055002995000020003545000069003745000067004435200479005106920035009896920033010247100024010577750047010818560103011289.838712CaOODSP20221107151437cr |||||||||||170621s1984 oncd #os f|0| 0 fre d z0-660-51281-5 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS99-942/1981F-PDFz99-94202aL'expansion urbaine au Canada h[ressource électronique]. aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1984. a[26] p. : bgraphiques aEn tête du titre : Recensement du Canada de 1981. a« Mai 1984. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Urban growth in Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada.] a« La présente étude présente briévement le phénoméne d'urbanisation qui s'est amorcé au Canada à la fin du siécle dernier. L'évolution du taux d'urbanisation canadien sera comparée avec celle du taux d'urbanisation de quelques autres pays. L'étude portera autant sur les données provinciales que sur les données nationales et s'attardera particuliérement sur les grandes concentrations urbaines et les régions métropolitaines de recensement. ... »--Intro.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaDéveloppement urbain2 aStatistique Canada.08tUrban growth in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83871140qPDFs1.57 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-942-1981-fra.pdf02090cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860022001301000025001522450264001772460097004412600108005383000026006464900103006725000067007755000022008425040048008645200513009125460038014256920035014636920021014987100051015197100024015707910058015948560100016529.838525CaOODSP20221107151411cr |||||||||||170619s1982 onca #os f00| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-971/1982-PDF1 aSingh, Françoise R.14aThe municipal structure in Canada h[ressource électronique] : bproblems it creates for users of statistics / cby Françoise R. Singh = La structure municipale au Canada : les problèmes qu'elle cause aux utilisateurs de données / par Françoise R. Singh.11aStructure municipale au Canada : bles problèmes qu'elle cause aux utilisateurs de données a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, Geography Staff = Statistique Canada, Groupe de la géographie, c1982. a22 p. : bill., figs.0 aWorking paper (Geography series) = Document de travail (Série de la géographie) ;vn°1 - GEO 82 aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada]. aTtire de la couv. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Quand un géographe analyse un territoire, il doit choisir un certain niveau de detail spatial. Procédera-t-il au niveau du pays tout entier, de la province, du comte, de la municipalité ou de l'unité de voisinage? Chaque niveau présente des avantages et des inconvénients. Le texte suivant porte sur le niveau municipal, utilise comme unité de base de l'administration locale et comme unité statistique puisqu'elle est constituée légalement et que s'y identifie une collectivité. ... »--Intro. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaUrbanisme2 aStatistique Canada.bGroupe de la géographie.2 aStatistique Canada. tThe municipal structure in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83849940qPDFs12.60 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-971-1982.pdf02633cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860030001480860034001781000024002122450227002362460083004632600214005463000014007604900104007745000066008785000045009445000021009895040041010105200878010515460032019296920023019616920029019847100066020137920092020798560100021719.838533CaOODSP20221107151412cr |||||||||||170619s1983 onc #os f00| 0 eng d z0-660-52049-4 aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-973/1983-PDFz99-9741 aCS92-X-503/1983-PDFz92-X-5031 aDubuisson, Raymond.10aMetropolitan area concepts in Canada and selected foreign countries h[electronic resource] / cby Raymond Dubuisson = Concepts de région métropolitaine au Canada et dans certains pays étrangers / par Raymond Dubuisson.11aConcepts de région métropolitaine au Canada et dans certains pays étrangers a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, Geography Division, Spatial Delineation and Analysis Section = Statistique Canada, Division de la géographie, Section de la délimitation et de l'analyse géographique, c1983. a30, 30 p.0 aWorking paper (Geography series) = Document de travail (Série de la géographie) ;vno. 4 - GEO 83 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aOpposite pages bear duplicate numbering. a"February 1983." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) and Census Agglomeration (CA) concepts are becoming increasingly important in the Canadian census due to (a) the large proportion of Canada's population living in the areas so defined (almost 70 % in the 1981 Census), and (b) their uses by several divisions of Statistics Canada and by other agencies as a spatial frame of reference for the publication of statistical data. In view of the growing importance of these two concepts, the Geography Division revises them at almost every census. That is sufficient reason for the preparation of this paper, whose purpose is twofold: first, to examine how the two concepts are used at Statistics Canada, and second, to compare Statistics Canada's definitions of and delineation criteria for Census Agglomerations and Census Metropolitan Areas with those of selected foreign countries."--Intro. aText in English and French.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaUrban environment2 aStatistics Canada.bSpatial Delineation and Analysis Section. tMetropolitan area concepts in Canada and selected foreign countries w(CaOODSP)9.83855240qPDFs30.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-973-1983.pdf02934cam 2200373za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860030001480860034001781000024002122450231002362460083004672600214005503000014007644900104007785000067008825000054009495000025010035040048010285201086010765460038021626920035022006920025022357100084022607100024023447910092023688560100024609.838552CaOODSP20221107151415cr |||||||||||170619s1983 onc #os f00| 0 fre d z0-660-52049-4 aCaOODSPbfre aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-973/1983-PDFz99-9741 aCS92-X-503/1983-PDFz92-X-5031 aDubuisson, Raymond.10aMetropolitan area concepts in Canada and selected foreign countries h[ressource électronique] / cby Raymond Dubuisson = Concepts de région métropolitaine au Canada et dans certains pays étrangers / par Raymond Dubuisson.11aConcepts de région métropolitaine au Canada et dans certains pays étrangers a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, Geography Division, Spatial Delineation and Analysis Section = Statistique Canada, Division de la géographie, Section de la délimitation et de l'analyse géographique, c1983. a30, 30 p.0 aWorking paper (Geography series) = Document de travail (Série de la géographie) ;vno. 4 - GEO 83 aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada]. aNumérotation répétée sur les pages en regard. a« Février 1983. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Les concepts de région métropolitaine de recensement (RMR) et d'agglomération de recensement (AR) prennent de plus en plus d'importance au recensement canadien à cause: a) du fort pourcentage de la population canadienne habitant les régions les constituant (près de 70% d'après les données du recensement de 1981) et b) de leurs utilisations par plusieurs Divisions de Statistique Canada et autres organismes externes comme base de référence spatiale pour la publication de leurs données statistiques. Consciente de l'importance acquise par ces deux concepts, la Division de la géographie de Statistique Canada les revise presque à chaque recensement. C'est dans cette perspective que nous avons entrepris ce travail axé sur un double objectif; le premier consiste à examiner l'utilisation des deux concepts à Statistique Canada et le deuxième à comparer les définitions et les critères de délimitation des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement de Statistique Canada avec ceux de certains pays étrangers. »--Intro. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaMilieu urbain2 aStatistique Canada.bSection de la délimitation et de l'analyse géographique.2 aStatistique Canada. tMetropolitan area concepts in Canada and selected foreign countries w(CaOODSP)9.83853340qPDFs30.86 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-973-1983.pdf02209cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860022001480860034001701000019002042450271002232460127004942600214006213000021008354900058008565000066009145000019009805040041009995200491010405460032015316920023015636920029015867100066016157920078016818560100017599.838557CaOODSP20221107151416cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncb #os f00| 0 eng d z0-660-52382-5 aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-978/1984-PDF1 aCS92-X-508/1984-PDFz92-X-5081 aRoss, Grafton.10aCensus metropolitan area/census agglomeration program h[electronic resource] : ba review, 1941-1981 / cby Grafton Ross = Historique du programme des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement de 1941 à 1981 / par Grafton Ross.11aHistorique du programme des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement de 1941 à 1981 a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, Geography Division, Spatial Delineation and Analysis Section = Statistique Canada, Division de la géographie, Section de la délimitation géographique et de l'analyse, c1984. a112 p. : bmaps.0 aWorking paper = Document de travail ;vno. 8 - GEO 84 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. a"August 1984." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The phenomenon of the central city extending its influence over a territory well beyond its legal limits is familiar to most researchers. Statistics Canada has long recognized the need for a geographical entity which would combine the central city with its related fringe areas for the purpose of presenting statistical data. The census metropolitan area/census agglomeration (CMA/CA) program was developed by the Geography Division of Statistics Canada to meet this need. ..."--Intro. aText in English and French.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaUrban environment2 aStatistics Canada.bSpatial Delineation and Analysis Section. tCensus metropolitan area/census agglomeration program w(CaOODSP)9.83856740qPDFs34.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-978-1984.pdf01826cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860023001301000049001532450180002022460060003822500013004422600042004553000010004974900028005075000066005355000038006015000029006395040039006685200335007075460035010426920032010776920023011097100055011327920086011878300084012738560107013579.838511CaOODSP20221107151409cr |||||||||||170619s1989 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aCS11-614/89-17-PDF1 aCholette, Pierre-A. (Pierre-Arthur), d1948-10aTransforming fiscal quarter data into calendar quarter values h[electronic resource] = bLa trimestrialisation de chiffres de trimestres financiers / cby Pierre A. Cholette.11aTrimestrialisation de chiffres de trimestres financiers aRev. ed. aOttawa : bStatistics Canada, c1989. a21 p.1 aWorking paper ; v89-17 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aWorking Paper No. TSRA-89-017EF." a"Revised December 1989." aIncludes bibliographic references.3 a"Many quarterly surveys carries out by statistical agencies reflect the fiscal quarters of the respondcnts, covering for instance the months from February to April, May to July, etc. This paper proposes a method to transform such data into calendar quarter estimates, covering from January to March, April to June, etc"--Abstract. aText in English and in French.072gccstaStatistical analysis072gccstaMethodology1 aCanada. bStatistics Canada. bMethodology Branch. tTransforming fiscal quarter data into calendar quarter values w(CaOODSP)9.838514#0aWorking paper (Statistics Canada. Methodology Branch)v89-17w(CaOODSP)9.83476340qPDFs3.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/11-613/CS11-614-89-17.pdf01980cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860023001301000049001532450185002022460060003872600043004473000010004904900084005005000065005845000045006495000036006945040048007305200398007785460038011766920025012146920031012397100067012707910086013378300100014238560107015239.838514CaOODSP20221107151409cr |||||||||||170619s1989 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aCS11-614/89-17-PDF1 aCholette, Pierre-A. (Pierre-Arthur), d1948-10aTransforming fiscal quarter data into calendar quarter values h[ressource électronique] = bLa trimestrialisation de chiffres de trimestres financiers / cpar Pierre A. Cholette.11aTrimestrialisation de chiffres de trimestres financiers aOttawa : bStatistique Canada, c1989. a21 p.1 aCahier de travail (Statistique Canada. Direction de la méthodologie) ; v89-17 aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Statistique Canada]. a« Document de travail TSRA-89-017EF. » a« Révision Décembre 1989. » aComprend des références bibliographiques.3 a« Beaucoup d'enquêtes trimestrielles effectuées par les instituts de statistique reflètent en fait les trimestres financiers des répondants, couvrant par exemple les mois de février à avril, de mai à juillet, etc. Ce travail propose une méthode pour transformer de telles données en estimations proprement trimestrielles, couvrant de janvier à mars, avril à juin, etc »--Résumé. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaMéthodologie072gccstaAnalyse statistique1 aCanada. bStatistique Canada. bDirection de la méthodologie. tTransforming fiscal quarter data into calendar quarter values w(CaOODSP)9.838511#0aCahier de travail (Statistique Canada. Direction de la méthodologie)v89-17w(CaOODSP)9.83476740qPDFs3.88 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/11-613/CS11-614-89-17.pdf02380cam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060410013001230430012001360860022001480860034001701000019002042450275002232460127004982600214006253000023008394900058008625000067009205000022009875040048010095200577010575460038016346920035016726920025017077100084017327100024018167910078018408560100019189.838567CaOODSP20221107151418cr |||||||||||170620s1984 oncb #os f00| 0 fre d z0-660-52382-5 aCaOODSPbfre aengafre an-cn---1 aCS99-978/1984-PDF1 aCS92-X-508/1984-PDFz92-X-5081 aRoss, Grafton.10aCensus metropolitan area/census agglomeration program h[ressource électronique] : ba review, 1941-1981 / cby Grafton Ross = Historique du programme des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement de 1941 à 1981 / par Grafton Ross.11aHistorique du programme des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement de 1941 à 1981 a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, Geography Division, Spatial Delineation and Analysis Section = Statistique Canada, Division de la géographie, Section de la délimitation géographique et de l'analyse, c1984. a112 p. : bcartes.0 aWorking paper = Document de travail ;vn° 8 - GEO 84 aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Statistique Canada]. a« Août 1984. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le phénomène d'une ville centrale étendant son influence au delà de ses limites juridiques est très familier à la plupart des chercheurs. Pour faciliter la présentation de données statistiques, Statistique Canada s'est rendu compte il ya bien longtemps qu'il fallait créer une unité géographique qui engloberait la ville centrale et ses banlieues. Le programme des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement (RMR/AR) a donc été établi à cette fin par la Division de la géographie de Statistique Canada. ... »--Intro. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaMilieu urbain2 aStatistique Canada.bSection de la délimitation et de l'analyse géographique.2 aStatistique Canada. tCensus metropolitan area/census agglomeration program w(CaOODSP)9.83855740qPDFs34.38 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/CS99-978-1984.pdf01124cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860026001392450056001652600045002213000035002665000067003015000019003685200203003876920017005906920028006076920023006357100023006587750051006818560114007329.835485CaOODSP20221107150656cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncab os f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08360-5 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS11-627/2017-15E-PDF00aDirect marketing in Canada h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, c[2017] a[1] p. : bcol. ill., col. map aIssued also in French under title: La vente directe au Canada. aCaption title. a"Based on the data from the 2016 Census of Agriculture, this infographic gives an overview of farm operations that sell directly to consumers for human consumption in Canada"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaFarms072gccstaDirect marketing072gccstaCensus data2 aStatistics Canada.08tLa vente directe au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83548740qPDFs1.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2017015-eng.pdf01239cam 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860026001392450060001652600046002253000045002715000071003165000022003875200267004096920033006766920028007096920035007377100024007727750051007968560114008479.835487CaOODSP20221107150657cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncab os f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08361-2 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aCS11-627/2017-15F-PDF03aLa vente directe au Canada h[ressource électronique]. a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada, c[2017] a[1] p. : bcarte en coul., ill. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Direct marketing in Canada. aTitre de départ. a« Fondée sur les données du Recensement de l’agriculture de 2016, cette infographie présente un aperçu des exploitations agricoles qui vendent directement leurs produits aux consommateurs pour la consommation humaine au Canada » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaExploitation agricole072gccstaMarketing direct072gccstaDonnées du recensement2 aStatistique Canada.08tDirect marketing in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83548540qPDFs1.13 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2017015-fra.pdf01923cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430021001270860022001481000022001702450137001922600044003293000025003734900047003985000140004455000017005855000035006025040041006375200473006786920021011516920017011726920018011897000022012077100023012297750124012528300084013768560113014609.837532CaOODSP20221107151148cr |||||||||||170623s2017 oncd obs f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08686-6 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn-nlan-cnm--1 aCS11-621/103E-PDF1 aGlazier, Zachary.10aInflation in Atlantic Canada fuelled more by oil-linked products h[electronic resource] / cby Zachary Glazier and Kelsang Yangzom. a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, c2017. a7 p. : bcol. charts1 aAnalysis in brief, x1707-0503 ; v2017103 aIssued also in French under title: L’inflation dans le Canada atlantique est davantage alimentée par les produits liés au pétrole. aCover title. a"Release date: June 23, 2017." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Gasoline and fuel oil, products whose price movements closely reflect underlying changes in the price of crude oil, have a greater influence on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the Atlantic Provinces compared with the rest of Canada. This paper explores how the higher basket shares for gasoline and fuel oil in Atlantic Canada help shed light on why these oil-linked products have a greater influence on the rate of inflation in this region"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaInflation072gccstaFuels072gccstaPrices1 aYangzom, Kelsang.2 aStatistics Canada.08tL’inflation dans le Canada atlantique est davantage alimentée par les produits liés au pétrole w(CaOODSP)9.837533#0aAnalysis in brief (Statistics Canada)x1707-0503 ; v2017103w(CaOODSP)9.50471540qPDFs247 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/11-621-m/11-621-m2017103-eng.pdf02045cam 2200349za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430021001270860022001481000022001702450176001922600045003683000029004134900045004425000109004875000022005965000047006185040048006655200591007136920021013046920023013256920016013487000022013647100024013867750089014108300083014998560113015829.837533CaOODSP20221107151148cr |||||||||||170623s2017 oncd obs f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08687-3 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn-nlan-cnm--1 aCS11-621/103F-PDF1 aGlazier, Zachary.12aL’inflation dans le Canada atlantique est davantage alimentée par les produits liés au pétrole h[ressource électronique] / cpar Zachary Glazier et Kelsang Yangzom. a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada, c2017. a8 p. : bgraph. en coul.1 aAnalyse en bref, x1707-0511 ; v2017103 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Inflation in Atlantic Canada fuelled more by oil-linked products. aTitre de la couv. a« Date de diffusion : le 23 juin 2017. » aComprend des références bibliographiques.3 a« L’essence et le mazout, produits dont les mouvements de prix reflètent étroitement les variations sous-jacentes du prix du pétrole brut, ont une plus grande influence sur l’Indice des prix à la consommation (IPC) dans les provinces de l’Atlantique comparativement au reste du Canada. Cet article explore comment les proportions plus élevées du panier pour l’essence et le mazout dans le Canada atlantique aident à expliquer pourquoi ces produits liés au pétrole ont une influence plus marquée sur le taux d’inflation dans cette région »--Fournis par l'éditeur.072gccstaInflation072gccstaCombustible072gccstaPrix1 aYangzom, Kelsang.2 aStatistique Canada.08tInflation in Atlantic Canada fuelled more by oil-linked products w(CaOODSP)9.837532#0aAnalyse en bref (Statistique Canada)x1707-0511 ; v2017103w(CaOODSP)9.50112640qPDFs251 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/statcan/11-621-m/11-621-m2017103-fra.pdf01167cas 2200277za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860018001172450054001352600050001893100011002393620031002505000066002815000077003475000019004245200256004436920022006997100023007217750061007447800035008057850049008409.836926CaOODSP20221107151020cr |||||||||||170517d19711973oncwr p oss f0###a0eng|d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aCS11-002E-PDF00aStatistics Canada weekly h[electronic resource]. a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada, c[1972-1973] aWeekly0 aAug. 6, 1971-July 6, 1973. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Statistics Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: L'hebdomadaire de Statistique Canada. aCaption title. aHighlights major Statistics Canada reports, reference papers and other releases. Contains charts, a summary of the latest monthly statistics and a complete list of publications released during the week, arranged alphabetically by originating division.072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tL'hebdomadaire de Statistique Canada w(CaOODSP)9.83693400tDBS weekly w(CaOODSP)9.83692300tInfomat, weekly bulletin w(CaOODSP)9.83692402037cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100023001502450288001732460145004612600035006063000013006414900110006545000017007645000044007815200448008255460035012736920023013086920026013317920138013578300126014958560102016219.838635CaOODSP20221107151427cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aYX4-2017/10-PDF1 aCanada.bStatutes.13aAn Act to amend the Rouge National Urban Park Act, the Parks Canada Agency Act and the Canada National Parks Act h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur le parc urbain national de la Rouge, la Loi sur l’Agence Parcs Canada et la Loi sur les parcs nationaux du Canada.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur le parc urbain national de la Rouge, la Loi sur l’Agence Parcs Canada et la Loi sur les parcs nationaux du Canada a[Ottawa] : bStatutes, c2017. aii, 3 p.1 aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ... ; vStatutes of Canada 2017, chapter 10, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"Assented to June 19, 2017, Bill C-18." a"This enactment amends the Rouge National Urban Park Act to set out priorities in respect of factors to be considered in the management of the park. Additionally, it adds land to the park. It also amends the Parks Canada Agency Act to allow the New Parks and Historic Sites Account to be used in a broader manner. Finally, it amends the Canada National Parks Act to modify the boundary of Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaNational parks tAn Act to amend the Rouge National Urban Park Act, the Parks Canada Agency Act and the Canada National Parks Act w(CaOODSP)9.838637#0aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ...vStatutes of Canada 2017, chapter 10, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50067740qPDFs200 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/lois-statutes/YX4-2017-10.pdf02159cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100022001502450292001722460145004642600034006093000013006434900105006565000022007615000060007835200554008435460038013976920024014356920025014597910138014848300121016228560102017439.838637CaOODSP20221107151428cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aYX4-2017/10-PDF1 aCanada.bStatuts.13aAn Act to amend the Rouge National Urban Park Act, the Parks Canada Agency Act and the Canada National Parks Act h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur le parc urbain national de la Rouge, la Loi sur l’Agence Parcs Canada et la Loi sur les parcs nationaux du Canada.11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur le parc urbain national de la Rouge, la Loi sur l’Agence Parcs Canada et la Loi sur les parcs nationaux du Canada a[Ottawa] : bStatuts, c2017. aii, 3 p.1 aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ... ; vLois du Canada 2017, chapitre 10, 1re session, 42e législature aTitre de la couv. a« Sanctionnée le 19 juin 2017, projet de loi C-18. » a« Le texte modifie la Loi sur le parc urbain national de la Rouge pour établir les priorités en ce qui concerne les facteurs à prendre en considération dans le cadre de la gestion du parc. De plus, il prévoit l’ajout de terres au parc. Il modifie également la Loi sur l’Agence Parcs Canada pour élargir les fins auxquelles le Compte des nouveaux parcs et lieux historiques peut être utilisé. Enfin, il modifie la Loi sur les parcs nationaux du Canada pour changer les limites du parc national Wood Buffalo du Canada »--Sommaire, p. 1. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaParc national tAn Act to amend the Rouge National Urban Park Act, the Parks Canada Agency Act and the Canada National Parks Act w(CaOODSP)9.838635#0aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ...vLois du Canada 2017, chapitre 10, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50067840qPDFs200 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/lois-statutes/YX4-2017-10.pdf01701cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100023001502450303001732460152004762460089006282600035007173000013007524900110007655000017008755000045008925460035009376920019009726920023009917920145010148300126011598560102012859.838638CaOODSP20221107151428cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aYX4-2017/11-PDF1 aCanada.bStatutes.13aAn Act to amend the Customs Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (presentation and reporting requirements) h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur les douanes et la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés (obligation de présentation et de déclaration).11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur les douanes et la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés (obligation de présentation et de déclaration)31iShort title : aConveyance Presentation and Reporting Requirements Modernization Act a[Ottawa] : bStatutes, c2017. aii, 5 p.1 aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ... ; vStatutes of Canada 2017, chapter 11, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"Assented to June 19, 2017, Bill S-233." aText in English and in French.072gccstaCustoms072gccstaImmigration tAn Act to amend the Customs Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (presentation and reporting requirements) w(CaOODSP)9.838640#0aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ...vStatutes of Canada 2017, chapter 11, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50067740qPDFs181 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/lois-statutes/YX4-2017-11.pdf01811cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100022001502450306001722460152004782460147006302600034007773000013008114900105008245000022009295000061009515460038010126920024010506920023010746920019010977910146011168300121012628560102013839.838640CaOODSP20221107151428cr |||||||||||170620s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aYX4-2017/11-PDF1 aCanada.bStatuts.13aAn Act to amend the Customs Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (presentation and reporting requirements) h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur les douanes et la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés (obligation de présentation et de déclaration).11aLoi modifiant la Loi sur les douanes et la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés (obligation de présentation et de déclaration)31iTitre abrégé : aLoi sur la modernisation de l’obligation de présentation et de déclaration relative à des moyens de transport a[Ottawa] : bStatuts, c2017. aii, 5 p.1 aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ... ; vLois du Canada 2017, chapitre 11, 1re session, 42e législature aTitre de la couv. a« Sanctionnée le 19 juin 2017, projet de loi S-233. » aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaImmigration072gccstaCoutume tAn Act to amend the Customs Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (presentation and reporting requirements) w(CaOODSP)9.838638#0aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ...vLois du Canada 2017, chapitre 11, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50067840qPDFs181 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/lois-statutes/YX4-2017-11.pdf02390cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100023001502450384001732460197005572600035007543000013007894900110008025000017009125000043009295200579009725460035015516920023015866920022016096920023016317920182016548300126018368560102019629.838661CaOODSP20221107151431cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengafre an-cn---1 aYX4-2017/12-PDF1 aCanada.bStatutes.13aAn Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act and the Income Tax Act h[electronic resource] = bLoi modifiant le Code canadien du travail, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les relations de travail dans la fonction publique et la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu.11aLoi modifiant le Code canadien du travail, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les relations de travail dans la fonction publique et la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu a[Ottawa] : bStatutes, c2017. aii, 8 p.1 aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ... ; vStatutes of Canada 2017, chapter 12, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"Assented to June 19, 2017, Bill C-4." a"This enactment amends the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Public Service Labour Relations Act to restore the procedures for the certification and the revocation of certification of bargaining agents that existed before June 16, 2015. It also amends the Income Tax Act to remove from that Act the requirement that labour organizations and labour trusts provideannually to the Minister of National Revenue certain information returns containing specific information that would be made available to the public"--Summary, p. ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaIncome tax072gccstaLabour code tAn Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act and the Income Tax Act w(CaOODSP)9.838668#0aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ...vStatutes of Canada 2017, chapter 12, 1st session, 42nd Parliamentw(CaOODSP)9.50067740qPDFs237 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/lois-statutes/YX4-2017-12.pdf02534cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860020001301100022001502450388001722460197005602600032007573000013007894900105008025000022009075000059009295200694009885460038016826920024017206920027017446920032017717910182018038300121019858560102021069.838668CaOODSP20221107151432cr |||||||||||170621s2017 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfre afreaeng an-cn---1 aYX4-2017/12-PDF1 aCanada.bStatuts.13aAn Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act and the Income Tax Act h[ressource électronique] = bLoi modifiant le Code canadien du travail, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les relations de travail dans la fonction publique et la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu.11aLoi modifiant le Code canadien du travail, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les relations de travail dans la fonction publique et la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu a[Ottawa] bStatuts, c2017. aii, 8 p.1 aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ... ; vLois du Canada 2017, chapitre 12, 1re session, 42e législature aTitre de la couv. a« Sanctionnée le 19 juin 2017, projet de loi C-4. » a« Le texte modifie le Code canadien du travail, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement et la Loi sur les relations de travail dans la fonction publique afin de rétablir les procédures d’accréditation d’un syndicat à titre d’agent négociateur et de révocation d’une telle accréditation qui existaient avant le 16 juin 2015. De plus, il modifie la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu afin d’éliminer l’obligation pour les organisations ouvrières et les fiducies de syndicat de fournir annuellement au ministre du Revenu national certaines déclarations de renseignements contenant de l’information précise qui serait communiquée au public »--Sommaire, p. ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaCode du travail072gccstaImpôt sur le revenu tAn Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act and the Income Tax Act w(CaOODSP)9.838661#0aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ...vLois du Canada 2017, chapitre 12, 1re session, 42e législaturew(CaOODSP)9.50067840qPDFs237 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/lois-statutes/YX4-2017-12.pdf02035cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001392450193001602600044003533000019003975000142004165000020005585040039005785200788006176920024014056920039014296920024014687100032014927750126015248560095016509.838839CaOODSP20221107151454cr |||||||||||170623s2008 onca #o f000 0 eng d z978-0-662-47674-0 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aT46-47/2008E-PDF00aTransporting infants and children with special needs in personal vehicles h[electronic resource] : ba best practices guide for healthcare practitioners / cRoad Safety, Transport Canada. a[Ottawa] : bTransport Canada, cc2008. a31 p. : bill. aIssued also in French under title: Le transport de bébés et d’enfants qui ont des besoins spéciaux dans des véhicules particuliers. a"January 2008." aIncludes bibliographic references. a"The purpose of this guide is to provide healthcare professionals with information on issues relating to transporting infants and children with special needs in personal vehicles. This resource should be used in consultation with families and health professionals who are very familiar with the child’s condition and their physical or behavioural challenges. The guide provides information on the legislative and regulatory requirements for the safe transportation of children. It also includes a description of the types of children’s restraint systems (i.e., car seats) currently available in Canada, including conventional car seats, production restraint systems for persons with special needs, and custom restraint systems for persons with special needs"--Introduction, p. 6.072gccstaChild safety072gccstaAutomobile safety equipment072gccstaDisabilities1 aCanada. bTransport Canada.08tLe transport de bébés et d’enfants qui ont des besoins spéciaux dans des véhicules particuliers w(CaOODSP)9.83884240qPDFs171 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/tc/T46-47-2008-eng.pdf02212cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860021001392450250001602600044004103000019004545000119004735000024005925040048006165200927006646920034015916920048016256920023016737100033016967750098017298560095018279.838842CaOODSP20221107151455cr |||||||||||170623s2008 onca #o f000 0 fre d z978-0-662-08001-5 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aT46-47/2008F-PDF03aLe transport de bébés et d’enfants qui ont des besoins spéciaux dans des véhicules particuliers h[ressource électronique] : bguide de pratiques exemplaires pour les professionnels de la santé / cSécurité routière, Tranports Canada. a[Ottawa] : bTranports Canada, cc2008. a35 p. : bill. aPubli. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Transporting infants and children with special needs in personal vehicles. a« Janvier 2008 ». aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L’objet de ce guide est de fournir aux professionnels de la santé des renseignements sur les questions qui se posent lors du transport de bébés et d’enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux dans des véhicules particuliers. Ce guide doit être utilisé de concert avec les familles et les professionnels de la santé qui connaissent bien l’état de l’enfant et ses difficultés d’ordre physique ou comportemental. Le guide contient des renseignements sur les prescriptions législatives et réglementaires qui régissent le transport sans danger des enfants. Il contient également une description des types d’ensembles de retenue d’enfant (comme les sièges d’auto) actuellement vendus au Canada, notamment les sièges classiques, les ensembles de retenue pour personnes ayant des besoins spéciaux et les ensembles de retenue sur mesure pour personnes ayant des besoins spéciaux »--Introduction, p. 6.072gccstaSécurité de l'enfant072gccstaÉquipement de sécurité automobile072gccstaDéficience1 aCanada. bTransports Canada.08tTransporting infants and children with special needs in personal vehicles w(CaOODSP)9.83883940qPDFs187 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/tc/T46-47-2008-fra.pdf01897cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860020001392450084001592600044002433000053002875000091003405000017004315040041004485200859004896920021013486920030013696920026013997100032014257750054014578560096015119.835801CaOODSP20221107150741cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncabd obs f000 0 eng d a978-0-660-08415-2 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aT1-23/2016E-PDF00aTransportation in Canada 2016 h[electronic resource] : bcomprehensive report. a[Ottawa] : bTransport Canada, cc2017. aiii, 57 p. : bcol. charts, col. ill., col. maps aIssued also in French under title: Les transports au Canada 2016 : rapport approfondi. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a“The 2016 Transportation in Canada Annual Report presents the state of transportation in Canada with the most current available information. As required by the Canadian Transportation Act of 2007 subsection 52, the Minister of Transport must table in both Houses of Parliament an overview of the state of transportation in Canada. The report highlights the role of transportation in the economy. It presents a short overall assessment of the performance of the Canadian transportation system in 2016 looking at fluidity, utilization and capacity of the system. Subsequent chapters provide an overview of the four transportation modes (air, marine, rail, road) including major developments over the course of 2016. The report concludes with an outlook of foreseeable trends likely to affect the transportation system in the coming years"--Introd., p. 3.072gccstaTransport072gccstaTransport industry072gccstaAnnual reports1 aCanada. bTransport Canada.08tLes transports au Canada 2016 w(CaOODSP)9.83580240qPDFs13.64 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/tc/T1-23-2016-eng.pdf02066cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200022000880400017001100430012001270860020001392450086001592600045002453000067002905000096003575000022004535040048004755200989005236920021015126920034015336920026015677100033015937750054016268560096016809.835802CaOODSP20221107150742cr |||||||||||170621s2017 oncabd obs f000 0 fre d a978-0-660-08416-9 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aT1-23/2016F-PDF04aLes transports au Canada 2016 h[ressource électronique] : brapport approfondi. a[Ottawa] : bTransports Canada, cc2017. aiii, 62 p. : bcartes en coul., graph. en coul., ill. en coul. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Transportation in Canada 2016: comprehensive report. aTitre de la couv. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le Rapport annuel sur la situation des transports de 2016 présente l’état des transports au Canada avec les plus récents renseignements disponibles. Le ministre des Transports est tenu, conformément à l’article 52 de la Loi sur les transports au Canada de 2007, de déposer devant les deux chambres du Parlement un aperçu de la situation des transports au Canada. Le rapport souligne le rôle du transport dans l’économie. Il présente une courte évaluation globale de la performance du système de transport canadien en 2016 en jetant un regard sur la fluidité, l’utilisation et la capacité du système. Les chapitres suivants donnent un aperçu des quatre modes de transport (aérien, maritime, ferroviaire et routier), y compris les principaux changements au cours de 2016. Le rapport se termine par un avant-goût des tendances prévisibles qui sont susceptibles d’avoir une incidence sur le réseau de transport dans les années à venir »--Introd., p. 4.072gccstaTransport072gccstaIndustrie du transport072gccstaRapport annuel1 aCanada. bTransports Canada.08tTransportation in Canada 2016 w(CaOODSP)9.83580140qPDFs13.34 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/tc/T1-23-2016-fra.pdf01295cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000015001492450148001642600075003123000023003874900033004105000017004435000017004605000073004775040041005505460052005916920016006437000019006597100050006787100028007288300110007568560103008669.838584CaOODSP20221107151420cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/19E-PDF1 aLee, G. K.13aAn index of ash clinkering and the influence of additives on Eastern Canadian coals h[electronic resource] / cby G. K. Lee and J. Z. Skulski. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. av, 19 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 19 a"July 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaCoal1 aSkulski, J. Z.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 19w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs2.00 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-19-eng.pdf01251cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000030001492450116001792600075002953000023003704900033003935000017004265000017004435000073004605040041005335460052005746920020006267100050006467100028006968300110007248560103008349.838587CaOODSP20221107151420cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/20E-PDF1 aNickel, Ernest H.,d1925-14aThe mineralogy of the Bernic Lake pegmatite, Southeastern Manitoba h[electronic resource] / cby E. H. Nickel. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. av, 27 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 20 a"June 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 20w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs5.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-20-eng.pdf01226cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000017001492450103001662600075002693000024003444900033003685000017004015000017004185000073004355040041005085460052005496920020006017100050006217100028006718300110006998560103008099.838589CaOODSP20221107151421cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/21E-PDF1 aBrady, J. G.14aThe nature and properties of some Western Canada clays h[electronic resource] / cby J. G. Brady. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. avi, 33 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 21 a"June 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 21w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs2.84 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-21-eng.pdf01270cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000022001492450138001712600075003093000023003844900033004075000021004405000017004615000073004785040041005515460052005926920020006447100050006647100028007148300110007428560104008529.838591CaOODSP20221107151421cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/22E-PDF1 aGraham, R. Bruce.10aEvaluation of peat moss as applied to some bogsin Southern Ontario h[electronic resource] / cby R. Bruce Graham and T. E. Tibbetts. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. av, 99 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 22 a"December 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaWetlands1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 22w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs15.28 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-22-eng.pdf01282cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000016001492450124001652600075002893000022003644900033003865000016004195000017004355000073004525040041005255460052005666920020006186920028006387100050006667100028007168300110007448560102008549.838593CaOODSP20221107151421cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/23E-PDF1 aKeys, J. D.14aThe use of probability paper for the determination of diffusion coefficients h[electronic resource] / cby J. D. Keys. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. ai, 4 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 23 a"May 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals072gccstaNatural sciences1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 23w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs104 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-23-eng.pdf01314cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000021001492450154001702600075003243000024003994900033004235000022004565000017004785000073004955040041005685460052006096920020006617000017006817100050006987100028007488300110007768560102008869.838595CaOODSP20221107151422cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/24E-PDF1 aPenner, Elsie M.10aFlame photometric methods used in the Mineral Sciences Division, Mines Branch, Ottawa h[electronic resource] / cby Elsie M. Penner and W. R. Inman. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. aiv, 34 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 24 a"September 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aInman, W. R.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 24w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs955 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-24-eng.pdf01227cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000019001492450101001682600075002693000024003444900033003685000021004015000017004225000073004395040041005125460052005536920017006057100050006227100028006728300110007008560103008109.838604CaOODSP20221107151423cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/25E-PDF1 aHorwood, J. L.14aThe radiometric analysis of uranium-bearing steels h[electronic resource] / cby J. L. Horwood. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. aiv, 34 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 25 a"November 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaSteel1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 25w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.85 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-25-eng.pdf01362cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000018001492450169001672600075003363000024004114900033004355000021004685000017004895000073005065040041005795460052006206920020006727000019006927000022007117100050007337100028007838300110008118560103009219.838619CaOODSP20221107151425cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/26E-PDF1 aMachin, W. D.14aThe calculation of the pore size distribution from the nitrogen desorption isotherm h[electronic resource] / cby W. D. Machin, B. I. Parsons and D. S. Montgomery. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. aiv, 36 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 26 a"December 1961." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aParsons, B. I.1 aMontgomery, D. S.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 26w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1021 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-26-eng.pdf01247cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000020001492450116001692600077002853000025003624900033003875000019004205000073004395040041005125460052005536920020006057000017006257100050006427100028006928300110007208560103008309.838689CaOODSP20221107151434cr |||||||||||170621s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/27E-PDF1 aEichholz, G. G.10aConductimetric control of alkaline leach liquors h[electronic resource] / cby G. G. Eichholz and T. R. Flint. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c[1961]. aiii, 21 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 27 aCaption title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aFlint, T. R.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 27w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-27-eng.pdf01207cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000018001492450109001672600077002763000024003534900033003775000019004105000073004295040041005025460052005436920020005957100050006157100028006658300110006938560102008039.838690CaOODSP20221107151434cr |||||||||||170621s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/29E-PDF1 aSadler, A. G.10aFerrites h[electronic resource] : bgeneral description and fabrication of toroids / cby A. G. Sadler. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c[1961]. aiv, 49 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 29 aCaption title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 29w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs588 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-29-eng.pdf01274cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000030001492450164001792600077003433000023004204900033004435000019004765000073004955040041005685460052006096920020006617100050006817100028007318300110007598560103008699.838727CaOODSP20221107151439cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/31E-PDF1 aNickel, Ernest H.,d1925-10aCompositional variations in pyrochlore and niobian perovskite from a niobium deposit in the Oka district of Quebec h[electronic resource] / cby E. H. Nickel. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c[1962]. av, 35 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 31 aCaption title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 31w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-31-eng.pdf01199cam 2200289za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860019001171000022001362450150001582600075003083000024003834900033004075000017004405000018004575000073004755040041005486920029005897100050006187100028006688300110006968560103008069.838728CaOODSP20221107151439cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aM34-20/32E-PDF1 aGarvie, Ronald C.10aThermocouple calibration in a Unicam S.150 high-temperature X-ray diffraction camera up to 1000C h[electronic resource] / cby Ronald C. Garvie. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1962. aiv, 23 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 32 aCover title. a"April 1962." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaPhysical sciences1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 32w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.05 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-32-eng.pdf01234cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000017001492450101001662600075002673000025003424900033003675000017004005000018004175000073004355040041005085460052005496920029006017100050006307100028006808300110007088560102008189.838729CaOODSP20221107151439cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/33E-PDF1 aDibbs, H. P.10aDetermination of beryllium by gamma-ray activation h[electronic resource] / cby Hugh P. Dibbs. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1962. aiii, 14 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 33 aCover title. a"March 1962." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaPhysical sciences1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 33w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs608 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-33-eng.pdf01293cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000020001492450124001692600075002933000024003684900033003925000017004255000018004425000073004605040041005335460052005746920029006267000021006557100050006767100028007268300110007548560103008649.838730CaOODSP20221107151440cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/34E-PDF1 aSturrock, R. F.14aThe Mines Branch cathode-ray comparator-densitometer h[electronic resource] / cby R. F. Sturrock and A. H. Gillieson. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1962. aiv, 38 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 34 aCover title. a"April 1962." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaPhysical sciences1 aGiilieson, A. H.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 34w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs2.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-34-eng.pdf01327cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000019001492450167001682600075003353000024004104900033004345000017004675000016004845000073005005040041005735460052006146920020006667000025006867100050007117100028007618300110007898560102008999.838731CaOODSP20221107151440cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/35E-PDF1 aWebster, A. H.14aThe effect of various factors on the protection of molten magnesium metal by mixed halide fluxes h[electronic resource] / cby A. H. Webster and N. F. H. Bright. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1962. aiv, 25 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 35 aCover title. a"May 1962." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aBright, Norman F. H.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 35w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs761 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-35-eng.pdf01285cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001302450152001492600077003013000025003784900033004035000019004365000073004555040041005285460052005696920020006217000020006417000019006617100050006807100028007308300110007588560103008689.838742CaOODSP20221107151441cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/36E-PDF10aIllustrative applications of the Jones Wet Magnetic Mineral Separator h[electronic resource] / cby R. A. Wyman, W. J. D. Stone and F. H. Hartman. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c[1962]. aiv, 183 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 36 aCaption title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aStone, W. J. D.1 aHartman, F. H.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 36w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs2.65 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-36-eng.pdf01321cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000016001492450137001652600077003023000024003794900033004035000019004365000073004555040041005285460052005696920020006216920017006417000017006587000018006757100050006937100028007438300110007718560102008819.838747CaOODSP20221107151442cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/37E-PDF1 aFaye, G. H.14aThe determination of tungsten in ores, concentrates and steels h[electronic resource] / cby G.H. Faye, R.J. Guest and R.C. McAdam. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c[1962]. aiv, 23 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 37 aCaption title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals072gccstaSteel1 aGuest, R. J.1 aMcAdam, R. C.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 37w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs427 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-37-eng.pdf01194cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000016001492450100001652600077002653000022003424900033003645000019003975000073004165040041004895460052005306920020005827100050006027100028006528300110006808560102007909.838750CaOODSP20221107151442cr |||||||||||170622s1962 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/38E-PDF1 aKeys, J. D.14aThe use of a pulse-height analyser as a curve plotter h[electronic resource] / cby J.D. Keys. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c[1962]. ai, 7 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 38 aCaption title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 38w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs125 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-38-eng.pdf01369cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000018001492450104001672600075002713000024003464900033003705000025004035000088004285000017005165000073005335040041006065460053006476920020007007000020007207100050007407100028007908300110008188560103009289.838542CaOODSP20221107151414cr |||||||||||170620s1959 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/11E-PDF1 aPurdy, G. R..12aA viscometer for mineral suspensions h[electronic resource] / cby G. R. Purdy and G. G. Eichholz. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1959. aiv, 37 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 11 a"December 10, 1959." a"Reissue of Investigation report IR 58-211, by G. R. Purdy, dated August 15, 1958." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, abstract in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aEichholz, G. G.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 11w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs3.72 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-11-eng.pdf01244cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000020001492450105001692600075002743000023003494900033003725000025004055000073004305040041005035460053005446920017005976920025006147100050006397100028006898300110007178560103008279.838543CaOODSP20221107151414cr |||||||||||170620s1959 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/12E-PDF1 aEichholz, G. G.10aRadioactive marking of steel balls for grinding tests h[electronic resource] / cby G. G. Eichholz. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1959. aii, 36 p. : bfig.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 12 a"November 20, 1959." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, abstract in English and French.072gccstaSteel072gccstaRadioactivity1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 12w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-12-eng.pdf01265cam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000015001492450164001642600075003283000024004034900033004275000025004605000073004855040041005585460053005996920020006527100050006727100028007228300110007508560103008609.838544CaOODSP20221107151414cr |||||||||||170620s1960 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/13E-PDF1 aSimard, R.14aThe recovery of metal grade thorium concentrate from uranium plant ion exchange effluents by amine solvent extraction h[electronic resource] / cby R. Simard. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1960. aiv, 25 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 13 a"February 22, 1960." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, abstract in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 13w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.01 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-13-eng.pdf01536cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000020001492450154001692600075003233000023003984900033004215000018004545000073004725040041005455050207005865460053007936920016008467000030008627000015008927100050009077100028009578300110009858560103010959.838546CaOODSP20221107151414cr |||||||||||170620s1961 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/14E-PDF1 aMitchell, E. R.10aResearch on the application of Eastern Canadian coals to large stockers h[electronic resource] / cby E. R. Mitchell, F. D. Friedrich and G. K. Lee. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1961. av, 43 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 14 a"April 1961." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aPart I: Coal properties, coal specification and combustion data -- Part II: Recommendations for selection, design and operation of large stockers -- Part III: Practical research on conventional stocker. aText in English, abstract in English and French.072gccstaCoal1 aFriedrich, F. D., d1935-1 aLee, G. K.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 14w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs7.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-14-eng.pdf01415cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000016001492450138001652600075003033000015003784900033003935000020004265000073004465000143005195040041006625460053007036920027007567000015007837100050007987100028008488300110008768560103009869.838548CaOODSP20221107151415cr |||||||||||170620s1959 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/15E-PDF1 aKeys, J. D.12aA gated oscillator circuit for the measurement of short time intervals h[electronic resource] / cby J. D. Keys and G. E. Alexander. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1959. aii, [1] p.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 15 a"October 1959." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. a"Reproduction from Electronics, Vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 58-59, 1960. Published under the title: Radioactive tracers find jet fuel flow rates." aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, abstract in English and French.072gccstaMining industry1 aLee, G. K.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 15w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-15-eng.pdf01423cam 2200337za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000018001492450229001672600075003963000024004714900033004955000021005285000017005495000073005665040041006395460053006806920020007337000019007537000022007727100050007947100028008448300110008728560103009829.838553CaOODSP20221107151415cr |||||||||||170620s1960 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/16E-PDF1 aMachin, W. D.10aRapid test methods for determination of the approximative average pore radius, total pore volume and surface area contained in porous materials h[electronic resource] / cby W. D. Machin, B. I. Parsons and D. S. Montgomery. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1960. aiv, 18 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 16 a"February 1960." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, abstract in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aParsons, B. I.1 aMontgomery, D. S.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 16w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs1.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-16-eng.pdf01336cam 2200313za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860019001171000020001362450145001562600075003013000019003764900033003955000018004285000017004465000108004635000073005715040041006446920027006857000019007127100050007317100028007818300110008098560103009199.838558CaOODSP20221107151416cr |||||||||||170620s1960 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aM34-20/17E-PDF1 aEichholz, G. G.10aConductimetric measurement and control of acid concentration in leach pulps h[electronic resource] / cby G. G. Eichholz and A. H. Bettens. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1960. a7 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 17 a"March 1960." aCover title. a"Reprinted from Transactions , Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 63, pp 625-631, 1960." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaMining industry1 aBettens, A. H.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 17w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs2.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-17-eng.pdf01299cam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880410013001050430012001180860019001301000016001492450144001652600075003093000025003844900033004095000017004425000017004595000073004765040041005495460052005906920020006427000020006627100050006827100028007328300110007608560103008709.838561CaOODSP20221107151417cr |||||||||||170620s1960 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng aengbfre an-cn---1 aM34-20/18E-PDF1 aKeys, J. D.10aMeasurement of the wear rate of cast grinding balls using radioactive tracers h[electronic resource] / cby J. D. Keys and G. G. Eichholz. aOttawa : bDept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, c1960. aiii, 10 p. : bfigs.1 aTechnical bulletin ; vTB 18 a"June 1960." aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Natural Resources Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aText in English, summary in English and French.072gccstaMinerals1 aEichholz, G. G.1 aCanada. bEnergy, Mines and Resources Canada.1 aCanada. bMines Branch.#0aTechnical bulletin (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Mines Branch)vTB 18w(CaOODSP)9.83485740qPDFs2.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/rncan-nrcan/M34-20-18-eng.pdf